Imágenes de páginas

CHAPTER III.-Economic status-Continued.

Table 283.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of females 18 years of age or
over, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)..
Table 284.-Number of families in which wife has employment or keeps
boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity
and race of head of family. (Study of households)..

Table 285.-Per cent of families in which wife has employment or keeps
boarders or lodgers, by yearly earnings of husband and by general nativity
and race of head of family. (Study of households).......
Table 286.-Per cent of families having an income within the year from
husband, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general
nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households)...
Table 287.-Source of family income in detail, by general nativity and race
of head of family. (Study of households)..

Table 288.-Per cent of total family income within the year from husband,
wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general nativity
and race of head of family. (Study of households).
CHAPTER IV.-Working conditions:








Table 289.-Months worked during the past year by males 16 years of age or over employed away from home, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).....


Table 290.-Affiliation with trade unions of males 21 years of age or over who are working for wages, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).


CHAPTER V.-Housing and living conditions:

Table 291.-Average rent per month, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..........


Table 292.-Per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per apartment, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).

Table 293.-Per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)...

Table 294.-Per cent of households paying each specified rent per month per person, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).

Table 295.-Number and per cent of households keeping boarders or lodgers, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..

Table 296.-Average number of boarders or lodgers per household, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. Table 297.-Per cent of households occupying apartments of each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..

Table 298.-Per cent of households of each specified number of persons, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. Table 299.- Average number of persons per apartment, per room, and per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).









Table 300.--Persons per room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..


Table 301.-Persons per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).


Table 302.-Number and per cent of households regularly sleeping in all except each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)....


CHAPTER VI.-Salient characteristics:

Table 303.-Per cent of male employees who read and per cent who read and write, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..... Table 304.-Per cent of persons 10 years of age or over who read and per cent who read and write, by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).

Table 305.-Per cent of foreign-born persons 10 years of age or over who read and per cent who read and write, by years in the United States and race of individual. (Study of households)....




CHAPTER VI.-Salient characteristics-Continued.

Table 306.-Per cent of foreign-born persons 10 years of age or over who
read and per cent who read and write, by age at time of coming to the
United States and race of individual. (Study of households)..
Table 307.-Per cent of male employees 20 years of age or over in each
conjugal condition, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees).
Table 308.-Per cent of male employees in each conjugal condition, by
age groups and by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)....
Table 309.-Per cent of persons 20 years of age or over in each conjugal con-
dition, by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of

Table 310.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife in the
United States and per cent who report wife abroad, by race of husband.
(Study of employees)...

Table 311.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife abroad, by
race of husband and by years husband has been in the United States.
(Study of employees)...

Table 312.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born male employees, by years
in the United States and race. (Study of employees)..
Table 313. Per cent of persons within each age group, by sex and by gen-
eral nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)...
Table 314.-Per cent of male employees within each age group, by general
nativity and race. (Study of employees)...

CHAPTER VII.-General progress and assimilation:

Table 315.-Number and per cent of families owning home, by general
nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households)...
Table 316.-Number and per cent of children 6 and under 16 years of age
at home, at school, and at work, by general nativity and race of father
and by birthplace of child. (Study of households).
Table 317.-Pupils in public schools in South Omaha, Nebr., by general
nativity and race of father of pupil..

Table 318.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees

who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race. (Study of employees).. Table 319.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming to the United States, by years in the United States and race. (Study of employees)... Table 320.-Present political condition of foreign-born males who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households). Table 321.-Per cent of persons 6 years of age or over who speak English, by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).. Table 322.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees who speak English, by race. (Study of employees)....

Table 323.-Per cent of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over who speak English, by age at time of coming to the United States and race of individual. (Study of households).

Table 324.-Per cent of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over who speak English, by years in the United States and race of individual. (Study of households)..

Table 325.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees who speak English, by age at time of coming to the United States and race. (Study of employees).






















Table 326.-Per cent of foreign-born male employees who speak English, by years in the United States and race. (Study of employees)...




CHAPTER I.-Introduction:

Table 1.-Total number of households and persons studied, by general
nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).
Table 2.-Number of persons for whom detailed information was secured,
by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of house-




419, 420

Table 3.—Total number of employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)... CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements:

420, 421

Table 4.-Number of foreign-born employees in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race. (Study of employees).. 422-424 Table 5.-Number of foreign-born persons in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race of individual. (Study of households). CHAPTER III.-Economic status:

424, 425

Table 6.-Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born males who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households)................


Table 7.-Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born females who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households)..


Table 8.-Occupation of foreign-born male employees before coming to the
United States, by race. (Study of employees)..


Table 9.-Occupation of foreign-born female employees before coming to
the United States, by race. (Study of employees).
Table 10.-Number of males 16 years of age or over in each specified
industry, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of house-



Table 11.-Number of females 16 years of age or over in each specified industry, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)...

