Imágenes de páginas

a point of wisdom. But, with us, our innovators, by this artifice, do alter our settled doctrines: nay, they do subinduce points repugnant and contrariant. And this I dare assume upon myself to prove.--One paralle! more 1 have, and that is this; among the Papists there is one supreme Pope, supreme in honour, in order, and in power; from whose judgment there is no appeal. I confess, Mr. Chairman, I cannot altogether match a l'ope with a Pope: yet one of the antient titles of our English primate was alterius orbis papa; but thus far I can go, ex ore suo; it is in print: he pleads fair for a patriarchate; and for such an one whose judgment he, beforehand, professeth ought to be final; and then, I am sure, it ought to be unerring. Put these together, and you shall find that the final determination of a patriarch will want very little of a Pope, and then we may say

Mutato nomine de te Fabula narraturHe pleads popeship under the name of a patriarch; and I inuch fear lest the and and top of his patriarchal plea may be as that of cardinal Pole, his predecessor, who would have two heads, one caput regale, another caput sacerdotale: : a proud parallel, to set up the mitre as high as the crown. But herein I shall be free and clear, if one there must be, be it a Pope, be it a Patriarch; this I resolve upon for ny own choice, procul à Jove, procul à Fulmine; I had rather serve one as far off as Tyber, then to have him come so near me as the Thames. A Pope at Rome will do me less burt then a Patriarch may do at Lambeth.-I have done; and, for this third parallel, I submit it to the wisdom and consideration of thus grand committee for Religion; in the mean time I do ground my motion upon the former two, and it is this in brief: That you would please to select a sub-committee of a few, and to impower them for the discovery of the numbers of oppressed ministers under the bishops tyranny for these ten years last past. We have the complaint of some, but more are silent; some are patient and will not complain, others are fearful and dare not; many are beyond sea and cannot complain. And, in the second place, that the sub-committee may examine the printers, what books, by bad licenses, have been corruptly issued forth; and what good books have been, like good ministers, silenced, clipped, or cropped. The work, I conceive, will not be difficult, but will quickly return into your hand full of weight. And this is my motion.'

Sir John Wray, spoke as follows:- Mr. Speaker; By the report made from the committee of Religion, you may see to what an exorbitant height Popery is grown; and yet how slowly we go on to suppress it: I fear God is displeased with us, or else no disaster should have prevented the sealing of our cove nant, when intended; and I hope it shall be performed the next Sabbath. Had our fast been accepted, and our outward humiliation

cordial, no blow should have distracted our preparations. Mr. Speaker, if we had taken the good counsel of our teachers at the fast. and believed their report, we had done well; and by this time, no doubt, we might have found out Achan with his wedge of gold and Babylonish garments; but we have spent our time only in pilling off the bark, and snatching the boughs and the branches of popery, and that will do no good; for they will grow thicker and harder; what must we do then, to preserve our religion safe and sound, to us and our posterity, that our golden candlestick be not removed? Why, the only way is to fall to our work in earnest, and lay the axe to the root, to unloose the loug and deep fangs of superstition and Popery; which being once done, the bark will soon fall down. Let us then endeavour a thorough reformation; for if it be imperfect, it will prove the seed of dissolution, if not desolation; which God forbid: and, to prevent that, I shall humbly move, That the groves and high places of idolatry may be removed, and pulled down, and then God's wrath against England will be appeased; until then,


Rushworth observes, That these Speeches, and some others, concerning Grievances, did o convince the rest of the house, that when a question was put relating to any considerable grievance, not one member offered to put a negative upon it. In consequence of the Resolution of the house, That no Monopolist of Patentee should be allowed to sit in that house,' several were turned out accordingly, and new writs were ordered for electing others in their stead. See p. 651.

Dec. 1. A long Report is entered from the Committee of Inquiry after Papists, &c. al tending as evidence against secretary Windebank. In the end it was ordered, "That be should, the next day, give Answer to such questions as should be put to him, upon several informations delivered in here against him; and he, in the mean time, to have notice of it."

