Sultan's respectable signature, and is bowstrung with great complacency. In 1810, several of these presents were exhibited in the niche of the Seraglio gate; among others, the head of the Pacha of Bagdat, a brave young man, cut off by treachery, after a desperate resistance. Note 9. Page 148, line 65. Thrice clapp'd his hands, and call'd his steed. Clapping of the hands calls the servants. The Turks hate a superfluous expenditure of voice, and they have no bells. Note 10. Page 148, line 66. Resign'd his gem-adorn'd Chibouque. Note 18. Page 149, line 34. « Azrael »—the angel of death. Note 19. Page 149, line 67. Within the caves of Istakar. The treasures of the Preadamite Sultans. See D'HERBELOT, article Istakar. Note 20. Page 149, line 83. Holds not a Musselim's control. Musselim, a governor, the next in rank after a Pacha; a Waywode is the third; and then come the Agas. Note 21. Page 149, line 84. Was he not bred in Egripo? Chibouque, the Turkish pipe, of which the amber mouth-piece, and sometimes the ball which contains the Turks of Egripo, the Jews of Salonica, and the Egripo-the Negropont. According to the proverb, the leaf, is adorned with precious stones, if in posses-Greeks of Athens, are the worst of their respective sion of the wealthier orders. Note 11. Page 148, line 68. With Maugrabee and Mamaluke. Maugrabee, Moorish mercenaries. Note 12. Page 148, line 69. His way amid his Delis took. Del, bravos who form the forlorn hope of the cavalry, and always begin the action. Note 13. Page 148, liné St. Careering cleave the folded felt. A twisted fold of felt is used for scimitar practice by the Turks, and few but Mussulman arms can cut through it at a single stroke: sometimes a tough turban is used for the same purpose. The jerreed is a game of blunt javelins, animated and graceful. Note 14. Page 148, line 84. Nor heard their Ollabs wild and loud « Ollahs,» Alla il Allah, the « Leilies,» as the Spanish poets call them, the sound is Ollah; a cry of which the Turks, for a silent people, are somewhat profuse, particularly during the jerreed, or in the chase, but mostly in battle. Their animation in the field, and gravity in the chamber, with their pipes and comboloios. form an amusing contrast. races. Note 22. Page 150, line 31. Ah! yonder see the Tchocadar. << Tchocadar»>-one of the attendants who precedes a man of authority. Note 23. Page 150, line 101. Thine own broad Hellespont still dashes, The wrangling about this epithet, « the broad Hellespont»> or the boundless Hellespont,» whether it means one or the other, or what it means at all, has been beyond all possibility of detail. I have even heard it disputed on the spot; and not foreseeing a speedy conclusion to the controversy, amused myself with swimming across it in the mean time, and probably may again, before the point is settled. Indeed, the question as to the truth of « the tale of Troy divine»> still continues, much of it resting upon the talismanic word anεtрos: » probably Homer had the same notion of distance that a coquette has of time, and when he talks of boundless, means half a mile; as the latter, by a like figure, when she says eternal attachment, simply specifies three weeks. Note 24. Page 150, line 112. Which Ammon's son ran proudly round. Before his Persian invasion, and crowned the altar with laurel, etc. He was afterwards imitated by Caracalla in his race. It is believed that the last also poisoned a friend, named Festus, for the sake of new Patroclan games. I have seen the sheep feeding on the tombs of Esietes and Antilochus; the first is in the centre of the plain. Note 25. Page 151, line 12. O'er which her fairy fingers ran. When rubbed, the amber is susceptible of a perfume, which is slight, but not disagreeable. Note 26. Page 151, line 15. Her mother's sainted amulet. The belief in amulets engraved on gems, or enclosed in gold boxes, containing scraps from the Koran, worn round the neck, wrist, or arm, is still universal in the East. The Koorsee (throne) verse in the second cap. of the Koran describes the attributes of the Most High, and is engraved in this manner, and worn by the pious, as the most esteemed and sublime of all sentences. Note 27. Page 151, line 18. And by her Comboloio lies. « Comboloio»--a Turkish rosary. The MSS., particularly those of the Persians, are richly adorned and illuminated. The Greek females are kept in utter ignorance; but many of the Turkish girls are highly accomplished, though not actually qualified for a Christian coterie; perhaps some of our own «< blues» might not be the worse for bleaching. « Note 28. Page 151, line 96. In him was some young Galiongée. Galiongée»-or Galiongi, a sailor, that is, a Turkish sailor; the Greeks navigate, the Turks work the