Imágenes de páginas

éan'-a-kan-yo-tan-ka-pi-han-ska, n. any long thing to sit on, a bench, a form.

ćan'-a-ki-ța, adv. much brush, many trees down. ćan-a-ki'-yu-ha-pi, n. a bier for the dead. See ćan wiçihupa, said to be the better form. ćan'-a-ma-ni-pi, n. stairs, a ladder. See ćaŋiyamanipi, the better form.

ćan-an', adv. See cannan.

ćan-ba'-kpa, n. (ćaŋ and bakpa) a shingle; canbakpapi, shingles.

ćan-ba'-sde-ća, v. a. (ćaŋ and basdeća) to saw lengthwise.

ćan-ba'-sde-sde-ća, v. a. to saw boards, saw lengthwise of the wood often,-ćan baunsdesdećapi.

ćan-ba'-sde-sde-ća-ti-pi, n. a saw-mill. ćan-ćan', v. n. to shake, tremble, have the ague,

-maćanćan, nićanćan, unćanćanpi. ćan-ćan'-pi, n. the ague, trembling.

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hasten one,--ćan éan waya.

ćan-ćan'-yan, adv. tremblingly.

ćan'-će-ġa, n. (ćaŋ and ćeġa) a skin stretched over a hoop, a drum: canćega apa, to drum; ćanćega kabu, to drum.

ćan-de', v. a. to get wood, get fire-wood,-ćanwade. éan-di', n. tobacco candi unpa, to smoke tobacco,-ćandi unmunpa; candi yaśkića, to chew to


ćan-di'-a-ba-kpaŋ, n. (ćaŋdi and abakpan) α board to cut tobacco on.

ćan-di'-a-ba-tpaŋ, n. Same as candiabakpan. ćan'-do-wan-ki-ya, v. (ćaŋ and dowankiya) to play on an instrument, as the violin. ćan'-do-wan-ki-ya-pi, n. a musical box; the


ćan-do'-źu-ha, n. (ćaŋdi and oźuha) a tobaccopouch.

ćan-du'-hu-pa, n. a Dakota pipe, a pipe of any

kind to smoke with.

éan-du'-hu-pa-pa-hu, n. the bowl of a pipe, usually made of red pipe-stone by the Dakotas. ćan-du'-hu-pa-sun-ta, n. a pipe-stem; also, the name of a kind of ash, much used for making pipe-stems.

ćan-ha', n. (ćan and ha) tree-skin, i. e. bark. éan'-han-pa, n. (éan and hanpa) shoes; lit. wooden moccasins. Perhaps the Dakotas at first thought that shoes were made of wood. ćan'-han-pa-haŋ-ska, n. long shoes, i. e.

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ćan-han'-pi-mdu, n. powdered sugar.

ćan-han'-pi-mi-ni, n. sugar-water, sap. éan-han'-pi-ta-sa-ka, n. cake sugar. ćan-han'-pi-ti-kti-ća, n. molasses.

ćan-ha'-san, n. (ćanha and san) the sugar maple or rock maple; so called from its bark being whitish.

ćan-ha'-sa, v. (ćanha and śa) cinnamon-bark. ćaŋ-hda'-ka, n. large trees alone, without under brush.

ćan-hde'-hde, n. scattering trees, one here and there.

ćan-hde'-hde-ka, n. trees that stand here and


ćan-hde'-śka, n. a hoop, a wheel. ćan-hde'-śka, adj. round, wheel-like. ćan-hde'-ska-ku-te, v. to play at shooting through a hoop while it is rolling.

ćan-hdu'-kan, v. pos. of yukan; to shake off; said of snow falling from trees.

ćan-hmun'-za, n. the name of a small bush bearing little three-lobed red berries. ćan-ho'-ta-dan, n. a swing. See hotadan. ćan-ho'-ta-pi-śko, n. a swing.

ćan-hun', n. the sturgeon, a kind of fish. ćan-ha-ha-ke, n. a vertebra, a buffalo's hump. ćan-ha-ha-ke-toŋ, v. n. to be humped, having a hump.

ćan-ha-ha-ya, adv. brushy.

