ANNUAL EARNINGS OF MALE HEADS OF FAMILIES STUDIED. In the following table the number and per cent of husbands of the households studied who were at work, together with their average annual earnings, is shown according to general nativity and race of husband: TABLE 211.-Husbands at work, by general nativity and race of individual. Of the 311 husbands in the 312 families studied in the above table, the entire number are at work, earning an average of $541 each. Seven hundred and twelve dollars represents the average earnings of the native-born, as compared with $514 which represents the average earnings of the foreign-born. Of the foreign-born races, the Irish show the highest average earnings, or $755, while the Croatians show the lowest, or $489. The table next presented shows, by general nativity and race, the range in annual earnings of male heads of families. TABLE 212.-Earnings per year of male heads of families, by general nativity and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only male heads of selected families. For selection of families, see p. 413.] The foregoing table shows that, of the male heads of families in this locality for whom information was secured, all but a small proportion earn under $1,000 per year, and only a very small proportion under $200 per year. Eighty-nine and seven-tenths per cent of all the individuals earn under $800, as compared with 68.5 per cent earning under $600 and 26 per cent earning under $400. A smaller proportion of the native-born than of the foreign-born are reported as earning less than each sum specified. Of the foreign-born, the Croatians have the largest and the Germans the smallest proportion of male heads of families earning under $400, under $600, and under $1,000, respectively, while the Poles have the largest and the Germans the smallest proportion earning under $800. The percentages of this table indicate that the native-born male heads of families earn much more, upon the average, than the foreignborn, and the old immigrants more than the recent immigrants. ANNUAL EARNINGS OF MALES 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER IN THE HOUSEHOLDS STUDIED. In the following table the yearly earnings of all males 18 years of age or over in the households studied are presented, by general nativity and race of individual: TABLE 213.- Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) Number Number earning Per cent earning General nativity and race of individual. for wages Average and re- earnings. Under Under Under Under Under Under Under Under $200. $400. $600. $1,000. $200. $400. $600. $1,000. porting amount. The average earnings for all those who were working for wages and reported the amount were $519. The average earnings of the nativeborn of native father were much greater, being $702. The nativeborn of foreign father averaged only $485, which was less than the average yearly earnings of the foreign-born. The earnings of the Irish, German, and Polish races are considerably more than is the general rule among the foreign-born. Of the total number of indi viduals considered, 71.4 per cent earn under $600. Of the nativeborn of native father, however, only 37.3 per cent earn less than $600. Moreover, none of this class earn less than $200, and only 5.9 per cent earn less than $400. ANNUAL FAMILY INCOME. In the series of tables next submitted the average and range in amount of family income of families the heads of which were employed in the Kansas City slaughtering and meat-packing plants are considered together with the sources of family income supplementary to the earnings of heads of family. The first table presented shows by general nativity and race of head of family the per cent of families having a total yearly income of each specified amount. TABLE 214.-Per cent of families having a total yearly income of each specified amount, by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] Of the 312 families studied in the above table 61.2 per cent have a total yearly income under $750, and practically the same proportions are shown as having an income of less than $300 and of $1,500 or over. The native-born as compared with the foreign-born show a smaller proportion having a total yearly income under each specified amount, the greatest difference being shown between those having an income under $750, followed by those having an income under $500, while a difference of less than 1 per cent is shown between those having an income under $1,500. Comparing the foreign-born races, it will be seen that the Germans show the smallest proportion, followed by the Poles and Croatians, having a total yearly income under each specified amount, except $1,500. The Poles show the largest proportion, or 10.6 per cent, having an income of $1,500 or over, while the Croatians show the smallest, or 2.3 per cent. WIVES AT WORK. The extent to which wives of slaughtering and meat-packing employees are regularly employed outside the home is set forth in the following table, which shows wives at work, according to general nativity and race of head of family. Table 215.—Wives at work, by general nativity and race of head of family. Of the 312 wives of native-born and foreign-born families in this locality from whom information was obtained, it will be noted that only one, the wife of a Croatian, is at work. ANNUAL EARNINGS OF FEMALES 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER IN THE HOUSEHOLDS STUDIED. The following table shows, by general nativity and race of individual, the yearly earnings of all females 18 years of age or over in the households studied who were working for wages: TABLE 216.— Yearly earnings (approximate) of females 18 years of age or over, by general nativity and race of individual. Among the females 18 years of age or over working for wages and reporting the amount, the average yearly earnings are $248. The earnings of the foreign-born alone, however, average only $228 for the year. RELATION BETWEEN THE EARNINGS OF HUSBANDS AND THE PRACTICE OF WIVES OF KEEPING BOARDERS OR LODGERS. Although the wives of employees do not to any important extent regularly engage in work outside the home for wage, the wives of foreign-born employees as a rule take boarders or lodgers in the homes in order to supplement the earnings of their husbands. The following table shows the per cent of families of the households studied, in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, according to yearly earnings and general nativity and race of head of family: TABLE 217.-Number of families in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity and race of head of family." a For selection of families, see p. 413. Of the selected families only those which have both husband and wife present appear in this table. TABLE 218.-Per cent of families in which wife has employment or keeps boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more selected families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races. For selection of families, see p. 413. Of the selected families only those which have both husband and wife present appear in this table.] |