Resolutions against Ship-Money. Dec. 7. A Report was made by Mr. St. John from the committee appointed to examine into the le gality of Ship-Money; which ended, the house came to the following Resolutions upon it:“Resolved, upon the question, nullo contradicente, 1. That the charge imposed upon the subjects for the providing and furnishing of Ships, and the assessments for raising of Money for that purpose, cominonly called Ship-Money, are against the laws of the realm, and the subjects' right of property, contrary to former Resolutions of parliament, and to the Petition of Right. 2. That the extrajudicial Opinions of the Judges, published in the Star-Chamber, and inrolled in the courts of Westminster, [ in the whole and every part of them, are against the laws of the realin, the right of property, the liberty of the subject, contrary to former Resolutions of parliament, and to the Petition of Right. 3. That all the writs, commonly called Ship-Writs, the judg

Two Subsidies granted.] Dec. 10. The way for raising 100,000l. for the Relief of the King's Army and the Northern counties, was debated; when, after many speeches, the house resolved, That two Subsidies should be granted, instead of the sum aforesaid; and, the next day, a bill was ordered in accordingly.

Petition of the City of London against Bishops, &c.] Dec. 11. A Petition from the city of London, signed by 15,000 citizens, was presented to the commons by alderman Pennington, attended by some hundreds of people, and was as follows:

ment in the Exchequer, in Mr. Lampden's free Grace, of Perseverance, of original Sin Case, in the matter and substance thereof, remaining after Baptism, of the Sabbath, the that he was anywise chargeable thereby, is doctrine against uuiversal Grace, Election for against the laws of the realm, &c."-A com- Faith foreseen, Free-will, against Antichrist, mittee was then appointed to go forthwith to Nonresidents, human Inventions in God's Worthe several Judges, to know how they were ship; all which are generally withheld from the solicited or threatened, in what manner, and people's knowledge, because not relishing to by whom, to give any opinion or judgment the bishops. III. The encouragement of miconcerning Ship-Money; and, lastly, to ac-nisters to despise the temporal magistracy, the quaint the Judges with what had been voted nobles and gentry of the land: to abuse the this day concerning it. subjects, and live contentiously with their neighbours, knowing that they, being the bishop creatures, shall be supported. IV. The restraint of many godly and able men from the ministry, and thrusting out of many congregations their faithful, diligent, and powerful ministers, who lived peaceably with them, and did them good; only because they cannot, in conscience, submit unto and maintain the bishops needless devices; nay, sometimes, for no other cause, but for their zeal in preaching, or their great auditories. V. The suppressing of that godly design, set on foot by certain saints, and sugared with many great gifts by "That whereas the government of archbi- sundry well-affected persons, for the buying of shops and lord bishops, deans and archdeacons, Impropriations, and placing of able ministers &c. with their courts and ministrations in them, in them; maintaining of Lectures, and founding hath proved prejudicial and very dangerous of Free-Schools; which the prelates could not both to the church and commonwealth; they endure, lest it should darken their glories, and themselves having formerly held, that they draw the ministers from their dependence upon have their jurisdiction or authority of human them. VI. The great increase of idle, lewd authority, till of these later times, being further and dissolute, ignorant and erroneous men in pressed about the unlawfulness thereof, they the ministry, which swarm, like the locusts of have claimed their calling immediately from Egypt, over the whole kingdom; and will they the Lord Jesus Christ; which is against the but wear a canonical coat, a surplice, a hood, laws of this kingdom, and derogatory to his bow at the name of JESUS, and be zealous in majesty and his state royal: and whereas the superstitious ceremonies, they may live as they said government is found, by woful experience, list, confront whom they please, preach and to be a main cause and occasion of many foul vent what errors they will, and neglect preachevils, pressures, and grievances of a very highing at their pleasure, without controul. VII. nature unto his majesty's subjects, in their cousciences, liberties, and estate, as in a schedule of particulars, hereunto annexed, may in part appear we therefore most humbly pray and beseech this honourable assembly, the premisses considered, that the said government, with all its dependences, roots, and branches, may be abolished, and all laws in their behalf made void, and the government, according to God's word, may be rightly placed among us; and we your humble suppliants, as in duty we are bound, will daily pray for his majesty's long and happy reign over us, and for the prosperous success of this high and honourable court of parliament:


A Particular of the manifold EVILS, PRESSURES and GRIEVANCES, caused, practised, and occasioned by the PRELATES and their DEPENDENTS.

