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If possible, is it right?

actions to indicate the direction in which the current of our life is flowing. A man cannot associate with others without the main features of his character being patent to all. Why you, young as you are, can tell us that this man is stingy, that other liberal; that this man is pure, that other impure; this upright and conscientious, that other untrustworthy and insincere. And is it likely that so powerful a principle as that of living faith in Christ should enter your heart, and not make its presence felt? Can the leaven be put into the three measures of meal, and nothing happen? Can the lamp be lighted, and not shine? Take for granted, my young friend, that should you be induced to submit yourself to the gracious influence of the Spirit of God, and so become a new creature" in Jesus Christ, there are not many people in the little world in which you move who will remain for long ignorant of the fact, whether you wish it to be known or not.


In the next place, we may say, Are you quite sure that such concealment, even were it possible, would be right? Suppose that a man saves me from some great danger at the risk of his own life; or, when I am plunged

into deep trouble comes, with an offer of help, and, at much cost to himself, lifts me up out of the mire into which I am fallen, and gives me a new start, and continues to stand by me and uphold me; shall I think well of myself if I keep silence about what has been done, and never mention the name of my benefactor, and the obligation he has conferred upon me? Shall I not rather feel in my inmost soul that I am acting a very mean and cowardly part? You can easily make the application. If the Lord Jesus Christ has done nothing for you, is nothing to you, very well,-I do not see that you are called upon to make any announcement whatever of attachment to Him. But if, on the contrary, He laid down His life for you, made that tremendous sacrifice of Himself on the cross on your behalf; and if He is now watching over you, and caring for you, and supplying all your need as you encounter the conflicts of life, and attempt to fulfil its duties, it would seem a little unworthy, a little unmanly, a little ungenerous and unthankful (would it not?) to keep the secret locked up in your own bosom, and never let the world know anything about it.

If possible

it wise?

Then again, are you quite sure that such

and right, is concealment, even if it were possible, and even if it were right, would be altogether wise? It is an awkward thing sometimes not to let people know where you are and what you are. You may be supposed to be on their side when you really are on another, and the effort to conceal what you are, and what your real feelings and views are, will largely tend to the deterioration of your spirit. For your own sake, then, for the sake of your own comfort and character, -it would seem far better to be outspoken, especially in such a matter as that of religion.

An objection answered.

But you start at that word "outspoken." You ask, "Do you expect me to go about announcing to all and sundry, how good and holy, and devout I am?" No! I do not expect it.

There is nothing ostentatious about true religion, nor is there anything unreal. Look at the character of Christ, Who is the pattern of His people. Was there ever any one so true, and genuine, and modest, and unpretending, and real as He was? If you are like Him, you will be known; but there will be nothing of parade

and ostentation about you. What I expect is, that you should simply do your duty and take the consequences: that you should act honestly and honourably in accordance with your feelings, without endeavouring to conceal them on account of the effect that may be produced upon others. That is all. Do that, and you will find that, if you are a Christian indeed, every one will understand you. Oh, you need not make a fuss! Little things will betray you. Your interest in the Bible and in prayer; your attendance at the house of God, and your behaviour whilst you are there; your presence at the Lord's Table; your shrinking from anything dishonouring to Christ, and your obvious distaste for irreverence and frivolity, or for what is worse; your desire to do good when opportunity offers; your preference for the society of godly people, all these things will let the secret out. No need of fuss. Don't be afraid. You will be known without making any special effort, if the life of Christ be really in you.


But, after all, the Word of God really Appeal to the settles the question. St. Paul points out in the 10th chapter of his Epistle to the

Romans that one of the conditions of salvation is "confession with the mouth." There is to be, he says, belief in the heart. You must give credence to what God has said about you and about His Son,-in your relation to each other; you must accept the entire testimony of the Spirit: in other words, you must believe in Jesus Christ with a whole-hearted and appropriating belief: that first. "Well," you say, "I am prepared for that.

I know that I cannot be saved without the sincere recognition of Jesus Christ as my Saviour. That is no more than reasonable. My contention is simply that I am not in any way called upon to announce this belief to others. I may keep it treasured up in my own heart, if I like." But notice what the Apostle couples with belief. "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus." The belief must be of such a kind as to necessitate the open proclamation in a fitting way, and on suitable occasions, of the feelings with which we regard Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. The discipleship must not be secret.

And there is true mercy, when you come to think of it, in such apparent severe

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