Imágenes de páginas

them from the heart, though they were not kept out of the court: so most principal and mischievous designs have been practised by such as had near access unto his majesty, though not to his heart; and the apologists and promoters of ill counsel are still preferred.-3. The ill counsels of this time are, in their own nature, ne mischievous and more dangerous than the ill counsels of former times: former counsels have been to please kings in their vices, from which our king is free, and sometimes for racking of the prerogative. If it had gone no further it had brought many miseries, but not ruin and destruction: but the ill counsels of this time are destructive to religion and laws, by altering them both; therefore more mischievous, in their own nature, than those of former times.-4. That these ill counsels have proceeded from a spirit and inclination to Popery; and have had a dependance on Popery, and all of them tend to it. The religion of the Papists is a religion incompatible with any other religion; destructive to all others, and doth not endure any thing that opposeth it. Whosoever doth withstand their religion, if they have power, they bring them to ruin. There are other religions that are not right, but not so destructive as Popery; for the principles of Popery are destructive of all states and persons that oppose it. With the progress of this mischievous counsel they provide counsellors, fit instruments and organs, that may execute their own designs; and so turn all counsels to their own ends and you find, now in Ireland, that those designs, that have been upon all the three kingdoms, do end in a war, for the main- | tenance of Popery in Ireland, and would do the like here if they were able; so intent are they to turn all to their own advantage.-5. That un'ess these ill counsels be changed, it is impossible that any assistance, aid, or advice that the parliament can take to reform, will be effectual; for the public orders and laws are but dead, if not put in execution. Those that are the ministers of state put things, into action; but if acted by evil men, and while these counsels are on foot, we can expect no good; it is like a disease thurns nutritives into poison. 6. That this is the most proper time to desire of his majesty the alteration and change of the evil Counsellors, because the common wealth is brought into distemper by them, and so exhausted that we can endure no longer. Anothe reason why we cannot admit of them, is, to shew our love and fidelity to the king in great and extraordinary contributions and aids. When God doth employ his servants, he doth give some promise to rouse up their spirits; and we have reason now to expect the king's grace in great abundance. This is the time wherein the subjects are to save the kingdom of Ireland, with the hazard of their lives and fortunes; and therefore expect it from his majesty in a more large and bountiful manner than at other times. A time of great agitation and action, their state being ready, by preparation, to annoy us, ill and false counsels at home

may quickly bring us to ruin. As we hav
weakness at home, so we ought to discern tie
actions abroad, where great provisions an
made: and a carelessness and improvidenc
herein, when our neighbours are so provide
and have great fleets at sea, will open a way
to sudden ruin and destruction, before we c
be prepared ; and therefore it is now the fittes
time to move the king.-7. and lastly, 'Tha
this alteration of counsels will bring great ad
vantages to the king in his own designs.
all our actions, our prayers to God should be
that his name may be glorified; so our pet
tions to his majesty should bring honour, pr
fit, and advantage to him, by a discouragement
to the rebels; a great part of their confident
resting in the evil counsels at home, as by the
examinations appeareth. It will be a great e
couragement to the king's good subjects &
home, who hazard their lives, and give aid and
contribution, to have things governed for the
public good. It will make men afraid to p
fer servants to the king that are ill counsell
when they shall come to the examination
the parliament; for many times servants are
preferred to princes for the advantage of
reign states. This will put an answer into the
king's mouth against all importunities, Th
he is to prefer none, but such as will be
proved of by parliament. Those that are b
nourable and most ingenuous are aptest to be
troubled in this kind, and not to deny: there
fore the king may answer, He hath promise
his parliament not to admit of any, but by a
vice of parliament.' This will silence the
all. These are domestick advantages: but i
will also make us fitter to enter into union a
treaty with foreign nations and states, and
be made partakers of the strength and assist
ance of others: it will fortify us against the
designs of foreign princes. There hath be
one common counsel at Rome and in Spa
to reduce us to Popery; if good counsel s
home, we shall be the better prepared to pre
serve peace and union, and better respect from
Ireland. It will also make us fit for any pote
design abroad.”

