Imágenes de páginas

ka-ba'-za, v. a. to throw up, as cattle do earth: maka kabaza, to paw up dust. ka-ba'-ża, v. a. to work at a difficult thing, keep

at work at a thing though hardly able to do so,— wakabaża, uŋkabaźapi.

ka-bu', v. a. to beat, as on a drum; to knock, as on a door,-wakabu, unkabupi.

ka-bu'-bu, v. red. of kabu; to beat or knock often,-wakabubu.

ka-bu'-bu-ya, adv. red. of kabuya; knocking. ka-bu'-ya, adv. striking, knocking: kabuya waun, I keep knocking.

ka-ća', a negative suffix; not; as, wastekaća, it is not good.

ka-ća', v. a. of kata; to warm, heat. See kanya, which seems to be the preferable form. ka-ća'-es, intj. of doubt; is it possible! ka-ćan', v. a. to shake, clean by shaking or blowing, as the Dakotas do ćanśaśa,-wakaćan. ka-ćan'-ćan, v. a. red. of kaćan and also of ćanćan; to make tremble or shake,—wakaćanćan. ka-ćan'-ćan-yan, adv. shaking. ka-ćan'-can-ye-daŋ, adv.

with cold.

shaking, shivering

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ka-ćen', adv. tuwe kaćen, any one, no matter who; tokiya kaćen, no matter where; about that, somewhere near that, as, opawinge kaćen, about one hundred.

ka-ćen'-ya, adv. about, nearly.

ka-će'-ya, v. a. to make cry by striking,

wakaćeya, unkaćeyapi, makaćeya. ka-ći'-ka-dan, v. a. to make small by chopping off-wakaćikadaŋ.

ka-ći'-ka-ye-daŋ, v. a. to make small by strik

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ka-da', v. a. to spill, scatter, to pour or throw out; to throw broadcast, to sow, as grain; not applied to liquids, wakada, yakada, unkadapi kada iyeya, and kada ehpeya, he goes on scattering. ka-da'-da, v. red. of kada; to spill, scatter; to

sow, throw broadcast, as grain,-wakadada: kadada ehpeya, and kadada iyeya, he scatters along. ka-dem'-de-pa, v. red. of kadepa; to notch by cutting, wakademdepa.

ka-de'-pa, v. a. to cut a notch in,—wakadepa. See kademdepa.

ka-do', n. the diamond in cards. It is the French word, carreau.

ka-dom', cont. of kadopa; kadom iyaya, to mire. ka-dom'-dom, red. of kadom; miring, wading, as a horse in mud: kadomdom iyaya, he goes on wading.

ka-dom'-do-pa, v. red. of kadopa.

ka-dom'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to mire,―kadomwakiya.

ka-dom'-ya, v. a.


ka-dom'-ya, adv. ka-do'-pa, v. n. kadopa.

to cause to mire,-kadom


to mire, stick in the mud,-wa

ka-du', v. a. to blow or brush away a little with the hand,-wakadu.

ka-du'-dan-ka, v. of kadu; to blow a little; also said of a child who walks with difficulty, and puffs and blows as he goes along,-wakadudanka.

ka-du'-ġa, v. a.

to fan, winnow, clean by winnowing, wakaduga, unkadugapi. ka-duh', cont. of kaduga; kaduh iyeya. ka-duh'-ki-ya, v. n. to cause to winnow,―kaduliwakiya.

ka-duh'-ya, v. a. to cause to fan or winnow,— kaduhwaya.

ha-duh'-ya, adv. winnowing.

ka-dus', cont. of kaduza.

ka-dus'-ya, v. a. to cause to flow,kaduswaya. ka-dus'-ya, adv. flowing, swiftly: kadusya wanka, it is flowing on.

ka-du'-za, v. n. to flow, run, as water; to run

swiftly. Hence, minićaduza, swift-running water. ka'-e, pron. that is he: tuwe kae, that one, any


ka-e'-će-tu, v. a. to make right or accomplish by

striking, wakaećetu.

ka-e'-eś, pron. that one, even such. ka'-eś, pron. that one kaeś nakun ope kta, even he will go along.

ka'-ġa, v. a. to make, form; to cause to be, be the cause or author of; to execute,-wakaga, yakaġa, unkagapi, makaga, nićaġa, ćićaġa.

