Imágenes de páginas

On Molecular Influences. Sect. I. Transmission of Heat through Organic Structures. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1853, p. 270-271. [Abstracts of the Papers communicated to the Royal Society.] Annales de Chimie XXXIX, 1853, p. 348-354.

Philos. Trans. 1853, p. 217-232.
Mag. VI, 1853, p. 121–138.


On some of the eruptive phenomena of Iceland. Roy. Inst. Proceed. I, 1851-54, p. 329-335. The London, Edinburgh and Dublin. Philosophical Magazine and Journal of science. Ser. IV, vol. 7—16, 1854-58 (London). Conducted by Brewster, Taylor, Phillips, Kane, William Francis and John Tyndall. On the Vibrations and Tones produced by the contact of bodies having different Temperatures. Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1854, p. 392—393. [Abstracts of the Papers communicated to the R. S.] Philos. Trans. 1854, p. 1-10. Annales de Chimie XLI, 1854, p. 500-503. Phil. Mag. VIII. 1854, p. 1-12. Poggend. Ann. XCIV, 1855, p. 613-628.

On the Mer-de-Glace. Roy. Inst. Proceed. II,

On Radiation through the Earth's Atmosphere.

to Molecular Physics, p. 421-424.

1854-58, p. 544–553.

Proceedings of the Royal Institution, IV, p. 4. Contributions

On the diamagnetic force. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1854 (pt. 2), p. 14-17. Silliman Journ. XIX, 1855, p. 24-28. De la polarité diamagnétique. Bibl. Univ. Archives XXVII, 1854, p. 215-223.

On the nature of the force by which bodies are repelled from the poles of a magnet. Roy. Inst. Proceed. II, 1854-58, p. 13-16. Annales de Chimie XLIV, 1855, p. 505-507.

On the currents of the Leyden battery. Roy. Inst. Proceed. II, 1854-58, p. 132--135.

Comparative view of the cleavage of crystals and slate rocks. Roy. Inst. Proceed. II, 1854--58, p. 295–308. Phil. Mag. XII, 1856, p. 35-48.

Observations on glaciers. Roy. Inst. Proceed. II, 1854-58, p. 320–327.

On M. Lissajous' acoustic experiments. Roy. Inst. Proceed. II, 1854-58, p. 441–443.

On some physical properties of ice. Roy. Inst. Procced. II, 1854-58, p. 454–457.

Experimental demonstration of the polarity of diamagnetic bodies. Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1855 (pt. 2), p. 22-23.

Nuovo Cimento, II, 1855, p. 362-381.

On the existence of a magnetic medium in space. Phil. Mag. IX, 1855, p. 205-209.

XLV, 1855, p. 124-127.

Annales de Chimie,

Note on Professor Wilhelm Weber's paper,,On the theory of diamagnetism". Phil. Mag. X, 1855, p. 409–410. On reciprocal molecular induction. Phil. Mag. X, 1855, p. 422-423.

The polymagnet. Phil. Mag. IX, 1855, p. 425-430.

Further researches on the polarity of the diamagnetic force [1855]. Phil. Trans. 1856, p. 237-260.


nales de Chimie XLIX, 1857, p. 377-383. Bibl. Univ. Archives XXXII, 1856, p. 89—121. Proceedings VII, 1856, p. 555-558.

On the Nature of the Force by which Bodies are repelled from the Poles of Magnet; preceded by an Account of some Experiments on Molecular Influences. (The Bakerian Lecture.) 1855. Proceedings of the Royal Society VII, 1856, p. 214-219. Philos. Transactions 1855, p. 1-52. Phil. Mag. X, 1855, p. 153—179, 257-290.

On the disposition of force in paramagnetic and diamagnetic bodies. Chemist III, 1856, p. 421–425. On the relation of diamagnetic polarity to magnecrystallic action. Phil. Mag. XI, 1856, p. 125–137. Nouvelles expériences sur la polarité diamagnétique. Bibl. Univ. Archives XXXI, 1856, p. 46-48. On a peculiar case of colour blindness. Phil. Mag. XI, 1856, p. 329-333.

Sur la théorie des glaciers. (Transl. from Literary Gazette, 7. Febr. 1857.) Bibl. Univ. Archives XXXIV, 1857, p. 177-185.

Observations on ,,the Theory of the Origin of Slaty Cleavage" by H. C. Sorby. Phil. Mag. XII, 1856, p. 129-135.