guns. Their dress is picturesque; and I have seen the Captain Pacha more than once wearing it as a kind of incog. Their legs, however, are generally naked. The buskins described in the text as sheathed behind with silver, are those of an Arnaut robber, who was my host (he had quitted the profession), at his Pyrgo, near Gastouni in the Morea; they were plated in scales one over the other, like the back of an armadillo. Note 29. Page 152, line 18. So may the Koran verse display'd. Note 37. Page 153, line 95. Ay! let me like the ocean-patriarch roam. Note 38. Page 153, line 96. Or only know on land the Tartar's home. The characters on all Turkish scimitars contain sometimes the name of the place of their manufacture, but more generally a text from the Koran, in letters of gold. Amongst those in my possession is one with a blade of singular construction; it is very broad, and the edge notched into serpentine curves like the ripple of water, or the wavering of flame. I asked the Armenian who sold it, what possible use such a figure could add: he said, in Italian, that he did not know; but the Mussul-mans, will be found well detailed in any book of Eastern mans had an idea that those of this form gave a severer wound; and liked it because it was « piu feroce.»> I did not much admire the reason, but bought it for its peculiarity. Note 30. Page 153, line 33. Bat like the nephew of a Cain. The wandering life of the Arabs, Tartars, and Turko travels. That it possesses a charm peculiar to itself can- Note 39. Page 153, line 116. << Jannat al Aden,» the perpetual abode, the Mussulman Paradise. Note 40. Page 155, line 78. And moura'd above bis turban-stone. A turban is carved in stone above the graves of men It is to be observed, that every allusion to any thing or personage in the Old Testament, such as the Ark, or Cain, is equally the privilege of Mussulman and Jew; indeed the former profess to be much better acquainted with the lives, true and fabulous, of the patriarchs, than is warranted by our own Sacred writ, and not content with Adam, they have a biography of Pre-Adamites. only. Solomon is the monarch of all necromancy, and Moses a prophet inferior only to Christ and Mahomet. Zuleika is the Persian name of Potiphar's wife, and her amour with Joseph constitutes one of the finest poems in their language. It is therefore no violation of costume to put the names of Cain, or Noah, into the mouth of a Moslem. Note 31. Page 152, line 49. And Paswan's rebel hordes attest. Paswan Oglou, the rebel of Widin, who for the last years of his life set the whole power of the Porte at defiance. Note 32. Page 152, line 61. They gave their horsetails to the wind. Horsetail, the standard of a Pacha. Note 33. Page 152, line 74. He drank one draught, nor needed more! Note 41. Page 155, line 87. The loud Wul-wulleh warn his distant ear. The death-song of the Turkish women. The « silent slaves» are the men whose notions of decorum forbid complaint in public. Note 42. Page 155, line 123. Where is my child?—an echo answers- Where? • «I came to the place of my Lirth and cried, the friends of my youth, where are they? and an Echo answered, 'where are they?» From an Arabic MS. The above quotation (from which the idea in the text is taken) must be already familiar to every reader-it is given in the first annotation, page 67, of « The Pleasures of Memory;» a poem so well known as to render a reference almost superfluous; but to whose pages all Giaffir, Pacha of Argyro Castro, or Scutari, I am not will be delighted to recur. то THOMAS MOORE, ESQ. MY DEAR MOORE, after my own heart: Scott alone, of the present generation, has hitherto completely triumphed over the fatal facility of the octo-syllabic verse; and this is not the least victory of his fertile and mighty genius: in blank verse, Milton, Thomson, and our dramatists, are the beacons that shine along the deep, but warn us from the rough and barren rock on which they are kindled. The heroic couplet is not the most popular measure certainly; but as I did not deviate into the other from a wish to flatter what is called public opinion, I shall quit it without further apology, and take my chance once more with that versification, in which I have hitherto published nothing but compositions whose former circulation is I DEDICATE to you the last production with which I shall trespass on public patience, and your indulgence, for some years; and I own that I feel anxious to avail myself of this latest and only opportunity of adorning my pages with a name, consecrated by unshaken public principle, and the most undoubted and various talents. While Ireland ranks you among the firmest of her patriots; while you stand alone the first of her bards in her estimation, and