Entrance on the ways corresponding with those of the spreading
revelation of eternal things. This road leads to the centre by
showing the effects of Catholicity upon active life in general.
That it sanctions it, 103; assists men engaged in it, 106; encou-
rages them, 108; refreshes and alleviates, 109; purifies and
makes honest, 113; deters from the vices most incident to active
life, 116; guides men safely, 132; makes right the intention,
132; ennobles the mind of men in business, 135; moderates their
impulses, 148; checks the thirst for money, 151; secures needful
rest, joy, and contentment, 158.
Avenue to the Church consisting in her doctrine relative to the
universal obligations of men to labour, 173; tends to the centre by
showing that all docile to Catholicity do labour, 174; examples,
175; that it ennobles labour, presenting a contrast in this respect
to Paganism, 178; holding up a series of examples, 184; that it
gives the best rules for workmen, 186; to elevate by the intention,
187; to secure honesty, 187; to provide for their needful repose,
189; religious interests, 191; material interests, 197; that it