Calendrical Calculations

Cambridge University Press, 2007 M12 10 - 512 páginas
A valuable resource for working programmers, as well as a fount of useful algorithmic tools for computer scientists, this new edition of the popular calendars book expands the treatment of the previous edition to new calendar variants: generic cyclical calendars and astronomical lunar calendars as well as the Korean, Vietnamese, Aztec, and Tibetan calendars. The authors frame the calendars of the world in a completely algorithmic form, allowing easy conversion among these calendars and the determination of secular and religious holidays. LISP code for all the algorithms are available on the Web.

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Sección 3

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Términos y frases comunes

13 integer angle fixed-date armenian-date aztec-tonalpohualli aztec-tonalpohualli-date aztec-tonalpohualli-name aztec-xihuitl-date aztec-xihuitl-month aztec-xiuhmolpilli bahai-cycle bahai-date bahai-day bahai-major bahai-month bahai-year balinese-date bogus boolean fixed-date chinese-branch chinese-cycle chinese-date chinese-month chinese-name chinese-stem chinese-year clock-time coptic-date coptic-day coptic-month coptic-year day-of-week defconstant egyptian-date ethiopic-date fixed-date fixed fixed-date fixed-date fixed-date fixed-date fixed-date fixed-date french-date fixed-date integer fixed-date location fixed-date rational-moment fixed-date real fraction-of-day french-year gregorian-date gregorian-year fixed-date hebrew-date hebrew-day hebrew-month hebrew-year hindu-lunar-date hindu-lunar-leap-day hindu-lunar-leap-month hindu-lunar-month hindu-lunar-year hindu-solar-month hindu-solar-year integer islamic-date islamic-day islamic-month islamic-year iso-date iso-day iso-week iso-year julian-date julian-day julian-day-number julian-month julian-year Lisp list-of-fixed-dates list-of-integers list-of-nonnegative-integers list-of-reals list-of-weekdays location angle longitude mayan-baktun mayan-haab-date mayan-haab-month mayan-haab-day mayan-tun mayan-tzolkin-date mayan-tzolkin-name mayan-uinal nakshatra nonnegative-integer nonzero-integer old-hindu-lunar-date old-hindu-lunar-leap old-hindu-lunar-month or-before Parameter Type(s persian-year positive-integer list positive-integer positive-integer radian Range Supertype rational rational-amplitude rational-angle rational-angle rational-moment rational-moment fixed-date real angle real real Result Type fixed-date roman-count roman-event season solar standard-date standard-month standard-year Supertype tibetan-date tibetan-day tibetan-leap-day tibetan-leap-month tibetan-month tibetan-year Type or Range Туре

Acerca del autor (2007)

In addition to his expertise on calendars, Nachum Dershowitz is a leading figure in software verification in general, and termination of programs in particular; he is an international authority on equational inference and term-rewriting. Other research interests of his include program semantics and combinatorial enumeration. Dershowitz has authored or co-authored over one hundred research papers and several books and has held visiting positions at prominent institutions around the globe. He has won numerous awards for his research and teaching. He was born in 1951 and his graduate degrees in Applied Mathematics are from the Weizmann Institute in Israel. He is currently a Professor of Computer Science at Tel-Aviv University.

Edward M. Reingold was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1945. He has an undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Illinois Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell University. Reingold has been at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign since 1970; he now a Professor of Computer Science there. His research interests are in theoretical computer science, especially the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures. A Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery since 1995, Reingold has authored or co-authored over fifty research papers and nine books; his papers on backtrack search, generation of combinations, weight-balanced binary trees, and drawing of trees and graphs are considered classics. He has won awards for his undergraduate and graduate teaching. Reingold is intensely interested in calendars and their computer implementation: in addition to Calendrical Tabulations and Calendrical Calculations, he is the author and maintainer of the calendar/diary part of GNU Emacs.

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