Imágenes de páginas

Lettre à M. L. Am. Sédillot, sur la Question de la Variation Lunaire découverte par About-Wefa. 4to pamph. Paris.

Description par Points, d'une Manière Uniforme, des deux Courbes à double Courbure du quatrième Ordre, de la Courbe à Nœud, et de la Courbe du troisième Ordre. 4to pamph. Paris. 1861. Remarque Historique à l'Occasion de l'Ouvrage de M. Poncelet, intitule: Applications d'Analyse et de Géometrie, etc. 4to pamph.

Paris. 1862.

Sur l'Ouvrage présente à l'Académie des Sciences d'un Volume qui forme la première Partie d'un Traité des Sections Coniques. 4to pamph. Paris. 1865.

Histoire des Mathématiques chez les Arabes. 4to pamph. Paris. 1865.

Systèmes de Coniques qui satisfont à sept Conditions dans l'Espace. 4to pamph. Paris. 1865.

Cooke (Prof. Josiah P.).

On the Heat of Friction. [From Proc. Am. Acad. of Arts & Sc. Vol. VI. April, 1865.] 8vo pamph. Cambridge.

On the Projection of the Spectra of the Metals. [From the Am. Jour. of Sc. & Arts. Vol. XL. Sept. 1865.] 8vo pamph. New


On the Construction of a Spectroscope with a Number of Prisms, by which the Angle of Minimum Deviation for any Ray may be accurately measured, and its Position in the Solar Spectrum determined. [From the Am. Jour. of Sc. & Arts. Vol. XL. Nov. 1865.] 8vo pamph. New Haven.

Dollen (W.).

Die Zeitbestimmung vermittelst des Tragbaren Durchgangsinstruments im Verticale des Polarsterns. 4to pamph. St. Petersburg. 1863.

The Editors.

The Reader: A Review of Literature, Science, and Art. Vol. V. VII. No. 180. 8vo. London. 1865-66.

Elliott (E. B.).

Report of the United States Revenue Commission. 8vo pamph. Washington. 1866.

Esthlandische Ritterschaft.

Nachrichten über Leben und Schriften des Herrn Geheimrathes Dr. Karl Ernst v. Baer, mitgetheilt von Ihm Selbst. 4to vol. St. Petersburg. 1865.

Famille de Vrolik.

Musée Vrolik. Catalogue de la Collection d'Anatomie Humaine, comparée et Pathologique de MM. Ger et W. Vrolik.... par J. L. Dusseau.... 8vo vol. Amsterdam. 1865.

Francis (James B., Civil Engineer).

On the Strength of Cast-Iron Pillars, with Tables for the Use of Engineers, Architects, and Builders. [Extr. from the Proc. of the Am. Acad. of Arts & Sciences.] 8vo. New York & London. 1865. Fraunfeld (George Ritter von).

Das Vorkommen des Parasitismus im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reiche. 8vo pamph. Vienna. 1864.


Gould (B. A.).

U. S. Sanitary Commission. Statistical Bureau. Ages of U. S. Volunteer Soldiery. 8vo pamph. New York. 1866. Hager (Albert D.).

Report of the Geology of Vermont: Descriptive, Theoretical, Economical, and Scenographical. By Edward Hitchcock, LL. D.; Edward Hitchcock, Jr., M. D.; Albert D. Hager, A. M.; Charles H. Hitchcock, A. M. In 2 vols. Published under Authority of the State Legislature, by Albert D. Hager, Proctorsville, Vt. 4to. Claremont, N. H. 1861.

Haldeman (S. S.).

Tours of a Chess Knight. 16mo vol. Philadelphia. 1864. Dudley Observatory.

Description of an Automatic Registering and Printing Barometer. By G. W. Hough, A. M., Dir. of the Dudley Observatory. 8vo pamph. Albany. 1865.

Jervis (W. P., F. G. S.)

The Mineral Resources of Central Italy; including a Description of the Mines and Marble Quarries. [International Exhibition, 1862.] 8vo pamph. London. 1862.

Kingdom of Italy. Of

Dublin International Exhibition, 1865. ficial Catalogue, Illustrated, and Engravings. Published by Order of the Royal Italian Commission. . . . . 2d ed. 8vo vol. Turin. 1865.

Lapham (J. A., LL. D.).

Map of Wisconsin, with Lines showing the Remarkable Effect of Lake Michigan in elevating the Mean Temperature of January, and depressing that of July. Milwaukie. 1865.

Lea (Isaac, LL. D.).

On Leaia Leidyi = Cypricardia Leidyi. Descriptions of Fourteen New Species of Melanidæ, etc. [Extr. from Proc. of Acad. of Nat. Sc., Philadelphia.] 8vo. Philadelphia. 1866.

Leidy (Joseph, M. D., Prof., etc.).

Cretaceous Reptiles of the United States. [From the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vol. XIV. 1865.] 4to. phia. 1865.

Lesquereux (Leo).


On the Origin and Formation of Prairies. [From Am. Jour. of Sc. & Arts. 2d Ser. Vol. XXXIX. No. 117.] 8vo. New Haven. 1865.

Loring (Hon. Charles G.).

The Civil War in America: An Address read at the last Meeting of the Manchester Union and Emancipation Society. By Goldwin Smith. 8vo pamph. London. 1866.

Mc Chesney (J. H., A. M.).

Plates illustrating in Part the New Species of Fossils from the Paleozoic Rocks of the Western States. (Chicago Academy of Sciences.) Chicago.

