THE CONSECUTIVE UNION QUESTION-BOOK. JOHN. PREPARED FOR THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, AND PHILADELPHIA: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, Princeton University 5967 1122 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1848, by THE AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. PREFACE. INQUIRY has been often made for another series of question-books on the general plan of the Union Questions, but differing from them in the following particular, viz.: instead of taking (as they do) the events and instructions recorded in the several gospels, as so many distinct and independent subjects of instruction, it is proposed to take each gospel by itself, and, following the order of events as they stand in the history, divide the text into lessons of suitable length, and frame appropriate questions thereon. To supply this want the series of four books (of which the present volume is one) has been prepared. The principal advantage anticipated from the use of such a Question-book as this, is, that the whole of each gospel-narrative will be brought into view at once, and, so far as that gospel contains it, the pupil will have a complete HISTORY OF CHRIST and of his MIRACLES and TEACHINGS. The first and second volumes of Union Questions (which contain the gospels) are intended to bring into connected view the chief transactions of our Saviour's life on earth, as they are recorded by any of the evangelists or by all of them-drawing from each history to supply the omissions, or to connect, illustrate, and confirm the statements, of the others. Both plans, carried out by a skilful teacher, will accomplish one and the same result; but as there 332610 3 |