Imágenes de páginas

genus, under the name of F. arborea. It is, however, never known to grow upright, but climbs over and among trees, making a dense tangle, and is expressively named by the natives i-e-i-e, i-e meaning to step over. Possibly Gaudichaud may have been misled by plants growing over the Dracana aurea, and have mistaken the two plants for one, the leaves being somewhat similar; but his specific name, however ill-chosen, could not now well be superseded. Hooker & Arnott, having scandent specimens destitute of flower and fruit, unfortunately referred them to F. scandens, Gaud. 1. c., of Molucca and Timor, a species with a single small stigma, and in other respects totally different from the Hawaiian one, which has a clavate ovary with a truncate apex bearing 5 to 7 stigmas. This has created a confusion in all subsequent works, which even Kurtz, with Gaudichaud's figures before him, has failed to clear up in his recent monograph of the genus (in Seem. Journ. Bot. 5, p. 133). So far from the species "not existing in nature," it is one of the two species upon which Gaudichaud founded the genus, and differs much from F. scandens. (M. & B.)


470.* COLOCASIA ANTIQUORUM, var. ESCULENTA, Schott. The natives distinguish a great number of varieties, some of which yield a much better esculent than others. There is a form which grows high up in mountain valleys, known as apii, which has very large leaves and a small and useless corm. The cultivation of the kalo is carried on mostly, if not exclusively, by planting the top of the corm (sliced off with the bases of the leaves adhering) usually in artificial ponds but where there are no surface streams, it is carefully mulched.


471. TACCA PINNATIFIDA, Forster, Gen. Pl. Ins. Aust. t. 35; Seemann, Journ. Bot. 3, p. 261. T. oceanica, Nutt. in Amer. Journ. Pharmac. 9, with a plate.


472. NAJAS MAJOR, All., var. ANGUSTIFOLIA, A. Braun, in Seem. Journ. Bot. 2, p. 275.

473. RUPPIA MARITIMA, Linn. First detected by Chamisso.

474. POTAMOGETON GAUDICHAUDII, Cham. in Linnæa, 2, p. 199. 475. POTAMOGETON FLUITANS, var. OWAIHIENSIS, Cham. in Linnæa, 2, p. 228.

476. POTAMOGETON PAUCIFLORUS, Pursh, Fl. 1, p. 121; Cham. 1. c. p. 176, t. 4, f. 7. (M. & B. 57.)


477. ZINGIBER ZERUMBET, Rosc. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 8, p. 384. (M. & B.)

478.† CANNA INDICA, Linn., has run wild in many places. Also a yellow variety?


479. SISYRINCHIUM ACRE (sp. nov.): glaberrimum; caule simplici ancipiti; foliis radicalibus linearibus 8-10-nerviis scapo brevioribus ; spatha communi pedicellis paucis æquilongis vel brevioribus; perigonio flavo, lobis ovatis obtusis 5-7-nerviis; filamentis antheris brevioribus brevissime monadelphis; stigmatibus (stylo longioribus) perigonio brevioribus; capsula obovata. Common near Kilauea, Hawaii, and on the mountains of that and other of the islands, in dry land. Remarkable for its very short style, and barely monadelphous filaments. The acrid juice of the root is used by the natives for tattooing; applied to the skin it raises blisters, and leaves an indelible blue stain. (M. & B. 438; Remy, 166.)


480.* HELMIA BULBIFERA, Kunth, Enum. Pl. 5, p. 435. Dioscorea bulbifera, Linn. (Remy, 162.)



482. SMILAX SANDWICENSIS, Kunth, 1. c. p. 253. (M. & B. 222.) 483. SMILAX ANCEPS.

Willd. Spec. 4, p. 782. (Remy, 157.)


484.† COMMELYNA CAYENNENSIS, Rich. C. agraria, Kunth. (M. & B. 57.)

485.† TRADESCANTIA FLORIBUNDA, Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4, p. 89. (W. T. Brigham; Hillebrand.)


486. ANECTOCHILUS (MYRMECHIS) SANDWICENSIS, Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. p. 500.

487. ANŒCTOCHILUS JAUBERTII, Gaud. Bot. Bonite, t. 100. — This

belongs to the section of the genus which has the lip fimbriate or den-. tate on the margin, and can thus be easily distinguished from A. Sandwicensis, the lip of which is entire on the margin. (M. & B. 469, 470.)

