Imágenes de páginas





A. B.'s Communication, 519.
Abor Iristis, a new plant, 341.
Academy of Inscriptions (Royal French), work
presented to, by M.Champollion, 152-of Sciences,
account of sitting in, 342-Portuguese, at Lisbon,
account of, 568-exhibition of the Royal, 334-
produce of exhibition of, 447-Spanish, of St.
Fernando, proceedings of, 229-of Fine Arts at
Berlin, exhibition of, 20-of Medicine in France,
new regulations in, 176-Danish, elections in,
344-American, resolution of, 570-of Sciences,
French, 20.

Acid, Pyroligneous, 295.

Advice to the Physician, &c. remarks on, 185.
Eneid, presented to the King's Library at Paris by
the Duchess of Devonshire, 451.
Aerolite in France, 565-'etter respecting, 620.
Aerostatics, method of guiding Balloons, 292, 344.
Aerestation, improvement in, 562-Balloon first
filled with coal gas, 450.

Acrstadt's (Professor) discoveries in Magnetism,


African discoveries, by Mr. Campbell, 178.
Africa, new Travellers in, 345, 396, 455-the Niger
of, 513-new expedition to, 561.

Agricultural reports, prices of corn, &c, 33, 80, 134,
191, 245, 303, 358, 408, 469, 528, 583, 631.
Agriculture, economy in the practice of, 175.
Alabaster Sarcophagus of Belzoni, 563.
Aldermen (Court of) their address to the King, 4
-His Majesty's reply, ib.-new one elected,

Alfieri (Life of), reviewed, 129

Altar found near Chester, 225.
Altitude of the Himalaya Mountains, 622.
Amak, new Carrot so called, 400.

America, new learned Society in, 345-antiquity
discovered in, 455-academy, resolution of, 570.
Anatomy, model for studying, 120.
Anchors (new), 295.

Auecdotal Literature, 112.

Anne Boleyn (Memoirs of), reviewed, 129.
Antarctic land, the new, 223-account of, 512.
Antidotes against Poisons, 171.
Antique sculpture, 396.

statues found in France, 72.
Antiquities in Bristol Cathedral, 395-Druidical,
at Belfast, ib.-Roman, at Castor, 507-at Brus-
sels, 568-from Denelyra, 565-it Exeter, 111-
at Caistor, 116-at Colchester, a Sphinx dug up
there, 229-near Chester, 225-in the Edgware-
road, 226-Arab, 230-at Bury, 69-purchased
by Gen. Menu di Minutoti, 621.
Anti-scepticism, review of, 77.

Anti-spasmodic (New) discovered by M. Girard,

Apograph, new-invented instrument, 157.
Apothecaries at Paris, prizes offered by, 452.
Apparatus, a new chemical, 624.

Apple bread, 180.

new species of, 572.

(peach), extraordinary, 623.

Apples (American) 456.

and Pears, new mode of preserving, 570.
Apple and Pcar trees, on promoting the early pu-
berty of, 400.

Appointments and Promotions, ecclesiastical and
civil, 40, 87, 141, 197, 253, 310, 355, 477, 48, 534,
591, 639.

Aquatic travelling, 517.

Arbuthnot (Mr. C.), memoir of, 200.

Architecture, public buildings, 501-new Temple
at Vienua, 120.

Architects and Antiquaries' Club, fourth meeting
of, 225-remarks on, 182.


Arithmetic, White's, 625.

Artists, new French regulation respecting, 289-
blunders of. 114.

Arts (Fine), 24, 63, 108, 168, 220, 278, 334, 390,
445, 501, 558, 615.

(Us: ful), 26, 124, 180, 243, 295, 347, 457, 516,
572, 624.

Fine (Magazine of the', remarks on, 247.
Society of, 338-new Society of, id.-Edin-
burgh School o!, 393.

Ashmolean Museum, supposed head of Cromwell
in the, 349.

Asiatic Society (French), $96.

Museum, large bulirush, 179.
Ask found in a stone, 289.

Assemani (Abbe Simcon), his death, 511.
Assize of bread from 1725 to 1210, 307.
Astronomy, Baron Lindeneau on the Sun, 122-Dr.
Astarte, with other Poems, remarks on, 187.
Olber's calculation respecting a Comet, 171–
errors in tables of planets, 288.
Astronomical Tables, invention of, 125.

Atropia, substance so called, 287.
Auricula, remarkable, 456.
Austin (J.), Esq. memoir of, 957.
Authors (Russian), account of, 453.
Ayrshire Legatees, remarks on, 404.

--Society (the London), report of, 223.