On the polarity of the diamagnetic force. Phil. Mag. XII, 1856, p. 161-184.

Remarks on foam and hail. Phil. Mag. XIII, 1857, p. 352–353.

On the sounds produced by the combustion of gases in tubes. Phil. Mag. XIII, 1857, p. 473-479. Bibl. Univ. Archives XXXV, 1857, p. 178-187.

On binocular vision and the stereoscope. [1856.] Photogr. Soc. Journ. III, 1857, p. 96-102, 116-121, 167-168.

Tyndall, John, and Thomas Henry Huxley. On the structure and motion of glaciers. Phil. Trans. 1857, p. 327-346. Annales de Chimie LII, 1858, p. 340–344. Bibl. Univ. Archives II, 1858, p. 200-231. Phil. Mag. XV, 1858, p. 365-388. Zürich. Vierteljahrsschr. III, 1858, p. 36—61. Proceedings of the Royal Society VIII, 1857, p. 331–338.

On some Physical Properties of Ice. [1857.] Phil. Trans. 1858, p. 211-230. Annales de Chimie LVI, 1859, p. 122-125. Bibl. Univ. Archives I, 1858, p. 5-10. Phil. Mag. XVI, 1858, p. 333-356. Poggend. Ann. CIII, 1858, p. 157-162. Proceedings of R. S. IX, 1859, p. 76-80.

On the veined structure of glaciers. Roy. Inst. Proceed. III, 1858-62, p. 72-78.

On the transmission of heat of different qualities through gases of different kinds. Roy. Inst. Proceed. III, 1858-62, p. 155-158. Journ. de Pharm. XXXVII, 1860, p. 204-208.

On the influence of magnetic force on the electric discharge. Roy. Inst. Proceed. III, 1858–62, p. 169–174. On the action of gases and vapours on radiant heat. Roy. Inst. Proceed. III, 1858-62, p. 295-298. On the physical basis of solar chemistry. Roy. Inst. Proceed. III, 1858-62, p. 387-396. Nuovo Cimento XIV, 1861, p. 29--36.

On force. Roy. Inst. Proceed. III, 1858-62, p. 527-536. Canadian Naturalist, VII, 1862, p. 241-252.
Nuovo Cimento XVI, 1862, p. 189-198.

Observations on the Mer de Glace. Part I. 1858. Proceedings, IX, 1859, p. 245–247.
Remarks on ice and glaciers. Phil. Mag. XVII, 1859, p. 91–96.

On the establishment of thermometric stations on Mont Blanc. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1859 (pt. 2), p. 56-67.
Sur la diathermansie des gaz. Bibl. Univ. Archives V, 1859, p. 231-236.

On vibrations produced by an electric current. Phil. Mag. XVII, 1859, p. 417-419.

On the physical phenomena of Glaciers. Part. 1. Observations on the Mer-de-Glace. [1858.] Phil. Trans. 1859, p. 261-307.

On the physical phenomena of Glaciers. Part. 2. 1859. Proceedings of the R. Soc. IX, 1859, p. 668–670. Note on the Transmission of Radiant Heat through Gaseous Bodies. 1859. Proceedings of the R. Soc. X, 1860, p. 37-39.

The Glaciers of the Alps: being a narrative of excursions and ascents; an account of the origin and pheno-
mena of glaciers; and an exposition of the physical principles to which they are related.
London 1860. 8o.
On the influence of magnetic force on the electric discharge. Phil. Mag. XIX, 1860, p. 238-242.
Mountaineering in 1861: a vacation tour. London 1862. 8°.

On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapours, and on the physical Connexion of Radiation, Absorption and Conduction. 1861. Bakerian Lecture.) Paris, Comptes Rendus LII, 1861. p. 364–367. Poggend. Ann. CXIII, 1861, p. 1-53. Proceedings of the Royal Society XI. 1862, p. 100-104. Philosophical Transactions 1861, p. 1–36. Philosophical Magazine XXII, 1861, p. 169-194, 273-285. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 1-64.

Observations on lunar radiation. Phil. Mag. XXII, 1861, p. 470-472.

Remarks on radiation and absorption. Phil. Mag. XXII, 1861, p. 377-378.

Ueber die physikalische Grundlage der Solar-Chemie. (Transl.) Erdm. Journ. f. Prakt. Chem. LXXXV, 1862, p. 257-263.

Remarks on recent researches on radiant heat. Phil. Mag. XXIII, 1862, p. 252-266.