Table 12.-Number of male employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per hour, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)....

Table 13.-Number of male employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per day, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..



432, 433

Table 14.-Number of female employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per hour, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)...


Table 15.-Number of female employees 18 years of age or over earning each specified amount per day, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..


Table 18.-Number of female employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per hour, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)......

Table 17.-Number of male employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per day, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees).

Table 16.-Number of male employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per hour, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)...




CHAPTER III.-Economic status-Continued.

Table 19.-Number of female employees 14 and under 18 years of age earning each specified amount per day, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..........

Table 20.-Number of male heads of families earning each specified amount per year, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)..

Table 21.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of males 18 years of age or over,
by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).............
Table 22.-Amount of family income per year, by general nativity and
race of head of family. (Study of households)..

Table 23.-Yearly earnings (approximate) of females 18 years of age or
over, by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).
Table 24.-Number of families having an income within the year from hus-
band, wife, children, boarders or lodgers, and other sources, by general
nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households)...
Table 25-Source of family income in detail, by general nativity and race
of head of family. (Study of households)...

CHAPTER IV.-Working conditions:

Table 26.-Months worked during the past year by persons 16 years of age or over employed away from home, by sex and by general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).....

CHAPTER V.-Housing and living conditions:









446, 447

Table 27.-Number and class of households, by general nativity and race
of head of household. (Study of households)..
Table 28.-Number of households paying each specified rent per month
per apartment, by general nativity and race of head of household.
(Study of households)..

Table 29.-Number of households paying each specified rent per month
per room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of

Table 30.-Number of households paying each specified rent per month per person, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..

Table 31.-Number of households keeping boarders and lodgers and number of boarders and lodgers, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..

Table 32.-Number of persons per household in apartments of each specified size, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..






452, 453

Table 33.-Number of households occupying apartments of each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)...

Table 34.-Number of households and number of persons in apartments of each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..

Table 35.-Number of households of each specified number of persons, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).. Table 36.-Persons per room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..





Table 37.-Persons per sleeping room, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households).


Table 38.-Number of households regularly sleeping in all except each specified number of rooms, by general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)...


Table 40.-Literacy of persons 10 years of age or over, by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)...

CHAPTER VI.-Salient characteristics:

Table 39.-Literacy of employees, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees).



Table 41-Literacy of foreign-born persons 10 years of age or over, by sex, years in the United States, and race of individual. (Study of households)..

463, 464

Table 42.-Literacy of foreign-born persons 10 years of age or over, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race of individual. (Study of households)...

464, 465

CHAPTER VI.-Salient characteristics-Continued.



Table 43.-Conjugal condition of employees, by sex and age groups, and by
general nativity and race. (Study of employees)..
Table 44.-Conjugal condition, by sex and age groups, and by general
nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).
Table 45.-Location of wives of foreign-born employees, by race of hus-
band. (Study of employees).




Table 46.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees). Table 47.-Number of persons within each age group, by sex and general nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)...... 482, 483 Table 48.-Number of employees of each age or within each age group, by sex and general nativity and race. (Study of employees)... CHAPTER VII.-General progress and assimilation:


Table 49.-Number of families owning home, renting, boarding, etc., by general nativity and race of head of family. (Study of households).... Table 50.-General occupation of persons under 16 years of age, by sex, age groups, and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households)..



Table 51.-Present political condition of foreign-born male employees who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race and length of residence. (Study of employees).............

Table 52.-Present political condition of foreign-born males who have been in the United States 5 years or over and who were 21 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual and length of residence. (Study of households)......

Table 53.-Ability to speak English of persons 6 years of age or over, by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of households).. Table 54.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race of individual. (Study of households)...

Table 55.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born persons 6 years of age or over, by sex, years in the United States, and race of individual. (Study of households)...






Table 56.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born employees, by sex, age at time of coming to the United States, and race. (Study of employees). 407-499 Table 57.-Ability to speak English of foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race. (Study of employees).. 499-501


CHAPTER I.-Introduction:

Table 58. Total number of households and persons studied, by general
nativity and race of head of household. (Study of households)..
Table 59.-Number of persons for whom detailed information was secured,
by sex and general nativity and race of individual. (Study of house-

Table 60.-Total number of male employees for whom information was secured, by general nativity and race. (Study of employees)....... CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements:

Table 61.-Number of foreign-born male employees in the United States each specified number of years, by race. (Study of employees). . . . . . Table 62.-Number of foreign-born persons in the United States each specified number of years, by sex and race of individual. (Study of households)...

CHAPTER III.-Economic status:






Table 63.-Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born males who were 16 years of age or over at the time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households)


Table 64. Occupation before coming to the United States of foreign-born females who were 16 years of age or over at time of coming, by race of individual. (Study of households)..


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