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Syria is, as I am told, in peace through your prayers; I also have been the more comforted and without care in God; if so be that by suffering, I shall attain unto God; that through your prayers I may be found a disciple of Christ. It will be very fit, O most worthy Polycarp, to call a select council, and choose some one whom ye particularly love, and who is patient of labour, that he may be the messenger of God: and that going unto Syria, he may glorify your incessant love, to the praise of Christ. A Christian has not the power of himself; but must be always at leisure for God's service. Now this work is both God's and yours, when ye shall have perfected it. For I trust through the grace of God that ye are ready to every good work that is fitting for you in the Lord. Knowing therefore your earnest affection to the truth, I have exhorted you by these short letters (w)

8. But forasmuch as I have not been able to write to all the Churches, because I must suddenly sail from Troas to Neapolis; (for so is the command of those to whose pleasure I am subject ;) do you write to the Churches that are near you, as being instructed in the will of God, that they also may do in like manner. Let those that are able send messengers; and let the rest send their letters by those who shall be sent by you: that you may be glorified to all eternity, of which you are worthy.() I salute all by name; particularly the wife of Epitropus, with all her house, and children. I salute Attalus my well beloved. I salute him, who shall be thought worthy to be sent by you into Syria. Let grace be ever with him, and with Polycarp who sends him.() I wish you all happiness in our God, Jesus Christ; in whom continue in the unity, and protection of God. I salute Alce my well beloved. Farewell in the Lord.


(w) Viz. to the Smyrneans, and this to himself. See Pearson in loc. (y) Vid. Voss. in loc. in the eternal work.

(z) Ex. Vet. interpr. Vid. Voss. Annot.




Translated from the original Greek, and published by Dr. Grabe-in his Specileg. Patrum, t. 2.

1. WHEN Trajan not long since came to the Roman empire, Ignatius, the disciple of St. John the Apostle [and Evangelist,] a man in all things like unto the Apostles, governed the Church of Antioch with all care. Who being scarcely able to escape the storms of the many persecutions before under Domitian, as a good governor, by the helm of prayer and fasting, by the constancy of his doctrine and spiritual labour, withstood the raging floods;(c) fearing lest they should sink those who either wanted courage, or were not well grounded in the faith.(d)

2. Wherefore the persecution being at present somewhat abated, he rejoiced greatly at the tranquillity of his Church: yet was troubled as to himself, that he had not attained to a true love of Christ, nor was come up to the pitch of a perfect disciple. For he thought that the confession which is made by martyrdom, would bring him to a yet more close and inti mate union with the Lord. Wherefore continuing a few years longer with the Church, and after the man

(c) Compare the Cotton MS.

(d) Magis Simplices. in MS. Cotton: infirmum. Gr. akeraiote


ner of a divine lamp, illuminating the hearts of the faithful by the exposition of holy Scriptures, he attained to what he had desired.

3. For Trajan, in the nineteenth year of his em pire,() being lifted up with his victory over the Scythians and Dacians, and many other nations; and thinking that the religious company of Christians was yet wanting to his absolute and universal dominion; and thereupon threatening them that they should be persecuted, unless they would choose to worship the devil, with all other nations; fear obliged all such as lived religiously, either to sacrifice or to die. Wherefore our brave soldier of Christ, being in fear for the Church of Antioch, was voluntarily brought before Trajan; who was at that time there on his way to Armenia, and the Parthians, against whom he was hastening.

4. Being come into the presence of the emperor Trajan; the emperor asked him, saying: "what a wicked wretch() art thou, thus to endeavour to transgress our commands, and to persuade others also to do likewise to their destruction ?"(n) Ignatius answered, "no one ought to call Theophorus after such a manner; forasmuch as all wicked spirits are departed far from the servants of God. But if because I am a trouble to those evil spirits, you call me wicked, with reference to them, I confess the charge for having within me Christ the heavenly King, I dissolve all the snares of the devils."

