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Bestow upon us that need, and fit us to

holy and loving service. which thou seest us to receive the good which thou desirest to give, O thou who alone art our Life, our Light and our Salvation. Amen.

AGAINST in thy sight.

GAINST thee, O Lord, have we sinned,

We are not We have sinned

worthy to be called thy sons. miserably. We have perilled our souls. And yet what is our sorrow for our sins? O God, we tremble when we see how cold and hard and unmoved our hearts remain. We say, "We are heartily sorry for these our misdoings;" yet we much fear our sorrow is not hearty. We say, "The remembrance of them is grievous unto us;" yet our grief is but as the shadow that passeth by. We say, "The burden of them is intolerable; " yet that burden bears not down our souls in shame and sorrow. O Lord, we are amazed to behold how lightly we are moved by our exceeding sinfulness. Thou who didst cause water to flow out of the rock of stone, break these stony hearts of ours, that streams of true godly sorrow and penitence may flow forth. Take away the heart of stone, and give unto us the heart of flesh; that we may feel our own great misery, and cast ourselves upon thy great mercy. May thy Holy Spirit work in us the grace of a true repentance. May we learn to know how much we have sinned and how much we have been forgiven, that So we may love much; through Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Saviour.


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MERCIFUL Father, we offer unto our earnest intercession for all the communicants of thy Church in all places, but especially for ourselves and all other communicants of this parish. Give unto us, we beseech thee, larger outpourings of thy grace and Holy Spirit. Knit us together more closely in the bonds of unity and love. Make us to feel more really our

Christian fellowship and brotherhood. Make us to stand out more distinctly as thy true children and faithful people. Make us to be more consistently religious, more unworldly, more spiritually-minded. May we have grace always to confess Christ before men. We ought to be the first, when alas! we are too often the last. We ought to be examples to the flock, when alas! we may well learn of others how to walk. We ought to let our light so shine before men that they may glorify thee, when alas! we too often shame our holy professions. Oh, take from us all our luke-warmness and half-heartedness. Stir up within us more life and zeal and thorough devotion to thee. Give us the spirit of prayer, without which we cannot serve thee truly. Make us forward and self-denying in good works. Make us to care for the eternal good of others, that we may, each according to his power and his calling, teach thy ways unto the wicked, and that sinners may be converted unto thee. Build us up more and more, O Lord, in faith, and love, and unity, and holiness; for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Saviour. Amen.

HEAVENLY Father, we have loved thee, but not enough, we have sought thee, but not diligently, we have seen but not perceived, we have heard but not understood, we have hoped for things heavenly but clung to things of earth, and our hearts have been far from thee, the Holy One. Draw them now in mercy unto thyself, O God, that the time to come be not as the past, but that finding, perceiving, understanding and loving thee, we may have rest and joy undisturbed forevermore; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

MERCIFUL Lord God, who hast vouchsafed to feed us, thy unworthy creatures, with that Bread which came down from heaven, and giveth life unto the soul; So strengthen and sustain us, we beseech thee, with thy most

gracious gifts, that we may resist all temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil, and walking in the way of thy commandments, may glorify thy holy name, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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MASTER of the hearts of men, make us to be ill content with any peace save that of our Saviour who won his peace, after he had made the world's ills his own. Hold us back when, in our vulgar pride, we would go apart from the path and life of the lowly. As our Saviour made the carpenter's shop his school and from it passed to the perfection of Calvary, so may we keep ourselves close to the lives of the great body of men, and pass through things common into the things eternal, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


For any Guild.

GOD, who knowest that we are not sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves, but that all our sufficiency is of thee, assist us with thy grace in all our work for others, direct us in it by thy wisdom, support us by thy power, that doing our duty diligently we may bring it to a good end, so that it may be profitable to our own souls and tend to the greater glory of thy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Brotherhood of St. Andrew.

ALMIGHTY and Eternal God, we humbly pray thee to vouchsafe thy blessing to this Brotherhood, that all its members, being inspired with lively faith and love, may earnestly strive to promote the honour due to thy dear Son, the spread of his Church and the gathering of wanderers into the fold; give us grace to fulfil in our lives what we profess with our lips; deliver us, O God, from false doctrine and slackness of living; and grant that persevering unto the end, we may obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Moral Courage.



knowest Father, thou weakness and cowardliness of my heart. Thou knowest how much I care for the opinion of men. Help me, I beseech thee to care more for what will please thee. Make me strong and courageous that I may never be afraid to do my duty. Give me grace and courage to speak when and as I should. Let me never

shrink from my duty through the fear of man. Let the love of Jesus fill my heart, that in his strength I may be strong. Give me the constant guidance and assistance of thy Holy Spirit. I ask all in the name and for the sake of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

The Girls' Friendly Society.

LORD, our Heavenly Father, we beseech thee to bless us, and all who belong to the Girls' Friendly Society. May its members be sheltered and protected evermore by thy fatherly love; and to its Associates vouchsafe the help and guidance of thy Holy Spirit. Help us all to bear one another's burdens, to live not for ourselves, but for others, as members of one family in Christ; wash us from our sins in his precious blood; make us holy by the indwelling of thy Holy Spirit, and bring us all at last to the joy of thy Heavenly Kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


The Church Temperance Society.

ALMIGHTY GOD, who didst make man in

thine own image, and afterwards didst sanctify our human nature by the incarnation of thy Son, give us grace to resist all those sinful lusts whereby that which thou hast made and sanctified may be defiled. Send thy blessing in particular, we pray thee, upon the Church Temperance Society, that by its means many may be brought back from the ways of sin, and that all its members, living in mutual help and sympathy, may grow in holiness both of soul and body, until they come to thy perfect likeness; through the mediation of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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