I. "The subjecting and inthralling all ministers under them and their authority, and so by degrees, exempting of them from the temporal power; whence follows, II. The faintheartedness of ministers to preach the truths of God, lest they should displease the prelates; as, namely, the doctrine of Predestination, of VOL. II.

The discouragement of many from bringing up their children in learning; the many schisms, errors, and strange opinions which are in the church; great corruptions which are in the universities; the gross and lamentable ignorance, almost every where, among the people; the want of preaching ministers in very many places both of England and Wales; the loathing of the ministry; and the general defection into all manner of prophaneness.. VIII. The swarming of lascivious, idle, and unprontable Books and Pamphlets, Play-Books and Ballads; as, namely, Ovid's Art of Love;' 'the Parlia ment of Women,' which came out at the dissolving of the last parliament; Barnes's Poems; the increase of all vice, and withdrawing of Parker's Ballads, all in disgrace of religion, to the word of God, and other good books. IX. people from reading, studying, and hearing The hindering of godly Books to be printed, the blotting out of, or perverting in, those which they allow to be printed, all or most of that which strikes either at Popery or Arminianism; the adding of what or where pleaseth them; and the restraints of reprinting books, formerly licensed, without relicensing. X. The publishing and vending of Popish, Arminian,

2 X

yards, and many other things, and pu holiness in thein; yea, reconscerating pretended pollution, as though every were unclean without their consecrating; for want of this, sundry churches have interdicted, and kept from use as poll XVIII. The Liturgy, for the most par framed out of the Romish Breviary, Ritual. Ma-s-Book; also the Book of Ordination archbishops and ministers, framed out of Roman pontifical. IX. The multitud Canons formerly made; wherein, among o things, excommunication, ipso facto, i