ka-gam', cont. of kaġapa; kaġam iyeya, to make spread out or open by cutting. ka-gam'-ya, adv. gaping open, as a wound. ka-ġan'-ġa-ta, adv. red. of kaġata.

ka-ġan', v. n. to open, make an opening in; to come through, as the wind through one's clothes; kagan hiyumayan, it blows through my clothes. ka-ġan'-ġan-yan, adv. red. of kaġanyan. ka-gan'-yan, adv. open, spread out. ka-ġa'-pa, v. a. to cut, spread open by cutting; to spread open-wakaġapa, unkaġapapi. ka-ġa'-ta, adv. spread out, as the hands or fingers.

Same as kaga.

ka-gat'-ki-ya, adv. spread out, stretched out, as the hand or arm. ka'-ge, v. a. ka-ġe', v. a. to skim off, as grease from a pot,— wakage, unkaġepi. ka-ġe'-ġe, v. a. to sew; to sew or mend together, as an old kettle,—wakaġeġe, unkaġeġepi. ka-ġi', v. to stop one's progress, to be in one's way,

as a river; not to be able to proceed,-wakagi, unkaġipi, makaġi, nićagi. See ićagi. ka-ġi'-śni, adv. without obstruction: kagiśni iyaya, to pass on without obstruction. ka-ġi'-ya, v. a. to hinder, obstruct, make go slow, -kaġiwaya, kaġiunyaŋpi, kaġimayaŋ. ka-ġi'-ya, adv. hindering: kagiya wauŋ. ka-go', v. a. to mark, to make marks, cuts, or gashes in one's flesh, as in mourning; to draw a line,— wakago. See also ićago.

ka-ġo'-pa, v. a. to strike one asleep, to wake partly up and make snore,-wakagopa. See ġopa. ka-gug', cont. of kaguka; kagug iyeya. ka-ġug'-ya, adv. kagugya hnaka, to lay up to dry.

ka-ġu'-ka, v. a. to lengthen a little by striking;
to sprain, strain, as a tendon,-wakaguka.
ka-ha', v. kaha iyeya, and kaha ehpeya, to put
out of the way, shove aside; to blow down, drive
along, as the wind does; to turn up, as the brim
of one's hat.

ka-han', adv. to this, at this, thus far.
ka-han'-han, adv. red. of kahan.
ka-han'-tu, adv. to that, so far, so long.
ka-han'-tu-ke, adv. this once, now then.
ka-han'-tu-ya, adv. so far.

ka-han'-han-ke-ća, adv. red. of kahankeća.
ka-han'-han-yaŋ, adv. red. of kahanyaŋ.
ka-han'-ke-ća, adv. so long.
ka-han'-na, adv. only so far, so long.
ka-han'-yan, adv. thus far.
ka-han'-yan-ka, adv. some distance off, as in

counting relationship. See akahanyaŋka. ka-ha'-ya, v. a. to push down; to push or turn up.

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ka-hda', v. n. to stretch out at full length, uncoil, as a snake: kahda wanke, he lies uncoiled. ka-hda', adv. by the side of, near to: wakpa kahda, by the river.

ka-hda'-ya, adv. by the side of. ka-hde'-ġa, v. a. to mark across, make in stripes or figures, make rough,-wakahdeġa. ka-hde'-hde-ga, v. red. of kahdega;

stripes across by cutting.

to make

ka-hde'-hde-za, v. red. of kahdeza. ka-hde’-za, v. a. to mark across or around by cutting, make in stripes or figures,-wakahdeza. ka-hdi', v. a. of ahdi; to bring home to one,

wakahdi, unkahdipi, makahdi. ka-hdog', cont. of kahdoka; kahdog iyeya. ka-hdo'-ka, v. a. to dislocate, put out of joint by

striking, wakahdoka.

ka-hi', v. a. of ahi; to bring to one, to have brought to one,―wakahi, uŋkahipi, makahi, nićahi, ćićahi.

ka-hi', v. a. to stir; to rummage,-wakahi. ka-hin', cont. of kahinta; kahin iyeya, and kahin elipeya, to brush or sweep off.

ka-hin'-ta, v. a. to sweep or brush up, as a floor, -wakahinta, unkahintapi: to drive or sweep off, as the wind does dust.

