Imágenes de páginas

i-ya'-hda-skin, cont. of iyahıdaskića; iyahdaskin

mayanka, it is pressing on me. i-ya'-hda-skin-ya, v. a. to cause to press upon, -iyahdaskinwaya.

i-ya'-hda-śka, v. pos. of iyakaśka; to tie one's

own to,―iyawahdaśka, iyauŋhdaśkapi. i-ya'-hde, v. n. to go or come to; to reach to, extend to; to lead to, as a road; to meet, come upon one,―iyamahde, iyaunhdepi. See iyahdeya. i-ya'-hde-han-pa, n. (iyahde and hanpa) socks. i-ya'-hde-hun-ska, n. (iyahde and hunska) socks, stockings.

i-ya'-hde-ton, v. a. to have on or over, as, iyahde

ton ećon, he does it on something else; to knit. i-ya'-hde-ton-yaŋ, adv. on or over, having something under: iyahdetonyan kaksa, to cut one stick off on another.

i-ya'-hde-ya, v. a. to cause to reach to; to lead to, bring one to; to merit, deserve, bring upon one,-iyahdewaya, iyahdeunyanpi; iyahdeiçiya, to bring on oneself,-iyahdemiçiya. i-ya'-hde-ya, adv. reaching to, even to. i'-ya-he, n. the ball and heel of the foot. i-ya'-hna, prep. after, behind, following; with, together with iyahna ya, to go with; anpetu hanyetu iyahna, both day and night. i-ya'-hna-hna, red. of iyahna. i'-ya-hna-hna-na, adv. gently, carefully. i-ya'-hna-ken, adv. in the manner of following. i-ya' hpa-ya, v. n. to fall upon, to seize, pounce upon, lay hold of violently,-iyawalipaya and iyawahpamda, iyayahpada, iyaunhpayapi. i-ya'-hpe-ki-ći-ći-ya, v. a. to put or throw on for one, as in putting a load on a horse. See iyah pekiya. i-ya'-hpe-ki-ya, v. a. to give or hand to; to carry around to, as the pipe is taken round on great occasions and held for each one to smoke; to put on or throw over, as in putting on the load of a horse,-iyahpewakiya, iyahipeun kiyapi. i-ya'-hpe-ya, v. a. to carry around to; to hand to; to throw over or on,-iyahpewaya. See iyahpekiya.

i-ya'-i-hda-śka, v. reflex. of iyakaśka; to tie oneself; to give oneself up to be bound; i. q. iyaiçihdaśka, iyamihdaśka, iyanihdaśka. i'-ya-ka-hpe, n. of akahpa; a cover or lid for the mouth of any thing.

i'-ya-kam, adv. beyond, surpassing. i'-ya-kam-tu, adv. surpassingly.

i'-ya-ka-pa, v. n. to be larger than, to surpass,— íyamakapa.

i'-ya-ka-pe-ya, v. a. to pass, go beyond; to overcome; to persuade, succeed in persuading,―iyakapewaya, iyakapeunyanpi, íyakapemayan.

i'-ya-ka-pe-ya, adv. more than, surpassing. i-ya'-ka-pta, v. a. to climb, as a hill, to reach the top; to pass over or beyond,―iyawakapta, iyaunkaptapi and unkiyakaptapi.

i-ya'-ka-pte-ya, v. to cause to pass up or over, -iyakaptewaya.

i-ya'-ka-pte-ya, adv. beyond, going over. i-ya'-ka-san-ni, n. one side or half of any thing. i-ya'-ka-san-ni-na, n. one side only. i-ya'-ka-śka, v. a. to tie one thing to or on another, to bind to,―iyawakaśka, iyauŋkaśkapi. i-ya'-ka-tin, v. of akatin; to measure by means of, as with a yard stick,―iyawakatiŋ. i'-ya-ka-wiŋ, v. n. to exceed, go beyond bounds, overflow, as a river its banks.

i'-ya-ka-win, adv. more than: íyakawin iyeya, to surpass; íyakawin iyeya ećamoŋ, I have done more than was needful.

