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" Hail wedded Love, mysterious law, true source Of human offspring, sole propriety In Paradise of all things common else. By thee adulterous lust was driven from men Among the bestial herds to range; by thee, Founded in reason, loyal, just, and pure, Relations... "
The Art of English Poetry Containing: Rules for making verses. A collection ... - Página 267
por Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 554 páginas
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The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq, Volumen2

1710 - 488 páginas'roi/f Lttft was Ariv'n from Men Among the beftial Herds to range $ by thee, Founded in Keafon. loyaly juft, and pure, Relations dear, and all the Charities Of Father ', Son, and Brother, firft mere known. Perpetual Fountain of dohieftick^ Sreeets, Whofe Bed if Hndefiled, and chajl pronounced,...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books, Volúmenes1-2

John Milton - 1711 - 464 páginas
...fole propriety, In Paradife of all things common elfe. By thee adulterous luft was driv'n from men Among the beftial herds to range, by thee Founded in Reafon, Loyal, ]uft, and Pure, Relations dear, and all the Charities Of Father, Son, and Brother firft were known....
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The Complete Art of Poetry: In Six Parts, I. Of the Nature, Use ..., Volumen2

Charles Gildon - 1718 - 490 páginas
...of all Things common elfe ! By thee aduk'rous Luft was driv'n from Man '• •' Among the beaftiil Herds to range ; by thee Founded in Reafon, loyal, juft, and pure,' ' »; Relations dearj and all the Charities,.' '•• • Of Father, Son, and Brother fiift were known ! Perpetual...
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The Gentleman's Library: Containing Rules for Conduct in All Parts of Life ...

Gentleman - 1744 - 488 páginas
...common fife. By tbee adult' rous Luft was driven from Men Among the beftial Herds to range ; by Tbee, Founded. in Reafon, loyal, juft, and pure, Relations...and all the Charities Of Father, Son, and Brother, fir ft were known. Perpetual Fountain ofDomeJlic Sweets, JVhoje Bed is undefffd, and chajle pronounc'd,...
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Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton, Volumen1

John Milton - 1746 - 260 páginas
...1'aradife ! of all things common elfe. By thee adult'rous luft was driv'n from men, Among the beflial herds to range; by thee, (Founded in reafon, loyal, juft, and pure) 75; Relations dear, and all the charities Of father, fon, and brother, firft were known. Far be it,...
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An Essay on Milton's Use and Imitation of the Moderns, in His Paradise Lost

William Laudér - 1750 - 210 páginas
...confront the tranflation of them with Mil. ton's. MILTON. By thee adult' rous luft was driv'n from men, Among the beftial herds to range; by thee, (Founded...juft, and pure,) Relations dear, and all the charities . - Q&fittWtr, ftn, and brother, firft were known. •*'*'•' „ 753 OTAPHORSTIUS. Beneath...
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A Letter from a Citizen of London to His Fellow Citizens, and Through Them ...

Citizen of London - 1750 - 40 páginas
...of Joy and Comfort, and the Fountain whence, | " Found" Founded on Reafon, loyal, juft and pure <c Relations dear, and all the Charities " Of Father, Son, and Brother, firft were " known." MILTON. THE Character of a Rake is that moft ambitioufly aimed at by our Youth ; and in their mixed...
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The Posthumous Works ...

Isaac Watts - 1754 - 772 páginas
...fole Propriety In Paradije, of all Things common elfe : By tbee adulterous Luft icas dri-v'n from Men 'Among the beftial Herds to range ; by thee Founded...and all the Charities Of Father, Son and Brother, frft' were known : Perpetual Fountain of dome/lie Sweets. Here Love bis golden Shafts employs, here...
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The Hymns of Callimachus

Callimachus - 1755 - 266 páginas
...which may be perhaps the beft commentary on our author : Hail wedded love, myfterious law, true fource Of human offspring, fole propriety In paradife, of...pure, Relations dear, and all the charities Of father, fon, and brother firft were known. Far be't, that I fhou'd write thee fin or blame, Or think thee unbefitting...
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Letters Concerning Taste

John Gilbert Cooper - 1755 - 168 páginas
...neceffary to conftitute yours. You are now enter'd into that State from whence, as our great Poet fays, *« Relations dear, and all the Charities " Of Father, Son, and Brother, firft were known, f Give me leave therefore, as the tie of Blood betwixt us may in fome meafure authorize the Freedom,...
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