ka-hin'-to-kam, adv. forward, in advance, as of a travelling party: kahintokam hdi, to come home before the rest; kahiŋtokam mani, to walk in advance; kahintokam ya, to go before, prepare or break the way.

ka-hin'-to-ka-pa, n. one who walks before. See kahintokam.

ka-hmi'-hma, v. a. to roll along, make roll by striking,-wakahmihma.

ka-hmi'-yan-yan, v. a. to make round by striking, as a ball,-wakahmiyanyan.

ka-hna', v. a. to shake off, as fruit from a tree, by striking, wakahna, unkahnapi.

ka-hna'-yan, v. a. of hnayan; to miss in attempting to strike,-wakahnayan.

ka-ho'-ho, v. a. to strike and knock loose, as a tooth, or a stick set in the ground,—wakahoho. ka-ho'-ho-daŋ, v. Same as kahoho. ka-ho'-mni, v. a. to turn round, as a wheel, by striking; to spin, as a top,-wakahomni, uŋkahomnipi: to turn, as water or wind does a mill-wheel.

ka-ho'-ton, v. a. to make bawl out by striking,wakahoton.

ka-hu'-hus, cont. of kahuhuza; kahuhus iyeya.

ka-hu'-hus-ya, adv. shaking; kahuhusya han, it stands shaking. ka-hu'-hu-za, v. a. to shake, as a tree or house, by striking, wakahuhuza, unkahuhuzapi to shake, as the wind does trees, etc.

ka-hu'-kun, adv. down: kahukun iyeya, to put down by striking.

ka-hu'-kun-wa-pa, adv. down a little. ka-hu'-te, v. a. to wear to a stump by striking, as an axe,--wakahute, unkahutepi. ka-hu'-te-daŋ, v. Same as kahute. worn to a stump.

ka-hu'-te-dan, part. ka-hu'-to-śka, v. a. to make large at one end, as

a hutinaćute,-wakahutośka.

kah, cont. of kaga; kah aya, to continue making.

ka-ha', v. a. to curl, to knot; to make rough or notch by striking,-wakaha. ka-ha', n. a curl, a knot.

ka-hag', cont. prob. of kahaka, which is not now used kahagpićaśni, untamable, ungovernable, as a wild horse.

ka-ha'-ha, v. n. red. of kaha; to curl up, as flame; to sparkle or send up sparks. ka-h'a'-kpa, v. a.• to notch, make a hollow place by cutting with an axe,-wakah’akpa. ka-ham', cont. of kahapa; kaham aya, to drive along, as cattle or horses.

ka-ham'-ha-pa, v. red. of kahapa; to beat against and make a rustling noise, as the wind blowing against grass.

ka-han'-hi-ya, adv. a little slower, slowly. ka-ha'-pa, v. a. to drive along; to whip, drive by whipping,-wakahapa, unkalapapi. ka-h'a'-tpa, v. Same as kah'akpa.

ka-hba', v. a. (ka and liba) to make sleepy by shaking,-wakahiba.

ka-hbog', cont. of kalboka; kalibog iyaya, it has drifted off.

ka-hbog'-ya, v. a. to cause to drift; to wave, as a flag,-kahbogwaya. ka-hbog'-ya, adv. drifting, waving. ka-hbo-hbo-ka, v. red. of kahboka. ka-hbo'-ka, v. n. to drift along, as wood on water, to be driven along by the current; to wave in folds, as a flag.

ka-hbo'-ka, n. a drift, a float. ka'-héi, v. a. to gap, break a gap in, as in the edge of an axe,—wakahći, yakahći, unkahćipi. ka-héi'-hći, v. red. of kahći; to break out gaps from the edge of an axe,—wakalćihći. ka-héi'-ya, v. a. to cause one to break a gap in an axe,-kalićiwaya.

ka-hda', v. a. to rattle or make sound by striking-wakahda, unkahdapi.

ka-hda'-ġan, v. n. to lengthen out, become long, extend: kahdağan yeya, to give away what has been given one.

ka-hdah', cont. of kahdagan; kahidah aya, it lengthens out.

ka-hda'-hda, v. red. of kahda; to rattle,-wakahdahida.

