EDINBURGH: Printed by George Ramsay and Company, FOR ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE AND COMPANY, AND MANNERS AND MILLER, EDINBURGH; AND LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, LONDON. 1814. Malone Adds ΤΟ JOHN P. KEMBLE, ESQ. THE BEST COMMENTATOR ON SHAKESPEARE, WHOSE COMMENTS, THE RESULT OF GENIUS AND REFLECTION, ARE EXHIBITED, NOT IN THE COLD EXPOSITIOn of words, BUT IN THE LIVING ELOQUENCE OF ACTION, THIS SLIGHT ATTEMPT TO ILLUSTRATE HIS FAVOURITE STUDIES, IS INSCRIBED, WITH EVERY SENTIMENT OF RESPECT AND ADMIRATION. EXPLANATIONS, &c. NOTHING, My dear countrymen, hath given me greater satisfaction in the present improved aspect of the world, than the hope which it affords, that men of letters will once more betake themselves to the only kind of studies which seem adapted to the limited powers of human creatures. Of late years, the whole attention of mankind hath been engrossed with philosophy and politics; and truly, to use a familiar, but not an unexpressive mode of speech-a pretty kettle of fish they have made of them. Now, since governments, and opinions in morals and religion, are getting once more into their old channels, I hope men of speculation will permit them to go on in their own way, and instead of turning their thoughts to such exalted subjects, will employ their ingenuity as heretofore, in the lower regions of literary discussion. A |