ćan-ha'-ka, n. (ćaŋ and haka) a brush, a bush. ćanh-ćan'-ġa, v. n. to crunch or make a noise in chewing any thing hard, as corn.

ćan-hdo'-hu, n. weeds, pig-weed, any large weed.

ćan-ħdo'-ka, n. (ćaŋ and lidoka) a hollow tree or log.

ćan-he'-ta-źu, v. (caŋ and hetaźu) to put wood ashore from a boat. See hetażu.

ćan-hi'-ya, v. a. to disappoint one, either in a

good or bad sense; to lead on or tempt one, as the presence of a wild animal leads one to desire to kill it,-ćan hiwaya, ćan himayan. ćan-ho'-tka, n.


a kind of small bush: canhotka

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ćan'-i-ća-źi-pe, n. (ćaŋ and kaźipa) a drawing

knife; a plane. See ćanwićaźipe. ćan'-i-ćo-ġe, n. drift-wood.

éan'-in-kpa, n. the ends of branches, buds. See éinkpa.

éan'-in-tpa, n. buds. Same as ćaninkpa. ćan'-i-pa-be, n. (ćaŋ and paman) a wood-rasp. ćan'-i-pa-kin-za, n. (ćaŋ and pakinza) a fiddle. ćan'-i-ya-ma-ni-pi, n. (ćaŋ and amani) pieces of wood to walk on, a ladder, stairs or steps, a bridge. ćan'-i-yu-be, n. (ćaŋ and yuman) a wood-rasp. See ćanipabe.

ćan'-i-yu-mni, n. (ćan and yumni) an auger; a gimblet. See diny umni.

ćan'-i-yu-sdo-he, n. (ćaŋ and yusdohan) a sled, a sleigh. See canwiyusdohe. ćan'-i-yu-te, n. (ćaŋ and iyuta) a measure for wood, a square or rule.

ćan-i'-yu-wi, n. curly wood, a vine. See ćaŋwiyuwi.

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ćan-ka'-ġi-ća, n. touchwood, spunk. ćaŋ-ka'-hu, n. (ćanka and hu) the spine or backbone, the vertebræ.

ćan-kah'-on-pa, v. a. (ćaŋkaġa and onpa) to lay or place logs to walk on, to bridge. ćan-kah'-on-pa-pi, n. logs laid to walk on, a bridge inyan ćankahonpapi, a stone bridge. ćan-ka'-hpa-hpa, n. shingles; i. q. canbakpa. ćan-ka'-kin-za, v. n. to swing and creak, as trees in the wind.

ćan-ka'-sun-ta, n. (ćaŋka and suŋta) the spinal


ćan-ka'-śka, v. (ćan and kaska) to bind wood

together; to inclose with wood, to fortify,-canwakaśka; dankaśka yanka, to be fortified. ćan-ka'-śko-kpa, n. (ćaŋ and kaśkokpa) wood hewed out, a trough.

ćan-ka'-śko-tpa, n. Same as ćankaśkokpa. ćan'-ka-zi-pa, v. to shave or plane wood. ćan-ka'-źi-pe, n. (ćaŋ and kaźipa) a carpenter. ćan-ko'-ye, n. the parts along the back. ćan-ko'-ye-śin, n. the fat along the back and


ćan-ko'-zu-ha (ćanka and oźuha) a tobaccopouch or bag, so called because they carry in it their flint and steel; a medicine-bag.

ćan-kpe', n. the tibia; the bone in the hind leg of animals below the knee; cankpe huwakipe, the fibula.

ćan-kpe'-ća-ka, n. one who is furious; i. q. tuwe ohitiiçida kin.

ćan-ksi', v. n. to be angry, irritated,-éanwaksi.

ćan-ksi'-ksi, v. red. of ćanksi.

ćan-ksi'-ksi-ka, n. one who is petulant. ćan-ksi'-ksi-ya, adv. red. of ćanksiya.

ćan-ksi'-ya, adv. angrily, in a petulant manner. ćan-ksi'-ya-han, adv. crossly.

ćan-ku', n. a road, way, path, trail. ćan-ku'-ya, v. to make for a road, have for a road,-ćankuwaya.

