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The spores of these asci may, like the large conidia, give either mycelia with large conidiophores or small conidiophores of which the conidia do not germinate.

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FIG. 110.-Sclerotinia Fuckeliana, de Bary. a, Sclerotium from which the Botrytis conidiophores have grown ; b, Sclerotium with two cup fruits; C', Conidiophore of the Botrytis form; m, Mycelium. 209. C", End of a conidiophore with branches and sterigmata. 302. k, Germinating conidium. 39o. s, Section of sclerotium with ascophore, p, (not much enlarged); n, An ascus with eight spores. 2. (After de Bary.)

In Botrytis cinerea, P. Lindner frequently observed the phenomenon of inter-growth. According to his investiga

tions, an irregular distribution of the plasma takes place in the older mycelia, some of the cells storing up large quantities of the contents, while others are completely emptied. The phenomenon of inter-growth is connected with this solely by the fact that the only cells which germinate inside the old mycelium are almost always rich in protoplasm. Fig. 111 represents a special case of this kind of germination, in which small conidia or spermatia are formed inside the cell. At the same time spermatia have also grown out laterally on the mycelium thread.

Oxalic acid is secreted in large quantity by the mycelia and sclerotia. Kissling showed that it forms a poison which kills living protoplasm. According to J. Behrens

FIG. 111.-Sclerotinia Fuckeliana, de Bary. The Botrytis form. Phenomenon of


P. Lindner.)

Abstriction of small conidia (spermatia) inside a cell. (After

this poison is not an enzyme. Botrytis turns starch into sugar, and contains emulsin (Gérard).

This species is very widespread in nature, and occurs on all putrefying plant matter. It occurs as a parasite on vines, both on the leaves and grapes.

Botrytis cinerea may sometimes play an important part in wine manufacture. According to Müller-Thurgau, under certain circumstances it induces the so-called "Edelfäule" in the grapes, which forms the basis for attaining the highest concentration of the grape juice, and especially for the appearance of peculiar bouquet substances, the so-called sherry bouquet, in wines; this occurs when it attacks quite ripe grapes, consumes the acid and, by rotting the skin,

a very high degree

Wines thus made The cause of this is

allows the water to evaporate, and thus increases in the concentration and sugar content of the berry. from over-ripe (edelfaul) grapes ferment very slowly. the separation of the protoplasm poison mentioned above, which reacts injuriously on the yeast, as was shown by J. Behrens. This injurious action can be prevented to some extent by a more vigorous nourishment of the yeast.

Grape must, in which Botrytis cinerea has been cultivated, contains an oxydase which, according to some investigators, causes the disease of wine which is known as "maladie de la casse," and which consists in a precipitation of the colouring material. Culture solutions of Botrytis when mixed with equal quantities of sound wine cause the colouring matter to precipitate completely in about four hours. The disease may be prevented by heating up to 70° C., when the oxydase becomes inactive (Laborde).

The opinion obtained formerly that this fungus was responsible for the smoky flavour of wine, but this is not the case (Mach, MüllerThurgau).


A large number of the fungi which have been discovered one by one by mycologists cannot yet be classified in the system set up by them; these fungi are therefore grouped for the present under the above name. This applies also to the following organisms, which are of interest for the fermentation industry.

The Torula Species.

Originally the name Torula was given to hyphomycetes which had necklace-like, single or branched chains, of which the round or oval members were separable from one another. Later, however, the name included a number of different fungus species.

Thus Turpin in 1838 calls Saccharomyces cerevisia Torula cerevisiae, while the name Torula was afterwards given by Cohn to the necklace-like chains formed by the bacterium genus Micrococcus. Torula was understood by Pasteur to include yeast fungi with a very weak alcohol formation; he did not mention whether they formed spores or not. The species of this kind might, therefore, be true

saccharomycetes; this is, however, not the case with Hansen's Torula. By Torula Hansen understands yeast cells which are similar to Saccharomyces, but do not form endospores nor develop typical mould growths. As regards the production of alcohol they may exhibit this in all degrees. According to the view held by the same investigator they will some time in the future probably be ranked with forms in the system widely separated from one another. As, however, we are ignorant on this point as yet, these organisms are for the time placed together in a group by themselves.

After Hansen had made clear the conditions for the formation of asporogenous varieties in the saccharomycetes, and since such asporogenous varieties can be formed in nature, it is comprehensible that several forms which appear under the name Torula possibly originate in saccharomycetes. There are Torula species which have all the physiological characteristics common to the saccharomycetes; this is true also as regards the morphological features, but of course with the exception of the property of greatest importance to the saccharomycetes, viz., that of endospore formation.

Torula species are very widely distributed in nature. Hansen found them always present in the ground and in large quantity after winter in the hairy coats of bees and wasps as well as in their nests. The author also found them constantly when investigating a large number of these insects. Some of these fungi cause a disagreeable taste and smell in wort and, according to Wortmann, also in wines. The latter author found forms, in old bottled wines, which make must slimy. Rich. Meissner has in recent years isolated several species which cause wine to become viscous (see below).

Hansen has thoroughly investigated, among others, seven different species, which have, however, received no systematic name. These are as follows:

Torula No. 1 (Fig. 112).-The cells are 15 to 45 μ in

3. After long standing in wort, this fungus forms a rcely appreciable amount of alcohol without any trace frothing; it does not secrete any invertase.

Torula No. 2 (Fig. 113).-The cells are 3 to 8 μ in ameter. The protoplasm becomes granular in wort. therwise this Torula behaves essentially like No. 1.

Torula No. 3 is similar to No. 2. In wort it yields vol. per cent. of alcohol with a small but distinct production f froth, and does not form invertase.

Torula No. 4 (Fig. 114).-The cells are 2 to 6 μ in

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diameter. It inverts saccharose and, in wort, forms a little more than 1 vol. per cent. of alcohol with vigorous frothing.

Torula No. 5.-This species soon forms a grey film over the whole surface of wort, yeast-water and lager beer; the film is only slight on a saccharose solution. The latter sugar is inverted by it; but in wort it produces no noteworthy fermentation and correspondingly only a trace of alcohol.

Torula No. 6 (Fig. 115) exhibits a distinct fermentation in wort and generates in it 13 vol. per cent. of alcohol. No fermentation takes place in a maltose solution. It inverts

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