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tracting Parties with regard to the importation and manufacture of spirituous liquors under the conditions referred to in the present Convention.

Each of the High Contracting Parties shall publish an annual report showing the quantities of spirituous beverages imported or manufactured and the duties levied under Articles 4 and 5. A copy of this report shall be sent to the Central International Office and to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations.


The High Contracting Parties agree that if any dispute whatever should arise between them relating to the application of the present Convention which cannot be settled by negotiation, this dispute shall be submitted to an arbitral tribunal in conformity with the Covenant of the League of Nations.


The High Contracting Parties reserve the right of introducing into the present Convention by common agreement after a period of five years such modifications as may prove to be necessary.


The High Contracting Parties will use every effort to obtain the adhesion to the present Convention of the other States exercising authority over the territories of the African Continent.

This adhesion shall be notified through the diplomatic channel to the Government of the French Republic, and by it to all the signatory or adhering States. The adhesion will come into effect from the date of the notification to the French Government.


All the provisions of former general international Conventions relating to the matters dealt with in the present Convention shall be considered as abrogated in so far as they are binding between the Powers which are parties to the present Convention.

The present Convention shall be ratified as soon as possible.

Each Power will address its ratification to the French Government, who will inform all the other signatory Powers.

The ratifications will remain deposited in the archives of the French Government.

The present Convention will come into force for each signatory Power from the date of the deposit of its ratification, and from that moment that Power will be bound in respect of other Powers which have already deposited their ratifications.

On the coming into force of the present Convention, the French Government will transmit a certified copy to the Powers which under the Treaties of Peace have undertaken to accept and observe it, and are in consequence placed in the same position as the Contracting Parties. The names of these Powers will be notified to the States which adhere.

In faith whereof, the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention.

Done at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, the tenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, in a single copy which will remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the French Republic, and of which authenticated copies will be sent to each of the signatory Powers.

(L. S.)


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At the moment of signing the Convention of even date relating to the Liquor Traffic in Africa, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries declare in the name of their respective Governments that they would regard it as contrary to the intention of the High Contracting Parties and to the spirit of this Convention that pending the coming into force of the Convention a Contracting Party should adopt any measure which is contrary to its provisions.

Done at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, in a single copy, the tenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen.








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Signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye and Paris September 10, 1919.

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22. Enforcement.

23. Accessions.

24. Adjustment of disputes. 25. Former conventions abro


26. Ratification.

The Unted States of America, Belgium, Bolivia, the British Empire, China, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, the

Some of the signatures were affixed in Paris and some at Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Ratifications have been deposited by Chile, Greece and Siam. Accessions have been made by Brazil, Chile, Finland, Guatemala, Haiti, Muscat, Peru, and Venezuela.

Hedjaz, Italy, Japan, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, the Serb-Croat-Slovene State, Siam and Czecho-Slovakia; Whereas the long war now ended, in which most nations have successively become involved, has led to the accumulation in various parts of the world of considerable quantities of arms and munitions of war, the dispersal of which would constitute a danger to peace and public order;

Whereas in certain parts of the world it is necessary to exercise special supervision over the trade in, and the possession of, arms and ammunition;

Whereas the existing treaties and conventions, and particularly the Brussels Act of July 2, 1890,1 regulating the traffic in arms and ammunition in certain regions, no longer meet present conditions, which require more elaborate provisions applicable to a wider area in Africa and the establishment of a corresponding régime in certain territories in Asia:

Whereas a special supervision of the maritime zone adjacent to certain countries is necessary to ensure the efficacy of the measures adopted by the various Governments both as regards the importation of arms and ammunition into those countries and the export of such arms and ammunition from their own territory;

And with the reservation that, after a period of seven years, the present Convention shall be subject to revision in the light of the experience gained, if the Council of the League of Nations, acting if need be by a majority, so recommends;

Have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:

The President of the United States of America:

The Honourable Frank Lyon Polk, Under-Secretary of State; .
The Honourable Henry White, formerly Ambassador Extraor-
dinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States at Rome and

General Tasker H. Bliss, Military Representative of the United
States on the Supreme War Council;

His Majesty the King of the Belgians:

M. Paul Hymans, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of

M. Jules van den Heuvel, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of the Belgians,
Minister of State:

M. Emile Vandervelde, Minister of Justice, Minister of State;
The President of the Republic of Bolivia:

M. Ismail Montes, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Bolivia at Paris;

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions Beyond the Seas, Emperor of India:

The Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, O. M., M. P., His Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs;

1 For text see Vol. III, p. 1964.

The Right Honourable Andrew Bonar Law, M. P., His Lord
Privy Seal;

The Right Honourable Viscount Milner, G. C. B., G. C. M. G.,
His Secretary of State for the Colonies;

The Right Honourable George Nicoll Barnes, M. P., Minister
without Portfolio.


for the Dominion of Canada:

The Honourable Sir Albert Edward Kemp, K. C. M. G., Minister of the Overseas Forces;

for the Commonwealth of Australia:

The Honourable George Foster Pearce, Minister of Defence; for the Union of South Africa:

The Right Honourable Viscount Milner, G. C. B., G. C. M. G.; for the Dominion of New Zealand:

The Honourable Sir Thomas Mackenzie, K. C. M. G., High Commissioner for New Zealand in the United Kingdom;

for India:

The Right Honourable Baron Sinha, K. C., Under-Secretary of
State for India;

The President of the Chinese Republic:

M. Lou Tseng-Tsiang, Minister for Foreign Affairs;

M. Chengting Thomas Wang, formerly Minister of Agriculture and Commerce;

The President of the Cuban Republic:

M. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamente, Dean of the Faculty of Law in the University of Havana, President of the Cuban Society of International Law:

The President of the Republic of Ecuador:

M. Dorn y de Alsua, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Ecuador at Paris;

The President of the French Republic:

M. Georges Clemenceau, President of the Council, Minister of

M. Stephen Pichon, Minister for Foreign Affairs;

M. Louis-Lucien Klotz, Minister of Finance;

M. André Tardieu, Commissiary-General for Franco-American
Military Affairs;

M. Jules Cambon, Ambassador of France;

His Majesty the King of the Hellenes:

M. Nicolas Politis, Minister for Foreign Affairs;

M. Athos Romanos, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the French Republic;

The President of the Republic of Guatemala:

M. Joaquim Mendez, formerly Minister of State for Public Works and Public Instruction, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Guatemala at Washington, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary on Special Mission at Paris;

The President of the Republic of Haiti:

M. Tertullien Guilbaud, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary of Haïti to Ecuador;

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