ćan-ku'-ye, n. a row, as of corn, etc. ćan-ku'-ye-ton, v. to be in rows or furrows. ćan-ku'-ye-ton-toŋ, v. to make rows or furrows, as a plough,—ćankuyetonton aya. ćan-ku'-ye-ton-ton-yan, adv. in rows or fur


ćan-ma'-ko-pa-za, n. wood, trees. The sacred


can'-mi-ni-ća-żo, n. a sawyer in the river. ćan-na', n. See ćana, the better orthography. ćan-na'-ksa, n. a war-club, i. q. canlipi; perhaps, a club broken off with the foot.

ćan-nan', adv. out from the shore, in the middle of the river: paćaŋnan iyeya, to shove off a boat. ćan-nan'-tki-ya, adv. out from the shore, towards the middle of a stream.

ćan-nan'-wa-pa, adv. out from the shore, fur

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ćanniniyan, ćaŋunniyanpi.

ćan-ni'-ye-ki-ći-ya-pi, v. to be angry with one another. As a noun, anger, malice. ćan-ni'-ye-ki-ya, v. a. to make angry,—ćanniyewakiya.

ćan-ni'-ye-ya, v. a. to be angry at, offended with, -ćanniyewaya, ćanniyeyaya, ćaŋniyeunyanpi, ćanniyećiya, ćanniyemayaya. ćan-ni'-ye-ya-pi, n. an object of anger; anger. ćan-non'-pa, v. See cannunpa. ćan-num', cont. of ćannunpa; ćaŋnum mani, to smoke as one walks.

ćaŋ-nun'-pa, v. n. (ćaŋdi and unpa) to smoke tobacco ćaŋnunmunpa, I smoke; ćaŋnunuŋpa, you smoke; ćaŋnun konpapi, we smoke. ćan'-o-hna-hna-ka-pi, n. (ćaŋ ohna and hnaka) a coffin.

ćan-o'-hna-ka, n. (ćaŋ and ohnaka) a trunk, box. See ćanwohnaka.

ćan-o'-ka-hpa-hpa, n. (ćaŋ and kalpa) chips. ćan-o'-pa-mna, n. sprouts growing up round a stump.

ćan-o'-pi-ye, n. (ćaŋ and opiye) a dressing-case, a work-box. See canwopiye. ćan-o'-ti-dan, n. the Dakota god of the woodsan unknown animal said to resemble a man, which the Dakotas worship; perhaps, the monkey.

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ćan-pa'-hu, n. choke-cherry bushes. ćan-pa'-kin, v. (ćan and pakin) to set up a stick in the ground to point the way one is going,ćan wapakin.

ćan-pa'-kin, n. the stick thus set up pointing the direction one has gone.

ćan-pa'-kin-za, v. (ćan and pakinza) to play on the violin,-ćan wapakinza. ćan-pa'-kin-za-pi, n. a violin.

ćan-pa'-kmi-kma, n. (Ihank.) See ćanpahmi


ćan-pa’-ksa, n. (ćan pa and ksa) a stump. ćan-pa'-mna, n. the bunch of sprouts that grow at the root of a tree or stump. See canopamna. ćan-pa'-nmi-nma, n. (Mdewa.) See canpahmi


ćan-pa'-sa-pa-wi, n. (canpa sapa and wi) the moon when choke-cherries are black, August. ćan-pe'-śka, adv. on the knees: ćanpeśka makehdeya inaźin, to stand on one's knees, i. e. to kneel. ćan-pteh', adv. well, very well: canptel sdonya, to know a thing well; canpteh anagoptan. ćan-pteh'-ya, adv. well.

ćaŋ-sa'-ka-daŋ, n. (ćaŋ and saka) a switch, a twig, a rod.

ćan-san', n. a pillory.

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ćan-san'-se, adv. quickly, in haste. See canćanse. ćans-mna', adj.

unpleasant to the taste, as lean meat; i. q. mazamna sećeća. ćan-su', n. (ćan and su) hickory-nuts, hickorywood.

éan-su'-hu, n. the hickory-tree, the walnut of New England; Carya alba.

