304, 1. Be indeed as I am, but not appear. To keep its faith in th' Heav'n that makes it smart, P. 303, line 26. Treasure of blessed-making poverty. دو دو دو 27. Perhaps poor are they and foolish. 28. Because they will not follow the poverty of Christ. 34. For as the gates of Hades I detest The sordid wretch whom want can tempt to lie. 305, 43. May not a wise man, if with hunger he himself be دو (Cowper.) For I must wasting, take away food from another, -a man for nothing useful? دو 306, 2. By no means. For my life is not more useful to me than such an affection of mind that I would infringe on no one for the sake of my convenience. 20. Lady! may God, who sees and weighs Of hearts the will, of men the ways, Repay you on that day of days, When he will judge! Note. Miracle of Our Lady, how she kept a woman from perishing. دو 324, 22. When the Lord turned the captivity of Sion, became as men comforted. 331, 25. Recorded well stands grace of ancient deed ? دو دو 336, 11. Maria, mother thou of grace, 340. دو Mother of heart's pitifulness, Us from the enemy protect, 9. 348, 31. دو 42. And in the hour of death accept. Together mingled were they among nations, an learned the works of them. Unfold whole records, set up all triumphal chariots naught however than excellence of morals mor beautiful wilt thou find. Conquer'd nations in long order march, In tongues as various as in dress and arms. 350, 3. Babes, woman, mob, the knight, the senate. Freedom with rev'rence has dispensed. دو دو دو دو دو دو 21. The Spirit of the Lord upon me to announce to the gentle has sent me, that I might heal the bruise in heart, and might preach to captives indulgence and to the shut-up an opening. 30. Those who are redeemed by the Lord shall retur and come to Sion praising, and gladness ever lasting on the heads of them. 33. Cry we to Heaven, and the Lord will take pity d us, and mindful will be of the testament of ou fathers, and all nations shall know there is or to redeem and free the people of God. 36. O blessed man, who by the Lord was destin captives, redeemer and poor's comforter. 38. This man for the brethren his life laid down. 350, line 39. His money he has not given to usury, but for redemption of captives scattered it: -The desire of his heart has the Lord granted him, that he might free the poor from the mighty, and the needy for whom there was not a helper. 3. O Christ, the truest charity! Enkindle in the scholars' breasts Us from the chains which round our hearts T' whom John his order sacred made, To love the close-embracing chain. 18. Sprung of a kingly race, and not remote from Sceptre of France, th' embowéd courtly halls and ing Wild lurking-places. Ravening lions. 40. He despised the courts of princes, that God alone he might serve, and was placed by Him on His holy mount.-In charity perpetual did the Lord love him, and appointed him to redeem captives. دو 352, 3. His hand he open'd to the needy, And his palms stretched out to the poor. 7. These are men of mercy, who walked in the house of the Lord with consent. -That they might be one-minded redeemers of faithful captives. 10. To do mercy with his servants hath the Lord redeemed them, that without fear from the hand of enemies freed they may serve Him. 15. Certain am I that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor other creature, will be abl to separate us from the charity of God, which in Christ Jesus our Lord. P. 352, line 20. O blessed man, who earthly things despising, Go alone to please studiest, pray for us, that over the world we may happily triumph. " 32. Golden milestone. PRINTED BY COX (BROTHERS) AND WYMAN, GREAT QUEEN STREET. |