Imágenes de páginas

in, v. a. to wear around the shoulders, as a blanket, shawl, or cloak,—hiŋmi, hinni, unkiŋpi. in-de', n. a flame, a blaze. See ide, the better orthography.

in-ki'-ya, v. a. to cause to wear, as a shawl or blanket,-inwakiya.

in'-kpa, n. the end of any thing, the small end; the head or source, as of a stream, etc. in'-kpa-ta, adv. at the end, at the head or source: wakpa inkpata yeye ćin, all along at the sources of a stream.

in'-kpa-tan-han, adv. from the end. in'-sko-ke-ća, adv. so large.

ins, pron. he, she, it. Same as is. in'-tpa, n. Same as inkpa.

in'-tpa-ta, adv. Same as inkpata. in'-yan, n. a stone, stones. Inyantan kinyanyan, Big-Stone Lake.

in'-yang, cont. of inyanka: inyang mde kta, I will go on a run.

in'-yan-ka, v. n. to run,-waimnanka, yainanka, unkinyankapi.

in'-yan-wa-a-nu-nu, n. moss on stones, moss. See waanunu.

in-yun', intj. lo! behold! inyun ećon yaśi kon ećon śni, behold! what thou commandedst him to do he has not done.

i-o'-hmus, cont. of iohmuza; iohmus manka, I keep my mouth shut.

i-o'-hmus-ya, v. a. to cause to shut the mouth.

i-o'-hmu-za, n. a closed mouth.

i-o'-ka-pa-za, v. n. to be pungent in the mouth, as pepper,-iomakapaza.

i-o'-ka-taŋ, v. a. to nail one thing on another; to nail and hold an axe on the other side,-iowakatan. i-o'-kpa-ka, adv. with open mouth, furiously:

iokpaka iyalipaya, to fall on one talking furiously, as a drunken man, or as a dog barking attacks any thing.

i-o'-kpa-kpas, adv. moving the lips: iokpakpas

yanka, to be moving the lips, as one talking to himself.

i-on'-si-da, v. a. to have mercy or compassion on one in reference to something; to grant, bestow,ionśiwada, ionśiundapi, ionśimada.

i-on'-si-da-ya, adv. having compassion on in reference to something.

i-o'-pa-win-ge, adj. the one hundredth.
i-o'-stan, n. a cork, stopper for a vial, etc.
i-o'-stan-pi, n. Same as iostan.

i-o'-wa, n. something to write or paint with, a
pen or pencil.
i-o'-źim-na-na, adv. full, running over.


i-pa', n. the top of any thing: paha ipa, the top of a hill; he ipa, the head of the Coteau ;—also, a cape, promontory, projecting point. i-pa'-be, v. Same as ipaman. i-pa'-be, n.

something to rub with; as, ćan ipabe, a file; wan ipabe, a stone to rub arrows with. i-pa'-ġan, v. to push aside, as a tent door, for the purpose of looking out: tiyopa ipagan inawapa, I went out by pushing aside the door. i-pa'-ġo, n. (i and pago) something to carve or grave with, a carving or graving implement. i-pa'-ġo-ya, adv. passing by, exceeding in length; said when one thing is longer than another. i-pa'-ha, v. ipaha iyeya, to raise up, as a curtain. i-pa'-hdo-ka, v. n. to run the head against, butt against,-imapahdoka.

i-pa'-hin, v. n. to lean the head against, have for pillow,-iwapahin, iyapahin, unkipahinpi. i-pa'-hin, n. a pillow,-mitipahin, nitipahin. i-pa'-hin-ya, v. a. to have or use for a pillow,ipahin waya.

i-pa'-hte, n. (i and pahta) something to tie up with, a string.

i-pa'-ka, v. n. to draw back, as meat from ribs when cooked, or as the husks of corn when ripe: ipaka iyeya.

i-pa'-kća, n. (i and pakća) a comb. i-pa'-kća-dan, n. a small comb. i-pa'-kća-sbu-daŋ, n. a fine comb. i-pa'-kća-tan-ka, n. a dressing-comb. i-pa'-kin-ta, v. a. to wipe off,-iwapakinta. i-pa'-kin-te, n. (i and pakinta) something to wipe with, a towel. Hence, napipakinte, a napkin. i-pa'-ki-ża, v. to rub, as one's eyes, with the hand,―iwapakiza.