ćan'-su-sbe-ća, n. (ćaŋ and susbeća) a wooden

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ćan-śke'-du-ta, n. the red bird.

ćan-su'-śka, n. the box-elder, Acer negundo. See taśkadan.

ćant-a'-hde, v. a. (éante and ahde) to desire, wish for, set the heart upon; especially, to set the heart on for evil, determine evil against one,-ćantawahde, cantayahde, ćantaunhdepi, éantaćihde. ćant-a'-hde-pi, n. a determining evil against. ćant-a'-hde-ya, v. a. to cause to set the heart against,―ćantahdewaya.

ćan-te', n. the heart of men and animals; the seat of the affections: cante yukan, to have a heart, to be kindly disposed; cante wanića, to have no heart; micante, my heart: also, the eye of corn, the germinating part of seeds. ćan-te'-a-sni, v. n. to recover from anger or sorrow,-ćanteamasni.

ćan-te'-a-sni-yaŋ, v. a. to cause to recover from sorrow,-ćanteasniwaya.

ćan-te'-en-a-i, v. to take to heart, be displeased, -ćanteenawai.

ćan-te'-en-yu-za, v. to have or hold in the heart, to esteem,-ćan teenmduza. ćan-te'-ha-ha-dan, adj. quick-tempered,—ćantemahahadan.

éan-te'-ha-ha-ye-dan, adj. quick-tempered, iras


ćan-te'-hni-yan-yan, v. n. to be disturbed or distressed, as when one's food hurts him,-ćantemahniyanyan.

ćan-te'-i-ki-çuŋ, v. to sustain oneself, have command over oneself; to be resolute; i. q. sagigiya,-ćanteiwećun.

éan-te'-i-ki-cun-yan, adv. resolutely, restraining oneself.

ćan-te'-ka-ze, v. n. to be distressed, as when one is thirsty while eating,-ćantemakaze. ćan-te'-ki-ći-ći-ya-pi, n. loving each other. See ćantekiya.

ćan-te'-ki-ḍun, v. See ćanteikićuŋ.

ćan-te'-ki-ya, v. a. to love, have an interest in or affection for, which prompts to benevolent acts,ćantewakiya, ćanteyakiya, ćanteunkiyapi, ćantećićiya, ćantemayakiya.

ćan-te'-ki-ya-pi, n. love, benevolence; one loved.

ćan-te'-ki-yu-za, v. a. to hold in the heart for good or ill; to have an opinion of, whether good or bad: tanyaŋ ćaŋtewakiyuza, I hold him in my heart for good.

ćan-te'-o-ki-cu-ni-ća, v. n. to be offended; i. q.

ćanteptanyan: ćanteowećunića, I am angry at. ćan-te'-o-ki-cu-nin, cont. of ćanteokićunića. ćan-te'-o-ki-cu-nin-ya, v. a. to offend, make angry by opposition,-ćanteokićuninwaya. ćan-te'-on-si-ka, adj. low-spirited,-ćanteonmaśika.

ćan-te'-o-yu-ze, n. inclination, intention. See ćan teoze.

éan-te'-o-ze, n. the way the heart is affected, mind, thought, purpose,-mićanteoze. ćan-te'-o-ze-ya, adv. with the whole heart. can-te'-ptan-yaŋ, v. n. to be angry, be in a passion,-ćantemaptanyan, ćanteniptanyan. ćan-te'-ptan-yan, adj. angry. From this comes woćanteptanye, anger, wrath. ćan-te'-ptan-ye-ya, v. a. to make angry, to provoke,-ćanteptanyewaya.

ćan-te'-ske-pa, v. n. to have the heart pass away; to be surfeited, sick. See danskepa. éan-te'-so-so-pi-se-ća, v. n. to be terrified, miserable, have the heart cut into strings as it were,-ćantemasosopiseća.

ćan-te'-su-ta, v. n. to be firm of heart; to be brave, not cowardly,-ćantemasuta.

ćan-te'-si-ća, v. n. to be sad, sorrowful,-ćantemasića, ćanteniśića, ćanteunśićapi. ćan-te'-si-ća-ya, adv. sadly, sorrowfully. éan-te'-sin-ya, v. a. to make sad, sadden,

ćanteśin waya.