B, a correspondent. recommending to grow fig-
trees or mulberries near the ocean. 236
Ballantyne (Mr. John), memoirs of, 426.
Balloons, method of guiding found out, 292.
Bancroft (Dr., memoirs of, 594.

Bank of England, redaction in its establishment,
589-compelled to pay in specie, 195-the new
notes, 140.

Bankrupts and Dividends, 37, 84, 137, 193, 249,
Bankers (Country), number of licences, 30%.
305, 351, 410, 472, 530, 587, 635.

Banks (Sir Joseph), proposed statue of, 560.
Banuockburn, a novel, review of, 300

Bark (on preserving the) of young trees, 571.
Barometer, newly invented one, 573.
Bartleman (Mr.) memoirs of, 313.

Bateman (Dr.) memoirs of, 312.

Bath of Rosso Antico discovered at Rome, 230.
Battle of Waterloo, Ward's picture of, 282.
Bayard, monument to, 620.

Bee, American, 232.

Beehives (new mode of constructing) to re-ist
cold, 514

Belshazzar's Feast, Martin's picture of, 108, 100.
Belzoni, his facsimiles of Egyptian antiquities,
113 his model of the tomb of Psamanis, 174.
286-re-opening of, 615.

Bencoo'en, account of, 326-Beni Ben Ali, attacks
of, 272-defeat of 493.

Benevolent Society of St. Patrick, 196.

Justitution, 364.

Berlin Academy of Fine Arts, exhibition of, 20
-geographical globe made at, 231-new theatre
opened, 399.

Biblicus, communication of, 236.

Billinghausen (Capt.) commands a Russian voyage
of discovery, 569.

Bills of Mortality, 1820, 86.

Birth-day (His Majesty's) kept on 23d April, 214
Births, London, Middlesex and Surrey, 40, 88,
141, 197, 254, 310, 365, 422, 479, 534, 591, 639.
Blackwell-hall, rebuilding, 38.

Bligh (Sir R. R.) memoirs of, 314.
Blunders of Artists, 114.

Boat, newly invented, 517-antique boats, 503.
Boctor (Mr. E.), his death, 565.

Bonaparte, memoir of, 422-print of, 447-his bat

4 0

tles, 423, 424, 425-sone works of, published, | Christina's Revenge, review of, 523.
452-gazette of his death, 382-his funeral, 384,
-his works printed at Paris, 620.

Christ's agony (picture of), by B. R. Haydon, 168,

Boun, new honorary members in University of, 73.
Bonny castle (J.) memoirs of, 369.

Book of Enoch the prophet, remarks on, 525.
Bordeaux bridge, account of, 395.

Botany, Linnea Borealis, 111-number of plants,
Calculated by Humboldt, 173-new work on,
published in Germany, 231-new variety of ches.
nut, 232-Mr. Sieber's collections of, 292-ele.
ments of, reviewed, 520

Boughton (Sir C. W. R.), memoir of, 199.
Bournon's (Count de) mention of a geological
discovery, 620.

Bridge (Roman) discovered in Holland, 453.
Brief Observations on the present State of the Wal-
deuses, reviewed, 403

Britannia's Cypress, a poem, remarks on, 239.
Britannicus, reply to, 236-reply to his second
communication, 460.

British Institution Gallery in 1821, 108, 109-old
Masters (exhibition of) in ditto, 445.
Bromyard, marine animal found near, 561.
Brougham (Letter to H.), critical remarks on, 28.
Brussels, antiquity discovered at, 568.
Bryan (Mr. M.), memoir of him, 255.
Bullock Mr.), his importation of rein-deer, 505.
Bunbury (Sir C., memoir of him, 257.
Burney (Admiral), inemoir of, 642.

Burns anniversary, 113-mouument, subscription
for, 337.

Byron (Lord), charge of plagiarism against him,
172-error in, 297.

[blocks in formation]

Calves, to rear, 623.

Cambridge Philosophical Society, 16, 70.

Campaigns of the British Army in America, re-
view of, 401.

Canal (Rosetta) finished, 123-shares, prices of, 634.
Cane, extraordinary one in ladia, 232.
Canning (Rt. Hon. G.), his retirement from office,
5-his letter to his constituents, 49.
Canova's statue of a horse, 292-centaur, 398-bust
of Bonaparte, 447.

Cape of Good Hope (Notes on) reviewed, 405.
Capital crimes, list of sufferers for, 474.
Caraccas, independence of established, 551.
Carhampton (Earl of), memoirs of, 314.
Carlini, obtains the astronomical prize, at Milan,


Carnations, extraordinary one at Edinburgh, 561.
Carrot (new), called Amak, 400.

Cashmere Goats, 175-imported into France, 19-
brought to France, 566.

