The totals in the preceding table both for the families whose heads were native-born and those whose head were foreign-born show a decreasing tendency for the wives to keep boarders or lodgers, as the earnings of the husbands increase. This is at once evident upon a comparison of the proportion of wives keeping boarders or lodgers whose husbands are foreign-born and earn under $400 and $600 or over annually, 48.1 per cent of the wives of the former and only 23.2 per cent of the wives of the latter having boarders or lodgers. The same tendency, although less marked, is evident among the wives whose husbands are of native birth and of native father, 20 per cent of the wives with husbands earning $400 and under $600 having boarders or lodgers, and 17.2 per cent of those with husbands earning $600 or over. The same general tendency is apparent in the case of the wives of each race of the foreign-born, being most pronounced among wives whose husbands are Germans and comparatively less noticeable among wives whose husbands are Croatians and Poles. SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME. The principal sources of family income are set forth in detail in the following table, which shows, by general nativity and race of head of family, the proportion of families having an income within the year from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources. TABLE 219.-Per cent of families having an income within the year from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] Of 312 families studied in this community less than 1 per cent are reported as not having an income within the year from earnings of husband, while an equally small per cent of families show an income from earnings of wife. A percentage of 19.2 report an income from contributions of children, and 36.2 per cent have an income from payments of boarders or lodgers, while, from sources not specified, 9.9 per cent of the families studied have an income. A comparison of the native-born with the foreign-born families shows that the chief difference between them lies in the proportions receiving an income from contributions of children and from payments of board ers or lodgers, a slightly larger proportion of the native-born receiving an income from contributions of children, while a much larger proportion of the foreign-born receive an income from payments of boarders or lodgers. The Poles alone show a proportion of families not receiving an income from earnings of husband, while only the Croatians, with less than 1 per cent, show a proportion of families with income from earnings of wife. Of those families having an income from contributions of children the Germans report by far the largest per cent, followed by the Poles, native whites, and Croatians, in the order named; while, of those families having an income from payments of boarders or lodgers, the proportion of Poles, while considerably larger than that of the Croatians, is much greater than the proportion shown by either the native whites or Germans. As regards the families having an income from sources not specified in the foregoing table, the per cent of native whites, as compared with the proportions shown by the other races, is extremely small, the Poles reporting the largest per cent, followed by the Croatians and Germans. The following table also shows the sources of family income in detail by general nativity and race of head of family, but differs from the preceding tabulation in that each specified source is exclusive of all other sources. TABLE 220.-Source of family income in detail, by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] The three leading sources of income of the families studied in this locality are, in the order named, husband, husband and boarders or lodgers, and husband and children. Exactly 86 per cent of the total families studied receive their entire income from these sources, while less than 1 per cent of the families receive their entire income from all other specified sources combined, the remaining 13.5 per cent receiving their entire income from "sources or combination of sources not before specified." The native-born show a considerably larger proportion of families having entire income from husband, and from husband and children than the foreign-born, while the latter show a larger proportion of families having entire income from husband and boarders or lodgers than the former. The Poles of the foreign-born races show a much smaller proportion of families with entire income from husband than do either the Croatians or Germans. The Croatians and Poles show the largest proportions of families with entire income from husband and boarders or lodgers, while the Germans show the smallest proportion. From sources not specified in the above table, 22 per cent of the German families have their entire income. Closely following the Germans are the Poles, who report a considerably larger per cent than do the Croatians. As regards the native whites, only 2.4 per cent have their entire income from sources or combination of sources other than those specified in the above table. The Poles alone report a small proportion of families having their entire income from children, and only the Croatians report a proportion of families having entire income from husband and wife. RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF DIFFERENT SOURCES OF FAMILY INCOME. The relative importance of the several sources of family income already discussed is considered in the following table, which shows, by general nativity and race of head of family, the per cent of the total yearly income derived from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources. TABLE 221.-Per cent of total family income within the year from husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general nativity and race of head of family. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more families reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] The data presented in the above table show that in this locality 72.6 per cent of the total income of all families for which information was secured is derived from the earnings of husband, 14.1 per cent. from the contributions of children, 11.9 per cent from the payments 48296°-VOL 13-11-20 of boarders or lodgers, and only a very small proportion of the total family income is derived from the earnings of wife or from sources not specified. The native-born families have a larger proportion of the total income from the earnings of husband, and a smaller proportion from the payments of boarders or lodgers, or the contributions of children, than have the foreign-born. Of the foreign-born, the Croatians derive the largest, and the Poles the smallest, proportion of the total family income from the earnings of husband. The Germans, on the other hand, derive the largest, and the Croatians the smallest, proportion of the total family income from contributions of children, while only a very small proportion of the total income of the German families, as against a considerably larger proportion of the total income of the Polish and Croatian families, is derived from the payments of boarders or lodgers. CHAPTER IV. WORKING CONDITIONS. Regularity of employment-The immigrant and organized labor-[Text Tables 222 and 223 and General Table 130]. REGULARITY OF EMPLOYMENT. As regards the regularity of employment offered by the Kansas City slaughtering and meat-packing plants, the following table shows, by general nativity and race of individual, the months worked during the past year by the males, in households studied, who were 16 years of age or over. The term "past year" in this connection means the period of twelve months immediately preceding the collection of the information. TABLE 222.-Months worked during the past year by males 16 years of age or over employed away from home, by general nativity and race of individual. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.) [This table includes only races with 20 or more males reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.] Upon referring to the totals of the preceding table it is seen that about the same proportion of native and foreign born men worked three months, a slightly smaller percentage of the foreign than of the native born were employed six months or over, and a considerably smaller proportion of foreign than of native born males worked nine months or over and the full year. Of the total native-born, 67.1 per cent were at work twelve months, as compared with 41.4 per cent of the total foreign-born. On the other hand, the second generation, or the persons native-born of foreign father, exhibit a slightly smaller percentage than the total native or foreign born, working six months or over, but a slightly larger percentage of the second generation than of the foreign-born were at work nine months or over or twelve months. Among the foreign-born the Poles and Croatians in largest proportions were at work twelve months and nine months or over, while the Germans and Croatians show the highest percentage working six months and over and three months or longer. |