i'-ya-ka-win-yan, adv. surpassing. i-ya'-ke, n. the feather end of a quill, the feather

on an arrow.

i-ya'-ke-non-pa, adj. the twelfth. See iake

nonpa. The ordinal numbers from this to eighteen will be found under 'iake,' and need not be repeated here, though by some they are all written with a y inserted.

i'-ya-ki-ćuŋ-ni, v. n. to become tired and leave off, to cease from, give up pursuit,―iyawećuŋni, íyayećunni, íyauŋkićuŋnipi. i'-ya-ki-ćun-ni-ya, v. a. to cause to leave off or cease from,―íyakićuŋniwaya.

i'-ya-ki-ćun-ni-yan, adv. leaving off. i-ya'-ki-ću, v. n. to be much, to increase. i-ya'-ki-ḍu, adv. much, more than one needs: iyakiću wahnaka, I have put away a great deal. i-ya'-ki-gun-cun-ka, n. one who does more than is usual; one who keeps on begging. i-ya'-ki-ḍu-ya, v. a. to have more than one needs, -iyakićuwaya.

i-ya'-ki-ḍu-ya, adv. much, a good deal, plentifully, in abundance: iyakiçuya mduha, I have a great deal.

i'-ya-ki-de-će-ća, adv. like, alike. i'-ya-ki-de-ćen, adv. like.

i'-ya-ki-de-han-ke-ća, adv. of the same length

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i-ya'-ki-hdeh, cont. of iyakihdeġa; iyakihdeh okihan, to keep following after but not overtake, -iyakihdeli owakihan.

i-ya'-ki-hde-ya, v. a. to cause to reach round to;

to make surpass,―iyakihdewaya. i-ya'-ki-hde-ya, adv. surpassing. i'-ya-ki-he-će-ća, adv. like to that. i-ya'-ki-he-han-ke-ća, adv. as long as. i'-ya-ki-he-na-ke-ća, adv. as many as. i'-ya-ki-he-na-na, adv. as few as. i-ya'-ki-hna, adv. in layers, one on another; i. q. akihna.

i'-ya-ki-ni-sko-ke-ća, adv. of the same size. i'-ya-ki-pa-pa, v. See íakipapa.

i-ya'-ki-pe, v. a. to wait for, wish to have go with one; to wait for, hope for; to befall, happen to,-iyawakipe, iyaunkipepi, iyamak pe. i-ya'-ki-pe-ya, adv. waiting for.

i'-ya-ki-ta, v. a. of akita; to have an eye to, keep a watch on, lest one commit some depredation; to hunt for charges against one,-iyawakita. i'-ya-ki-te-dan, adv. together, familiarly, among themselves: íyakitedan hekićiyapi, they say this among themselves.

i'-ya-ko, adv. beyond any thing. See ako. i'-ya-kos, adv. See íyakosan. i'-ya-ko-san, adv. in addition, as an additional reason he íyakosan dećen ećamoŋ, I have done this in addition to that.

i'-ya-ko-tan-han, adv. beyond, from beyond. i-ya'-kta, v. Used only with śni. See iyaktaśni. i-ya'-kta-śni, v. a. of aktaśni; to disregard,iyawaktaśni, iyaunktapiśni.

i-yam', cont. of iyapa; striking against: tiyopa iyam imdamde, I struck against the door. i-ya'-mni, adj. the third.

i-ya'-mni-mni, adj. red. every third one. i-ya'-mni-na, adj. only the third one. i-yam'-ya, adv. butting or striking against. i-ya'-na-ka, intj. of surprise on meeting a friend. i-ya'-na-pta, v. a. of anapta; to detain, to go before and prevent from proceeding,-iyanawapta, iyanamapta.

i'-ya-ni-ća, v. n. of anića; to be prevented, de

tained, or hindered by: magażu kin he iyamanića, I am prevented by the rain,-íyamanića, íyaunnićapi.

i-ya'nun-ġa, v. n. to become hard, callous, unfeeling, as a scarred place,-iyamanunga, iyaninuņģa.