Cash payments by the Bank take place, 309.
Castle of Falaise repaired, 565.

Catechisms for Children, Irving's remarks on, 183
-ot Sacred History, notice of 575.


Chromate of iron in Scotland, 342.
Chronometers, effect of magnetism on, 112.
Churches (new), the first report made, 196.
Cibber's statues, 560.

Cicero's tract on a Republic recovered, 74.
Circuits of the Judges. 474-in 1821, 139.
Circular of the Allied Powers respecting Naples,97.
Clay-slate axe found in a whale, 111.
Cleoue (poem of) reviewed, 355.
Clergy (the French), number of, 566.
Clothing for warin climates, black the best, 691.
Clover, new species of, 570.

Clue for young Latinists, by J. Carey, remarks

on, 75.

Coal mines, to cure Gas in, 516.

tar, ou the use of, 243.

trade in London, activity of, 38.
Coffee shops, bill relative to, 475.
tree, mode of engrafting, 346.
Coinage, silver, 252.

Coin found near Exeter, 394.
Cold, Polar expedition, 116.

Colchicum Autumnale, a poison for cattle, 293.
College (Trinity), Dublin, examination at, 283, 337.
-(Winchester), annual election at, 393.
Colonies, events in the, 5, 53, 103, 214, 270, 326,
382, 437, 492, 548, 604.

Colpoys (Sir John), memoir of, 314.

Commentary of St. Eustathius, reprinting, 344.
Commercial Reports, 35, 82, 136, 192, 248, 304,
359, 409, 471, 529, 586, 633.
Commissions, new prices of, 545.

Committee on Foreign Trade, second report of, 360.
Common Council, resolutions of, 3-Court of,
held, 533-proceedings in, 590, 638.

Complete Collection of Treaties and Conventions,
remarks on, 627.

Concert at the Mansion-house, 196.
Congreve rockets, 517.

Considerations on the Coronation, reviewed, 403.
Constantinople, Greek works printed at, 454-the
Kibotos, ib.

Contagion, contrasted history of, 120.

Conventual Association (The Female), 252.
Conversationes, scientific, 339.

Convicts, total number of ships that have sailed
for New South Wales, 476.

Cope (Rev. G.), memoir of, 641.

Copernicus, monument to erecting, 292.
Copying machine, 180.

Copyright (Origin of ), and the first literary piracy,
171-Dramatic, pamphlet on, 284.
Cord, new kind of, 27.
Cork-tree, account of, 400.
Co:k Museum, 173.

Corn, mode of kiln-drying, 346-returns, system
of, 528-lodgment, to prevent the evil effects of,
Corneille, monument to his memory, 565.
Coronation, preparations for, 308-proclaimed, 363
-account of, 412.

Correspondence, 235, 297, 459, 519.

Corve to (Count L. E.), his decease, 569.
Cosmo III. Travels of, reviewed, 405.
Cosway (R.) Esq. R.A. meinoir of, 482.

Catholic bill lost in the House of Lords, 211-abs-Cotes (J.) Eq. M. P. memoir of, 538.

tract of the same, 212.

Catgut strings, to manufacture, 243.

Catwg, wisdom of, 227.

Cauliflower, to keep, 023.

Celery, bulbous rooted, red or Russian knoll, 18.
Champion's Defence of the Coronation, remarks
on, 524.

Charing Cross, origin of the name of, 228.

Charities (receipts of the principal) in London,

Cheap fuel, 180.

Chemistry, fulminating silver, 113.
Chesnut, new variety of, 232.

Children, universal Dispensary for, 309.
China roses at Lansdowne House, 400.
Chinese picture-book, account of, 509.
Chirayita (The), 452.

Chloruret of gold, action of salts upon, 340-action
of mineral acids on, 564.

Cottages, act relating to, 238.

Council of Public Instruction in Paris, prizes given
by, 566.

Court of Claims, on the Queen's demand of being
crowned, 379.

Court of Aldermen, its address on the King's re-
turn, 592

of Common Council, 593-Vote of Thanks
to Mr. Hume, 403.

Cowper, his residence at Olney decorated, 563.
Craven Hon. Keppel), his Letter to Lord Liver-
pool, 2.

Crime (state of) in the Metropolis, 1820, 36-dimi-
nution of, in France, 289-number of persons
committed for, in Great Britain, &c. 476.
Crome (Mr.) memoir of, 370.

Cromwell (Oliver) and his Times, reviewed, 353—
his head in possession of a gentleman in the
City, 70, 110, 172, 349-O. Cromwell, Esq. me
moir of, 425.

