Payment of stock, and certificate thereof. 1822 ch. 68. Corporation continued. SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the President, Directors and Company of the Pacific Bank, in pursuance of the agreement made between the President, Directors and Company of said bank, and Aaron Mitchell, Samuel Mitchell, and James Mitchell, be, and they hereby are authorized and required, on or before the first Monday of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, to pay to Aaron Mitchell, Samuel Mitchell, and James Mitchell, the full amount of the stock owned by them respectively in said bank, on the eighth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, or so much thereof as shall not, before the time first named as aforesaid, have been disposed of by the persons above named, at the rate of one hundred dollars for each share, and to open subscription books for the purpose of filling up the deficiency which may happen thereby in said stock, to the full amount of two hundred thousand dollars. And six months from and after the first Monday of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, are hereby allowed for making up said deficiency. And the directors and cashier of said bank shall make a certificate under oath within the time aforesaid, that said deficiency has been paid in, otherwise the charter of said bank shall be void. [March 5, 1831.] Oxford Bank." Chap. 73. An ACT to continue the corporation of "The President, Directors and Company of the BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the President, Directors and Company of the Oxford Bank, in Oxford, capital stock one hundred thousand dollars, be, and they hereby are continued a corporation, for the purposes of banking, until the first day of October, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one, notwithstanding any limitation in their charter of incorporation to the contrary, and said corporation shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and subject to all the duties, liabilities and requirements, provided in an act passed the twenty-eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twentynine, entitled "an act to regulate banks and banking," and the provisions of an act passed the twenty-eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, entitled" an act to continue the banking corporations therein named, and for other purposes." [March 8, 1831.] Powers and duties. 1828 ch. 96. 1830 ch. 58. Chap. 74. An ACT to continue the corporation of "The President, Directors and Company of the 1812 ch. 38. Corporation continued. Union Bank." BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the corporation under the name of "the President, Directors and Company of the Union Bank," in Boston, with a capital stock of eight hundred thousand dollars, be, and the same is hereby continued a corporation for the purposes of banking, until the first day of October, which shall be in the year our Lord eigh teen hundred and fifty-one, notwithstanding any limitation in its present charter of incorporation to the contrary, and the said corporation shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and Powers and subject to all the duties, liabilities, and requirements, contained duties. in an act passed on the twenty-eighth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, entitled "an act to regulate banks and banking," and the further pro- 1828 ch. 96, visions contained in an act passed the twenty-eighth day of February, A. D., eighteen hundred and thirty-one, entitled "an act 1830 ch. 58. to continue the banking corporations therein named, and for other purposes." [March 8, 1831.] An Act in addition to an Act, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Hope Insurance Chap. 75. Company." BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in 1829 ch. 99. General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Nehemiah Parsons and others, who were incorporated by Time extended. the said act as the Hope Insurance Company, be, and they hereby are allowed the further time of one year from and after the passing of this act, to comply with the provisions of the act to which this is in addition. [March 9, 1831.] Chap. 76. An Act to change the names of the persons therein mentioned. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Elizabeth Wyman may take the name of Elizabeth Sophia Names changAdelaide Wyman; that John Wells may take the name of John ed. B. Wells; that Arvada Reed may take the name of George Suffolk. Arvada Reed; that Asa Adams may take the name of Asa Perry Adams; that Ira Wormwood may take the name of Ira W. Allen; that John Osgood may take the name of John Hamilton Osgood; that John Oliver may take the name of John Putnam Oliver; that Joseph Eveleth may take the name of Joseph G. Eveleth; that Eleanor Stearns may take the name of Eleanor Georgiana Stearns; that William Brown may take the name of William Cowper Brown; that Wealthy G. Brown may take the name of Harriet G. Brown; that William Potter may take the name of William Potter Bishop; that Edward Warren, second, may take the name of Edward James Warren; that Emily West may take the name of Emily Georgiana West; that George Todd Dickinson may take the name of George Washington Dickinson; that Casper Adams, junior, may take the name of Henry Casper Adams; that Hubbard Newell may take the name of George Hubbard Newell; that Ross Dorety may take the name of George Ross; that Susan Jones may take the name of Amanda Pelina Jones; that Alfred Hilton Bridge may take the name of Frederick William Bridge; that Andrew Griffin may take the name of George Williams Griffin; that David. Jones may take the name of David Walter Jones; that Edward Holbrook may take the name of Ridgway Edward Holbrook ; that Henry Eayres may take the name of Henry Clay Eayres; that John Chapman may take the name of John Brown Chap Essex. man; that Michael Cassady may take the name of Adis Emmet Cassady; that Levi Haskell, of the firm of Whitney and Haskell, may take the name of Levi Boynton Haskell; that William Morgan Warriner may take the name of William Bostwic Warriner; that Leverett Clendennin, son of John Clendennin, may take the name of John Leverett Clendennin-all of the city of Boston, in the county of Suffolk. That Tryphosa Goldsberry, of Beverly, may take the name of Ann T. Goldsberry; that John I. Stanwood, of Ipswich, may take the name of John Lord Stanwood; that Mary Dennison Manton, of Gloucester, may take the name of Mary Manton Dennison; that William Wead, of Lynn, may take the name of William Winship; that Francis Low, junior, of Manchester, may take the name of Albert Everett Low; that Mercy Roche Vincent, of Salem, may take the name of Caroline Augusta Vincent; that Chloe Lawrence, of Salem, may take the name of Clarissa C. Lawrence; that Charity Mason Johnson, of Danvers, may take the name of Elizabeth Mason Johnson; that Eunice Brown, of Salem, may take the name of Sarah Ellen Brown; that Daniel Chaplin, of Rowley, may take the name of Daniel West; that Elizabeth Pulsifer Mullen and John Mullen, minor children of John Mullen, of Newburyport, deceased, may take the respective names of Elizabeth Mellen and John James Mellen; that Offin Greenleaf Boardman, of Newburyport, may take the name of Offin Boardman; that Joshua Hills, the 3d., of Newburyport, may take the name of Joshua Eliphalet Hills; that Samuel Thompson, of said Newburyport, may take the name of Samuel White Thompson; that Mary Elizabeth Frink, of Rowley, may take the name of Mary Elizabeth Osgood; that Sarah Lord, of Ipswich, may take the name of Sarah Elizabeth Lord; that Samuel Bell, of Andover, may take the name of Samuel B. Willis; that Rachel Mason Edmunds Barret, of Newburyport, may take the name of Ann Mason; that Thomas Williams Monies, of Danvers, may take the name of Thomas Williams; that Eleazer Graves, of Marblehead, may take the name of Eleazer Trevett Graves; that Nelson Otis Chase, of Lynn, may take the name of Augustus Otis; and that Ann Eaton Chase, wife of the said Nelson Otis Chase, may take the name of Ann Maria Eaton Otis; that Linch Bott Goodhue, of Salem, may take the name of Charles Bott Goodhue; that Benjamin Stone, of Salem, may take the name of Benjamin Williams Stone; that Susan Lord, of Ipswich, may take the name of Susan Safford Lord; that Hannah Tenney, wife of John S. Tenney, of Ipswich, may take the name of Martha Hannah Dennis Tenny; that Edwin Jones Todd, a minor son of Francis Todd, of Newburyport, may take the name of Reuben Jones Todd; that Benjamin Manning, of Ipswich, may take the name of Benjamin Franklin Manning; that John Randlet Bean, of Rowley, may take the name of John P. Milton; that Munroe James Tuxbury, minor son of William Tuxbury, of Amesbury, may take the name of Munroe George Jewell Tuxbury; that William Jop lin, Junior, of Danvers, tailor, may take the name of William Dudley Joplin, all of the county of Essex. That Nancy Parker, of Middlesex. Reading, may take the name of Nancy Jane Parker; that George W. Verry, of said Reading, may take the name of George Washington Otis; that Joseph Hoar, of Lincoln, may take the name of Leonard Hoar; that Naomi Saunders, of said Reading, may take the name of Eliza Jane Saunders; that Edwin Pearson, of Reading, may take the name of Edwin Pierce; that Martha Prentice McFarland, a minor child of Archibald McFarland, of Lowell, may take the name of Martha Prentice Adams; that Seneca Fay, of Framingham, may take the naine of Thomas Seneca Fay; that Ela Fay, of Framingham, may take the name of Edward Ela Fay, all in the county of Middlesex. That John Worcester. Sparhawk Baldwin, of Leicester, may take the name of John Rufus Baldwin; that Dexter Moor Chilson, a minor son of Eri Chilson, of said Leicester, may take the name of John Dexter Chilson; that Eurotis Graves, of Worcester, may take the name of Frederick Stratton