i-ya'-nunh, cont. of iyanunga; iyanuŋh iyeya. i-ya'-nunh-ya, v. a. to cause to become callous, -iyanunhwaya.

i-yan'-pa, v. a. to push out, as an otter does his nose to breathe.

i-ya'-on-pa, v. a. of aonpa; to lay on, place on; to accuse of, blame with,-iyawaonpa, iyaunkonpapi, iyamaonpa.

i-ya'-on-pa-pi, n. an accusation. i-ya'-on-pe-pi-ća-śni, adj. blameless. i-ya'-on-pe-pi-ća-śni-yaŋ, adv. blamelessly. i-ya'-on-pe-ya, adv. in a blaming or accusing


i-ya'-o-pta, v. See iyayupta.

i-ya'-pa, v. a. of apa; to beat, strike against; to beat, as the heart or pulse, as, éante iyamapa, my heart beats; to strike or knock against, as the foot,-iyamapa, iyaunpapi; iyaiçipa, to strike oneself,-iyamiçipa.

i'-ya-pa, v. n. to strike against, as the wind against a hill.

i-ya'-pa, v. n. to be injured or wounded in one's feelings by word or action. See iyapaka. i-ya'-pa-ka, v. n. to be injured or hurt in one's feelings by something said,-iyamapaka. i-ya'-pa-spa, v. n. to be obscured, as the sun or moon by clouds. See apaspa. i'-ya-pa-śtag, cont. of íyapaśtaka. i'-ya-pa-stag-ya, v. a. to creep up and fall upon before one is aware, to take by surprise,— iyapaśtagwaya, íyapaśtagniyanpi, John xii. 35. i'-ya-pa-sta-ka, v. n. to be taken by surprise,— íyamapaśtaka, íyanipaśtaka.

i'-ya-pa-to, v. n. to butt against, be struck by; to press on or be cramped by, as by a short moccasin,-iyamapato, íyaunpatopi.

i'-ya-pa-to-ya, v. a. to run against, press against; to hinder, prevent by,-iyapatowaya. i'-ya-pa-to-ya-ken, adv. in the manner of pressing against.

i'-ya-pa-wo-haŋ-pi, n. a certain sacred dance and feast.

i-ya'-pa-ya, v. a. to injure or hurt one's feelings by what one says,-iyapawaya. i-ya'-pe, v. a. of ape; to wait for; to lie in wait for, lie in ambush,-iyawape, iyaunpepi, iyamape. i-ya'-pe-han, v. a. of pehan; to fold up with; to wind on, as thread on a spool: hahonta iyapehanpi, spool-thread,―iyawapehan, iyaunpehanpi. i-ya'-pe-han-yan, adv. folding up. i-ya'-pe-mni, v. a. to wrap around, wind up in, -iyawapemni, iyaunpemnipi; wrapped up in, as, woahtani iyapemni unyakonpi, we are enveloped

in sin.

i-ya'-pe-mni-yan, adv. wrapped up in. i-ya'-pe-ya, v. a. to cause to lie in wait for,iyapewaya. i-ya'-pe-ya, adv. lying in wait for. i-ya'-pu-spa, v. a. to glue, stick on with glue or paste,-iyawapuspa, iyaun puspapi.

i-ya'-pu-spa, v. n. to stick to, as wet clothes; to be glued up, as sore eyes,-iyamapuspa. i-ya'-pu-spe-ya, v. a. to cause to glue on,-iya


i-ya'-pu-spe-ya, adv. in a glued or sticking


i-ya'-sag, cont. of iyasaka.

i-ya'-sa-ka, v. n. to be dried hard on, as skin

garments on one,-iyamasaka, iyaunsakapi. i'-ya-se, n. of iya; a glutton.

i-ya'-skam, cont. of iyaskapa; iyaskam wanka, it lies sticking on.

i-ya'-skam-ya, adv. sticking to.

i-ya'-ska-pa, v. n. to stick to, stick on, adhere to, -iyamaskapa.