Crossbill (The) seen in Shropshire, 451.
Crown (The new) described, 251.
Crucifixion (Lent Lectures on). remarks on, 467.
Crusaders, new German work on, 344.
Crystals, structure of, 395.

Cucumber, extraordinary. 456.

Culture of Opium in Great Britain, 456.

Cups (Drinking) of Human Skulls, Lord Byron's,

Curiosity, literary, 395.

Currant (Black), new species of, 456.
Currents of the ocean, bottle found, 286.
Cusac (T.) Esq. memoir of. 594.

Cuvier presents the head of Descartes to the French
Academy of Sciences, 342-his panegyric on Sir
Joseph Banks, 230-eloge of, 290.

Dancing (Essay on), by Tho. Wilson, remarks on,

Daturium, account of a vegetable alkali called, 224.
David's Day (St.), origin of, 226.

Davy (Sir Humphry), memoir of, i.

Deaths in London, Middlesex, and Surrey, 41, 88,
142, 198, 251, 311, 366, 422, 479, 536, 591, 640.
Decay in fruit-trees, causes, 233.

Declaration of Laybach, 326, 327.

Decree issued by the King of Portugal, 440.

Dejean (M), his mode of preserving corn and
flour, 506.

Descartes, skull of, 292.

Destruction of turnip-fly, or beetle, 19.

Dibdin's Tour, review of, 297.

Dictionary, plan for a Gaelic, 237.

Die Vorzeit, a literary work at Cassel so called, 567.
Diod Griafol, a liquor, 180.

Dip of the Needle, observations on, 226.
Discovery, French voyage of, 397-account of, 397,
398-Russian voyage of, 454.

Distemper in Cattle, receipt to cure, 294.

Distillery, accident at a private one in the City,


Dividends and Bankrupts. See Bankrupts.

Doctrine of the Scriptures, &c. by S. Noble, re-
marks on, 524.

Documents found relative to the Fleet Prison, 474.
Drama (a cordial lover of ), his communication, 349.

The). 9, 57, 105, 161, 217, 273, 329, 385, 441,
497, 553, 609-Drury-lane Theatre, 9, 57, 105, 162,
217, 273, 329, 385, 441, 497, 553, 609-Covent-
Garden, 13, 59, 106, 165, 218, 275, 330, 386. 442,
553, 610-the minor theatres, 62-Surrey Theatre,
107, 167, 277, 333, 369-King's Theatre, 1fi
-Adelphi, 333-English Opera, 387, 443, 498---
Haymarket, 388, 444, 500, 557, 613-building of,
196-French Theatres, receipts at, 290-Den-
mark, 23-Polish, new works on, 122-Theatre
at New York, account of, 570-West London, 613.
Drawing-room (His Majesty's), first held, 477.
Drilling, 116.

Dry-rot, cure for, 180.

Dublin (Trinity College) offers a premium for a
Coronation Poem, 393.

Literary Societies of, 690

Dutch literature, account of, 567.
Dwarka, account of the fall of, 270.

Dyott (Mrs.)_memoirs of, 182.

Dysart (The Earl), memoir of, 198.

Ear (Diseases of), meeting respecting, 308.
Echoism, a poem, reviewed, 335.

Edelcranz (Baron), his death, 292.
Edinburgh School of Arts, 393.
Edridge (H.), Esq. memoirs of, 314.

Education, substance of a letter on the old mode

of, 235 Count Romanzof's introduction of, 453
-state of, in France, 342-in Italy, 511-in Eng.
laud, 563.

Electro-magnetism, M. Yelin on, 691.
Elgin marbles, 447.

Elk fossil, 393.

Enchiridion, or a Hand for the One-handed, 413.
Engineers, Spanish school of, 291.
English coinages, account of, 174.

Englishman (A plain), on Mr. Brougham's bill,
notice of, 237.

Engravings, in Literary Publications, 24, 25, 26, 63,
64, 65, 66-engravers of, ib.-British Gallery of,
65-recent, and the superiority of English, 558---
wood, the first, 112.

Epitaph, curious one in Germany, 460.
Erasmus and Sir T. More, anecdote of, 222.

Essay on Discases of the Skin, by Sir A. Clarke,
review of, 298-on Interest and Annuities, re-
viewed, 402-on the Superstitions of the Ashan-
tees, reviewed, ib.-on the Price of Labour, on
National Wealth and Happiness, remarks on, 466.
Eve of Saint Hypolito, review of, 132.
Everard (Dr.), memoirs of, 255.
Excursion of a Spirit, review of, 552.
Executions at Newgate, 39, 139, 140, 251, 534, 589,
638-at Horsemonger-lane, 251.

Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 334.
Exotics, when introduced into England, 400.
Expedience, a satire, remarks on, 522.
Expedition to the North Pole, 85-progress of,448.
Extraordinary circumstance in natural history, 110.
Eye (Diseases of), the hospital for, 307
Fact, curious one in natural history, 562.
Falaise (Castle of) repaued, 565.
Fanny, a poem, reviewed, 579.

Farming (Good), by a Lieut. in the Navy, 18.
Fate of Adelaide, a poein, reviewed, 579.
Favorite of Nature, a novel, review of, 186.
Feast of Cherries, 177.

Felt, or hair, new sheathing for ships of, 317.
Ferns, directious for raising from seed, 117.
Fig-tree, on training it, 294.

Fine Arts. 24, 63, 108, 168, 220, 278, 331, 390, 445,
501, 558, 615.

Fire, in Gracechurch-street, 533-in St. Giles's,
590-shield (patent), invented in New York, 572.
Flore d'Oware et de Benin, 508.

Flour and Corn, mode of preserving good, 566.
Fontanes (M. de), memoirs of, 257.

Foreign trade, second report of committee on, 360.
Varieties. See Varieties.

Forgery, statement of convictions for crimes con-
nected with the Bank of England, 307.
Forgeries, Letter to Lord Eldon on the subject of
reviewed, 576.

Fossil shell found in India, 179.
(magnificent) organized, 339.

elk, 393.

Fox (Mr. J. L.), memoir of, 313.

France, manufactory for orphans in, 229.
Frankfort, Letter from, respecting a work on De.
sign, 177.

Fruit trees, causes of decay in, 233.

Fund (Literary), the anniversary of the, 288.
Galvanism, discoveries in, 15.

Garden of Florence, review of, 523.
Garrard's equestrian statue of Geo: ge IV. 392
Gaseous water from carbonic acid, method of fa
bricating, 21.

Gas lights, to carry off aqueous vapour from, 180.
Gazette (North Georgia) and Winter Chronicle,
review of, 299.

Bombay, account of the fall of Dwarka, 270.
-expedition to the Persian Gulf in, 492.
of the defeat of Beni Boo Ali, 404.

General Penitentiary, returns of, 475.
Gent (Thomas), Poems by, review of, 78.
Geoffry Crayon, letter respecting, 519.
Geographical Exercise-book, remarks on, 183.
Geography of North Western Africa, 462.
Geographical Society, in Paris, 620.

Geological Society (American), transactions of, 512-
Geology, Dr. M'Culloch's classification of Rocks,
285-of Louisiana, 345-of the Lizard, Sedg.
wick's, 506-Circleville, Ohio State, America,
512-of the New Southern Land, American ac
count of, 455-Count de Bournon of, 620.
George's Fields (St.), Sketches from, reviewed, 351.
German literature at Leipsic Fair, 399.
Gilii (L. F.), dies at Rome, 569.

Glasgow, University of, 67.

Goldsmith (Oliver), celebration of his birth-day,17.
Gonord (M.), his reported discovery in engraving,

[blocks in formation]

Greek Terminations, by J. Carey, remarks on, 625.
Greenland Animalcules, ill.
Gregory (Dr.), memoir of, 367.

Guz nan d'Alfarache, his Life and Adventures, re-
view of, 186.

Gymnastics, new Paris institution for, 20.
Gymnotus Electricus, received in Paris, 508.
Hamburgh (Opera of), Ferdinand Cortes first per-
formed at, 399.

Hamilton of Sundrum, memoir of, 90.
Hargrave (F. E.), memoir of, 594.

Hawthorn (Sam.), bis communication, 349.

Haydn, monument erected to the memory of, at
Saltzburgh, 567.

Haydon (B. R.), his picture of Christ's Agony,
168, 169.

Heat discovered in the Moon's rays, 451.
Hemp and Flax grown at Holkham, 233.
Heraline, a novel, review of, 404.

Hindoo caves, 74.

Hints for inventions, 124.

humbly submitted to Commentators, &c.
review of, 457.

Histoire de la Secte des Amis, review of, 184.
Historical Memoirs of Armagh, remarks on, 29-
Sketches of the Cossack Tribes, remarks on, 16
-Account of New South Wales, reviewed, 131
-Prints of Events in English History, reviewed,

History, Natural. See Natural History.

of the Rise and Progress of the Judicial,
or Adawlut, System, 130-of Scotland, review of,
575 of Brazil, review of, 580 of England,
Abridgment of, 183-of Russia, by Karamsin, 621.
Hotwyl, fete at, 230.

Hogg's Jacobite Relics, remarks on, 239.
llone, useful discovery relating to, 457.
Jorizontarium (The), 517.

Horse-beans, extraordinary produce of one, 571.
Horses, to prevent Blindness in, 293.