ka-hda'-hda-gan, v. red. of kalidagan. ka-hda'-hdah, cont. of kaldaldagan. ha-hda'-hdah-ya, adv. lengthening out: kahdahdahya aya, to become long or lengthen out, as the days. ka-hda'-ta, v. a. to dig under, undermine, make large at the bottom, as a corn-hole; to get one's fish-hook fast on any thing,-wakahdata. ka-hda'-ya, v. a. to cause one to ring or rattle, -kaldawaya.

ka-hda'-ya, v. n. to fall off, as a sticking plaster; to come off, as paint or plaster, in scales, to scale off. ka-hde'-ća, v. a. to split open; to break in, as the skull, to fracture; to tear by smiting,-wakahdeća, unkahdećapi.

ka-hde'-hde-ća, v. red. of kahdeća; to break in, as the skull, to fracture,-wakahdeldeća. ka-hden', cont. of kahdeća; kahden iyeya. ka-hden'-ya, v. a. to cause to fracture,--kalden


ka-hdi', v. n. to mire, stick in the mud,-waka


ka-hdi'-ħdi, v. red. of kahdi.

ka-hdi'-ya, v. a. to cause to mire,-kahdiwaya. ka-hdog', cont. of kahdoka; kahdog iyeya, to

knock a hole in, to shoot a hole in. ka-hdog'-ya, v. a. to cause to make a hole in,— kahdogwaya.

ka-hdo'-hdo-ka, v. red. of kahdoka. ka-hdo'-ka, v. a. to cut or break a hole in any

thing, with an axe, club, etc., or by striking; to break open; to make a mortice, cut a hole with a chisel; to dress an animal by cutting the flesh from the bones. Hence, takahdoka, the flesh of a deer without the bones.

ka-hem', cont. of kahepa; kahem ehpeya, to empty by lading out, used only of liquids. ka-he'-pa, v. a. to bail out, throw out, as water until it is all gone,—wakahepa. ka-he'-ya-ta, adv. back, on one side: kaheyata iyeya, to shove or throw back or to one side. ka-hi'-ća, v. a. to wake up by striking,-wakahića.

kah-in', adv. of kahita; bent forward, stooping down; kahin inaźin, to stoop down, dodge, to stand bent forward, as a hunter does when approaching his game,-kahin inaważin.

kah-i'-ta, adv. kahita se mani, to walk with the

head down.

kah-i'-te-ća, adv. not well made, unfinished; i. q. kahiteśni.

kah-i'-te-śni, adv. not well taku kaġapi śoka śića ećonpi kiŋ he kaliteśni, what is made clumsily and badly is called kahiteśni. kah-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to make,-kahwakiya. ka-hmin', n. an inside corner; a bend in a river,

a bay; a point of land, etc.

ka-hmuŋ', v. a. to make buzz, to whirl and cause to make a noise,-wakahmun. ka-hmun'-hmuŋ, v. red. of kaħmuŋ. ka-hmuŋ'-hmun-yan, adv. buzzing. ka-hmun'-yan, adv. whirring, buzzing. kah-ni'-ġa, v. a. to choose, make choice of, select, elect; to appoint,-wakahiniga, yakaliniga, unkahnigapi, ćićahniga, makahniga.

kah-nih', cont. of kahniga; kahnih iću, to take one's choice.

kah-nih'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to choose,-kahnihwakiya.

kah-nih'-ni-ġa, v. red. of kahniga. kah-nih'-nih, cont. of kalnihniga.

kah-nih'-ya, adv. choosing.

ka-hon', cont. of kahota; kahon aya, to make rough marks; to make prints, as in walking on burnt prairie.

kah-o'-ya, v. n. to sail, glide in the air, as a


kah-o'-ya, adv. gliding: kahoya iyeya, to throw, toss, fling.

ka-hpa', v. a. to cover (see akalipa); to throw or knock down any thing hanging up; to strike, take down, as a tent,—wakahpa, uŋkahpapi; wihdahpa.

ka-hpa'-hpa, v. red. of kalipa; to strike and make pieces fly off, as from wood or ice; to make chips,-wakahpahpa.

ka-hpe'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to knock down,— kalipewakiya.

ka-hpu', v. a. to knock off, as something sticking; to knock down, as swallows' nests; to scale off,—wakahpu, unkaħpupi. ka-hpu'-ħpu, v. red. of kahpu.

ka-hpu'-ya, adv. scaling off, falling off. ka-hta'-ka, v. See ićataka.

