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of those fallies of impatience which we foSERM. often fuffer to break forth, in the midft of XI. profperity. By a more manly tranquility and felf command, let us discover to the world, that, as men, and as Chriftians, we have learned in patience to poffefs our fouls.




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THE present state of man is neither

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doomed to conftant mifery, nor de figned for complete happiness. It is, in general, a mixed ftate, of comfort and for row, of profperity and adverfity; neither brightened by uninterrupted sunshine, nor overcaft with perpetual fhade; but fubject: to alternate fucceffions of the one, and the other. While fuch a state forbids despair, it alfo checks prefumption. It is equally adverfe to defpondency of mind, and to

high elevation of fpirits. The temper which
beft fuits it, is expreffed in the text by mo-
deration; which, as the habitual tenor of
the foul, the apoftle exhorts us to discover
in our whole conduct; let it be known unto
all men.
This virtue confifts in the equal
balance of the foul. It imports fuch pro-
per government of our paffions and plea-
fures, as fhall prevent us from running in-
to extremes of any kind; and fhall pro-
duce a calm and temperate frame of mind.
It chiefly refpects our conduct in that state,
which comes under the defcription of ease,
or profperity. Patience, of which I treat-
ed in the preceding discourse, directs the
proper regulation of the mind, under the
difagreeable incidents of life. Moderation
determines the bounds within which it
fhould remain, when circumftances are
agreeable or promifing. What I now pur-
pofe is, to point out fome of the chief in-
ftances in which Moderation ought to take
place, and to show the importance of pre-
ferving it.



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I. MODERATION in our wifhes. The SERM. XII. active mind of man feldom or never refts fatisfied with its prefent condition, how profperous foever. Originally formed for a wider range of objects, for a higher fphere of enjoyments, it finds itself, in every fituation of fortune, ftraitened and confined. Senfible of deficiency in its ftate, it is ever fending forth the fond defire, the afpiring wifh, after fomething beyond what is enjoyed at prefent. Hence, that reftlefsnefs which prevails fo generally among mankind. Hence, that difguft of pleasures which they have tried; that paffion for novelty; that ambition of rifing to fome degree of eminence or felicity, of which they have formed to themfelves an indif ́tinct idea. All which may be confidered as indications of a certain native, original greatnefs in the human foul, fwelling beyond the limits of its prefent condition; and pointing at the higher objects for which it was made. Happy, if these latent remains of our primitive ftate ferved to direct our wishes towards their proper defti


nation, and to lead us into the path of true SERM. blifs!

These are the objects

But in this dark and bewildered ftate, the aspiring tendency of our nature unfortunately takes an oppofite direction, and feeds a very mifplaced ambition. The flattering appearances which here prefent themfelyes to fenfe; the diftinctions which fortune confers; the advantages and pleafures which we imagine the world to be capable of beftowing, fill up the ultimate wifh of moft men. which ingrofs, their folitary mufings, and ftimulate their active labours; which warm the breasts of the young, animate the induftry of the middle aged, and often keep alive the paffions of the old, until the very clofe of life. Affuredly, there is nothing unlawful in our wifhing to be freed from whatever is difagreeable, and to obtain a fuller enjoyment of the comforts of life, But when these wishes are not tempered by reason, they are in danger of precipitating us into much extravagance and folly. Defires and wifhes are the firft fprings of



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