Graves; that Festus Morgan, of Oxford, may take the name of William Festus Morgan; that George Anson Plummer, of Barre, may take the name of George Anson; that Jacob Bacon, of Bolton, may take the name of Charles Wood; that Israel Waters Bacon, of Charlton, may take the name of Berthier Bacon; that Elizabeth Waters Bacon, of Charlton, may take the name of Elizabeth Adella Bacon; that Lucy Wiswall, of Westminster, may take the name of Philomela Hamilton; that Nelson Munroe, of New Braintree, may take the name of Horatio Nelson Munroe; that Celia Colton Burt, of Worcester, may take the name of Elizabeth Fay Burt, all in the county of Worcester. That Samuel Hinkley Lyman, of North- Hampshire. ampton, may take the name of Samuel Lyman Hinkley; that Horatio Laurens Everett, of Worthington, may take the name of Horatio Everett; that Melinda S. Russell, of Northampton, may take the name of Laura M. Russell; that Daniel Gale, of Amherst, may take the name of Charles Daniel Gale; that James Bull, junior, minor son of James Bull, of Northampton, may take the name of James Perry Bull; that William Dexter Clapp, of Williamsburg, may take the name of William Horace Clapp; that Kinsley Underwood, junior, of Enfield, may take the name of Daniel Kinsley Underwood; that Lewis James, of Goshen, may take the name of Lewis Lyman James, all in the county of Hampshire. That John Wood, second, of Springfield, may Hampden. take the name of Homer John Wood; that Dixalana Clark, of Blandford, may take the name of Mary Electa Clarke; that William Dwight, second, of Springfield, may take the name of William Courtland Dwight; that Charles Eli Douglass, minor son of Henry Douglass, of Westfield, may take the name of Darius Eli Douglass, all in the county of Hampden. That Jo- Berkshire. siah Weeks Cannon, of Williamstown, may take the name of Josiah Weeks Canning; and that Ebenezer Smith, Edward Weeks, Josiah Deane, William Pitkin and Joseph Chauncy, all minor sons of the said Josiah Weeks Cannon, may severally Norfolk. Bristol. Barnstable. Plymouth. Franklin. take the surname of Canning; that Mandly Whiton, of Lee, may take the name of John Mandly Whiton, all of the county of Berkshire. That Herman Curtis, of Roxbury, may take the name of Joseph Herman Curtis; that William Swan, the third, of Dorchester, may take the name of William Draper Swan; that Jemima Aldana Adams, of Medway, a minor child of William Adams, may take the name of Lorana Aldana Adams; that Mary Ann Bates Whitehouse, of Weymouth, a minor child of Joseph H. Whitehouse, deceased, may take the name of Mary Ann Bates, all in the county of Norfolk. That Elizabeth Hathaway Staples, of Taunton, in the county of Bristol, daughter of Samuel B. Staples, may take the name of Elizabeth Hathaway Williams; that Serenia Curtis, of Raynham, in said county of Bristol, may take the name of Serenia Leonard. That John Baker, Junior, of Brewster, a minor son of John Baker, may take the name of John Peregrine Baker; that Nathan Hallett, second, of Yarmouth, may take the name of Franklin Hallett, both of the county of Barnstable. That Lemuel Packard, of North Bridgewater, in the county of Plymouth, a minor son of John Packard, may take the name of John L. Packard. That Edward Manning Saxton, a minor son of Jonathan Saxton, of Deerfield, may take the name of Edward Lowell Saxton; that Livonia Mehitabel Benton, of Bernardston, may take the name of Livonia Mehitabel Sanderson; that James Hervey Childs, a minor son of Sabra Childs, of Shelburne, may take the name of Asa Childs; that Amoret Graves, of Whateley, a minor child, may take the name of Amoret Morton, all in the county of Franklin; and the several persons before mentioned, from and after the passing of this act, shall be known and called by the names which by this act they are respectively allowed to assume as aforesaid, and said names shall forever hereafter be considered as their only proper and legal names to all intents and purposes. [March 9, 1831.] Chap. 77. An ACT in addition to an Act, entitled " An Act to incorporate the Provident Institu 1816 ch. 92. 1824 ch. 89. Real estate. Chap. 78. Persons incorporated. tion for Savings in the town of Boston." BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the Provident Institution for Savings in the town of Boston, be, and the said corporation is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase real estate in the city of Boston to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, and to hold the same subject to the uses, intents and purposes prescribed in the act of incorporation to which this is in addition. [March 11, 1831.] Add. act, 1833 ch. 57. An ACT to incorporate the Union Wharf Company, in the town of Truro. SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That Freeman Atkins, Hincks Gross, David Lombard, John Smith and Solomon Davis, together with such others as may hereafter associate, and become partners in said company, |