Calendrical CalculationsCambridge University Press, 2007 M12 10 - 512 páginas A valuable resource for working programmers, as well as a fount of useful algorithmic tools for computer scientists, this new edition of the popular calendars book expands the treatment of the previous edition to new calendar variants: generic cyclical calendars and astronomical lunar calendars as well as the Korean, Vietnamese, Aztec, and Tibetan calendars. The authors frame the calendars of the world in a completely algorithmic form, allowing easy conversion among these calendars and the determination of secular and religious holidays. LISP code for all the algorithms are available on the Web. |
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Términos y frases comunes
13 integer angle fixed-date armenian-date aztec-tonalpohualli aztec-tonalpohualli-date aztec-tonalpohualli-name aztec-xihuitl-date aztec-xihuitl-month aztec-xiuhmolpilli bahai-cycle bahai-date bahai-day bahai-major bahai-month bahai-year balinese-date bogus boolean fixed-date chinese-branch chinese-cycle chinese-date chinese-month chinese-name chinese-stem chinese-year clock-time coptic-date coptic-day coptic-month coptic-year day-of-week defconstant egyptian-date ethiopic-date fixed-date fixed fixed-date fixed-date fixed-date fixed-date fixed-date fixed-date french-date fixed-date integer fixed-date location fixed-date rational-moment fixed-date real fraction-of-day french-year gregorian-date gregorian-year fixed-date hebrew-date hebrew-day hebrew-month hebrew-year hindu-lunar-date hindu-lunar-leap-day hindu-lunar-leap-month hindu-lunar-month hindu-lunar-year hindu-solar-month hindu-solar-year integer islamic-date islamic-day islamic-month islamic-year iso-date iso-day iso-week iso-year julian-date julian-day julian-day-number julian-month julian-year Lisp list-of-fixed-dates list-of-integers list-of-nonnegative-integers list-of-reals list-of-weekdays location angle longitude mayan-baktun mayan-haab-date mayan-haab-month mayan-haab-day mayan-tun mayan-tzolkin-date mayan-tzolkin-name mayan-uinal nakshatra nonnegative-integer nonzero-integer old-hindu-lunar-date old-hindu-lunar-leap old-hindu-lunar-month or-before Parameter Type(s persian-year positive-integer list positive-integer positive-integer radian Range Supertype rational rational-amplitude rational-angle rational-angle rational-moment rational-moment fixed-date real angle real real Result Type fixed-date roman-count roman-event season solar standard-date standard-month standard-year Supertype tibetan-date tibetan-day tibetan-leap-day tibetan-leap-month tibetan-month tibetan-year Type or Range Туре