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No. 6.-Stamp Duties.-To the People of Old-
ham.-Committees on Agriculture, Manu-
factures, Commerce and Shipping, Army
and Navy Appointments, Land Revenues,
and Irish Vagrants. Minority on Mr.
Cobbett's Motion on Stamp Duties



8.-To the People of Oldham.-Sir Robt.
Peel's Speech on the Motion for his Dis-
missal from the Privy Council.--Mr. Coh-
bett's Reply.-Petitions.- Mr. Double-
day's Letter to Lord Althorp.-Calthorpe-
street Battle. Verdict of the Jury
Conduct of the Coroner.-Great Birming-
ham Meeting. Manchester Meeting.-
Jew Bill.-More Meetings.--The Esta-
blished Church.




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rage against all professions of "kindness and generosity" coming from those who approve of this unheard-of and undreamed-of measure.

I had no desire to do anything more than to send this bill off marked with my last word of disapprobation. The bill had been modified in the committee: it had taken away some of the powers of the courts-martial: the committee had taken the crime of libel away

IRISH COURT-MARTIAL BILL. from being tried by these red-coat

Westminster, 3. April, 1833.

courts: it had done several other things; but still it was too hateful to me to be THIS bill was read a third time, and suffered to pass without a last blow passed, last Friday night, 29. March. against it. My motion, which was, as But it was not passed without a last I said before, a stinger, concluding with effort to prevent its passing. When the a proposition to read the bill a third motion was made for reading the bill a time that day six months. I did not say third time, Mr. CLAY, one of the mem-a great deal; and what I did say was bers for the Tower Hamlets, made a not very good-natured; and, therefore, speech against it; and declared his in- I will insert no part of it here, being extention to oppose the passing of the tremely unwilling to do anything calcubill; but having made no motion upon lated to sour the temper of my readers, the subject, I thought it my duty or to make them discontented with his to make one, which I did in the Majesty's amiable servants. At the end words, the very stinging words, which of this lively debate we came to a divihave been reported in all the newspa- sion, when there appeared pers, which ought to be upon record; but which, for reasons too numerous For the third reading....345 and too tedious to mention, I by no For my amendment .... Ss. means think it necessary to insert in I had set out with saying, that I did this Register. Before this agitating not care a straw whether anybody dimotion was made, we seemed to have vided with me, except my honourable got into too tranquil a state to suit me. colleague, and I was, sure that he I began to think that the thing was to would. This was, however, the very end by a few complimentary words thing upon which to put the House to pronounced across the table; but I was the test with regard to this bill. All extremely happy to perceive that my that had passed before might admit of motion put an end to all compliments. explanation; but, we had now got it to The debate became one of the most be such as it would be, when it became lively that I had witnessed; and it a law, and, therefore, it was now necesended with a speech from Mr. O'CON- sary to ascertain who those members NELL, well worth all the time that we were, who approved of a law like this; had taken in listening to others. It and who were those who did not. The was the finest speech I ever heard in question was, who were the men that my life; and I really did wonder how it approved of courts-martial instead of was possible for any man to hear that judges and juries; and who were the speech, and not feel indignant at the men that disapproved of this. After treatment which Ireland has received; this preface, I give the list of the minoand not being ready to suffocate with rity of eighty-eight; dividing them



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