i-pa'-ko-te, n. a probe. Hence, ćanipakote or ćan wipakote, a stick to probe with. i-pa'-ksan, adj. crooked. i-pa'-ksan, n. a bend in a river, etc. Mde ipaksan, Big-Stone Lake; Wakpa ipaksan, the Big Sioux river.

i-pa'-maŋ, v. a. to rub, rub on, as in filing,iwapabe, unkipamanpi.

i-pa'-mna, n. a setting-pole.

i-pa'-mna-ki-ton, v. a. to pole, to use a pole in boating,―ipamnawetoŋ.

i-pa'-mung, cont. of ipamuŋka; ipamung iću, to dip up, as water, with a vessel,-ipamung iwaću.

i'-pa-mung, cont. ipamung yatkan, to stoop down and drink from a spring,-ípamung mdatkaŋ. i-pa'-mun-ka, v. n. to be capable of being dipped up with a bucket. Thus it is asked, Miniyowe toketu hwo, how is the spring? Answer, Ipamunka, it can be dipped up.

i-pa'-po-pe, n. a pop-gun; the elder, from which pop-guns are made.

i-pa'-ptan, v. to turn over ipaptan ehpeiçiya,

to turn oneself over.

i-pa'-pu-za, n. (i and papuza) something to wipe dry with, a towel.

i-pa'-san, v. a. to put on white paint with the end of a stick, make white dots, to rub on and whiten with,-iwapasan, imayapasan.

i-pa'-sbu, v. ipasbu iyaya, to pass through, as through tall grass; ipasbu iyeićiya, to force oneself into a feast or company when not called. i-pas'-han, n. any thing that comes through and holds, the little iron that comes over and holds a trap when set; a screw.

i-pa'-si-sa, v. a. to stick in, as a needle or pin; to sew; to button, as with a wiping screw,―iwapasisa, iyapasisa, unkipasisapi. i-pa'-si-se, n. (i and pasisa) a stitch. i-pa'-so-tka, adj. conspicuous, extending up, as a tall tree or steeple.

i-pa'-so-tka-ya, adv. conspicuously. i-pa'-spa, v. to drive in, as tent-pins,―iwapaspa. i-pa'-stan, n. an instrument used in dressing skins, a rubbing instrument; i. q. tahaipastan. i-pa'-śdog, cont. of ipaśdoka; ipaśdog iyeya. i-pa'-sdo-ka, v. a. to draw off over the head, as a shirt; to live through, as through a winter or sickness kitaŋ iwapaśdoka, I have just lived through.

i-pa'-ta, v. a. to embroider, work quill-work, work with porcupine quills,-iwapata. See wipata.

i-pa'-tag, cont. of ipataka.

i-pa'-tag-ton, v. a. to brace out or stretch, as in drying hides and skins,-ipatagwaton. i-pa'-tag-ya, v. a. to cause to brace out or up; to sustain, reinforce,―ipatagwaya, ipatagunyanpi. i-pa'-ta-ka, v. a. to stretch out by means of cross-sticks; to have for a staff or support; to lean on, be dependent upon,-iwapataka, unkipatakapi.

i-pa'-ta-ke, n. (i and pataka) a prop or brace, a stick to stretch a skin on sinkpe ha ipatake, a stick to stretch a muskrat-skin on.

i-pa'-tan, v. a. to mash up one thing with another, iwapataŋ. i-pa'-tan, n.

a prop or brace.

i-pa'-tku-ġa, adv. abreast, in a row, in a pha


i-pa'-tkuh-ya, adv. in a row, abreast.

i-pa'-tin-za, v. a. to make firm by means of,— iwapatinza.

i-pa'-tin-za, n. (i and pațiŋza) any thing that makes firm, sustenance, nourishment.

i-pa'-we-ġa, v. n. to bend across; to intersect, come into or cross, as one road does another. i-pa'-weh, cont. of ipaweġa: ipaweh iyaya, to go across,-ipaweh imdamde.