On the regelation of snow-granules. Phil. Mag. XXIII, 1862, p. 312-313.

On the conformation of the Alps. Phil. Mag. XXIV, 1862, p. 169–173.

Mayer and the mechanical theory of heat. Phil. Mag. XXIV, 1862, p. 173–176.

On the absorption and radiation of heat by gaseous matter. Second Memoir. Phil. Trans. 1862, p. 59-98. Phil. Mag. XXIV, 1862, p. 270-287, 337 350, 422-436. Poggend. Ann. CXVI, 1862.

p. 1-27, 289–307. Proceedings XI, 1862, p. 558-561. Nuovo Cimento XVII, 1863, p. 95-99. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 65-121.

Recent Researches of Radiant Heat. Philosophical Magazine, for April, 1862. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 403–420.

On radiation through the earth's atmosphere. Roy. Inst. Proceed. IV, 1863, p. 5-8. Phil. Mag. XXV, 1863, p. 200-206.


On the relation of radiant heat to aqueous vapour. Third memoir. [1862.] Phil. Trans. 1863, p.
On the relation of aqueous vapour to radiant heat. 1862. Proceedings of the R. Soc. XII, 1863, p. 326–327.
Philosophical Magazine for July 1863. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 123 – 143.
Heat considered as a mode of motion. London 1863. 8°. With 125 Woodcuts and Diagrams. (7. Ed. 1887.)
Die Wärme betrachtet als eine Art der Bewegung. Hrsgeg. von H. Helmholtz und G. Wiedemann nach der
4. Auflage des Originals. 2. Auflage. Braunschweig 1871, Fr. Vieweg u. Sohn. XXVII, 718 S. 8",
An account of some researches on radiant heat. Roy. Inst. Proceed. IV, 1863, p. 146 – 150.
On the passage of radiant heat through dry and humid air. Phil. Mag. XXVI, 1863, p. 44--54. Contri-
butions to Molecular Physics, p. 145-161.

Remarks on Professor Tait's last letter to Sir David Brewster [on the dynamical theory of heat]. Phil.
Mag. XXVI, 1863, p. 65-67.

Note on Laplace's correction for the velocity of sound. Phil. Mag. XXVI, 1863, p. 384--387; XXVII, 1864, p. 41.

On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gaseous and Liquid Matter. (Fourth Memoir.) 1863. Proceedings XII, 1863, p. 679-683. Philosophical Transactions, 1864, p. 201-225. Philosophical Magazine, August 1864. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 163-193.

On a magnetic experiment. Chemical News, X, 1864, p. 152-155. Roy. Inst. Proceed. IV, 1866, p. 317–322. Notes on scientific history. Phil. Mag. XXVIII, 1864, p. 25 51.

On the conformation of the Alps. Phil. Mag. XXVIII, 1864, p. 255-271.

On luminous and obscure radiation. Phil. Mag. XXVIII, 1864, p. 329–341.

Annal. Phys. Chem. CXXIV, 1865, p. 36-53. Archives Scienc. Phys. Nat. XXII, 1865, p. 41-61. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 249–267. Researches on Radiant Heat. Fifth Memoir. Contributions to Molecular Physics. 1864. (Bakerian Lecture.) Chemical News, IX, 1864, p. 232-234. Proceedings of the R. Soc. XIII, 1864, p. 160–168. Philosophical Transactions, CLIV, for 1864, p. 327-368. Philosophical Magazine, December 1864, XXVIII, p. 438-458, 508-535. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 195–248. Note on the invisible radiation of the electric light. Roy. Soc. Proceed. XIV, 1865, p. 33 – 35. On Calorescence, or the transmutation of heat rays [1865]. Phil. Trans. CLVI, 1866, p. 1—24. Phil. Mag. XXIX, 1865, p. 164; XXXI, 1866, p. 386- 396, 435-450. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 269-306. Influence of colour and mechanical condition on radiant heat [1865]. Phil. Trans. CLVI, 1866, p. 83-96. Phil. Mag. XXXII, 1866, p. 292-306. Archives Scienc. Phys. Nat. XXVII, 1866, p. 317-339. Proceedings of the R. Soc. XV, 1867, p. 5. On the history of negative fluorescence. [1864.] Phil. Mag. XXIX, 1865, p. 44 – 55.

Sixth Memoir on Radiation and Absorption.

On the history of calorescence.

Phil. Mag. XXIX, 1865, p. 218-231.

