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to support and preserve through the mighty struggle which has placed the last twenty years so high, that posterity will gaze upon them till the accumulation of time shall be no more. However, as a military man, were you not subject to peculiar odium? As a Protestant, were you not liable to general hatred ?”

"Believe me, there are no such feelings in the bosoms of Roman Catholics in general. A brave officer, or soldier, is sure of their respect and esteem; because they are brave and honourable men. Their hatred is solely directed against the landjobbing and tithe system. They bear no ill-will to Protestants merely on account of their being Protestants, but because they are supposed to countenance party, and identify themselves with Orangemen. The principles of christianity, which are common to all our sects, reprobate such narrow views. Let any man look into the ritual of the Romish church, and he will be convinced that its religion breathes love, good will, charity, and mercy to all denominations of men. No such slander attaches to the character of Roman Catholics: it belongs alone to the bigot; and in what religion is this class not found? Lives there a Protestant

who has not experienced repeated acts of kindness from Catholics? Breathes there a Catholic who does not remember, that, when bigotry and power armed the son against his father, and rendered the old man incapable of an interest in property for the solace and security of age, Protestants were found whose integrity was incorruptible—who held estates in trust for Catholics-and proved to the world that man, when stamped with benevolence and justice by his Creator, will spurn the acts of power, if inconsistent with principles of natural right ?”

"Bravo!" said I, " dear Jack-You would be an honoured advocate, and an eloquent defender of Catholic rights. You would figure, I declare, with Counsellors O'Connell and Sheil, at the bar of the House of Commons, in opposing the bill, which will most assuredly be introduced to suppress the Catholic Association *."

*This was written before the meeting of the present session of Parliament, in anticipation of what afterwards really happened. It subsequently made my heart leap with gladness to read a letter from the talented Mr. O'Connell, the last paragraph of which ran thus:

"I perceive a kind and generous feeling amongst the Irish Members, who hitherto opposed us violently. Believe me that they are worthier and better men than our passions allowed us to think. I

"Good! friend Charles," replied Jack, "I see you still love an innocent quiz. Without feeling any inclination to return your fire, I beg to say that I should not advocate the utility of the selfconstituted Parliament, to which you allude. Such unions might be useful in a free state, if intellect were equally distributed amongst men; but as the few must invariably direct the many, history proves that the very worst consequences result from associations of this nature. Here we have one that taxes

see the beginning of better days-of mutual oblivion of the past—of mutual affection, and real and permanent conciliation for the future. I hope I may say

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This is the language of good sense and firmness. Would that Mr. O'Connell had been always as self-knowing and discreet! The leaders of the Catholic Association ought to have been moderate, temperate, and patient; proving themselves good generals, who press prudently to victory; not rashly to probable defeat and destruction.

The Bill, introduced by Sir Francis Burdett, for the relief of the Roman Catholics-a Bill from which much was expected by themselves and their friends having passed the House of Commons, was thrown out by the Peers, on the motion for its second reading, at the very time that this sheet was passing through the press. Under the circumstances of the case, perhaps it would be deemed injudicious were I to venture any comments on the subject.

the people, turns the priests into collectors of revenue, and the law officers of the courts of justice into public prosecutors-influences the jurors of the country by ex-parte statements, and inflammatory speeches-pronounces before trial-heaps up enormous sums for undefined purposes-beards the government—and touches the upsetting rock of sedition so closely, that escape is proclaimed victory, and shouted forth as an excitement to re-echoed applause. No; on the contrary I would vote for the suppression of such an association. As a firm friend to emancipation, I wish it; because I am convinced that it injures that cause—that it retards the march of public opinion—that it inflames prejudice, which was dying away under the wise discountenancing and extinguishing plan of the Marquis of Wellesley—and that in its practical effects it can lead only to self aggrandisement, to the advancement of individual ends, and finally to rebellion.— Besides I know that the Catholic Association is unpopular even amongst the peasantry of the south."

"And I am prepared to prove," rejoined I," that it is looked upon with no very friendly eye by many

of the poor contributors in the north. Permit me to tell you an anecdote, which of itself speaks volumes. As I went to Newry this morning, I overtook an old decrepit widow, whose poverty, irreproachable character, and near neighbourhood, have often introduced her to my particular notice.— 'Good morning, mother Juddy,' said I; you have your basket of eggs, I see, under your arm, and your six hanks of well spun yarn on your back. I hope you will have a good market, and return from the mines of Newry, with silver, if not gold, in your purse, and some tea, sugar, and tobacco in your pocket.'


"Troth, your honour,' replied my old Juddy, though the times are a wee bit* better than they war, yet a pure body can hardly keep abone starvation. What wi' county cess, contributing to keep awa' Rector Davis's prosecution for tithe-rent, and so forth, the house is nearly down upon me; and, to mend a', here we hae the Priest upon us for arrears

* It is a fact that many Catholics in the North speak broad Scotch, or intermix many words with their English, from their constant intercourse with the descendants of the numerous colonies from Scotland that settled in and about Newry, and all over the North of Ireland, in the reign of James the First of England.

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