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parts, when, in 1188, Baldwin Archbishop of Canterbury proceeded through Wales, exciting the people to repair in person, or contribute in purse, to the crusade. He was certainly in the im immediate vicinity, as appears from his faithful chronicler and attendant Gerald de Barry, commonly

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the young man, were on the following day signed with the Weross at Alba Domus, as a punishment for theirs crime. But, however certain it may be that the sculptures under considera tion are adorned with a cross similare to that adopted by the crusadersy

Giraldus Cambrensis. known as can hardly refer them to so early a

our journey from Camardynssays the monk, to the Cistercian monastery of Alba Domus, the archbishop was informed of the murder of a young Welshmande who was devoutly hastening to meet him, when turning out of the road hes Ordered the corpse to be covered with the cloak of his almoner, land with an pious supplication commended the sou of the murdered youth to heaven. Twelve archers of the adjacent Castle of St. Clare, who had assassinated ayab sdt 9ɔnizettiw need sa tadt bloow ti batas,alensid

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period as the crusade of the twelfthe century. In the absence of many dism tinctions which might be drawn from costume, the head and foot stones, placed as with the grave hills of the presente day, seem to connect them with later times I do not remember to have seen it anywhere suggested of how early date the usual mode, of thus distinguishing the mansions of the departed may be. The present exam ples may draw the attention of anticia quaries to the subject. way b'o as 1890 900 alsinomom islimie owt doods pai189d 19d baqade uitto 19pt abus

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