and other dangerous books and tenets; as, namely, That the church of Rome is a true church, and, in the worst times, never erred in fundamentals; that the subjects have no property in their estates, but that the king may take from them what he pleaseth; that all is the king's, and that he is bound by no law, and many other; from the former whereof hath sprung, XI. The Growth of Popery, and increase of Papists, Priests, and Jesuits, in sundry places, but especially about London, since the Reformation; the frequent vending of crucifixes and Popish pictures, both engraven and printed, and the placing of such in Bibles.nounced for speaking of a word against XII. The multitude of Monopolies and Patents, devices abovesaid, or subscription there. drawing with them innumerable perjuries; the though no law enjoined a restraint from large increase of Customs and Impositions ministry without such subscription, and ap upon Commodities; the Ship-Money, and is denied to any that should refuse subscrip many other great burthens upon the common- or unlawful conformity, though he be neve wealth, under which we all groan. XIII. More- much wronged by the inferior judge; also over, the Offices and Jurisdictions of archbi- Canons made in the late sacred synod, as t shops, lord bishops, deans, archdeacons, being call it, wherein are many strange and da the same way of church government which is rous devices to undermine the Gospel, in the Romish church, and which was in Eng- the subjects liberties; to propagate Pepe land in the time of popery; little change to spoil God's people; insnare ministers thereof being made, except only the head other students; and so to draw all into from whence it was derived; the same argu- absolute subjection and thraldom to them ments supporting the Pope, which do uphold their government, despoiling both the king, the prelates; and overthrowing the prelates, the parliament of their power. XX. which do pull down the Pope; and other re- countenancing Plurality of Benefices; p formed churches having, upon their rejection biting of Marriages, without their license, of the Pope, cast the prelates out also as mem- certain times, almost half the year; ad bers of the Beast: Hence it is, that the pre-censing of marriages without banns ask lates here in England, by themselves or their XXI. Prophanation of the Lord's Day, plead disciples, plead and maintain, that the Pope is for it, and enjoining ministers to read a Dec not antichrist, and that the church of Rome is ration, set forth, as it is thought, by their p a true church, hath not erred in fundamental curement, for tolerating of sports upon u points, and that salvation is attainable in that day; suspending and depriving many o religion; and therefore have restrained to pray ministers for not reading the same only out for the conversion of our sovereign lady the conscience, because it was against the law queen. Hence also hath come, XIV. The God so to do, and no law of the land to enj great Conformity and Likeness, both continued it. XXII. The pressing of the strict obs and encreased, of our church to the church of vation of Saints Days, whereby great sumis Rome, in vestures, postures, ceremonies, and money are drawn out of men's purses administrations; namely, as the bishops roch-working on them; a very high burthen on m ets, and the lawn sleeves, the four-cornered people, who, getting their living by their da cap, the cope and surplice, the tippet, the employments, must either omit them and hood, and the canonical coat, the pulpits idle, or part with their money, whereby ma clothed, especially now of late, with the jesuits poor families are undone, or brought behin badge upon them every way. XV. The standing band; yea, many church wardens are sued, up at Gloria Patri, and at reading the Gospel, threatened to be sued, by their troublesom praying towards the East, the bowing at the ministers, as perjured persons, for not presen name of Jesus, the bowing to the altar towards ing their parishioners who failed in observit the East, cross in baptism, the kneeling at the holy-days. XIII. The great increase a communion. XVI. The turning of the com- frequency of Whoredoms and Adulteries, occa munion-table altar-wise; setting images, cru- sioned by the prelates corrupt administration cifixes, and conceits over them, and tapers of justice, in such cases; who taking upon and books upon them, and bowing and adoring them the punishment of it, do turn all into to or before them; the reading of the second monies for the filling of their purses; and, lest service at the altar, and forcing people to come their officers should defraud them of the up thither to receive, or else denying the sacra- gain, they have, in their late Canon, instead of ment to them; terming the altar to be the remedying these vices, decreed, that the count mercy-seat, or the place of God Almighty in mutation of penance shall not be without the the church; which is a plain device to usher in bishop's privity. XXIV. The general abuse the mass. XVII. The christening and conseof that great ordinance of Excommunication, crating of churches and chapels, the conse- which God hath left in his church to be used crating fonts nulnits tables chelices church as the last and rostost uunishment the church

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can inflict upon obstinate and great offenders; the high dishonour of God, and contrary to and the prelates and their officers, who, of the laws of the realm. 2. The Discouragement right, have nothing to do with it, do daily ex- and Destruction of all good subjects; of whom communicate men either for doing that which multitudes, both clothiers, merchants, and is lawful, or for vain, idle, and trivial matters; others, being deprived of their ministers, and as working or opening a shop on a holy-day; over-burthened with these pressures, have defor not appearing, at every beck, upon their parted the kingdom to Holland, and other Summons; not paying a fee, or the like; yea, parts; and have drawn with them a great part they have made it, as they do all other things, of the manufacture of cloth and trading out of a hook or instrument wherewith to empty the land into other places, where they reside; men's purses, and to advance their own great-whereby wool, the great staple of the kingness; and so that sacred ordinance of God, by dom, is become of small value and vends not; their perverting of it, becomes contemptible to trading is decayed; many poor people want all men, and seldom or never used against uoto-work; seamen lose employment; and the rious offenders; who, for the most part, are whole land much impoverished, to the great their favourites. XXV. Yea further, the pride dishonour of this kingdom, and blemishinent to and ambition of the prelates being boundless, the government thereof. 3. The present wars unwilling to be subject to either man or laws, and commotions between his majesty and his for that steal they claim their ofice and jurisdiction to be subjects of Scotland; wherein his majesty and jure divino; exercise ecclesiastical authority all his kingdom are indangered, and suffer in their own names and rights, and under their greatly, and are like to become a prey to the own seals; and take upon them temporal common enemy, in case the wars go on; which dignities, places and offices in the common- we exceedingly fear will not only go on, but wealth, that they may sway both swords. XXVI. also increase to an utter ruin of all, unless the Hence follow the taking commissions in their prelates with their dependencies be removed On courts and consistories, and where else out of England; and also they and their practhey sit, in matters determinable of right of tices, who, as we, under your honours' favour, Common law; the putting of ministers upon do verily believe and conceive, have occaent, deparishes, without the patrons and people's sioned the quarrel. All which we humbly retheir consent. XXVII. The imposing of Oaths of fer to the consideration of this honourable asvarious and trivial articles yearly upon church-sembly, desiring the Lord of Heaven to direct