5. Trajan replied; "and who is Theophorus ?" Ignat." he who has Christ in his breast." Trajan, "and do not we then seem to thee to have the Gods within us,(r) who fight for us against our enemies ?" Ignat. 61 you err, in that you call the evil spirits of

(1) See Bp. Pearson's Dissert. of the year of St. Ignatius's martyrdom, pag. 61.

(1) Devil: Vid. Pears. Vind. Ign. part. 2, cap. 12.

(n) That they may be miserably destroyed. Gr.

(r) In our mind. Gr In our breast: so MS. Cotton. To have

an understanding of the Gods; or, the Gods according to under

the heathens, Gods. For there is but one God, who made Heaven and earth, and the sea, and all that are in them; and one Jesus Christ his only begotten son; whose kingdom may I enjoy."

6. Trajan, his kingdom you say who was crucified under Pontius Pilate." Ignat. "his who crucifi ed my sin, with the inventor of it; and has put all the deceit and malice of the devil under the feet of those who carry him in their heart." Trajan, " dost thou then carry him who was crucified within thee?" Ignat. "I do; for it is written, I will dwell in them and walk in them," [2 Cor. vi. 16.] Then Trajan pronounced this sentence against him; for as much as Ignatius has confessed that he carries about within himself him that was crucified, we command that he be carried bound by soldiers to the great Rome, there to be thrown to the beasts, for the entertainment of the people.

7. When the holy martyr heard this sentence he cried out with joy, "I thank thee, O Lord, that thou hast vouchsafed to honour me with a perfect love towards thee; and hast made me to be put into iron bonds with thy Apostle Paul." Having said this he with joy put his bonds about him; and having first prayed for the Church, and commended it with tears unto the Lord, he was hurried away, like a choice ram, the leader of a good flock, by the brutish sol diers, in order to his being carried to Rome, there to be devoured by the blood-thirsty beasts.

8. Wherefore with much readiness and joy, out of his desire to suffer, he left Antioch, and came to Seleucia; from whence he was to sail. And after a great deal of toil, being come to Smyrna, he left the ship with great gladness, and hastened to see the holy Polycarp his fellow scholar, who was Bishop there; for they had both of them been formerly the disciples of St. John.

standing. So the other of A. B. Usher. Metaphrastes joins both together. Vid. Annot. Usser, N. 5.

9. Being brought to him, and communicating to him some spiritual gifts, and glorying in his bonds; he entreated first of all the whole Church (for the Churches and cities of Asia attended this holy man by their Bishops and priests and deacons, all hastening to him, if by any means they might receive(c) some part of his spiritual gift) but more particularly Polycarp, to contend with God in his behalf; that being suddenly taken by the beasts from the world, he might appear before the face of Christ. And this he thus spake and testified, extending so much his love for Christ, as one who was about to receive Heaven through his own good confession, and the earnest contention of those who prayed together with him: and to return a recompence to the Churches, who came to meet him by their governors, he sent letters of thanks to them, which distilled spiritual grace, with prayer and exhortation. Seeing therefore all men so kindly affected towards him; and fearing lest the love of the brotherhood should prevent his hastening to the Lord, now that a fair door of suffering was opened to him; he wrote the Epistle we here subjoin, to the Romans. See the Epistle before.


10. And having thus strengthened such of the brethren at Rome as were against his martyrdom, by this Epistle, as he desired; setting sail from Smyrna, (for he was pressed by the soldiers to hasten to the public spectacles at great Rome, that being delivered to the wild beasts in sight of the people of the Romans, he might receive the crown for which he strove,) he came to Troas: from whence going on, being brought to Neopolis, he passed by Phillippi through Macedonia, and that part of Epirus which is next to Epidam nus having found a ship in one of the sea-ports, he sailed over the Adriatic Sea; [and from thence entering into the Tyrrhene,] and passing by several islands and cities, at length he saw Puteoli. Which being

(c) Partake of his spiritual blessing, MS. Cotton. Hear his discourses Metaphrastes.

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