On combustion by invisible rays. Phil. Mag. XXIX, 1865, p. 241-244. Roy. Inst. Proceed. IV, 1866, p. 329-335.

On ice and glaciers. Phil. Mag. XXX, 1865, p. 393–407.

Remarks on the paper of Prof. Magnus:,,On the influence of the absorption of heat on the formation of dew". Phil. Mag. XXXII, 1866, p. 118-120.

On the black-bulb thermometer. Phil. Mag. XXXI, 1866, p. 191–193.

On radiation and absorption with reference to the colour of bodies and their state of aggregation. Roy Inst. Proceed. IV, 1866, p. 487-492.

Experiments on the vibration of strings. Roy. Inst. Proceed. IV, 1866, p. 685-694. Phil. Mag. XXXII, 1866, p. 68-76.


A course of eight lectures. London 1867. Longmans, Green & Cie. XIII, 335 p. 89.

Der Schall.

4. Aufl. u. d. Titel: Lectures on Sound. Fourth Edition, revised and augmented: with Frontispiece
of Fog-Syren, and 203 other Woodcuts and Diagrams in the text. London 1883.

Acht Vorlesungen, gehalten in der Royal Institution von Grossbritannien. Autorisirte deutsche
Ausgabe, herausgeg. durch H. Helmholtz und G. Wiedemann. Mit 169 in den Text eingedruckten
Holzstichen. Braunschweig 1869. Fr. Vieweg & Sohn. XVI, 404 S. 8o.

Radiation (Rede Lecture, 1865). Smithsonian Reports, 1868, p. 292-311.

On the Blue Colour of the Sky, the Polarization of Skylight, and on the Polarization of Light by Cloudy matter generally, 1868. Phil. Mag. XXXVII, 1869, p. 384-394. Annales de Chimie XVI, 1869, p. 491-493. Archives Scienc. Phys. Nat. XXXIV, 1869, p. 156-172. Proceedings of the R. Soc. XVII, 1869, p. 223-233. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 431-440.

On a New Series of Chemical Reactions produced by Light. [1868.] Archives Scienc. Phys. Nat. XXXIII, 1868, p. 317–336. Annales de Chimie XVI, 1869, p. 491. Journ. de Pharm. X, 1869, p. 16-18. Proceedings of the R. Soc. XVII, 1869, p. 92-102. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 425–430.

On Faraday as a discoverer. Amer. Journ. of Scienc. XLVI, 1868, p. 34-51, 180–201. Roy. Inst. Proceed. V, 1869, p. 199-272.

On the Influence of Colour and Mechanical Condition of Radiant Heat. 1866. Philosophical Transactions for
1866, p. 83. Philosophical Mag., October 1866. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 307–327.
On the action of sonorous vibrations on gaseous and liquid jets. Phil. Mag. XXXIII, 1867, p. 375–391.
Note on Prof. Magnus' paper: „On the influence of the adhesion of vapour in experiments on the absorption
of heat." Phil. Mag. XXXIII, 1867, p. 425.
Address to the Mathematical and Physical Section of the British Association. Brit. Assoc. Rep. XXXVIII,
1868 (Sect.), p. 1–6.

On sounding and sensitive flames. Phil. Mag. XXXIII, 1867, p. 92-99. Roy. Inst. Proceed. V, 1869, p. 6-12.
Faraday as a Discoverer. London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1868. 80. VIII, 171 p., m. Bildniss
Faraday's. [Fourth and Cheaper Edition, with 2 Portraits.] 1884.
Faraday und seine Entdeckungen. Eine Gedenkschrift von John Tyndall. Autorisirte deutsche Uebersetzung,
herausgeg. durch H. Helmholtz. Braunschweig 1870. Friedr. Vieweg u. Sohn. XIV, 210 S. 8o.

Natural philosophy in easy lessons. London 1869. 8°.

On the Action of Rays of high Refrangibility upon Gaseous Matter. 1869. Philosophical Transactions for
1870, p. 333. Proceedings of the R. Soc. XVIII, 1870, p. 176. Contributions to Molecular
Physics, p. 329-377.
Note on the Formation and Phenomena of Clouds. 1869. Phil. Mag. XXXVIII, 1869, p. 156-158.
Annales de Chimie XVIII, 1869, p. 496-497. Proceedings of the R. Soc. XVII, 1869, p. 317–319.
Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 445–446.

On the generation of clouds by actinic action, and the reaction of such clouds upon light. Cambridge, Phil. Soc. Proceed. II, 1869, p. 136-140.