Hospital (Floating) on the Thames, 195.
Houses, Fail of in London, 589.
Hunter (Mrs. J.), memoir of, 89.

(Governor), memoir of, 258.
Hydraulic weighing machine, 572.
Hydrogen explosion, 500.

Hydrophobia in Prussia, Deaths by, in ten years,
344-oxygenated muriatic acid a remedy for,
398-experiments on, 509-Surther experiments,


Ilyoscyamia, account of, 341.

Hypochondriasis. Essays on, reviewed, 463.
Ice (Table), receipts to make, 517.
Icthio Saurus Platydon, 225.

Illustrations of Shakspeare, by R. Smirke, R. A.
282-of Kenilworth, 447.

Importance of Religious Establishments, remarks
on, 466.

Important discovery to render inflammable sub-
stances combustible without flame, 20.
Improvements projected in London, 86.
Inchbald (Mrs.), memoir of, 481.

Incidents (London), 38, 85, 139, 198, 251,312, 422,
474, 552, 588, 637-appointments, births, mar
riages, deaths, &c. 38, 85, 139, 198, 251, 307, 363,
412, 474, 532, 588, 639.

Indian corn, analysis of, 450.

letter. curious, 512.

Institute of France, public sitting of, 452.
Institution (Royal Irish, premium for a picture,

French), sitting of, and altera-

tions in, 343, 509.
Instruction Fublic) of the Moselle, 396.
Instrument for making perspective drawings, 20.
Instruments, method of playing on two at once,


[blocks in formation]

Journal of a Residence in the Burman Empire, 16-
marks on, 301.

Journals (Vienna) in 1821, account of, 399.
Juries, correction of returns in Middlesex, 475-
address of, at the Old Bailey, 477-

J. T. M., reply to his observations, 237.
Kaleidoscope, musical, 572.

Keats (M. J.), memoir of him, 256.
Kenilworth, anecdote respecting, and Cumnor,

Kent (Mr.), his invention for walking on water, 347.
Key to the Latin Language, by Atkinson, remarks
on, 625.

King (The), his change of residence, 363-letter to
the Nuwab of the Carnatic, 518-crowning of,
379-address to the Irish, 436, 489-return from
Hanover, 592.

Kipling (Rev. II.), memoir of, 143.
Kirkwall (Viscount), memoir of, 41.
Kuife, extraordinary, 295.

Knox (Dr.), memoir of, 536.

Lambs, to prevent the scour in, 572.

Lanark, Report to the County of, reviewed, 403.
Lancham's Letter respecting the Pageants at Ke-
nilworth, 184.

Language (English), the words in enumerated, 228.
Larch bark in tanning, 27-tree, when first planted
in Scotland, 117.

Lartique (M.), his map of France, 452.

Last Days of tlerculaneum, a poem, remarks on,

Leather, new mode of tanning, 572.
Leeds Literary Society, 226.

Leicester's Sir J.) Gallery, 220, 221.
Leipsic Fair, report of literature at,399.

Letter to the Speaker of the House of Commons,
remarks on, 353-curious Indian, 512.

on Agricultural Distress, reviewed, 625.
of Julius, remarks on. 627.

Leucite, optical properties of, 451.

Lewes (Sir Watkin), memoir of, 538.
Library (The Public) at Vienna, 291-The Vatican,
antiquities added to, 511.

Light procured by friction, 180.

Lindeneau's (Baron) observations on the Solar
Lindsay (Rev. Dr.), memoir of, 199,
map, 122.
Lisbon Academy of Sciences, 568.
Literary Reports, 32, 79, 133, 188, 242, 301, 356, 406,
467, 525, 582, 629-Society, Leeds, 226.
Literature (French), academical proceedings of
Society of, 72-Austrian, political journals at
Vienna, 121-Icelandic, the Sturbringa Sega, 123
-Greek, translations into, ib.-Gothic, discove-
ries in, 511-Dutch, state of, 507-Swedish, ac.
count of, 569-Society of Dublin, 690.
Lithia in Lepidolite, 287.

Liverpool (Countess of), memoir of, 370.
Lives of eminent Scotsmen, reviewed, 520.
Livy, copy of tound at Bombay, 22.

Lizard (Geology of the). Sedgwick's account of, 506.
London, ancient custom of the City of, 589.
London Bridge, summary of report on, 197-ex-
pense of alterations. 251-cleared for a committee
of the House of Commons to view, 307-repairs
of, 475.

Londonderry (Marquis), memoirs of, 258.
Longitude Act, the new, 224.