i-pa'-weh-ya, v. a. to cause to intersect,-ipawehwaya.

i-pa'-web-ya, adv. crossing, intersecting ipawehya wanka, it lies across. i-pa'-win-ta, v. a. to rub on,-iwapawinta, iyapawinta, unkipawintapi.

i-pa'-zi-ća, adv. longer than the rest; said of a tall tree, or any thing relatively long. i-pa'-źin, v. n. to be prevented by something from proceeding; to come to a stand, not to be able to go on,-imapaźin: mde ipaźin inaźin, he has come to a stand at a lake. i-pa'-żin-yan, adv. prevented by.

i-pa'-źi-pa, v. a. to stick in, to prick with,iwapaźipa.

i-pa'-żi-pe, n. (i and paźipa) something that pricks, a pricker.

i-pe'-ġa, v. n. to boil, as water. See ipiga, which is more commonly used.

i'-pi, adj. full, satisfied; full of, satisfied with,— ímapi, ínipi, íunpipi, íwićapi. See wípi. i-pi'-da, v. a. to deny to, refuse to give to, withhold from,-ipiwada, ipiundapi, ipimada, ipićida: takudan ipiundapi śni, he withholds from us nothing, or we refuse to give him nothing. i-pi'-ġa, v. n. to boil, as water, to foam. i-pi'-ġa, n. the foam of boiling water. i-pi'-hdag, cont. of ipihdaka. i-pi'-hdag-ki-ton, v. a. to put on one's girdle, gird oneself,-ipihdagweton.

i-pi'-hdag-ton, v. a. to put on a girdle; girded,

-ipihdagwaton, ipihdaguntonpi.

i-pi'-hda-ka, v. pos. of ipiyaka; to put on one's own girdle,-ipiwahdaka, ipiuŋhdakapi. i-pi'-hda-ke, n. a girdle. See ipiyake. i-pih', cont. of ipiga.

i-pih'-ya, v. a. to cause to boil,-ipihwaya, ipihunyanpi.

i-pih'-ya, adv. boiling: ipihya haŋ, to stand boiling.

i-pin'-ta, v. n. to be defective in some part, too short or too little, not as is usual. Said of one who is without a nose, or of a coat without skirts,-imapinta, inipinta. See also iputan and ipustaka.

i'-pi-ya, v. a. to make full, to fill,-ipiwaya. i-pi'-yag, cont. of ipiyaka.

i-pi'-yag-ki-ći-toŋ, v. a. to put on a girdle for one, to gird one, ipiyagwećiton. i-pi'-yag-ki-ton, v. a. pos. to put on one's own girdle; to be girded,-ipiyagweton.

i-pi'-yag-ton, v. a. to gird, put on a girdle; to be girded, ipiyagwaton, ipiyaguntonpi. i-pi'-ya-ka, v. a. to gird oneself, put on a girdle, —ipimdaka, ipidaka, ipiuŋyakapi. i-pi'-ya-ke, n. a girdle, sash. i-pi'-ye, n. something to repair with. i-po', n. a swelling. See iwićapo.

i-po'-ġan, v. n. to blow, as the wind; to breathe out, exhale,-iwapogan.

i-poh', cont. of ipogan: ipoh iyeya, to blow on, blow

in, blow away,-ipoh iyewaya. i-poh'-ya, v. a. i-poh'-ya, adv.

to cause to blow,-ipoliwaya.

i-psi'-ća, v. n. to jump down from, as from a horse; to jump, jump over,―iwapsića, iyapsića, unkipsićapi.

i-psin', cont. of ipsića: ipsin iyaya.

i-psi'-psi-ća, v. red. of ipsića; to hop, as a grasshopper.

i-psi'-psi-ća-dan, v. n. dim. of ipsipsića; to hop,

as do the psipsićadan.

i-pte'-ga, n. the end of a lake where grass grows. i-pte'-ġa, v. n. ipteġa yanka, to be sad about any thing.

i-pte'-ġa-ka, v. n. to be sad about any thing;

i. q. ićanteśića,-imapteġaka.