On a cometary theory. Phil. Mag. XXXVII, 1869, p. 241-245. Annales de Chimie XVIII, 1869, p. 494-496. Archives Scienc. Phys. Nat. XXXV, 1869, p. 5–12. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 441–444.

On chemical rays and the light of the sky. Roy. Inst. Proceed. V, 1869, p. 429–450.

On the action of rays of high refrangibility upon gaseous matter. [1869.] Phil. Trans. CLX, 1870, p. 333-366.

Notes of a course of nine lectures on light, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1869. London 1870. 8°. (13 Aufl.)

Notes of a Course of Seven Lectures on electrical Phenomena and Theories, delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1870. London 1870. 120. (New Edition.)

Researches on Diamagnetism and Magnecrystallic-action; including the Question of Diamagnetic Polarity. London 1870. 8°. (New Edition 1872.) Chemist II, 1850-51, p. 487–490. Brit. Assoc. Rep. 1851 (pt. 2), p. 15-18. Philos. Mag. II, 1851, p. 165-188. Poggend. Ann. LXXXIII, 1851, p. 1-37. Annales de Chimie XXXVII, 1853, p. 76--79.

On dust and disease. [1870.] Roy. Inst. Proceed. VI, 1872, p. 1-14.

On floating matter and beams of light. Nature I, 1870, p. 499–501.

On the colour of the Lake of Geneva and the Mediterranean Sea. Nature II, 1870, p. 488-489. Archives
Scienc. Phys. Nat. XXXIX, 1870, p. 343-351. Les Mondes XXIV, 1871, p. 703–709.
On the polarization of heat. Phil. Mag. XXXIX, 1870, p. 280-282. Annales de Chimie XXIII, 1871, p. 68–69.
Fragments of Science for unscientific people. A Series of Detached Essays, Addresses and Reviews.
London 1871. (7 Auflagen.) 2 voll. 8°.

Vol. I (The optical condition of the Atmosphere, in its bearing on putrefaction and infection) enthält folgende Abhandlungen:

[blocks in formation]

4) Vitality. 1865.

5) Matter and Force.

6) Scientific Materialism. 1868.

7) An Address to Students.

8) Scientific Use of the Imagination. 1870.

9) The Belfast Address. 1874.

11) The Rev. James Martineau and the Belfast Address. 12) Fermentation and its Bearings on Surgery and Medicine. 1877.

13) Spontaneous Generation.

14) Science and Man.

15) Professor Virchow and Evolution.

16) The Electric Light.

17) Letter from the Times" of Novembre 9, 1874.

[ocr errors]

Fragmente aus den Naturwissenschaften. Vorlesungen und Aufsätze. Uebersetzt von A. H. Mit Vorwort und Zusätzen von H. Helmholtz. Mit in den Text gedruckten Holzschnitten. Braunschweig 1874. XXVIII, 598 S. Fr. Vieweg & Sohn. 80.

Hours of exercise in the Alps. London 1871. 2. Ed. 1872. 8°.

In den Alpen. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe. Mit einem Vorwort von Gustav Wiedemann. Braunschweig,
Druck und Verlag von Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn. 1872. XVI und 420 S. 8°.
On the colour of water, and on the scattering of light in water and in air. [1871.]

VI, 1872, p. 189-199.

Roy. Inst. Proceed.

On dust and smoke. [1871.] Roy. Inst. Proceed. VI, 1872, p. 365–376.
Rotation du plan de polarisation des rayons de chaleur obscure. Journal de Physique I, 1872, p. 101–102.
Aqueous Vapour: Discussion resumed. Contributions to Molecular Physics, p. 378-401.
Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat.

A Series of Memoirs published in the ,,Philosophical Transactions" and ,,Philosophical Magazine", with Additions. London 1872. Longmans, Green & Cie. 8°. XIV, 446 p. 2 Taf.

The Forms of water in clouds and rivers, ice and glaciers. London 1872.

Das Wasser in seinen Formen als Wolken und Flüsse, Eis und Gletscher. Mit 26 Abbildungen in Holzschnitt.
Leipzig 1873. XV, 228 S. F. A. Brockhaus = Internationale wissenschaftl. Bibliothek. I.
On the identity of light and radiant heat. Roy. Inst. Proceed. VI, 1872, p. 417-421.

II, 1872, p. 949-950.