Lord Mayor, election of, 1821, 590.
Lunatic Infirmary (Konigsberg), regulations in, 177.
Lund (V. C.), instance of early talent, 453.
Lupulin, or the active principle of the hop, 224.
Lyon's Travels in Northern Africa, review of, 240..
Machine, hydraulic weighing, 573-to act as pump,
fire-engine, or water-closet, 573.

Machinery, new threshing, sawing, &c. 516.
Mackenzie's (Sir G.) MSS, discovery of, 395.
Mackenzie (Col. C.), memoir of, €42.
Macrae (C.), Esq. memoir of, 257.

Maculloch (Dr.). his classification of Rocks, 285.
-Iris phosphorescence of marine auimals, 690.
Madder Lake, new, 458.

Madras Literary Society, communication from,

Magazine of the Fine Arts, remarks on, 352.
Magnetism, Hansteen's discovery of polarity of,
224- Aerstadt's discoveries in, 231.

Maio, M. Angelo, his discoveries, 23, 118-fur-
ther discoveries of ancient literature, 398.

[blocks in formation]


Manuscripts, curious in the Library at Vienna, 21,
-ancient of Cicero, 73.

Marriages, London, Middlesex, and Surrey, 40,
88. 142, 197, 254, 310, 365, 422, 479, 534, 591,

Marriott, Lieutenant, memoir of, 426.

Mary, Queen, her ring, 341.

Mascheroni, monument erected to memory of,

Mayor, new Lord, chosen, 637.

Measures and Weights, report on, 287.
Medals, mode of cleaning, 457.

Medical Dictionary, 177.

Medicina Clerica, reviewed, 576.

Melons, extraordinary, 515.

Memoirs of James II. reviewed, 401.

Anne Boleyn, reviewed, 129.

Secret Societies in the South of Italy,
reviewed, 300.

the Affairs of Scotland, reviewed, €25.
Memoir of Sir Humphry Davy, i.-bith and paren-
tage, ib-becomes known to Dr. Beddoes, ii-
first experiments at the Royal Institution, iii-
receives a prize from the French Institute, iv-
marries, vsafety lamp. vi-visits Italy, vii-
elected president of the Royal Society, viii.
Memoirs of the Earl of Malmesbury, 41-Viscount
Kirkwall, ib. Rev. W. Tooke, 42 Mrs. J.
Hunter, 89-Professor Young, 90-Mr. Hamil
ton, ib.-W. Parnell, Esq. ib.-Sir G. O. Paul,
142-Rev. H. Kipling, 143-Serjeant Running-
ton, ib.-W. Nicol, D. D. 144-r. A. Walker,
ib.-Mrs Dyott, 182-Earl of Dysart, 198-Sir
C.W. R. Boughton, 199-Rev. Dr. Lindsay, ib.
Mr. J. Scott, ib.-Mr. C. Arbuthnot, 200-Rev.
Dr. Outram, ib. Mr. J. Rousseau, ib.-Dr.
Everard, 255 M. Bryan, Esq. ib. Mr. J.
Keats, 255 M. De Fontanes, 27-C. Macrae,
Esq. ib.-J. Austin, Es. ib. Sir C. Bunbury,
ib.-A. Stephens, Esq. ib.-R. Tw13s, Esq. ib.
-Marquess of Londonderry,ib.-GoveruorHun-
ter, ib.-Dr. Neilson, 312 Dr. Bateman, ib.-
Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, 310.-Mr. J. L. Fox,
ib.-Mr. Bartleman, ib.-Sir J. Colpoys, 314—
The Earl of Carhampton, ib.-H. Edridge, Esq.
ib.-Sir R. R. Bligh, ib.-Mrs. Piozzi, 366.-Dr.
Gregory. 367. Earl of Sheffield, 368.-J. Bon-
nycastle, Esq 369.-Mr. Crome, 370.-Dr. Call-
cot, ib-Earl of Stair, 372.-Countess of Liver-
pool, ib-Bonaparte, 422, 423. 424, 425-C A.
Stothard, 425,-0. Cromwell, Esq. 425.-Lieute-
nant Marriott, 426.-Mr. J. Ballantyne, ib.-
The Queen, 480. Sir A. Jardine, 481 - Mrs.
Inchbald, ib.-R. Cosway, ib. 482.-The Greek
Patriarch, ib.-Rev. T. Morgan, 535.-Dr. Knox,
536.-Major James, 537.-J. Cotes, Esq. ib.-
Sir Watkin Lewes, 538. E. M. Wigley,
Esq. ib.-G. H. Strutt and J. D. Strutt, Esq.
592.-J. Rennie, Esq. 593.-T. Cusac, Esq. 594.
-F. Hargrave, Esq. 595.-Dr. Bancroft 536.-
Admiral Burney, 640-Dr. Rigby, 641-Rev. G.
Cope, ib.-Col. C. Mackenzie, 612-Sir W. Syn-
not, ib.