ka-ħtan', v. n. to soak up; to soak in, as grease in wood; to spread, as disease in the body,-makahtan kahtan iyaya, it has penetrated. ka-htan'-ka, v. to be attached to, have an affection for, as one animal has for another. ka-htan'-yan, v. a. to cause to spread, as grease. ka-hta'-ta, v. to enfeeble, make unwell by striking,-wakaħtata; to be enfeebled,—makahtata.

ka-htu'-te-śni, adv. not well made, i. q. kahiteśni.

ka-hu', v. a. to peel, as bark; to peel off, take off the rind from any hard substance,-wakahu. ka-hu'-ġa, v. a. to break up or break in, as the skull, by striking; to stave or knock in, as a barrel head,-wakahuga: pa makahuġa, he has broken in my skull.

ka-huh', cont. of kahuga; kahuh iyeya. ka-huh'-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to break or knock in,-kahuhwakiya.

ka-hu-hu, v. red. of kahu; to make rough by breaking the bark or skin in many places,—wakahuhu.

ka-hu'-hu ġa, v. red. of kahuga.

ka-huh'-ya, adv. breaking or staving in. kah-ya', n. of kaga; make, kind, sort. kah-ya', adv. made like, like: wakiyedan kahya, in the form of a dove.

ka-i', v. a. to take to one,-wakai, uŋkaipi, makai,

ćićai. ka-i'-de, v.

to make blaze, as the wind does fire. ka-i'-ġe-zu-ya, adv. crowding in.

ka-i'-pa-tku-ġa, v. a. to strike into a line. ka-i'-pa-tkuh-ya, adv. in a line fronting : kaipatkuhya aya, they go into a line. ka-i'-sta-mi-ni-o-ġe-i-ye-ya, v. to bring tears into one's eyes, as the wind does,-kaistaminioġe iyemayan.

ka-i'-sto-mi-ni-iś-i-ye-ya, v. to bring tears into one's eyes, as the wind does,-kaistominiiś iyemayan.

ka-i'-śu-ta, v. kaisuta hinhda, to stumble, make a miss step,-kaiśuta mahiŋhda. ka-i'-su-ta-ta, v. kaiśutata iyaya, to slip, miss step, stumble,-kaiśutata imdamda. ka-i'-tan-wan-kan-hde, adv. up hill, ascend

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kaitan wankanhdeya waŋka, it lies in an ascending manner.

ka-i'-te-kpas, cont. of kaitekpaza; kaitekpas iyeya.

ka-i'-te-kpa-za, v. a. to bring darkness over for a little while by smiting, to stun by striking,wakaitekpaza.

ka-i'-tem, adv. diagonally, not straight. ka-i'-tem-ya, adv. crosswise, slanting, diagonally: kaitemya kaksa, to cut diagonally. ka-i'-te-pa, v. a. to cut diagonally,—wakaitepa. ka-i'-tko-kim, adv. with the face towards one, meeting.

ka-i'-tko-kim-ya, adv. facing one. ka-i'-tko-ki-pa-tan-han, adv. opposite to, fronting one

ka-i'-tkom, adv. back again: kaiktom hdilpaya, to fall back again, rebound. ka-i'-tkom-ya, adv. opposite but a little to one side, not looking quite straight at one: wi kaitkomya yanka, the middle of the forenoon. ka-i'-yog, cont. of kaiyoka; kaiyog iyeya, to put out of the way, shove to one side. ka-i'-yog-ya, adv. out at one side. ka-i'-yo-ka, adv. See kaiyog.

ka-i'-yo-tan, adv. immoderately: kaiyotan yeya, to make one do more by forbidding,-kaiyotan yewaya.

ka-i'-yo-tang, cont. of kaiyotanka; kaiyotang hdihpaya, to fall down in attempting to be seated.

ka-i'-yo-tan-ka, v. kaiyotaŋka hdilpaya, to fall down when being seated.

ka-i'-yo-was, cont. of kaiyowaza; kaiyowas iyeya, to cause an echo by striking. ka-i'-yo-wa-za, v. a. to make an echo by striking, make resound,-wakaiyowaza, uŋkaiyowazapi.

