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Then up the Mast Tree fwerved he,
This ftout and mighty Gordion;
But Horfely he most happily,

Shot him under his Collar-Bone :
Then call'd he on his Nephew, and
Said, Sifter's Son's I have no mo,
Three hundred Pound I give to thee,
If thou wilt to the Top-caftle go.
Then ftoutly he began to climb

From off the Maft fcorn'd to depart;
But Horfely foon prevented him,

And deadly pierc'd him to the Heart.
His Men being flain, then up amain
Did this proud Pyrate climb with speed,
For Armour of Proof he had put on,
And did not dint of Arrows dread.

Come hither Horfely, faid the Lord,
See thou thy Arrows aim aright;
Great Means to thee I'll still afford,

And if thou speedst I'll make thee Knight.
Sir Andrew did climb up the Tree,

With right good Will and all his Main, Then upon the Breast hit Horfely he, 'Till the Arrow did return again.

Then Horfely fpy'd a Private Place,

With a perfect Eye in a fecret Part,
His Arrow swiftly flew apace,

And fmote Sir Andrew to the Heart.
Fight on, fight on, my merry Men all,
A little I am hurt, yet not flain,
I'll but lye down and bleed awhile,
And come and fight with you again.

And do not, faid he, fear English Rogues,
And of your Foes stand not in awe,
But stand faft by St. Andrew's Cross,
Until you hear my Whistle blow.


They never heard his Whistle blow,
Which made them all moft fore afraid.
Then Horfely faid, My Lord, Aboard
For now Sir Andrew Barton's dead.

Thus boarded they this gallant Ship,
With right good Will and all their main,
Eighteen Score Scots alive in it,

Besides as many more were flain.
The Lord went where Sir Andrew lay,
And quickly then cut off his Head;
I fhould forfake England many a Day,
If thou wert alive as thou art dead.

Thus from the Wars Lord Howard came
With mickle Joy and Triumphing,
The Pyrate's Head he brought along
For to prefent unto the King:
Who briefly unto him did fay,

Before he well knew what was done,
Where is the Knight and Pyrate gay,
That I my felf may give the Doom?

You may thank God, then faid the Lord,
And four Men in the Ship, quoth he,
That we are safely come Afhore,

Sith you never had such an Enemy;
That is, Henry Hunt and Peter Simon,
William Horfely and Peter's Son :
Therefore Reward them for their Pains,
For they did Service in their turn.

To the Merchant therefore the King he said,
In lieu of what he hath from thee ta'n,

I'll give to thee a Noble a Day,

Sir Andrew's Whiftle and his Chain

To Peter Simon a Crown a Day,

And half a Crown to Peter's Son;

And that was for a Shot fo gay,

Which bravely brought Sir Andrew down.


Horfely I will make thee a Knight,
And in Yorkshire thou shalt dwell;
Lord Howard fhall Earl Bury hight,
For this Act deferveth well:
Ninety Pounds to our English Men,
Who in this Fight did ftoutly stand;
And Twelve Pence a Day to the Scots, till they
Come to my Brother King's High Land.

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Johnny Armstrong's laft Good-night, fhewing how John Armstrong with his Eightscore Men fought a bloody Battle with the Scotch King at Edenborough.

To a Northern Tune.

Never was Country in the World more infefted with Robbers than the Kingdom of Scotland in former Days. Some few Banditti we have had here in England, but compar'd to their Number they are few indeed; but as a general Hiftory of them would at prefent be foreign to my Purpose, Ifhallconfine myself to the Hero of the following Ballad, whofe Habitation was at no great distance from the River Ewfe; there he had a strong Body of Menunder his Command, and all his Neighbours, even the nearest English, stood in Awe of him, and paid him Tribute. When James V. reign'd in Scotland, and Henry VIII. in England, the former willing to fupprefs all Robberies, levied a fmall Army, march'd out against the Banditti, and pitch'd his Tents hard by the River Ewfe. At this John Armstrong became


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