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Sir W. Drake's Speech on the same Subject. Previous to this Conference about evil Counse lors, &c. there had been a debate in the houst of commons, this day, on the same subject, ** which we find a speech of

Sir William Drake, member for Agmor desham, as follows: *Mr. Speaker; If we com sider those dangerous disturbances that th kingdom hath, of late years, laboured under. 'tis certain that, in a general and original cu sideration, we cannot but impute them to the wrath of God, for the sins of this nation; but, in a second and more particular consideration, we may properly ascribe them to the violent Counsels of some late ministers of state; wha either for want of counsel, or by malicious practice, have brought this state, from a happ firm, and strong constitution, to so weak and

* London, printed by Win. Lowndes, 1641.

feeble a temper, that the great physician, the parliament, cannot, but with extreme difficulty, apply remedies fit and proportionable to the disease, without they inevitably run some hazard of endangering the body itself: it being very perilous to apply stronger remedies than the strength and constitution of the patient can well bear.-Mr. Speaker; you were truly told, by a grave and worthy member (Sir B. Rudyard) at the beginning of this parliament, That it must be some extreme necessity that would rectify and recover this state; and that when that extremity did come, it would be a great hazard whether it might prove a remedy or a ruin; because violent diseases do most commonly require violent remedies, and violent remedies are ordinarily pregnant of new mischiefs; which hath caused those states, best skilled in government, always to discern evil afar off in their causes; and, by their wisdom and foresight, to prevent them. I am confident, had we had frequent parliaments, we should have given a timely stop to mischiefs, and never have suffered them to have broken in upon us with such an inundation of distempers that, without divine prevention, may yet swallow us up.-Mr. Speaker; it is observed of the Roman Senate, a pattern of best government, so long as they held up their first virtue and valour, that, after a great defeat by Hannibal, their confederates began to forsake them. But Hiero, king of Sicily, having so piercing a judginent, that he could see through the present to the future; and observing the Romans still so considerate and constant in all their proceedings, even in this extreme exigency of their affairs; and that their laws were never more strictly observed by their magistrates, nor their people more obedient to their Senate or parliament; and how their military discipline was never, likewise, more severely observed: this wise prince, seeing their foundations stood thus firm, sent them presents of great value; and corresponded with them in a stricter league of friendship than ever before: not unlike a good physician, who, seeing favourable symptoms in the strongest fit of his patient's disease, conceives firm hope of his perfect recovery. Now Mr. Speaker, if we set before us an image or representation of those distempers we stand invironed withal, there could not possibly be that extreme danger in them, but that there might be good hopes of a speedy recovery; had we kept close and constant to those grounds of religion, laws and military discipline, which have been noted by the wisest legislators, to have been the main cause, next under God, of the strength and duration of a state.--But, sir, if we examine it, how have our very foundations been shaken? What superstition and innovations have been brought in upon our religion, of late times, by ambitious, heady, and passionate men? And from this fountain, originally, as I conceive, flows most part of our present distractions. Queen Elizabeth, of sacred and precious memory to this nation, keeping stedfast and con

