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The range in annual earnings of male heads of families is set forth in the following table, by general nativity and race of individual:

TABLE 36.-Earnings per year of male heads of families, by general nativity and race of individual.


[This table includes only male heads of selected families. For selection of families, see p. 413.]

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a Not computed, owing to small number involved.

The above table shows a total of 958 earning, with an average $578. The total native-born shows average earnings of $707, as compared with $564, as shown by the foreign-born. Of the foreign-born races, the English and Swedes show the highest average earnings, which are also higher than the average shown by either the nativeborn of native father or the native-born of foreign father, while the Russians show the lowest.

Considering the earnings in detail, it will be seen that, of the total number, less than 1 per cent earn under $100, and 60.5 per cent earn under $600, while 27.9 per cent earn from $600 to $800; 6.7 per cent earn from $800 to $1,000, and 4.9 per cent earn $1,000 or over.

The native-born, as compared with the foreign-born, show a smaller proportion earning under each specified amount, consequently a larger proportion earning $1,000 or over, 10.1 per cent as against 4.3

per cent.

Of the foreign-born races for which detailed computations are made and which show a proportion, it will be seen that the Slovak and Croatian are the only races showing a proportion earning under $100, while, in addition to the Slovaks and Croatians, the Bohemians and Moravians, the Germans, Irish, and Poles each show a small proportion earning under $200. Each of the aforementioned races, as well as the

North Italians, shows a certain proportion, ranging from 38.5 per cent as shown by the Slovaks to 4.5 per cent as shown by the North Italians, earning under $400, while the English, Lithuanians, and Swedes are the only races showing none earning under $400. Each race shows a certain proportion earning under $600, with a range from 80.7 per cent as shown by the Slovaks, to 15.4 per cent as shown by the Swedes. The Slovak is the only race not reporting a proportion earning $800 or over, other races ranging from 97.5 per cent as shown by the Poles, to 41.7 per cent as shown by the English. With the exception of the Lithuanians and Slovaks, each race shows a proportion earning $1,000 or over, the largest, or 33.3 per cent, being shown. by the English and the smallest, or 1.2 per cent, by the Croatian.

Comparing the native-born of native father, white, with the various foreign-born races, it will be seen that under the various specified amounts up to $600 they show a smaller proportion than any foreignborn race which shows proportions, while under the various other specified amounts they occupy the mean position, showing in each a proportion larger, and at the same time smaller, than certain foreign

born races.

The following table shows by locality and by general nativity and race the average yearly earnings of male heads of families at work:

TABLE 37.-Average yearly earnings of male heads of families, by locality and by general nativity and race of individual.


[This table includes only races with 10 or more male heads of selected families reporting in each of two or more localities. The totals, however, are for all races. For selection of families see p. 413.]

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It will be seen from the above table that for all husbands for whom information was secured in the slaughtering and meat packing industry of Chicago, Kansas City, and South Omaha, the average yearly earnings are $578. As between these localities, Chicago reports the highest average yearly earnings, or $604, as compared with $588 for South Omaha, and $541 for Kansas City.

As regards the foreign-born, with average yearly earnings for the three localities of $564, Chicago reports a slightly larger average than South Omaha, and one considerably larger than Kansas City; while of the native-born, with average yearly earnings of $707, a slightly higher average is shown for Kansas City than for either Chicago or South Omaha, the last-named reporting the lowest average, or $701.

Considering the several races for which information was secured, in the order of highest average yearly earnings the native whites of native father, with average earnings for the three localities of $717, report a considerably higher average for Chicago than for either of the other localities, the average earnings for Chicago being $796, as compared with $712 and $701 for Kansas City and South Omaha, respectively.

Following the native whites of native father, the Irish, with average earnings of $664, show the highest average earnings in Kansas City and lowest in Chicago. The earnings of this race, it will be seen, vary more as between Chicago and Kansas City and between Kansas City and South Omaha than do the earnings of any other race. As between Chicago and South Omaha, however, the difference in the earnings of the Irish is slightly less than that of the Germans or Poles. A wide margin is also noticeable in the earnings of the Germans, who, with an average of $583 for the three localities, show average yearly earnings in Chicago far in excess of those reported for either Kansas City or South Omaha.

Little difference in the earnings of the Bohemians and Moravians in Chicago and South Omaha exists, the former reporting a slightly higher average than the latter.

The Poles alone, with average earnings for all localities of $518, report a higher average in South Omaha than in the other localities, or $559, as compared with $505 for Kansas City and $447 for Chicago.

The following table shows, by locality and general nativity and race of individual, the per cent of male heads of families earning under $400 each year.

TABLE 38.-Per cent of male heads of families earning under $400 per year, by locality and by general nativity and race of individual.


[This table includes only races with 20 or more male heads of selected families reporting in each of two or more localities. The totals, however, are for all races. For selection of families see p. 413.]

[blocks in formation]

It will be seen from the above table that the per cent of male heads of families earning under $400 per year in Kansas City is slightly larger than in Chicago and very much larger than in South Omaha. The proportion of native-born heads of families earning under $400 is much larger in Chicago than elsewhere. Of the nativeborn of native father, a larger proportion earn under $400 yearly in Kansas City than in South Omaha. It will be noted that among

the foreign-born the Poles show the largest and the Bohemians and Moravians the smallest proportions of heads of families earning less than $400 per year. While the percentage of Poles earning under this amount is largest in Chicago and smallest in South Omaha, the reverse is true of the Germans. The Bohemians and Moravians, as do the Poles, show a larger percentage earning under $400 in Chicago, than in South Omaha, although the difference in the proportions in the two localities is by no means so great.


In addition to the heads an inquiry was made of the annual earnings of all males 18 years of age or over in the households studied. The following table shows, by general nativity and race of individual, the approximate yearly earnings of males who were 18 years of age or over. The accompanying chart gives the average yearly earnings of the males for whom data are presented in the table.

TABLE 39.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual.

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Average yearly earnings of males 18 years of age or over working for wages, by general nativity and race of individual [This chart shows only races with 50 or more reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.]

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