i-ya'-ski-ća, v. a. to press or suck one thing on another, as corn on the cob,-imdaskića. i-ya'-skin, cont. of iyaskića.

i-ya'-skin-ya, adv.

i-ya'-ski-ska, v. n.

pressing or sucking on.

to be smoothed down, as the

hair of an animal by swimming in water,―iyamaskiska.

i'-ya-sna-na, adv. gently.

i'-ya-sna-sna-na, adv. carefully, gently.

i-ya'-sni, v. n. of asni; to become still, as a noise

ceasing ećen iyasni, so it became still. i-ya'-sni-ya, v. a. to give to one unexpectedly; to make quiet,-iyasniwaya.

i'-ya-s'a, v. of aś'a; to shout at, shout against, -iyawaś'a, iyaunś'api.

i-ya'-ta, v. n. to promise to give, betroth to one, as a girl to a man,-imdata, idata. i-ya'-ta-hde, v. n. to go beyond, surpass; to go beyond ordinary bounds, be excessive. i-ya'-ta-hde, adv. full, running over. i-ya'-ta-hde-ya, v. a. to go beyond, surpass; to do more than is right, exact too much; to cause to go beyond; to be intemperate,-iyatahdewaya, iyatahdeunyaŋpi; iyatahdeiçiya, he is intempe


i-ya'-ta-hde-ya, adv. too much. i-ya'-ta-ku-ni-śni, v. n. to come to nothing, come to naught.

i'-ya-tam, adv. soon, soon again. See itam. i-ya'-tan, v. n. to touch with the mouth; to light, as a pipe, which is done by drawing a few times when put to the fire,-imdataŋ, idataŋ; ikićiyatan, to light a pipe for one. i-ya'-ta-sag, cont. of iyatasaka. i-ya'-ta-sag-ya, adv. stiffly.

i-ya'-ta-sa-ka, v. n. of tasaka; to become hard or stiff on one, as skin that has been wet and dried; stiff or frozen on,--iyamatasaka, iyauŋtasakapi. i-ya'-wa, v. a. to count by or according to, count together,-imdawa, idawa.

i-ya'-ya, v. n. to have gone,-imdamde, idade, unkiyayapi to have gone down, as, wi iyaya, the sun has gone down; to be more than, go over; to be more than enough, be a surplus, as, onge iyaya, there is some over; ikićiyaya, to remain for or stand to one's credit.

i-ya'-ye-ya, v. a. to cause to go or have gone, to send,-iyayewaya.

i-ya'-yu-pta, v. n. to pass by without stopping, -iyamdupta, iyadupta, iyaunyuptapi. i-ya'-yu-pte-ya, adv. passing by.

i-ya'-yus, cont. of iyayuza; iyayus yuza, to hold any thing close to another. i-ya'-yu-sta-ka, v. iyayustag heyun, to tie up one thing on another,-iyayustag hemuŋ. i-ya'-yu-za, v. a. to hold to or at,-iyamduza. i-ya'-yu-za, n. a holder, as a cloth to hold a hot

iron with.

i-ya'-za, adv. one after another: iyaza kața, to kill one after another; ti iyaza waun, I go from

house to house.

i-ya'-zaŋ, v. n. to be sick on account of or by

means of; to be affected by sympathy with,— imayazan, iniyazaŋ.

i-ya'-zin, cont. of iyazita.

i-ya'-zin-ya, v. a. to burn, as sweet leaves, to burn incense,―iyazinwaya.

i-ya'-zi-ta, v. n. to burn, as cedar leaves, to smoke and make a pleasant smell.

i-ya'-żu, n. of aźu; something used to spread out and dry on: ćaŋśaśa iyażu, a stick split partly, with others woven across, on which smoking-bark is placed to dry.

i'-ye, pers. pron. he, she, it. Pl., iyepi, they. i-ye'-će-ća, adv. like, like as, like to, such as, the

same as.