ćan-te'-sin-ya, adv. sorrowfully. ćan-te'-sin-ya-ken, adv. sadly.

ćan-te'-tins-ya, v. a. to strengthen the heart, encourage,―ćanteținswaya.

ćan-te'-tins-ya, adv. courageously.

ćan-te'-tin-za, v. n. to be firm of heart, courageous,-ćantemațiŋza.

ćan-te'-wa-ni-ća, v. n. to be heartless, unprinci

pled, mean, wicked,-ćantemanića. ćan-te'-wa-ste, v. n. to be glad, cheerful, joyful, -ćantemawaste.

ćan-te'-wa-ste-ya, v. a. to make glad, gladden,


ćan-te'-wa-ste-ya, adv. joyfully, cheerfully. ćan-te'-ya-si-ća, v. a. to make sad by talking to, to dishearten,-ćantemdaśića. éan-te'-ya-tins, cont. of ćanteyatinza. can-te'-ya-tin-za, v. a. to cheer up by words; to comfort, strengthen,-ćantemdaținza. ćan-te'-ya-wa-ste, v. a. to make happy by words,-éantemdawaste.

ćan-te'-yu-kaŋ, v. n. to have a heart, be benevolent,-ćantemayukan, ćanteniyukaŋ.

ćan-te'-yu-za, v. n. to think, form an opinion,— ćantemduza: token ćaŋteduza he, what is your opinion? éant-i'-ća-spe-ya, v. a. to satisfy the desires of the heart, whether good or bad; to gratify one's desires,-cantićaspewaya.

cant-i'-he-ya, v. a. to set the heart upon, to desire very much, covet,—ćantihewaya, ćantiheyaya, ćantiheunyanpi.

ćant-in'-yun, adv. voluntarily.

ćant-i'-ya-hde, v. n. to be angry, meditate evil, -ćantiyamahde.

ćant-i'-ya-hde-pi, n. malice, anger. See woćantiyahde.

ćant-i'-ya-hde-ya, v. a.


to be angry at; to make

ćant-i'-ya-hde-ya, adv. angrily.

ćant-i'-yo-zi, v. n. to get over one's anger,— éantiyomazi.

ćant-ka'-spe-ya, v. n. to be provoked, be emulous; to relieve oneself, gratify one's desires,-ćantkaspewaya. See cantićaspeya. ćant-ki'-ya, v. See ćantekiya. éant-o'-eu-ni-ća, v. n. to be irritated, angry. See éanteokićunića.

ćant-o'-eu-nin-ya, v. a. to make ashamed or angry-ćantoćuninwaya.

ćant-o'-ġan, n. the pericardium.

ćant-o'-ge, n. (éante and oge) the pericardium. ćant-o'-ġin, n. the pericardium.

éant-o'-hnag-ya, v. a. to cause to place in the heart,-ćantohnagwaya.

éant-o'-hnag-ya, adv. in a loving manner. ćant-o'-hna-ka, v. a. (ćante and ohnaka) to place in the affections, to love,-ćantowahnaka, ćantounhnakapi.

ćant-o'-hna-ka-pi, n. love.

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ćan-wap'-ton-wi, n. the moon in which the leaves are green, answering to May. Some say ćan wapatowi.

éan-wa'-ta, n. a log canoe. ćan-wa'-ta-taŋ-ka, n. a boat or barge. ćan-wi'-ća-źi-pe, n. a drawing-knife. éan-wi'-ci-hu-pa, n. sticks to carry a dead person on, a bier.

ćan-wi'-du-du-ta, n. wood with which red or scarlet is dyed, logwood. ćan-wi'-du-ta, n. logwood.

ćan-wi'-pa-snon, n. a spit or stick to roast

meat on.

ćan-wi'-ta, n. a little grove or island of trees. ćan-wi'-yu-sdo-he, n. a sleigh or sled of any kind; sometimes a waggon.