stant to this ground of religion, kept this kingdom peaceable and united at home; afforded a comfortable influence and assistance to the Protestant parties abroad; and, after a long and happy reign went unto her eternal rest in Glory. And truly, sir, I speak it with all humility, yet with some confidence, that I shall never expect to see the quiet settled state of this kingdom, till there be some course taken to settle Religion to some rule and uniformity; and not to be thus suffered in an uncertain condition, between illegal innovations and superstition on the one side, and I know not what lawless and irregular confusion on the other. And let us all, I beseech you, calmly and seriously consider, how natural a motion it is to most inen, not limited by some law, when they are come out of one extreme, wherein they have been held by fear, to run with as violent a course into another; from superstition and idolatry, to irreverence and contempt of God's publick worship and ordinances. For our Laws, Mr. Speaker, how have they been violated by illegal taxations, imprisonments, monopolies, and other pressures, whereby the subject hath been prosecuted and grieved? But this is so obvious to every man's understanding and sense, that I shall not insist upon it.-Mr. Speaker, I come next to our Military Discipline; and how hath this ground of strength been shaken, partly by the loss of able and experienced commanders in fruitless, if not dangerous, attempts abroad; and partly by neglect, and not duly keeping up our musters at home?-Mr. Speaker, every man may lay it as lightly to heart as he pleases; but I shall be bold to tell you, that all the laws, that we have or shall make for the defence of our religion or liberties, without provident care in this particular, will be but like to sumptuous and glorious structures without roof or covering, subject to all weather and storms that shall arise; and whatever parliaments shall, with great wisdom and providence, plant for the good estate of future times, without due provisions for our Military Defence, may be soon cut down again by the violence and malice of a stronger sword.-Therefore, Mr. Speaker, as you have taken a provident care for the securing of the havens and port-towns, so I desire there may be timely consideration had of the inland strength of the kingdom; and that musters, in all counties of the kingdoin, be carefully (especially in these perilous times) kept up; and that care be taken that every county may have a sufficient proportion of powder, and other provision, for their necessary defence. That all commands may rest in faithful hands; and that certificates of the true state of all things, how they stand for defence, may, from time to time be sent either to the council of war you appoint for Ireland, or to any other. whom the parliament shall think meet; and thereupon to take order, from time to time, to supply all defects, as well of captains, as of munition, powder, and other necessaries.-Mr. Speaker, this point is more

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timely to be had in consideration, because our perils will increase, as foreign states settle and compose their affairs to their best advantage: and therefore I shall desire that our quietness may not rest any longer upon so tickle a ground as the unquietness of our neighbour kingdoms; for no state stands firm and secure, but upon its own foundations.-There is one thing more with which I will conclude; and I shall humbly represent it as, in my weak opinion, a great cause of our growing distemper: this is the abundance of humours we have stirred, and not purged away, which are but fit fuel for fresh fire to take hold of, if it should burst forth; therefore as there be great numbers in this state, Qui pænâ, à calamitate publica, impunitatem sibi spondent,' I shall make it my humble motion and desire, That we make severe examples of some few of the most capital offenders; and either pardon the meaner delinquents, if justice will admit thereof, or at least to let them, in some reasonable time, know what they may trust to; otherwise as many as look desperately upon their own fortunes, will be too ready to give their vote for troubles, and seek their own peace in the public disturbance; the number of whom, as I conceive, should be warily prevented, especially in these times of increasing distraction.-Sir, I have troubled you too long; and am not so inconsiderate but to object to myself, that some things are of more instant and present consideration than any thing I have touched upon; as your sending provisions for Ireland: but I desire, as those affairs are in some measure settled in a way, we may timely apply ourselves to the root and causes of our distempers; begin with those of most importance; and so proceed with them to effect."

printed and published. The house of commons voted, that 200,000l. should be raised for the suppressing this Rebellion, for the security of this kingdom, and for the payment of debts.

The Impeached Bishops put in their Plea] The same day the commons received a mesage from the lords, importing, That this being the day for the 13 Bishops to give in Answers to their Impeachment, 12 of them had given in a plea and a demurrer; but that Godfrey, bishop of Gloucester, had pleaded not guilty, in modo & forma.