488. LIPARIS HAWAIENSIS (sp. nov.): foliis binis ovalibus oblongisve obtusis membranaceis plicatis petiolatis scapo angulato dimidio brevioribus; racemo plurifloro; labello obovato integerrimo vel crenato concolore (flavido); sepalis lanceolatis; petalis filiformibus; capsula obovato-clavato costata. In mountain woods, on trees. - Intermediate between L. Læselii and L. liliifolia in general aspect. Leaves 2 to 4 inches long, by 1 to 2 inches wide, abruptly contracted into a conspicuous vaginate petiole of an inch or two in length. The labellum is about 3 lines long, and a little shorter than the sepals. The bulb is small. (M. & B. 471.)


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489. DRACENA AUREA (sp. nov.): arborea, ramosa; foliis coriaceis planis linearibus attenuato-acuminatis; paniculis recurvo-pendulis folioso-bracteatis; pedicellis laxe racemosis solitariis raro geminis ; perigonio (sesqui- bipollicari) tubuloso subinfundibuliformi leviter curvato flavo, tubo lobis erectis lineari-oblongis triplo longiore. Not uncommon throughout the islands. A tree 20 to 25 feet high. The linear and recurved-spreading leaves 1 to 2 feet long, an inch or less wide. Panicle a foot long, more or less, the bright lemon-yellow flowers very showy. This differs from the typical species of the genus in the erect lobes as well as the long tube of the perigonium. The berry is red, 4 to 8 lines in diameter, and is much sought after by birds. 490.* CORDYLINE TERMINALIS, Kunth, in Act. Acad. Berol. 1820, p. 30. Dracana terminalis, Reichard; Gaud. Bot. Freyc. Voy. p. 91; Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 97. Cordyline Eschscholtziana, Mart. in Schult. Syst. 7. p. 347. (M. & B.)

491. DIANELLA ODORATA, Blume, Enum. 1, p. 13; Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 218. D. Sandwicensis, Hook. & Arn. l. c. p. 97. (M. & B. 89, 364; Remy, 152.)

492. ASTELIA MENZIESIANA, Smith, in Rees, Cycl. App. - Leaves narrowly linear, glabrate above, silky-hairy and chaffy beneath, as is the rest of the plant, excepting the perianth, which is nearly or quite glabrous, its divisions united at the base to form a short tube. (M. & B. 217.)

493. ASTELIA VERATROIDES, Gaud. Bot. Freyc. Voy. p. 420, t. 31. Perhaps only a form of the last; but the leaves are broader, often 3

inches wide, and the whole plant is much more silky, and often densely chaffy. Divisions of the perianth rather broader than in A. Menziesiana, and very little if at all united at the base. (M. & B. 392.)


494. LUZULA CAMPESTRIS, DC. Fl. Fr. 3, p. 161. (M. & B. 171, 323; Remy, 151.)

495. JOINVILLEA ASCENDENS, Gaud. Bot. Bonite, t. 39, 40. (M. & B. 330.)


496. CYPERUS TRACHYSANTHOS, Hook. & Arn. Bot. Beech. Voy. p. 99.

497. CYPERUS PRESCOTTIANUS, Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 100.

498. CYPERUS CARICIFOLIUS, Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 99. (M. & B. 54, perhaps referable here.)

499. CYPERUS MULTICEPS, Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 100.

500. CYPERUS MUCRONATUS, Rottb. Gram. 19, t. 8, f. 4; Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 99. (M. & B. 43; Remy, 120.)

501. CYPERUS BRUNNEUS, Sw. Fl. Ind. Occ. 1, p. 116; Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 99. (M. & B. 14; Remy, 115.)

502. CYPERUS POLYSTACHYUS, Rottb. Gram. 39, t. 11, f. 1. (M. & B. 70; Remy, 114.)

503. CYPERUS PENNATUS, Lam. Ill. 1, p. 114. Enum. 2, p. 355. Mariscus albescens, Gaud. Bot. (M. & B.; Remy, 118.)

C. canescens, Vahl. Freyc. Voy. p. 415.

504. CYPERUS VISCOSUS, Ait. Kew, 1, p. 79; Jacq. Ic. 2, t. 295. 505. CYPERUS CESPITOSUS, Poir. Dict. 7, p. 250?; Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 99.