ka-ka', pron. and adv. that, there. ka'-ka, adj. stiff, rattling, as a stiff hide when beaten; sounding dull, as a bell sometimes does. ka-kag', cont. of kakaka; kakag hinhda, to sound, rattle, like an old kettle when shaken with stones in it.

ka-kag'-ya, adv. rattling, as an old kettle when shaken.

ka-kag'-ya-ken, adv. rattling.

ka-ka'-ka, v. a. to make a dull noise by beating an old kettle or a stiff hide,-wakakaka. ka-kan', v. a. to hew, as a log, to adze; to knock off, as fruit,-wakakaŋ, uŋkakaŋpi. See kahna and kasna.

ka-kan'-pi-dan, n. species of choke-cherry. ka-ka'-tin, v. a. to straighten out by striking,wakakatin.

ka-ka'-wa, v. a. to make open by striking,wakakawa.

ka-kća', v. a. to comb, as hair, to disentangle,— wakakća, yakakća, uŋkakćapi.

ka'-ke-ća, adv. in this manner, thus, so: kakeća epće śni, I did not think it was so. ka'-ke-ća, adj. stif, making a noise when felt or handled, as parchment.

ka'-ken, adv. so, thus: kaken ećoŋ wo, do it in this manner.

ka'-ken-ya, adv. thus, so.

ka-kes'-ton, v. a. to make barbed, as an arrow,— kakeswaton.

ka-kes', adv. unma tukte kakeś, whatever one, no matter which; toketu kakeś, at random. ka'-ke-tu, adv. in this way, so, thus.

ka'-ke-tu-ya, adv. so, thus.

ka-ki', v. a. of aki; to have taken home to one, —wakaki, uŋkakipi.

ka'-ki, adv. there, yonder. ka-ki’-ki-ta, v. a.

to make tough by pounding,wakakikita. See kikita.

ka-kin', cont. of kakinća and kakinta; kakin iyeya, to scrape off.

ka-kin'-ća, v. a.

to scrape, as hair from a hog or scales from a fish,-wakakinća, yakakinća, unkakin éapi.

ka-kins', cont. of kakinza; kakins iyeya. ka-kins'-kin-za, v. red. of kakinza.

ka-kin'-ta, v. a. to scrape, clean. See kakiŋća. ka-kin'-za, v. to make creak, as the wind does trees; to creak, as a cart-wheel not greased. ka-ki'-pa, v. of kapa; to surpass, excel one,kawakipa, kauŋkipapi.

ka-kis', cont. of kakiża.

ka-kiś'-ya, v. a. to inflict, make suffer; to punish, inflict punishment,―kakiśwaya. ka-kis'-ya, adv. afflicted, suffering. ka-kis'-ya-ken, adv. in a state of suffering: kakiśyaken waun, I am suffering. ka'-ki-ya, adv. yonder, there. ka'-ki-ya-tan-han, adv. from yonder place; on this wise, in this way, by this means. ka-ki'-yo-tan, adv. in that direction. ka-ki'-yo-tan-na-i-ye-ya, v. it stretches up in said of any thing high, as a tall tree. ka-ki'-ża, v. n. to suffer, be afflicted; to be sick

this way,

a long time,-makakiża, nićakiża.

ka-ki'-ża, adj. suffering, afflicted.

ka-kog', cont. of kakoka; kakog hinhda. ka-kog'-ya, adv. rattling.

ka-kog'-ya-ken, adv. rattling.

ka-ko'-ka, v. a. to rattle, as a cow-bell; to make rattle by striking,


ka-ko'-kam, adv. around, across, before: kakokam ya, to go around, to hedge up the way, as in chasing buffalo,-kakokam mda. ka-ko'-ko-ka, v. red. of kakoka. ka-kon'-kon-ta, v. a. red. of kakonta; to hollow out in grooves or ridges,-wakakonkonta. ka-kon'-ta, v. a. to cut in ridges,-wakakonta. ka-ko'-ya-han-na, adv. hurrying, hastening a little: kakoyahaŋna ećamoŋ, I have done it in somewhat of a hurry.

ka-kpa', v. a. to shoot through, as an arrow

through an animal; to strike, make a hole in, as, kaŋkakpa, to cut a vein, to bleed a person. ka-kpaŋ', v. a. to beat fine, mash up; to wink, as the eye,-wakakpan. See istakakpan. ka-kpi', v. a. to crack or break, as a nut,-wakakpi.

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