i'-pu-sdi, v. n. to be close to, to press upon, to touch any thing, as the nose presses on the face; to press upon, weigh down, as sorrow,-ímapusdi, ínipusdi.

i'-pu-sdi-ya, v. a. to cause to press on,-ípusdi


i'-pu-sdi-ya, adv. touching. Hence, makipusdiya, on the ground.

i'-pu-ski-ća, v. n. to be close to, to touch, press on,-imapuskića.

i'-pu-ski-će-dan, adv. pressed, close together. i'-pu-skin, cont. of ípuskića; close together: ipuskin iyotan kapi, they sit close together. i'-pu-skin-ya, v. a. to cause to press on,-ípuskinwaya.

i'-pu-skin-ya, adv. pressed together. i'-pu-ski-skin, cont. ípuskiskin iyeya, to shove up close together.

i-pu'-spa, v. a. to stick on,-iwapuspa. i-pu'-spe, n. any thing that sticks to, a seal, wafer. i-pu'-stag, cont. of ipustaka: makipustag elipeigiya, to throw oneself flat on the ground. i-pu'-sta-ka, v. n. to be flat, wanting, defective; one who has no nose is ipustaka,-imapustaka. i-pu'-staŋ, adv. ipustan yuza, to clap up against, as a coal of fire: peta ipustanpi se emaćeća, it seems as if I was held up to the fire. i-puś'-in, n. the outside of a bend. i-pu'-tag, cont. of iputaka.

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i-sa'-kim, adv. both together, with. See sakim. i-sa'-kim-tu, adv. both together.

i-san', n. a knife, knives.

I-san'-a-ti, n. (isan and ati) Isanties, or Esanties, the name which is applied to the Dakotas of the Mississippi and Minnesota by those living on the Missouri. Why this name has been given to them by their brethren is still a matter of conjecture; perhaps, because they pitched their tents formerly at Isantamde, or Knife Lake, one of those which go under the denomination of Mille Lacs; or, perhaps, it was given to them because they lived nearer the Isantanka, or Big-knives, i. e. the Americans. i-san'-na, n. dim.

a little knife.

i-san'-o-zu-ha, n. (isaŋ and oźuha) a knife-case, knife-sheath.

i'-san-pa, adv. beyond that place or time; more than.

i-san'-pa-mi-ma, n. round-pointed knives, tableknives.

i'-san-pa-tan-han, adv. from beyond that. i-san'-pe-sto-dan, n. sharp-pointed knives. i-san'-sko-pa, n. a crooked knife, i. e. a sickle. I-san'-ta-mde, n. Knife Lake. The name of a lake to the east of the Mississippi river. I-san'-tan-ka, n. (isaŋ and taŋka.) The name by which the Dakotas designate the people of the United States. It is said to have been given them because the first Americans who came among the Dakotas were officers with swords. i-san'-yan, v. a. to communicate the whiting from one's robe to another by rubbing against; to have for or use as a knife,―isanwaya. I-san'-ya-ti, n. See Isanati.

i-sa'-pa, v. n. to be blackened by any thing,-imasapa taku inisapa he, what has blackened you? i-sa'-pa, n. the name of a stone used for blacking, prob. iron ore.

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i-sbu'-dan, n. dim. of isbu; gravel.

i-sda'-ye, n. ointment; i. q. taku on sdayapi. i-sdo'-ća, v. See isdonya.

i-sdon'-ya, v. a. to know by means of,-isdonwaya, isdonyaya, isdonunyanpi. i'-sin-yan, adv. out of sight, behind something, concealed: isinyan iyaya, he has gone out of sight.

i'-sku-ya, adj. sweet-mouthed, flattering; mouth watering for,-ímaskuya. i'-sku-ya, n. a flatterer.

i'-sku-ya-hda, v. n. to have one's mouth water for any thing, as for different kinds of food,-ískuyawahda.

i'-sku-ye-ya, v. a. to make one's mouth water for,-iskuyewaya, ískuyeunyanpi, ískuyemayan. i-sto', n. the arm of a person; the fore-leg of an animal.