506. CYPERUS PANICULATUS, Rottb.? Hook. & Arn. 1. c.

507. CYPERUS STRIGOSUS, Linn.; Hook. & Arn. 1. c.

508. CYPERUS AURICULATUS, Nees & Meyen, in Linnæa, 9, p. 285. 509. CYPERUS (MARISCUS) KUNTHIANUS. M. Kunthianus, Gaud. Bot. Freyc. Voy. p. 415; (M. & B. 324.)

510. CYPERUS (MARISCUS) PHLEOIDES. Steud. Glum. p. 62.

M. phleoides, Nees, ex

511. CYPERUS (MARISCUS) HAWAIENSIS (sp. nov.): culmo triquetro lævi basi folioso; foliis linearibus margine scabris culmum adæquantibus; involucro 6-8-phyllo, foliolis 2 elongatis; spicis ovalibus pluribus subsessilibus arcte congestis vel breviter pedunculatis; squamis inferi

oribus minimis, mediis triplo majoribus 9-nerviis lævibus, interioribus brevioribus uninerviis. On the mountains of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai. Somewhat resembling M. phleoides, but smaller, and the spikes shorter. (M. & B. 246.)

512.† KYLLINGIA MONOCEPHALA, Rottb. Gram. p. 13, t. 4. (M. & B. 23; Remy, 123.)

513. ELEOCHARIS OBTUSA, Schult. Mant. 2, p. 89; Gaud. Bot. Freyc. Voy. p. 414; Hook. & Arn. 1. c. (M. & B. 27; Remy, 128.) 514. ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS, R. Brown. Prodr. p. 244.

515. SCIRPUS MARITIMUS, Linn.; Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 98. (M. & B. 69, 230; Remy, 129.)

516. SCIRPUS RIPARIUS, Presl, Rel. Hænk. 1, p. 192. (M. & B. 25.) 517. FIMBRISTYLIS CYMOSA, R. Br. Prodr. p. 228; Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 98. (M. & B. 22.)

518. FIMBRISTYLIS UMBELLATO-CAPITATA, Steud.? A very variable plant, from Waterlandt Island, Tutuilla, etc., as well as the Hawaiian Islands. The spikes are always sessile in a head, but the heads are solitary, or few, or numerous, subtended by 3-5 very short (or with one or two longer) awl-shaped bracts. The squamæ are ovate, acutish, concave, and somewhat keeled; the styles trifid and the stamens two; the achenia are less convex on one side than the other, threeangled and very obtuse at the apex. Probably not the species quoted, from which it differs in several particulars, but I am unable to identify it satisfactorily, though it must be well known.

519. RHYNCHOSPORA LAVARUM, Gaud. Bot. Freyc. Voy. p. 415; Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 98. (M. & B. 219; Remy, 134.)

520. RHYNCHOSPORA THYRSOIDEA, Nees & Meyen, 9, p. 297. R. scleroides, Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 99. (M. & B. 90; Remy, 132.) 521. CLADIUM LEPTOSTACHYUM, Nees & Meyen, in Linnæa, 9, p. 301, & Rel. Meyen. p. 115. (M. & B. 112.)

522. BAUMEA MEYENII, Kunth, Enum. p. 314. Vincentia angustifolia, Hook. & Arn. 1. c. p. 98. (M. & B. 92; Remy, 138.)

523. VINCENTIA ANGUSTIFOLIA, Gaud. Bot. Freyc. Voy. p. 417, non Hook. & Arn. 1. c.

524. GAHNIA GAUDICHAUDII, Steud. Glum. p. 164. Lamprocarya Gaudichaudii, Brongn. in Bot. Dup. Voy. p. 166. Morelotia gahniæformis, Gaud. Bot. Freyc. Voy. p. 416, t. 28. Dr. Hooker, in Fl. N. Zeal., while, through some oversight, he refers M. gahniæformis to L. affinis, Brongn. (Gahnia arenaria, Hook. 1. c.), speaks of the Hawaiian

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