Pharmaceut. Journ. Lectures on Light delivered in the United States in 1872 and 1873. London u. New York 1873. 2. Aufl. 1875. 8°. Fourth Edition, with Portrait, Lithographic Plate and 59 Diagrams; traduit en Français par l'Abbé Raillard.]

Das Licht.

Sechs Vorlesungen, gehalten in Amerika im Winter 1872-1873. Autorisirte deutsche Ausgabe herausgeg. durch Gustav Wiedemann. Mit einem Portrait von Thomas Young und in den Text eingedruckten Holzstichen. Braunschweig 1876. Fr. Vieweg & Sohn. XXV, 275 S. 8°.

Some observations on Niagara. Roy. Inst. Proceed. VII, 1873, p. 73-91.

Preliminary account of an investigation on the transmission of sound by the atmosphere. Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXII, 1874, p. 58-68, 359.

On the atmosphere as a vehicle of sound. Philosophical Transactions, 1874, vol. 164, p. 183-244. 4o. On the transmission of sound. [1874.] Philos. Magazine, Ser. 4, vol. 49, 1875, p. 151.

On the transmission of sound by the atmosphere. 1874. 8°.

On acoustic reversibility. [1874.] Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXIII, 1875, p. 159-165.

Ser. 4, vol. 50, 1875, p. 146–152.

Philos. Magazine,

On some recent experiments with a fireman's respirator. Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXII, 1874, p. 359–361. On the acoustic transparency and opacity of the atmosphere. Philos. Mag., 4. Ser., 47, 1874, p. 374–384. Address delivered before the British Association assembled at Belfast 1874. With Additions. 8. Thousand. London, Longmans, Green & Co.

On musical consonance. Philos. Mag., Ser. 4, vol. 50, 1875, p. 336.

Lessons in Electricity at the Royal Institution 1875-76. With 58 Woodcuts and Diagrams. London 1876. Longmans, Green & Co. X, 113 p. 80. (4 Auflagen.)

The optical deportment of the atmosphere in relation to the phenomena of putrefaction and infection. Philosophical Transactions, 1876, vol. 166, p. 27—74. 4o.

On the optical deportment of the atmosphere in reference to the phenomena of putrefaction and infection. Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXIV, 1876, p. 171-183. Philos. Mag., Ser. 5, vol. 2, 1876, p. 63–71. Helmholtz's Popular Lectures on Scientific Subjects. Translated by E. Atkinson. With an Introduction by Professor Tyndall. London 1876.

Further researches on the deportment and vital persistence of putrefactive and infective organisms from a physical point of view. Philosophical Transactions, 1877, vol. 167, p. 149-206. 4o. Further researches on the deportment and vital resistance of putrefactive and infective organisms, from a physical point of view. [1877.] (Abstract.) Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXVI, 1878, p. 228-238. On the deportment of alkalized urine. [1876.] Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXV, 1877, p. 457-458. Preliminary note on the development of organisms in organic infusions. Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXV, 1877,

p. 503-506.

On heat as a germicide when discontinuously applied. Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXV, 1877, p. 569–570. On Schulze's mode of intercepting the germinal matter of the air. [1877.] Proceed, of the R. Soc. XXVII, 1878, p. 99-100.

Recent experiments on fog signals. Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXVII, 1878, p. 245-258.

Note on Dr. Burdon Sanderson's latest views of ferments and germs. [1877.] Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXVI, 1878, p. 353-356.

Observations on hermetically-sealed flasks opened on the Alps. [1877.] Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXVI, 1878, p. 487-488.

Note on the influence exercised by light on organic infusions. [1878.] Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXVIII, 1879, p. 212.

The Sabbath. Presidential Address delivered before the Glasgow Sunday Society. 1880.

p. 1-46.


p. 47-77.

New Fragments,

[blocks in formation]

On Buff's experiments on the diathermancy of air. Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXX, 1880, p. 10-20.
Essays on the floating matter of the air in relation to putrefaction and infection. With 24 Woodcuts.
London 1881. (Second Edition.) 89.

Action of Intermittent Beam of radiant Heat upon gazeous Matter. Proceed. of the R. Soc. XXXI, 1881, p. 307-317.

Further experiments on the action of an intermittent beam of radiant heat on gaseous matter. Proceed, of the R. Soc. XXXI, 1881, p. 478–479.

Action of free molecules on radiant heat, and its conversion thereby into Sound. [1882.] Philosophical Transactions, 1882, vol. 173, p. 291-354. 4o.

Leop. XXX.


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