i-ye'-će-ća, v. n. to be like to,-iyemaćeća, iyenićeća, ¡yeunćećapi; it is fitting, proper: hećamoŋ kta iyećeća, it is proper that I should do that.

i-ye'-će-će-hin, adv. just like.

i-ye'-će-kće-ća, adv. red. of iyećeća. i-ye'-će-kćen-ya, adv. red. of iyećenya. i-ye'-ćen, adv. like, in like manner. i-ye'-ćen-ya, adv. like; a little less, not much: iyećenya se maku, he gave me about so much. i-ye'-će-tu, v. n. to be so, become so, to be as was expected; to come to pass, take place. i-ye'-će-tu, adv. so, thus, right. i-ye'-će-tu-ya, v. a. to make so, fulfil, accomplish,-iyećetuwaya.

i-ye'-će-tu-ya, adv. so.

i-ye'-će-tu-ya-ken, adv. in this manner. i'-ye-ćin, adv. voluntarily, of one's own accord, of oneself.

i'-ye-ćin-ka, adv. of oneself, of one's own accord, without advice: miyećiŋka ećamon, I did it of myself.

i'-ye-ćin-ka-han, adv. voluntarily. i'-ye-es, pron. he, she, it.

i-ye'-ġa, v. n. to shine, sparkle, twinkle, as the


i-ye'-han, adv. at or to the place; at the time appointed.

i-ye'-han-han-tu, adv. red. of iyehantu; at the times or places referred to.

i-ye'-han-tu, adv. at the time, now, at the same time; it is now the time; there, thus far, so far. i-ye'-han-tu-dan, adv. just at the time. i-ye'-han-tu-dan-hin, adv. exactly at the time. i-ye'-han-tu-śni, adv. not time yet. i-ye'-han-tu-ya, adv. at the time. i-ye'-han-wa-pa, adv. towards the time. i-ye'-han-han-ke-ća, adv. red. of iyehaŋkeća. i-ye'-han-han-yan, adv. red. of iyehanyan. i-ye'-han-ke-ća, adv. so long, of the same length. i-ye'-han-yan, adv. so far; at the proper time. i-yeh', cont. of iyeġa.

i-yeh'-ya, v. a. to cause to shine,—iyeliwaya. i-yeh'-ye-ġa, v. red. of iyeġa; to twinkle. i-yeh'-yeĥ-ya, v. a. to cause to twinkle. i-ye'-i-ḍi-ya, v. reflex. of iyeya; to find oneself; to put or thrust oneself: ohna iyeidiya, to push or crowd oneself in.

i'-ye-i-tkom, adv. See iyeitkopataŋhan. i'-ye-i-tko-pa-tan-han, adv. returning the compliment; as when one says to another what was fit should be said to himself.

i'-ye-ka-eś, pron. even he.

i-ye'-ki-ći-han-tu, v. n. to be suitable for one, be befitting or belong to one; to be the time or opportunity for one,-iyemićihantu, iyeuŋkićihantupi. i-ye'-ki-ya, v. a. pos. of iyeya; to find one's own; to recognise any person or thing; to experience, as, iyotanhan iyekiya, to find it hard, have difficulty; to put or push one's own in, as, ohna iyekiya,―iyewakiya, iyeuŋkiyapi, iyemakiya. i'-ye-ķe, pron. he himself, even he, she herself,


i'-ye-ķeś, pron. Same as íyeke. i-ye'-na, adv. so many, as many as. i-ye'-na-ka, adv. as many as. i-ye'-na-ke-ća, adv. so many, as many as, as

much as,―iyemanakeća, iyeuŋnakećapi. i-ye'-nang-na-ke-ća, adv. red. of iyenakeća. i-ye'-pe, v. n. to lodge on, as one tree on another in falling.

i-ye'-pe-pe-ya, adv. unsettled, without an abiding place, going from house to house: iyepepeya waun, I am unsettled.

i-ye'-pe-ya, v. a. to make one tree lodge on another,―iyepewaya, iyepeunyanpi. i-ye'-pe-ya, adv. lodging on. i'-yes, pron. See iyees.