The Londoners agree to lend Money on cer tain Conditions.] Nov. 13. A Report was made to the commons, "That the committee, appointed to go to the city, found a great deal of readiness in them to lend money, on the se curity offered: but before they did lend any, they humbly proposed, 1st, That the money should be paid as soon as the act was passed. 2dly, That, by reason of the privileges of the members of both houses, and the protections granted, especially by the lords, a vast sum of money is detained from them; so that trade cannot be driven, nor are they so able to lend money for the service of the commonwealth, as they desired. 3dly, They said they were sensible of the miseries of the Protestants in Ireland, and of the power of the Papists there; and therefore did press, with inuch earnest ness, that the persons of the Papists lords, and other persons of quality here in England, might be secured; lest some design be in them here, as they have cause to fear. Next, That there were divers laws and good motions sent up to the lords, for the good of the church and com monwealth; and that the great_impediment that they passed not there, was from the be shops; and they did conceive, That so long as their votes were in parliament it would be a hindrance to all good laws; and therefore desired further endeavours to take away their votes."

Progress of the Rebellion in Ireland.] Nov. 11. This day a Letter was read in the lords, from the Council of Ireland, shewing, That the Protestants there would be utterly destroyed, and that kingdom cut off from the crown of England, if present supply of men, ammuni- Mr. Serjeant Wylde reported from the com tion and money were not sent from hence: mittee appointed to examine into the plea and that the rebels proceeded in their rebellion, demurrer of the 12 Bishops, "That after a and had seized on the houses, estates and per- long debate and various opinions, they had at sons of divers men and women of good quality, last concluded, that they were dilatory and inand have murdered many that they are ga-sufficient; and that the 12 Bishops had made thered, in several parts of Ireland, to the number of 30,000, and threaten that they will not leave an English Protestant there; and that ty will not lay down their arms, until an act of parliament be passed for freedom of their religion that the Council desire a speedy Supply of 10,000 men with arms, and 100,000l. in money.


Nov. 12. Several Resolutions were passed, in both houses, on this intelligence; the number of forces to be sent were augmented to 10,000 foot and 2000 horse; likewise the parliament of Scotland were to be desired to have in readiness 10,000 men more, to be transported to Ireland, on occasion. The letter from thence was ordered to be communicated. to the city of London, and to be forthwith

no Answer: therefore to desire the lords that the Bishops be ordered to put in a peremptory Answer, such as they will stand to."

Informations of Plots.] Nov. 15. The par liament was this day put in great consternation, by the Information of one Beal, a taylor, of a dangerous Plot of the Papists, against the lives of several members of both houses. The deposition of this man is, at length, in the Lords' Journals; and was so far believed, that all necessary precaution was taken to make a farther discovery and prevent the danger: but no persons being found that were named to be concerned in it, we hear no more of this matter.

Nov. 16. Other informations were sent up to the parliament from Cheshire and Lan

cashire, of the designs of the Papists in those counties. Upon all which, an ordinance of parliament for putting the Trained Bands of the kingdom in a posture of defence, was read and agreed to by both houses. An ordinance was also made to authorise the earl of Essex to be lord lieutenant on the south side Trent, and the earl of Holland on the north; and the house of commons, particularly, ordered a guard of halberts to be set in convenient places, for the security of their house.

Nov. 17. Several witnesses were examined before the commons, after which it was resolved, "That there is sufficient evidence for this house to believe, that there was a second design to bring up the Army against the Parliament, and an intention to make the Scots army stand neuter."