Mackall (Louis, M. D.).

An Essay on the Life in Nature. 8vo pamph. Washington. 1855. An Essay on the Law of Muscular Action. 2d edition, corrected and enlarged. 8vo pamph. Washington. 1865.

Extract from an Unpublished Essay on Physical Force. 8vo pamph. Washington. 1865.

Marcou (Jules).

Une Reconnaissance Géologique au Nebraska. [Extr. du Bull. de la Soc. Géol. de France. 2° Sér. Tome XXI. pp. 132.] 8vo. Paris. 1864.

Notice sur les Gisements des Lentilles Trilobitifères Taconiques de la Pointe-Lévis, au Canada. Extr. du Bull..... Tome XXI. pp. 236. 8vo. Paris. 1864.

Martius (Dr. C. F. Ph. von).

Vorträge über die Florenreiche oder Imperia Florae. Separatdruck aus den Jahresberichten der Bayer. Gartenbau-Gesellschaft zu München. 16mo pamph. Munich. 1865.

Mayer (Alfred M.).

Essay on the Velocity of Light. By M. Delaunay of the Institute.

of France. Translated for the Smithsonian Institution, by Alfred M. Mayer, Prof. of Physics. . . . . 8vo pamph. Washington. Morgan (Henry J.).

The Place British Americans have won in History. A Lecture delivered at Aylmer, L. C., on Thursday evening, February 22, 1866. 16mo pamph. Ottawa. 1866.

Mueller (Ferdinand, Ph. D., M. D., F. R. S., etc.).

The Vegetation of the Chatham Islands, sketched by Ferdinand Mueller. 8vo pamph. Melbourne. 1864.

Analytical Drawings of Australian Mosses. Edited by Ferdinand Mueller. I. Fascicle. 8vo pamph. Melbourne. 1864. Newcomb (Simon, Prof. Math. U. S. N.).

An Investigation of the Orbit of Neptune, with General Tables of its Motion. [From Smithson. Contrib. to Knowl. 199.] 4to pamph. Washington, 1866.

Pimentel (Don Francisco).

Memoria sobre las Causas que han Originado la Situacion Actual de la Raza Indigena de Mexico y Medios de Remediarla. 8vo vol. Mexico.


Cuadro Descriptivo y Comparativo de las Linguas Indigenas de Mexico. 2 vols. 8vo. Mexico. 1862 – 65.

Dictamen de la Comision nombrada por la Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadistica para examinar la Obra intitulada Cuadro Descriptivo y Comparativo de las Linguas Indigenas de Mexico. 8vo pamph. Mexico. 1863.

Quetelet (Ad.).

Observations des Phénomènes Periodiques des Plantes et des Animaux pendant les Années 1861 et 1862. [Extr. du Tome XXXV. des Mém. Acad. Roy. de Belgique.] 4to pamph. Brussels. Histoire des Sciences Mathématiques et Physiques chez les Belges. 8vo vol. Brussels. 1864.

Annuaire de l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. 1865. 32o Année. 18mo vol. Brussels. 1864.

Paroles prononcées lors des Funerailles de M. Jean Kicky. pamph. Brussels. 1864.


Sur les Époques comparées de la Feuillaisson et de la Coloraison, etc. 8vo pamph. Brussels. 1864.

Quetelet (Ad.) et Heuschling (Xav.).

Statistique Internationale (Population) publiée avec la Collabora

tion des Statisticiens Officiels des différents États de l'Europe et des États-Unis d'Amerique. Par Ad. Quetelet, President, et Xav. Heuschling, Secrétaire de la Commission Central de Statistique. 4to vol. Brussels. 1865.

Radcliffe Trustees.

Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, in the Year 1862. Under the Superin

tendence of the Rev. Robert Main, M. A., Radcliffe Observer. Vol. XXII. 8vo. Oxford. 1865.

Rice (Hon. Alexander H.).

Message of the President of the United States and accompanying Documents to the Two Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the Second Session of the 38th Congress. Part I. 4to vol. Washington. 1864.

Papers relating to Foreign Affairs, accompanying the Annual Message of the President to the 2d Session 38th Congress. Part II. 4to vol. Washington. 1865.

Agriculture of the United States in 1860; Compiled from the Original Returns of the Eighth Census, under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior. By Joseph C. G. Kennedy, Superintendent of Census. 4to vol. Washington. 1864. Richthofen (Ferdinand Baron, Dr. Phil.).

The Comstock Lode: Its Character, and the probable Mode of its Continuance in Depth. 8vo pamph. San Francisco. 1866. Ryan (Matthew).

The Celebrated Theory of Parallels. brated Theorem, Euclid 1, Axiom 12.

Demonstration of the Cele

With Appendix containing

the Philosophy of the Demonstration, together with the Partial Refutation of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy of the Unconditioned or Infinite. 8vo pamph. Washington. 1866.

Sheppard (John H., A. M.).

Reminiscences of the Vaughan Family, and more particularly of Benjamin Vaughan, LL. D. Read before the New England Hist.

Geneal. Soc., Aug. 2, 1865. 8vo pamph. Boston. 1865. Spofford (A. R.).

Alphabetical Catalogue of the Library of Congress. Authors. 4to vol. Washington. 1864.

Storer (Horatio Robinson, M. D., etc.).

Successful Removal of the Uterus and both Ovaries by Abdomi

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