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Vulgar Latin Copy.

Sun fhall fuddenly fhine again in the Night; and the Moon thrice in the Day.

5. And Blood shall drop out of the Wood, and the [Stone or Rock] fhall give its Voice; and the People shall be troubled.

6. And even he shall rule, whom they look not for that dwell upon the Earth: And the Fowls fhall take their flight away together.

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Arabick Copy.

three Signs, the Earth troubled, and the Sun fhall appear on a fudden, and the Night and the Moon in one Day.

5. And Blood shall drop out of the Wood, and the Light fhall give its Voice; and the People shall be troubled,

6. And a People shall rule, whom they that dwell on the Earth looked not for: And the Fowls shall remove from their Lands, and their Borders.

And the Sea of the Sodomites fhall caft forth living Fish, and they fhall lift up their Voice in the Night, and there fhall not be one of all the People that shall know what they are, when they hear their Voices.

C 4

8. There

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Arabick Copy.

8. And Sluggishness and Astonishment shall be in many Places; and furrounding Fire fhall be fent upon the Earth : And the wild Beasts of the Princes fhall remove from their Places: And there fhall be Signs in the Women.

9. And changing of the fweet Waters into falt; and Friends shall destroy one another. And in this Time, Knowledge fhall be hid, and fhall not be found; and Wisdom fhall go into its fecret Places,

10. And many fhall feek it, and fhall not find it; and Unrighte oufnefs, and Viciousness fhall be incrcafed upon the Earth.

11. And one Land fhall diligently inquire of another, faying, hath Righteousness paffed righteous,

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20. And when the World that shall begin to vanish away shall be [finifhed or fealed] then will I fhew thefe Tokens. The Books shall be opened before the Firmament, and they fhall fee all together.

21. And the Children

20. And when the Age is finished, in which I have determined that thefe Signs fhall be, which I fhall do, I will open the Books above the Firmament of the Heavens, and they fhall fee this all together.

21. And the little In

of a Year old shall speak fants fhall lift up their


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Vulgar Latin Copy. with their Voice; the Women with child fhall bring forth untimely Children, of three or four Months old; and they shall live, and be raised up.

22. And suddenly fhall the fown Places appear unfown: The full

Store - houses fhall fuddenly be found empty.

23. And the Trumpet fhall give a Sound, which when every Man heareth they shall be fuddenly afraid.

24. At that Time fhall Friends fight one againft another, like Enemies; and the Earth fhall ftand in Fear, with those that dwell therein. The Springs of the Fountains fhall ftand ftill, and in three Hours they fhall

not run.

Arabick Copy.

Voices and talk; and Women fhall conceive and bring forth in Haste ; and Children thus born, after three Months fhall live, and run about.

22. And inPlaces withFruit or Grafs, and Places in which there was nothing fown, there fhall grow Plants, Grain, and full Ears, with which they shall fill the Magazines and Granaries.

23. And the Trumpet fhall found, and the Sound fhall be heard on a fudden by every one; and all Perfons and Things fhall be troubled.

24. At that Time Friends fhall fight one against another like Enemies, and the Earth shall be astonished, with all thofe that dwell therein; and the Springs of the Fountains shall stand still, and not run for the Space of three Hours.

Vulgar Latin Copy.

Arabick Copy.

4 Efdras ix. 1-8.

1. He answered me then and faid; Measure thou the Time diligently in itself. And when thou feeft Part of the Signs past, which I have told thee before,

2. Then fhalt thou understand, that it is the very fame Time, wherein the Highest will begin to visit the World which he hath made.

3. Therefore when there shall be seen Earthquakes and Uproars of People in the World,

4. Then fhalt thou well understand, that the moft High spake of these Things from the Days

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2. Then fhalt thou understand, that it is the Time which the most High hath fixed, in which he will visit the present World.

3. And when they fee in this World the Changes and Tumults, and Seditions of the Nations, and the Tyranny of the Heads and Governors of the People in feveral Places, and the Want of a Director for the Princes;

4. Then fhalt thou understand, that the moft High spake concerning these in the first


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