see our deformities therein; they will scan this work at leisure, which, I hope, we shall not shut up in haste. Some pieces here are of excellent use and worth: but what is that to me, if I may not have them without other parts that are both doubtful and dangerous? The matter, form, and final end of this Remonstrance, all of them do argue with me, not to remonstrate thus. When I first heard of a Remonstrance, I presently imagined that, like faithful counsellors, we should hold up a glass to his majesty: I did not dream we should remonstrate downwards, tell stories to the people, and talk of the king as of a third person. The use and end of such a Remonstrance, I understand not; at least I hope I do not.'-He then proceeds to the religious Grievances recited in the Declaration, viudicates several of the Bishops and Clergy by name, and concludes thus: 'I do beseech you all with the fervor of an earnest heart, a heart almost divided between hopes and fears, never to suffer diversion or diminution of the rents we have for learning and religion: but, besides the pulpit, let us maintain an universal militia of Theology, whereby we may be always ready and able (by strength of our own, within our own happy island at home) to stop the mouth of all errors and heresies that can arise. Never, never, let it he said that sacred learning (for such is that I plead for) shall, in one essential half thereof, be quite unprovided for in England. Sir, I have reason to be earnest in this: I see, I know, great designs drawing another way; and my fears are increased not cured by this Declaration. Thus We find a speech of sir Edward Dering's I have done: and because I shall want chamupon this occasion; who, though he had signa-pions for true Religion: because I neither lized himself against the court, in the beginning of this session, yet was equally zealous against this Declaration. This speech, being very long, and printed in Rushworth, Nalson, and sir Edward's own Collections*, we cursorily pass over to avoid prolixity: But the following passages are too remarkable to be

Debates in the Commons, concerning a Remonstrance on the State of the Kingdom.] Nov. 22. The commons fell briskly on their Declaration or Remonstrance. A long debate ensued on the keeping in, or leaving out, several clauses, expressions, and words in it; in which there were no less than four divisions of the house. In the two last of them, the question being put, Whether this Declaration, so amended, shall pass? it was carried, for passing 159, against 148. And, in another question, Whether the word published' should stand in the order for the not printing the Declaration, the Noes were 124, Yeas 101. But it was resolved, "That this Declaration shall not be printed without the particular order of this house."


Mr. Speaker; This Remonstrance, whensoever it passeth, will make such an impression, and leave such a character behind, both of his majesty, the people, the parliament, and of this present church and state, as no time shall ever eat out, whilst histories are written, and men have eyes to read them. How curious then ought we be, both in the matter and the form? Herein is a severe point of conscience to be tried; let us be sure that every particular substance be a truth; and let us clothe that truth with a free language, yet a modest and a sober language. Mr. Speaker, this Remonstrance is, in some kind, greater and more extensive than an act of parliament: that reacheth only to England and Wales; but, in this, the three kingdoms will be your immediate supervisors: and the greatest part of Christendom will quickly borrow the glass to

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look for cure of our complaints from the common people, nor do desire to be cured by them: because this house (as, under favour, I conceive) hath not recommended all the heads of this Remnonstance to the committee which brought it in: because it is not true that the Bishops have commanded Idolatry: because I do not know any necessary good end and use of this Declaration, but do fear a bad one; and because we pass his majesty and do remonstrate to the people: I do here discharge my vote with a clear conscience, and must say No to this strange Remonstrance.'

Lord Clarendon's Account of the above Debate.] Lord Clarendon, who distinguished himself in this affair, under the name, then, of Mr. Hyde, has given us the following abstract of the debate upon it." It contained a very bitter representation of all the illegal things which had been done from the first hour of the king's coming to the crown, to that minute; with all the sharp reflections which could be made upon the king himself, the queen and council; and published all the unreasonable jealousies of the present government, of the introducing Popery; and all other particulars that might disturb the minds of the people, which were enough discomposed. The house seemed generally to dislike it, many saying, That it was very