Mental Calculator, review of, 182.

Melzi's (Count) library bought by Payne and
Foss, 451.

Merchant-Taylors School examinations, 637.
Mermaid caught, 226.

Meteor (gelatinous) in America, 621.
Meteorological Reports, 33, 81, 135, 190, 246, 302,
357, 407, 469, 527, 585, 631.
Meteoric stone analysed, 228.

Method of saving lives in shipwrecks or fires, 621
-of restoring the white colours in paintings,
124-of procuring light by friction, 180.
Microscope Catadioptrique of M. Amici, descrip-
tion of, 558

Milbert, M.obtains a Wapety, 176.

Military Calendar, notice of, 626.

Milk, receipt for preserving, 516-the morning
milk bust, 572.

Minerals, Descriptive Catalogue of, 402.
Mineral Colours, application of to stuffs, 457.
Mineralogy, green fluor spar, 111-zoophite, 1!3.
Minstrel Love, a novel, reviewed, 578-The Vil-
lage, a poem, remarks on, 579.

MM. his solution of au epitaph in page 460, 519.
Mocha, attack of and capitulation, 269, 493, 494,

Modern Church, a poem, review of, 78.
Monarchy of the Bees, a poem, remarks on, 31.
Monochromatic painting, 112.

Montalto, a tragedy, remarks on, 239.
Monuments, new, 336. 638.

Morale Chretienne, Societe de la, established at
Paris, 565.

More, SirThomas, and Erasmus, anecdote of, 222.
More Minor Morals, remarks on,75.
Morgan, (Rev. Thomas), memoir of, 535.


·(Lady), her works burnt on the Continent,

Morgenblatt fur gebildete Stande, account of the,


Morghen, Raphael, engraves les trois ages, 508.
Moscow, journals in, 621.

Mosquito, American, 178.

Moth, a constant reader's inquiry respecting, 460.
Mountain Bard, review of, 186.
Mowing corn, Swiss mode of, 456.
Mudie's medals, 337, 392.

Muriate of silver, reduction of, 26.
Murillo's picture of Moses striking the rock, 447.
Museum, Edinburgh college, objects in, 337-the
new at Rome in the Conservatori Palace, 230-
Mr. Soane's, 339-British, number of admissions
to, in 1821, 340-Edinburgh college, opening
of, 114-new, at Berlin, 120-Royal French, 620
Mushroom, extraordinary one, 572.
Musical Instrument, newly invented one, 458.
Musical Kaleidoscope, 572.

Music, Kollman's Six Lessons on, remarks on, 30
-effect on animals, 173.
Musket, new, 295.

Nantes, Academic Society of, 397.

Naples, prize offered for a tragedy or comedy at
the Fiorentini theatre, 398.

Naples, population of, 231-letter to the King of, 55.
Naptha, lamps of, 516.

Narischkin (Princess Anna), her request, 24.
National Free School, pupils of the, 40.
National Society, 364-report respecting, 533.
Natural curiosity, skull in an ash tree, 69.
Natural History: Greenland animalcules, 111-o
Sumatra and Java, 113-M. Bomplond, 120-cu
riosity in, ib.-Mosquito in America, 178-Pho-
las Passyracea, 224-Spajus Raji of Donovan,
227-Spider, 450-Sunfish, 562-curious fact in,
ib.-American Honey-bee, 232-Ask found in a
stone, 280 Spider, 293-Rattlesnake, 622.
Navy estimates for 1821, 157.
Needle, cause of diurnal variation of, 341.
Negro's skin, colour of, prevents scorching of the
sun's rays, 113.

Neilson (Dr.), memoir of him, 312.
Nepaul, plants of, work on, 393.
Neue Berliner Monatschrift fur Philosophie, Lite-
ratur und Kunst, account of, 510.
New coinage, 85.

Newgate, state of gaol of, 533, 637.
New Holland pine,179.

New Publications, 28, 75, 129, 182, 238, 297, 352,
401, 461, 520, 575, 625.

Newspapers, the first established in England, 450,
New Vagrant Act, first application under, 533.
New York, account of the theatre at, 576.
Nicol (Rev. Dr.), memoir of, 144.

Niger, empties into the Atlantic, 123.

N. P. requests translation of phrases in foreign
language, 460.

North Georgia Gazette, review of, £99.
North-west passage, Goldson on a, 17.
Northern expedition, 14. 286.

Notes and Bills of the Bank of England in circu.
lation 1821, 252.

Notes on the Cape of Good Hope, &c. reviewed,


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