ćan-wi'-yu-wi, n. curled wood, i. e. a vine. ćan-wo'-hna-ka, n. a trunk, box. ćan-wo'-ka-zi-pe, n. shavings. ćan-zi', n. yellow wood, i. e. sumac. ćan-ża'-ta, n. a forked stick, a hay-fork. ća'-pa, n. the beaver. Capa wakpa, Beaver creek, ća-p'a', v. a. to thrust into, as a knife,-ćawap'a. ća-pong'-i-ću-wa, n. (ćaponka and kuwa) a musquito-bar.

ća-pon'-ka, n. the musquito, musquitoes. ća-pta'-he-za, n. (éapa ta and haza) the black currant, Ribes floridum. See taptaheza. ća-pu'-ta, n. alder-berries.

ća-pu'-ta-hu, n. the alnus or alder-tree. ća-ske', n. the name of the first-born child, if a son,-ćamaske, ćaniske.

ća-smu', n. sand; i. q. wiyaka.

ćaś-ki'-toŋ, v. pos. of ćaston; to give a name to

one's own,-ćaśwakiton.

ćaś-ton', v. a. to name, give a name to,-ćaswaton, ćaśyaton, ćaśuntonpi.

éas-ton'-pi, part. named.
ća'-ta, n. hard ashes, cinders.

ća-tan', n. the name of the fourth child, if a son,

-ćamataŋ, ćanitaŋ.

ća-tka', n. the left hand mićatka and maćatka, my left hand; nićatka, thy left hand. ća-tka', adj. left-handed,-ćamatka, ćanitka. ća-tka'-tan-han, adv. at the left hand,-mićatkatan han.

ća-tku', n. the back part of a tent or house, the part opposite the door; the place of honor. ća-tkun', adv. at the back of a house or tent: ćatkun iyaya wo, go to the back part of the house. ća-tku'-tan-han, adv. at the back part of a


ća-źe', n. a name.

ća-źe'-hdan, cont. of ćaźehdata; in the name of one's own.

ća-źe'-hda-ta, v. pos. of daźeyata; to call one's

own by name,—ćażewahdata.

ća-źe'-i-hda-ta, v. reflex. to speak one's own name, -ćażemihdata.

ća-ze'-ki-ya-ta, v. to mention or speak of any

thing to one,-ćażewakiyata, ćażećićiyata. ća-źe'-yan, cont. of ćażeyata; in the name of. ća-źe'-ya-ta, v. a. (ćaże and yata) to call by name, speak the name of a person or thing, mention by name,-ćażemdata, ćaźedata, ćaźeunyatapi; caże mayadata, thou speakest my name. će, a particle. It is commonly used at the end of a sentence or paragraph, when a general truth is expressed, or a common course of action mentioned; also, when reference is made to what is past, especially in quoting the words of another or one's own. See ća and ćee.

će, n. the penis,-maće, niće.

će-ća', n. the thigh; the cock of a gun; mazakan ćeća, the breech of a gun. će-ća'-kan-tan-ka, n. the femoral artery. će-ćo'-ktan-ktan, adj. bandy-legged. će-ćun'-te, n. the thigh-bone, femur. će-ćunt'-o-śtan, n. the neck or head of the femur, the articulation of the femur. ée-di', n. a reed-like grass with long joints. ée-di'-éo-tan-ka, n. a large kind of reed. će-di'-hu, n. the reed stalk.

će-e', a particle. For its definition, see će. ćeg, cont. of ćeka. See ćegya. ćeg'-ya, adv. of ćeka; stumblingly. će'-ga, n. a kettle, pot; a pail, bucket. će'-ga-hu-ha-ton-na, n. an iron kettle with

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će'-ga-psun-ka-dan, n. a sauce-pan. će'-ġa-ska, n. a white tin kettle. će-ġa'-te-zi-ton-na, n. a tea-kettle, any kettle that bulges in the middle.

će-gin'-stin-na, n. See ćeganstinna. će-ġu'-ġu, v. n. to fry, as meat.

će-ġu'-ġu-ya, v. a. to fry meat,―ćeġuġuwaya. će-hbe'-ća, n. a kind of nuts which the Dakotas take from the deposits made by ground-squirrels or mice. A very small root, in size and shape resembling a pea, collected by mice, and eaten by the Dakotas. će-hnag', cont. of ćehnake.

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