i-ye'-śni, intj. you don't say so! it cannot be !iyepiśni.

i-ye'-śni-ća, intj. Same as iyeśni.

i-ye'-ya, v. a. to find any thing; to put, place, or thrust into: ohna iyeya, to thrust into,— iyewaya, iyeunyanpi.

i-ye'-ya, v. aux. It is appended to verbs commencing with ba, bo, ka, pa, ya, etc., and also to some adverbs; and generally gives emphasis, and expresses quickness or suddenness of action,-iyewaya, iyeyaya, iyeuŋyaŋpi. i-ye'-ya, or iyeye, v. n.

to be, exist: wićaśta iyeye ćin, all men. See also hiyeye. i-ye'-za-ka, adv. See iyeżakaken. i-ye'-za-ka-ken, adv. unable, failing by a little; said when one fails of doing what he has been accustomed to do: iyeżakaken temye śni, he was unable to eat it up.

i-yo', prep. in comp. compounded of i and o, with y introduced for euphony; to, in, into. i-yo'-ća-hda, adv. rattling; said of a noise made in the mouth iyoćahda se iyaya, to go down rattling, as a bullet when put into a gun. i-yo'-co-ka-ya, adv. in the midst of; all put into the mouth; all swallowed up in; wićonte kin he woohiye kin e oćowasin iyoćokaya, death is swallowed up in victory.

i-yo'-co-tka, n. the two large lobes of the stomach.

i-yog', cont. of iyoka; iyog iyeya, to put on one side, to drive out,-iyog iyewaya, iyog iyeunyanpi. i-yog'-ya, adv. aside, away. i-yo'-ha-kam, adv. after in time, subsequent to. i-yo'-ha-kam-tu, adv. afterwards. i-yo'-ha-kam-tu-ya, adv. afterwards. i-yo'-ha-kam-tu-ya-ken, adv.

a little after.

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iyaya, to make a noise, as a bullet put into a gun, to go down with a rattling noise. i-yo'-hda-mna, adv. circuitously, round all the crooks and turns.

i-yo'-hda-mna-yan, adv. circuitously, particularly: iyohdamnayan wohdaka, to relate particularly.

i-yo'-hda-mni-yan, adv. round about, circuitously.

i-yo'-hdi, n. a razor-strop; a hone, whet-stone.

i-yo'-hdi-ya, v. a. to rub back and forth, as in whetting or stropping a razor,-iyohdiwaya. i'-yo-he, n. something wrapped around the feet, socks, stockings.

i-yo'-hi, adj. each, every one; i. q. otoiyohi. i-yo'-hi, v. a. to reach, get to, arrive at, a place, -iyowahi to be sufficient for, reach to one, as in a division of articles; to be large enough for, as a garment,-iyomahi, iyounhipi, iyowićahi. i-yo'-hi-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to reach or arrive at; to give to each one, make go round, as in dividing articles; to pay one's debts entirely up, -iyohiwakiya, iyohiunkiyapi.

i-yo'-hi-śni, v. not to reach to. See iyohi. i-yo'-hi-śni-yaŋ, v. a. to cause not to reach to. See iyohiya.

i-yo'-hi-ya, v. a. to cause to reach a place; to extend the hand to; to make reach to all; to pay up one's debts,―iyohiwaya, iyohiunyanpi. i'-yo-hmus, cont. of iyohmuza; íyohmus yanka. i'-yo-hmus-ya, v. a. to cause to shut the mouth. i'-yo-hmu-za, v. n. to have the mouth shut, lay

the hand on the mouth,-iyowahmuza. i-yo'-hnag, cont. of iyohnaka; iyohnag iyeya. i-yo'-hnag-ki-ya, v. a. to put into the mouth of another; to give to eat, cause to eat,-iyohnagwakiya.

i-yo'-hnag-ya, v. a. to cause to put into the mouth, give food to,-iyohnagwaya. i-yo'-hna-ka, v. a. to put into the mouth, as food,-iyowahnaka, iyouŋhnakapi. i-yo'-hna-ka, n. a mouthful.

