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HE Author of this Work had written upon the Title of that Manufcript Volume, which contained the Epiftle to the Romans, the following Direction: "N. B. If I die be・fore this. Work is finished, as it is most probable I fball, I defire that it may be tranfcribed, as far as "it goes, by Mr. Orton; and that he would add fuch "Notes, as he fhall judge most proper, from my writ"ten critical Notes on the Epiftles; and that it may "be printed by Subfcription in one, two or three Vo"lumes, as shall be judged moft convenient, and ac

cording to the Progrefs which Providence may permit me to make in it. Jan. 1, 1746-7."I think it therefore incumbent upon me to inform the Subfcribers what Progrefs the Author had made in this Work, and.

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what has been done to it fince his Death, in Order to remove thofe Sufpicions, which often arife concerning the Authenticity of pofthumous Works.

When it pleafed GOD to put a Period to the Author's Life and Labours, he had finished his Paraphrafe and Improvement of the Epiftolary Part of the New Teftament, and of the Book of the Revelation, and fairly wrote it out in fhort Hand; and had added the principal Notes, which he intended to publish. At the End of the Manufcript Volume containing the Revelation, hẹ bad wrote, Through the good Hand of GOD upon (c me, which I defire most thankfully to acknowledge, "I ended the firft Copy of the Family Expofitor, Dec.

31, 1748, exactly two Years after I began to write "upon the Romans; having pursued it during that "Time without the Interruption of one fingle Day;

fuch Health, and fuch Resolution did it please GOD " to give me amidst the various Scenes of Business, "Danger and Amusement, through which I passed! "May his Grace raife to himself a Monumeut of Praife

from this feeble Effort to explain, illuftrate and inforce "his Word!" And under, "I ended my Notes on "the Books I had thus paraphrased and improved, Auguft

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21, 1749, having daily pursued the Work in like "Manner, whether at Home or Abroad." He had tranfcribed for the Prefs the Paraphrafe, Improvements and Notes of the two firft Volumes, as now published;


by the EDITOR.

the Paraphrafe and Improvements of the Epifle to the Hebrews, and the two first Epistles of John.-- -The Notes on these three Epiftles, together with the Paraphrafe, Improvements and Notes on the remaining Epistles and the Revelation, were transcribed from his fhort Hand Copy, by my own Hand, or under my Inspection by Some of his Pupils; and I carefully revifed the Tranfcript feveral Times, and compared it with his fhort Hand Copy. I can affure the Subfcribers, that the utmost Caution hath been used, that no one Sentiment of the Author fhould be juppressed or changed, and only fuch Expreffions varied, as, to avoid Tautology and for the fake of Perfpicuity and Accuracy, it might be prefumed the Author would have varied, had he tranfcribed this Part of the Work, and given it. his finishing Hand. In the Margin of the bort Hand Copy he had wrote Hints of fome Alterations to be made in the Phrafealogy and Length of fome Sentences, as well as of Notes be intended to add when he tranfcribed it for the Prefs. I have endeavoured to follow thefe Hints in the best Manner I could; and, accordingly a few Notes have been added to vindicate or illuftrate his Verfion or Paraphrafe, and References inferted to other Criticks; most of which were taken from his Notes, according to the Direction mentioned above. On the whole, I hope the attentive Reader, who is acquainted with his Style and Spirit, will discover nothing in the latter Part of the Work unfuitable to either; and will join with me in Thankfulness

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Thankfulness to GOD, who spared his Life, till he · had compleated this important and useful Undertaking.

There is one Occurrence relating to it, which my own Judgment, and that of many of the Author's Friends, forbid me to conceal, and the rather, because it has been greatly mifreprefented. During the Author's Life (in June 1750.) a Fire occafioned by a Wax-Candle being left on his writing Desk, broke out in his Study, and confumed many of bis Papers, and Part of one Volume of the fport Hand Copy of this Work; but the Light of the Fire being providentially discovered by an oppofite Neighbour, who gave an immediate Alarm, it was fpeedily extinguished. When tthe Author was informed of the Accident, he seemed moft anxious about the Prefervation of this Manufcript; and when the Flames were extinguished, to his great Joy and Surprize it appeared, that the Part of this Volume, and that only, which was deftroyed, had been transcribed, and the Tranfcript lay in another Place out of Danger, and all the untranfcribed Pages were perfectly legible, and only the Edges of them finged. Being an Eye-witness of the Danger and Deliverance, I record this Account of it, partly for the Satisfaction of the Subfcribers with Regard to the exaggerated Report, but chiefly as it feems to denote a particular Care of Providence in preferving this. Work, and a favourable Omen,, that GOD intends it for


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