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" Through all the compass of the notes it ran, The diapason closing full in Man. What passion cannot Music raise and quell? When Jubal struck the chorded shell, His listening brethren stood around, And, wondering, on their faces fell To worship that celestial... "
Ten years' Queen's scholarship questions, 1870-9, with answers to arithmetic ... - Página 34
por Education Ministry of - 1880
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Miscellany Poems: Containing Variety of New Translations of the ..., Volumen4

John Dryden - 1716 - 416 páginas
...lift'ning Brethren flood around, And wondring, on their Faces fell To worfliip that Celeflial Sound. Lefs than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that Shell That Ipoke fo fweetly and fo well. What Paffion cannot Mufick raife and quell ! HI. The Trumpet's loud Clangor...
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Original Poems and Translations, Volumen2

John Dryden - 1743 - 352 páginas
...lift'ning Brethren flood around, And, wond'ring, on their Faces fell To worfhip that Celeilial Sound. Lefs than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that Shell, That That fpoke fo fweetly and fo well. What Paffion cannot Mufick raiie and quell I III. The Trumpet's...
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The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq;: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1760 - 528 páginas
...lift'ning brethren flood around, And, wond'ring, on their faces fell To worfhip that celeftial found. Lefs than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that fhell, That fpoke fo fweetly and fo well. What paffion cannot Mufic raife and quell ? III. The trumpet's...
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The Miscellaneous Works: Containing All His Original Poems, Tales ..., Volumen2

John Dryden - 1760 - 488 páginas
...lift'ning brethren ftood around, And, wond'ring, on their faces fell To worfhip that celeftial found. Lefs than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that fhell, That fpoke fo fweetly and fo well. What paffion cannot Mufic raife and quell ? III. The trumpet's...
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An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope ...

Joseph Warton - 1762 - 362 páginas
...lift'ning brethren flood around, And wondering on their faces fell, To worfhip that celeftial found : Lefs than a god they thought there could not dwell, Within the hollow of that fhell, That fpoke fo fweetly and fo well. What paffion cannot mufic raife and quell ! This is fo complete...
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The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1767 - 384 páginas
...lift'ning brethren flood around, And, wond'ring, on their faces fell To worflup that celeftial found. Lefs than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that fhell, That fpoke fo fweetly and fo well. What paffion cannot Mufic raife and quell ? III. The trumpet's...
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The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 326 páginas
...liftening brethren (lood around, And, wondring, on their faces fell To wor(hip that celeflial found. Lefs than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that (hell, That fpoke fo fweetly and fo well. What paffion cannot Mufic raife and quell ? III. The trumpet's...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volumen19

English poets - 1790 - 312 páginas
...liftening brethren flood around, And, wond'ring, on their faces fell To worfhip that celeftial found. Lefs than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that fhell, That fpoke fo fweetly and fo well. What paffion cannot Mufic raife and quell? III. The trumpet's...
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Concerts of Antient Music

1791 - 126 páginas
...lift'ning brethren flood around, And, Wondering, on their faces fell To worfhip that celeftial found : Lefs than a god they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that fhell, That fpoke fo fweetly and fo well : What paffion cannot mufic raife and quell ! CHORUS. Handel....
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A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..: Dryden. Rochester ...

1793 - 830 páginas
...'.iftcnji'g brethren Oood around, And, wcind'ring, on their faces fell To worlhip that celcfthl found. Lei's than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that fhcll, That Ipnki- fo fweetly and fn well. What paffion cannot Mulic raife and quell ? III. The trumpet's...
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