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BAN, FRIDA DE wardens, and sides-men, which cannot be you in the right way to redress all these evils."

of the Lak

cine monster

observed without perjury; unless they fall
at jarrs continually with their ministers and
heighbours, and wholly neglect their own
calling. XXVIII. The exercising the oath

The attack made upon episcopal jurisdiction did not stop here; for the commons not only censured the whole body of the established church, but severely punished, by imprison

tokratar of inquisition, reaching even to men's thoughts; of it. The Journals are full of the names of as it is the rex officio, and other proceedings, by way of ment, or otherwise, several particular members and deprog the apprehending, and detaining of men by delinquents sent for and imprisoned, fined, &c.

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pursulsants; the frequent suspending and de-
Praving of ministers; lining and imprisoning of
all sorts of people; breaking up of men's houses
and studies; taking away men's hooks, let-
ters, and other writings; seizing upon their
estates, removing them from their callings; |
separating between them and their wives Dec. 14. The Treasurer of the Household

for carrying on, in their several cures, super-
stition and idolatry, as it is there called; such
as bowing to the Altar, setting of the table
altar-wise, with rails about it; for putting
J. H. S. on the communion-cloth, painting
images in churches, and the like.

wing their um against both their wills; the rejecting of pro-was intreated to acquaint his majesty with the

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hibitions with threatnings; and the doing of great care and affection of this house to admany other outrages; to the utter infringing vance and settle his revenue; and, for that the laws of the realm, and the subjects and purpose, do humbly desire his majesty that he chache and liberties, and ruining of them and their fami- will give them leave to enter into the debate of

med, by the ¿zed persons. ners who take II. The great red-uns and Ad Mites corrupt a h cases; who 2 hent of it, da t ing of their pare ould defraud ta their late Cap ices, decreed the ice shall not be XII The of Exce

lies; and, of latter time, the Judges of the
land are so awed with the power and great-
ness of the prelates, and other ways promoted,
that neither Prohibition, Habeas Corpus, or
any other lawful remedy can be had, or take
place, for the distressed subjects in most cases;
only Papists, Jesuites, Priests, and such others
as propagate Popery or Arminianism, are
countenanced, spared, and have much liberty;
and from hence hath followed, amongst others,
these dangerous consequences, 1. The general
Hope and Expectation of the Romish party,
that their superstitious religion will, ere long,
be fully planted in this kingdom again; and so
they are encouraged to persist therein, and to
practise the same openly in divers places; to

his revenue and expences.

The commons entered into debate concerning the New Canons made by the late convocation. Sir E. Dering, SirBenj. Rudyard, and Mr. Nathaniel Fiennes, spoke warinly against them: but as these speeches are long and te dious, and as the principal arguments therein have been fully argued in the foregoing debates on Grievances, we purposely omit them.

Resolution against the Canons lately made by the Convocation.] Dec. 15. After a long deInte on the Canons, it was resolved, upon the question, nullo contradicente, 1. "That the Clergy of England, convented in any Convocation, or Synod, or otherwise, have no power

to make any constitutions, canons, or acts

whatsoever, in matter of doctrine, discipline, | Bellasise, Sir John Hotham, Mr. Hampden,

or otherwise, to bind the clergy or the laity of this land, without common consent of parliament." 2. "That the several Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical, treated upon by the archbishops of Canterbury and York, presidents of the respective convocations for those provinces, with the rest of the bishops and clergy, and agreed on, with the king's licence, in their several synods, begun at London and York, do not bind the clergy or laity of this land, or either of them."