i-sto'-ka-tin-ki-ya, v. a. to cause to stretch out

the arm,-istokatin wakiya. i-sto'-o-hi-ya, adv. within arm's reach. i-sto'-pa-ksan, n. the bend of the arm. i-sto'-pa-ksi-za, v. to bend up the arm,-istowa

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is iye, he himself.

iś, pron. he, she, it i-sa'-hdo-ġan, adj. the eighth. i-sa'-hdo-hdo-gan, adj. red. every eighth one. i-sa'-kdo-ġan, adj. (Ihank.) the eighth. i-śa'-ko-win, adj. the seventh.

i-sa'-ko-win-win, adj. red. every seventh one. i-sa'-kpe, adj. the sixth.

i-sa'-kpe-kpe, adj. red. every sixth one. i-śi'-ća, v. See iśin.

i-si'-hda, v. of sihda; to be angry about,-iśinwahda.

i-śi'-ħtiŋ, v. n. to be enfeebled by,-imaśihtin. i-sin', cont. of iśića; iśinwaćin, to covet, desire more,―iśinwaćaŋmi, iśinwaćaŋni. i-si'-tki-hda, v. n. to be angry on account of; to be sad about, be afflicted for,-imaśitkihda. i-śi'-tki-hda-ya, v. ɑ. to make angry by; to torment, afflict for,―iśitkihdawaya.

i-śka', n. the ankle or tarsus,-miiśka. See iśkahu.

i-śka'-hu, n. the ankle-bones or tarsus. Hence

hanpiśkahu, moccasin-tops.

i-śka'-hu-ton, v. a. to put tops on moccasins,— iśkahuwaton.

i-śka'-kan, n. the large tendon extending from the heel up the leg; the large tendon in the back of the neck.

i-śkan', cont. of iśkata; petiśkaŋ, to come near the fire, draw up to the fire, to warm oneself,— petimaśkan.

i-śka’-ta, v. a. to play to or for any thing,-iwaśkata, iyaśkata, unkiśkatapi.

i-śki'-źu-pi, n. fish-hooks. See hinśkiżupi. i-śko'-na-ġi, n. the small black bony substance on the inside of a horse's fore-leg, just above the knee, the web.

iś-na'-ka, pron. he alone,-miśnaka. iś-na'-na, pron. alone, he alone, she alone,-miśnana, niśnana; unkiśnanpidan, we alone. iś-na'-śna-na, pron. red. of iśnana. i-śna'-ti, v. n. to dwell alone or in a separate house; to have the menses. This last, at present, appears to be the only meaning of the word; it is so used because, at such times, the Dakota women are not permitted to stay in the house with others, but put up a little one for themselves outside. i-śna'-ti-pi, n. dwelling alone; the menses. i-śni'-ka-eś, adv. within a little, nearly iśni kaeś nikte śni, it came near killing thee. i'-so-kso-ka-pi-daŋ, n. thick-lips, a nickname for the Ojibwas.

i-s'o'-s'o, adj. scampering, not easily restrained,imas'oś'o, inis'oś'o.

i-śpa', n. the lower part of the arm,-miiśpa. i-spa'-hu, n. the bones in the lower part of the arm, the radius and ulna.

i-śpa'-se, n. the point of the elbow.

i'-spa-spa, v. n. to move the lips, as some persons do when reading to themselves: ispaspa manka, I am moving my lips.

i-śta', n. the eye, eyes,―miiśta, niiśta, uŋkiśtapi. i-śta'-ġon-ġa, v. n. to be blind; not to be able to see well, istamagonġa.

i-sta'-ġon-ġe, n. a blind person.

i-sta'-gon-ge-ya, v. a. to make blind, to blind, -istaġon ġewaya, iśtaġonġeunyanpi.

i-sta'-hda-kpa, v. pos. of iśtakakpa; to put out one's own eye,―iśtawahdakpa.

i-sta'-he, n. (ista and he) the ridge above the eyes.

i-śta'-he-hiŋ, n. the eye-brows. i-sta'-he-pe or istaepin, n. the eye-lashes. i-sta'-he-pe-hiŋ, n. the eye-lids. i-sta'-i-yo-hi-ya, adv. as far as the eye can reach.