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unnecessary and unseasonable; unnecessary, candles being called for when it grew dark (neiall those grievances being already fully re- ther side being very desirous to adjourn till the dressed, and the liberty and property of the next day, though it was evident very many withsubject being as well secured for the future as drew themselves o it of pure faintness and diss could possibly be done; and unseasonable, bility to attend the conclusion) the debate conafter the king had gratified them with granting tinued till it was after 12 of the clock, with mach every thing which they had desired of him; passion; and the house being then divided upand, after so long absence in the settling the on the passing or not passing it, it was carried disorders in another kingdom, which he had in the affirmative by 9 voices, and no more *. happily composed, to be now welcomed home And, as soon as it was declared, Mr. Hampde with such a volume of reproaches for what moved, ' That there might be an Order enteres others had done amiss, and which he himself for the present printing it,' which produced a had reformed'. Notwithstanding all which, sharper debate than the former. It appeared all the other party appeared passionately con- then, that they did not intend to send it up t cerned that it might not be rejected, and en- the house of peers for their concurrence; larged themselves with as high expressions that it was, upon the matter, an Appeal to the against the government as at first; with many People, and to infuse jealousies into their minds. insinuations, That we were in danger of It had seldom been the custom to publish an being deprived of all the good acts which we debates or determinations of the house, who had gained, if great care and vigilance were were not first regularly transmitted to the not used to disappoint some counsels which house of peers; nor was it thought, in trati, were still entertained;' making some doubtful that the house had authority to give warrant glances and reflections upon the rebellion in for the printing of any thing; all which was c Ireland, with which they perceived many good fered by Mr. Hyde, with some warmth, as so men were easily amused; and, in the end, pre- as the motion was made for printing it; and be vailed, That a day should be appointed, when said, He believed the printing it, in that mas the house should be resolved into a cominittee ner, was not lawful, and he feared it wor of the whole house, and the Remonstrance produce mischievous effects; and therefore deto be then retaken into consideration: and, sired the leave of the house, that if the que in the mean time, they employed all their tion should be put, and be carried in the a credit and interest with particular men, to firmative, he might have liberty to enter is persuade them, That the passing that Re- protestation;' which he no sooner said, thes monstrance was most necessary for the preser-Jeffrey Palmer, a man of great reputation, are vation and maintenance of all those good laws, which they had already made;' giving several reasons to several persons, according to their natures and inclinations; assuring many, That they intended it only for the mortification of the court, and manifestation that that malignant party, which appeared to be growing up in the house, could not prevail; and then, That it should remain still in the clerk's hands, and never be published. And, by these and the like arts, they promised themselves, that they should easily carry it: so that the day it was to be resuined, they entertained the house all the morning with other debates, and, towards noon, called for the Remonstrance; and it being urged by some, That it was too late to enter upon it, with much difficulty they consented, That it should be entered upon the next morning, at 9 of the clock, and every clause should be debated, the Speaker in the chair;' for they would not have the house resolved in to a committee, which they believed would spend too much time. Oliver Cromwel!, who at that time was little taken notice of, asked the lord Falkland, Why he would have it put off, for that day would quickly have determined it? he answered, There would not have been time enough; for sure it would take some debate.' The other replied, A very sorry one:' They supposing, by the computation they had made, that very few would oppose it. But he quickly found he was mistaken; for, the next morning, the debate being entered upon about 9 of the clock, it continued all that day; and

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much esteemed in the house, stood up an made the same motion for himselt, That le might likewise protest.' Many afterwards, wi out distinction, and in some disorder, cried out, together, They did protest; so that there was, after, scarce any quiet and regular a bate: But the house, by degrees, being quie ed, they all consented, about 2 of the clock i the morning, to adjourn till 2 the next afte noon. And as they went out of the house, the lord Falkland asked Oliver Cromwell, ' Whether there had been a debate?' to which he answer ed, He would take his word another time. and whispered him in the ear, with some severation, That, if the Remonstrance has been rejected, he would have sold all he bas the next morning, and never have seen Englass more; and he knew there were many other honest men of the same resolution.' Rustworth says. That this debate lasted from a a the afternoon till 3 the next morning; so that one said, It looked like the verdict of a started Jury.”

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The King orders the Parliament's Guard to h dismissed.] Nov. 26. The lord keeper acquainted the lords, That he had received a command from the king to tell them, "That his maje? had heard both houses had appointed Guards to attend them for their security, in his absence, which he presumes they had reasons for; but now, upon his return, he hopes his present will be a protection to them: And there


By the Journals, the majority was 11.

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