Dec. 16. It was further resolved, 1. "That the Canons and Constitutions do contain in them many matters contrary to the king's prerogative, to the fundamental laws and statutes of this realm, to the right of parliaments, to the property and liberty of the subjects, and are masters tending to sedition, and of dangerous consequence." 2. "That the several grants of Benevolence, and Contribution granted to his majesty, by the clergy of the provinces of Canterbury and York, in the several convocations, or synods, holden at London and York, in 1640, are contrary to the laws, and ought not to bind the clergy."

A committee was appointed to prepare the several votes, concerning the new Canons, and to make them ready for this house to present to the lords; and to examine and consider who were the promoters of these new Canons, and who the principal actors; and what execution has been made upon them, and by whom; and to consider how far, in particular, the lord abp. of Canterbury has been an actor in all the proceedings of them; and further to examine how far he has been an actor in the great design of the subversion of the laws of the realm, and of the religion; and to prepare and draw up a Charge against him and such others as shall appear offenders in these particulars. To have power to send for persons, papers, records, books, and witnesses, and to do any other act which they, in their judgments, think fit.

Dec. 17. The Treasurer of the Household informed the house, "That the king, being acquainted by him with the great care and affection of the commons, to advance and setle his majesty's Revenue, doth very graciously interpret the same; and had commanded him to give the house thanks for it in his name. That his majesty doth give the house free leave to enter into the debate of his Revenues and Expences, as is desired; and hath given orders, that all his officers and ministers, from time to time, shall assist the house therein, as occasion shall be."

The late Breaches of Parliamentary Privileges inquired into.] Dec. 18. A committee was appointed to take into consideration the Breaches of Parliamentary Privileges, both in the last parliament, and in that of 3tio Caroli; and, especially, the proceedings against Mr. Hollis, Sir Peter Hayman, Mr. Strode, Mr. Valentine, Mr. Selden, Mr. Walter Long, Sir John Elliot, Sir Miles Hobart, Mr. Crew, Mr.

Mr. Pym, and Sir Walter Erle, members of either the last parl. or that of Stio Caroli. And they are likewise to consider what reparations are fit to be granted to the parties grieved; and to think of some course to prevent the like hereafter; but the committee is first to inquire after, and to consider of the Breaches of Parliament, 3tio Caroli, and report them to the house.

Dr. Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, charged with High Treason.] It was resolved upon the question, "That a Message be sent to the lords, to accuse Wm. Laud, archbishop of Canterbury, of High Treason, in the name of this house, and of all the commons of England; and to desire that he may be forthwith sequestred from parliament, and be com mitted. That, within some convenient time, this house will resort to their lordships with particular accusations and Articles against him." Mr. Hollis was appointed to go up to the lords with this message; who, soon after returning, reported, That he had delivered it; and that the lord keeper told him the lords had considered of the message, and, accordingly, had sequestred the archbishop from the house, and committed him to the custody of their gentleman usher."--In the Journals of the Lords there is nothing more particular relating to this affair, except, That when the archbishop was accused there, as is said, he desired leave to speak, and dropped some unguarded ex pressions, which he afterwards begged to recant, but was refused. He then desired leave to go to his house to fetch some papers that might enabled him to make his defence, which the house granted, provided he did nothing but in sight of the gentleman usher, in whose custody he was ordered to remain.

On this occasion, we find a speech made by Mr. Grimston. The trial at large of the archbishop being printed singly, and also in the State Trials, we shall pass it over cursorily; but shall nevertheless give this speech, because it exhibits, by way of abstract, the whole accusation against that prelate.

Mr. Grimston said:- Mr. Speaker; There hath been presented to the house a most faithful and exact report of the conference we had with the lords yesterday, together with the opinion of the committees that we employed in the service, that they conceived it fit, that the abp. of Canterbury should be sequestred; and I must second the motion: and, with the favour of this house, I shall be bold to offer my reasons, why I conceive it more necessary we should proceed a little further than the desire of a bare sequestration only. Mr. Speaker, long introductions are not suitable to weighty businesses: we are now fallen upon the great man, the abp. of Canterbury. Look upon him as he is in highness, and he is the sty of all pestilential filth, that hath infected the state and government of this commonwealth: look upon him in his dependences, and he is the man, the only man, that hath raised and ad

« AnteriorContinuar »