Imágenes de páginas


Maps are in course of preparation of the Republics of Brazil, Honduras, and Salvador.

The Bureau has for distribution a limited supply of the following reports: Reports of the International American Conference of 1890. Reports of committees and discussions thereon. (Revised under the direction of the executive committee by order of the conference, adopted March 7, 1890.) Vols. 1, 2, 3, and 4, cloth, 4°. Set...... International American Conference Reports and Recommendations. 1890. Includes reports of the plan of arbitration, reciprocity treaties, intercontinental railway, steamship communication, sanitary regulations, common silver coin, patents and trade-marks, weights and measures, port dues, international law, extradition treaties, international bank, memorial tablet, Columbian exposition

Octavo, bound in paper.........
Octavo, bound in half morocco.

Intercontinental Railway Reports. Report of the intercontinental railway commission. Washington, 1898. 7 vols., 4°, three of maps and four of text, cloth. Set......






Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a communication from the Secretary of State submitting the report, with accompanying papers, of the delegates of the United States to the Second International Conference of American States, held at the City of Mexico from October 22, 1901, to January 22, 1902. Washington, 1902. 243 pages. 8°. (57th Congress, 1st session, Senate Doc. No. 330.) Sent upon proper application.

Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report from the Secretary of State, with accompanying papers, relative to the proceedings of the International Congress for the study of the production and consumption of coffee, etc. Washington, 1903. 312 pages. 8° (paper). (57th Congress, 2d session, Senate Doc. No. 35.) Sent upon proper application.

Transactions of the First General International Sanitary Convention of the American Republics, held at Washington, December 2, 3, and 4, 1902, under the auspices of the Governing Board of the International Union of the American Republics. Washington, 1903. (57th Congress, 2d session, Senate Doc. No. 169.) (In Spanish and English.) Sent upon proper application.

Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report by the Secretary of State, with accompanying papers, relative to the proceedings of the First Customs Congress of the American Republics, held at New York in January, 1903. Washington, 1903. 195 pages. 8° (paper). (57th Congress, 2d session, Senate Doc. No. 180.) Sent upon proper application.

Costa Rica-The land, its resources and its people. By Richard Villafranca. New York, 1895. 139 pages. 8° (paper). Sent upon proper application.

NOTE-Senate documents, listed above, containing reports of the various International American Congresses, may also be obtained through members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives.

Payment is required to be made in cash, money orders, or by bank drafts on banks in New York City or Washington, D. C., payable to the order of the INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Individual checks on banks outside of New York or Washington, or postage stamps, can not be accepted.


The following table shows the value, in United States gold, of coins representing the monetary units of the Central and South American Republics and Mexico, estimated quarterly by the Director of the United States Mint, in pursuance of act of Congress:

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Paraguay has no gold or silver coins of its own stamping. The silver peso of other South American Republics circulates there, and has the same value as in the countries that issue it.

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No hay entre los productos agrícolas que al presente constituyen los principales ramos del comercio universal, ninguno que haya presentado ejemplo de un desarrollo tan rápido y extenso como el café.

Se debe la propagación del uso de este fruto, principalmente á los turcos; y la extensión primitiva de su cultivo, á los holandeses que fueron de los primeros en ensayarlo.

El aromático grano parece no haber estado complacido del todo en su suelo natal, y al emigrar á extranjeras regiones ha realizado un estado de inmensa grandeza y prosperidad.

En efecto, la vasta extensión de su cultivo ocupa tantos millones de brazos, y representa tantos millones de pesos, que la fabulosa proporción de la población general del mundo que vive de esta industria, y la del capital en ella invertido, la hacen figurar en primera escala entre los ramos de agricultura destinados á la alimentación.

Si se busca el origen de la planta y del uso del café, se encuentra que en la opinión más generalmente aceptada se considera comprobado en definitiva, que el café es produto indígena de Asia y Africa, en la parte que esas dos grandes divisiones de la tierra se acercan sobre el Mar Rojo; pero en cuanto al lugar donde primeramente se hiciera uso de él, se citan opiniones autorizadas que se contradicen las unas á las otras. Así pues, mientras que unos aseguran que el uso del café era conocido en Abisinia desde los primeros tiempos, otros dicen que fué introducido á ese país cerca de novecientos años antes de la Era Cristiana, atri

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