i-yo'-ha, n. the lower part of the face, the side of the face; the jowl, lower jaw of animals. i-yo'-ha-can-du-hu-pa, n. the common shortstemmed pipe.

i-yo'-ha-hiŋ, n.

whiskers: iyohahinśma and iyohinśma, heavy whiskers. i-yo'-hda-te-ya, adv. of oldateya; underneath. i-yo'-hpa. See iyulpa.

i-yo'-hpa-ya, v. a. to go in, fall into, alight in, as ducks in a pond; to join, become partakers of, as in joining a church or society,-iyowahpamda. i-yo'-hpe-ki-ya, v. a. Same as iyolipeya. i-yo'-hpe-ya, v. a. to throw or cast into; to cause to fall into, to plant, as corn or other grain, -iyopewaya: iyohpeigiya, to cast oneself into, -iyohpemiçiya.

i-yo'-ka, adj. another, as, wićasta iyoka, another man; in another place, elsewhere.

i-yo'-ka-da, v. a. of okada; to empty or pour into, as grain,-iyowakada.

i-yo'-ka-da, n. something into which any thing is poured to measure withal: mazakan iyokada, a gun-charger.

i-yo'-ka-du-za, n. air in motion, a breeze. i-yo'-ka-du-za, adj. airy, cool. i'-yo-ka-ġa, adv. down stream, south of, below. i'-yo-ka-ġa-tan-haŋ, adv. from down stream, south of.

i'-yo-kah, cont. of iyokaġa.

i'-yo-kah-ki-ya, adv. down stream, south of. i'-yo-kah-wa-pa, adj. down stream, in a southerly direction.

i-yo'-kan, cont. of iyokata. i-yo'-kan-ya, v. a.

to warm, make hot in,-iyo

kanwaya, iyokanmayan; to heat with, as a room by means of a stove.

i-yo'-ka-pa, v. to surpass,-iyowakapa.

much used.


i-yo'-ka-pas, cont. of ivokapaza. i-yo'-ka-pas-ya, v. a. to exert an evil influence

upon, as on a sick person by one's presence, to make worse,-iyokapaswaya, iyokapasmayan. i-yo'-ka-pas-ye-ća, v. a. Same as iyokapasya. i-yo'-ka-pa-tan-han, adv. behind, after; younger than,-miyokapatanhan. Same as iyohakapa


i-yo'-ka-pa-za, v. n. to be pungent, make smart, as pepper or mustard-seed in the mouth,-iyomakapaza.

i-yo'-ka-pte, n. of kapte; something to dip with, a dipper, ladle.

i-yo'-ka-śke, n. of kaśka; something that connects, something to bind with.

i-yo'-ka-ta, v. n. of okata; to be warm in, warm by reason of.

i-yo'-ka-tan, v. a. of okataŋ; to drive in, as a nail, on something,—iyowakatan, iyounkatanpi. i-yo'-ka-tku-ġe, n. a nail, screw: tiyopa iyokatkuġe, nails; maza iyokatkuġe, nails. i-yo'-ka-zi-ća-hde, adv. stretching up, on tip-toe : iyokazićahde wanyaka, to see by stretching up. i-yo'-ki, v. a. to permit, encourage. Not used except with 'śni,' or in a negative form. See iyokiśni and iyokika.

i-yo'-ki-ća-sde-ća, v. a. of kasdeća; to split in two in the middle,-iyokiwakasdeća. i-yo'-ki-ća-śka, v. a. of kaśka; to tie together, as two strings,-iyokiwakaśka. i-yo'-ki-ća-ske-ya, adv. tied together, connected or following each other, as the seasons, without any intervening time. i-yo'-ki-ća-śpa, v. a. of kaspa; to divide in the middle,―iyokiwakaśpa.

i'-yo-ki-he, v. n. to be next to, be second,-iyo


i'-yo-ki-he, adj. second, next to.

i-yo'-ki-he, n. a joint: hu iyokihe, the leg-joint. See ókihe.

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