Britain repeats and ratifies the decree, permit one, whose only regret, since our first acquaint-part of my present and will be of my future regret, ance, has been the years he had lost before it commenced, to add the humble but sincere suffrage of friendship, to the voice of more than one nation. It will at least prove to you, that I have neither forgotten the gratification derived from your society, nor abandoned the prospect of its renewal, whenever your leisure or inclination allows you to atone to your friends for too long an absence. It is said among those friends, I trust truly, that you are engaged in the composition of a poem whose scene will be laid in the East; none can do those scenes so much justice. The wrongs of your own country, the magnificent and fiery spirit of her sons, the beauty and feeling of her daughters, may there be found; and Collins, when he denominated his Oriental his Irish Eclogues, was not aware how true, at least, was a part of his parallel. Your Imagination will create a warmer sun, and less clouded sky; but wildness, tenderness, and originality are part of your national claim of oriental descent, to which you have already thus far proved your title more clearly than the most zealous of your country's antiquarians. May I add a few words on a subject on which all men are supposed to be fluent, and none agreeable?-Self. I have written much, and published more than enough to demand a longer silence than I now meditate; but for some years to come it is my intention to tempt no further the award of «Gods, men, nor columns.» In the present composition I have attempted not the most cafe nit, but, perhaps, the best adapted measure to our language, the good old and now neglected heroic couplet. The stanza of Spenser is perhaps too slow and dignified for narrative; though I confess, it is the measure most With regard to my story, and stories in general, I should have been glad to have rendered my personages more perfect and amiable, if possible, inasmuch as I have been sometimes criticised, and considered no less responsible for their deeds and qualities than if all had been personal. Be it so-if I have deviated into the gloomy vanity of « drawing from self,» the pictures are probably like, since they are unfavourable; and if not, those who know me are undeceived, and those who do not, I have little interest in undeceiving. I have no particular desire that any but my acquaintance should think the author better than the beings of his imagining; but I cannot help a little surprise, and perhaps amusement, at some odd critical exceptions in the present instance, when I see several bards (far more deserving, I allow), in very reputable plight, and quite exempted from all participation in the faults of those heroes, who, nevertheless, might be found with little more morality than «The Giaour,>> and perhaps—but no-I must admit Childe Harold to be a very repulsive personage; and as to his identity, those who like it must give him whatever « alias» they please. If, however, it were worth while to remove the impression, it might be of some service to me, that the man who is alike the delight of his readers and his friends, the poet of all circles, and the idol of his own, permits me here and elsewhere to subscribe myself, most truly, and affectionately, his obedient servant, BYRON. January 2, 1814. CANTO I. •———nessun maggior dolore. DANTE. «O'ER the glad waters of the dark blue sea, Gaze where some distant sail a speck supplies, That goblet passes him untasted still- His short repast in humbleness supply With all a hermit's board would scarce deny. But while he shuns the grosser joys of sense, Whom slumber soothes not-pleasure cannot please-His mind seems nourish'd by that abstinence. Steer to that shore!»-they sail. « Do this!»-'tis done : No dread of death-if with us die our foes- II. Such were the notes that from the Pirate's isle, III. « A sail!—a sail!»-a promised prize to hope! IV. Hoarse o'er her side the rustling cable rings; V. The tidings spread, and gathering grows the crowd: Here let them haste to gladden and surprise, VI. Where is our chief? for him we hear report- To where his watch-tower beetles o'er the bay, Tis he-tis Conrad-here-as wont--alone; We dare not yet approach-thou know'st his mood, When strange or uninvited steps intrude.» VII. Him Juan sought, and told of their intent- In the anchor'd bark.» «Ay! at set of sun: They make obeisance, and retire in haste, That man of loneliness and mystery, What should it be? that thus their faith can bind? IX. Unlike the heroes of each ancient race, The haughtier thought it curbs, but scarce conceals. Some secret thought than drag that chief's to day. X. Slight are the outward signs of evil thought, |