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From the foregoing table it will be noted that of the 339 households studied the proportion of households having 3, 5, and 4 persons per household, in the order named, vary little one from the other, the proportion with the smallest number of persons constituting 17.1 per cent of the total number of households. Following the above are those households having 6 and 2 persons per household, the former constituting 12.7 and the latter 11.8 per cent of all households studied. A slightly larger proportion of households have 7 than 8 persons per household, while the proportions with 9 or 10 or more persons per household are practically the same.

Comparing the foreign-born with the native-born, it will be seen that of households composed of 2, 3, and 4 and 7 persons the nativeborn show much larger proportions, while of households composed of 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 persons the reverse is true.

A comparison of households whose heads are foreign-born discloses the fact that in households with 4 or 5 persons the Bohemians and Moravians show the largest proportion, while in households of 8 persons the proportions is slightly smaller than that of the Poles. ́ In households of 6 and of 10 or over the Germans report the largest proportion, but in households of 5 persons show a slightly smaller proportion than the Bohemians and Moravians. The Lithuanians, in households with 2 and 3 persons per household, report a considerably larger proportion than the households of any other race, while of those with 7 persons the Poles show a slightly larger proportion than the Germans and a considerably larger proportion than either the Bohemians and Moravians or Lithuanians. The Poles also show larger proportions in households of 8 and 9 persons. The households of the native whites of native father, with the exception of those having 4, 7, and 8 persons per household, show in each group in which they are reported slightly smaller proportions than do the Lithuanian households.


The extent to which crowding prevails within the households and its effect upon living arrangements is considered in the series of tables next presented. The first table submitted in this connection shows the average number of persons per apartment, per room, and per sleeping room, according to general nativity and race of head of household. TABLE 299.-Average number of persons per apartment, per room, and per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household.

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In the households of this locality for which information was secured, the average number of persons per apartment is 5.64, per room 1.42, and per sleeping room 2.80. The foreign-born, it will be noted, show a larger average number of persons per apartment, per room, and per sleeping room than do the native-born.

As regards the average number of persons per apartment, the Roumanians show by far the highest average. Following the Roumanians are the Poles, Irish, Germans, and Bohemians and Moravians, in the order named, each averaging less than 6 persons per apartment, while the native whites, with a slightly higher average than the Lithuanians, average less than 5 persons per apartment.

The Roumanians, Poles, and Bohemians and Moravians, in the order mentioned, report the highest and the Lithuanians and Irish the lowest average number of persons per room; while the Bohemians and Moravians, Poles, and Roumanians, in the order mentioned, show the largest, and the Lithuanians and Irish the smallest, average number of persons per sleeping room. In the households of the native whites, the average number of persons per room is smaller than in the households of any foreign-born race. This, with the exception of the Irish and Lithuanian households, is also true as regards the average number of persons per sleeping room.

The following table shows the range in the number of persons per room according to general nativity and race of head of household:

TABLE 300.-Persons per room, by general nativity and race of head of household.

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Of the total number of households, 77 per cent have 1 or more and 27.1 per cent 2 or more persons per room, while only 7.7 and 1.2 per cent have 3 or more and 4 or more persons per room, respectively. With the exception of the households having 4 or more persons per room, the foreign-born show much greater proportions than do the native-born having each specified number of persons per room. Among the foreign households having 1 or more, 2 or more, or 3 or more persons per room, there is little difference in the propor

tions shown by the Poles and Bohemians and Moravians, the former reporting in each instance a slightly larger proportion than the latter. The lowest proportion having the same specified number of persons per room, on the other hand, is shown by the Lithuanians. It will also be noted that the proportion of the native whites having 1 or more, or 2 or more persons per room is smaller than the proportion shown by the Lithuanians.

The table next presented shows the range in number of persons per sleeping room according to general nativity and race of head of household.

TABLE 301.-Persons per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (STUDY OF HOUSEHOLDS.)

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The 339 households studied in the above table show an average of 2.80 persons per sleeping room. The foreign-born_shows practically the same, while of the foreign-born races the Bohemian and Moravian, followed by the Polish, shows the highest, and the Lithuanian the lowest average number. As regards the per cent of households having each specified number of persons per sleeping room, it will be seen that of the total number, 83.2 per cent have 2 or more, 46 per cent 3 or more, 22.4 per cent 4 or more, 8.8 per cent 5 or more, and 5 per cent 6 or more. Comparing the native-born with the foreign-born, it will be seen that, while the former shows a larger proportion having 2 or more persons per sleeping room, the latter shows a larger proportion having 3 or more and 4 or more-the native-born reporting none as having 5 or more, while the foreignborn shows a certain proportion having 5 or more as well as 6 or The largest proportion of foreign-born households, 39.4 per cent, having less than 2 persons per sleeping room is shown by the Lithuanians, and the smallest, 10.3 per cent, by the Poles; while of


those having 6 or more, the Bohemians and Moravians show the largest and the Germans the smallest proportion. With the exception of those having 2 or more, the Bohemians and Moravians show the largest proportion of households having each specified number of persons per sleeping room-the smallest having 3 or more or 5 or more being shown by the Lithuanians, and the smallest having 4 or more being shown by the Germans.

The effect of congestion within the households upon living conditions may be seen in the table next presented. It shows by general nativity and race of head of houshold the number and per cent of households regularly sleeping in all except each specified number of


TABLE 302.-Number and per cent of households regularly sleeping in all except each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household.

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The above table shows that a study was made of 339 households, in which the number of rooms average 3.98 and the number of sleeping rooms 2.02 per household.

The average number of rooms vary from 5.16 in Irish households, followed by German, Roumanian, Lithuanian, and Polish households, in slightly decreasing proportions, to 3.39 rooms in households of the Bohemians and Moravians.

The table also shows that the Roumanians average 2.64 sleeping rooms per household, the highest average reported. The Irish, Germans, Lithuanians, Poles, and Bohemians and Moravians follow in the order named, the last named showing an average of 1.66 sleeping rooms per household.

It will be further noted from the above table that 3.2 per cent of the households studied occupy all rooms as sleeping rooms, 35.1 per cent sleep in all rooms but one room, and 33.3 per cent sleep in all except two rooms.

The Poles, it will be noted, show a slightly larger per cent of households than the Bohemians and Moravians sleeping in all rooms, and in all except one room. None of the German or Lithuanian households occupy all rooms, while the proportions of these same households occupying all except one room are slightly smaller than the proportion of Bohemian and Moravian households.

On the other hand, the Poles, who show the largest proportions sleeping in all rooms and in all except one room, show the smallest proportion sleeping in all except two rooms. The largest proportion of households sleeping in all except two rooms is shown by the Lithuanians, or 45.5 per cent. Following the Lithuanians are the native whites, Bohemians and Moravians, Germans, and Poles in the order named.

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