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i-sta'-ka-kpa, v. a. to strike and put out an eye, -iśtawakakpa.

i-sta'-ka-kpan, v. to wink the eye,-iśtawakakpan, iśtaunkakpanpi.

i-sta'-ka-kpan-kpan, v. red. of iśtakakpan. i-sta'-ka-kpan-pi-se, adv. in the twinkling of an eye.

i-śta'-kpe, v. n. to be blind, having the eye put out,―iśtamakpe.

i-sta'-kpe-ya, v. a. to make blind,-iśtakpewaya. i-śta'-kśiŋ, v. n. to be squint-eyed or cross-eyed, -istamaksin. See istoksin.

i-śta'-kśin-ka, n. a squint-eyed person.
i-sta'-ksin-ksiŋ, v. n. red. of istaksiŋ.
i-sta'-mdes, cont. of iśtamdeza.

i-sta'-mdes-ya, v. a. to make clear-sighted,

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in the eyes.

i-śta'-o-hi-ya, adv. as far as the eye can reach. i-sta'-o-zu-ha, n. the eye-lids. See istoźuha. i-śta'-tpe, v. n. Same as istakpe. i-sta'-wi-ća-ya-zan-wi, n. the moon in which

sore eyes prevail; a moon answering generally to the month of March.

i-śte'-ća, v. n. to be ashamed, ashamed of; to be bashful,―imaśteća, iniśteća, unkiśtećapi.


i-sten', cont. of iśteća.


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i-sto'-hmus-ya, adv. having the eyes shut. i-sto'-hmu-za, v. n. to shut the eyes,-iśtowahmuza.

i-śto'-kśiŋ, v. n. to partly close the eyes, to look askance,―iśtowakśin.

i-sto'-ksin-ki-ya, v. a. to look askance at, look at with the eyes partly shut,-iśtoksin wakiya, istoksinmakiya.

i-śto'-śni-ża, v. n. to have the eyes blinded or dazzled by the light,-istomaśniźa.

i-sto'-śniś-ya, v. a.

to dazzle the eyes, as light,

—iśtośniśmayan. i-śto'-śnu-źa, v. n. Same as iśtośniża. i-śto'-zu-ha, n. the eye-lids.

i-śun', v. iśun iyeya, to do more than was requisite, to overdo.

i-śu'-ta, v. a. to fail of accomplishing, be unable to do a thing,-iśuwata.

i-su'-te, adv. at random, as it happens: isute

otaka, very much, i. q. śtedapi. i-su'-te-ka, adv. Same as iśute. i-su'-te-ya, v. a.

to cause to fail of,—iśutewaya,

iśutemayan. i-ta'-hda-hbe, adv. with the wind. i'-ta-hda-hbe, adv. with the wind. The word is. accented in this when used with a noun; as,


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i-ta'-he-pi, adv. by the way, between places.

i-ta'-hnag, v. cont. of itahnaka.

i-ta'-hnag-ya, adv. placed one on top of another.

i-ta'-hna-ka, v. ɑ. to place one on top of ano

ther, itawahnaka.

i-ta'-hna-ka, adv. placed one on another.

i-ta'-ka-ha, n. the instep. Hence, siitakaha, the top of the foot, instep.

i-ta'-ka-hpe, n. See iteakalipe.

i-ta'-ka-sam, adv. over the river from, opposite


i-ta'-ka-san-pa, adv. over against, across the river or lake from any place.

i-ta'-ka-san-pa-tan-han, adv. on the other side

from. i-ta'-ke, n. the instep; the top or piece put in the instep of a moccasin. See han pitake and hanpaitake.

i'-ta-ki-hna, adv. i'-ta-ki-hna, n.

one over another, in layers. something worn over another

garment, a vest. i-ta'-ku-ni-śni, v. n. i'-tam, adv. soon after. i-tan', adv. of tan; on the side itan anog, on both sides. From this we have mitaŋtaŋhan, at my side; mitankiyedan, near me, etc. i-tan', v. n. to be vain, proud of, to glory in,-imatan, initan, unkitanpi. Hence, iwićatan, vainglorying.

to come to naught. after itam yankeya, to be

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