Episodes of Fiction

Nimmo, 1870 - 304 páginas

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Términos y frases comunes

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Página 110 - said my uncle Toby firmly. ' ' A-well-o'-day, do what we can for him," said Trim, maintaining his point, "the poor soul will die." " He shall not die, by G— ," cried my uncle Toby. The Accusing Spirit, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath, blushed as he gave it in, and the Recording Angel, as he wrote it down, dropped a tear upon the word, and blotted it out for ever.
Página 108 - It is in the scripture, said my uncle Toby ; and I will show it thee to-morrow ; — In the mean time we may depend upon it, Trim, for our comfort, said my uncle Toby, that God Almighty is so good and just a governor of the world, that if we have but done our duties in it, — it will never be inquired into whether we have done them in a red coat or a black one : — I hope not, said the corporal.— But go on, Trim, said piy uncle Toby, with thy story.
Página 105 - I was answered, an' please your honour, that he had no servant with him; that he had come to the inn with hired horses, which, upon finding himself unable to proceed (to join, I suppose, the regiment), he had dismissed the morning after he came. — If I get better, my dear, said he, as he gave his purse to his son to pay the man, — we can hire horses from hence.
Página 110 - He will never march, an' please your honour, in this world, said the corporal: He will march, said my uncle Toby, rising up from the side of the bed, with one shoe off: An' please your honour, said the corporal, he will never march, but to his grave: He shall march, cried my uncle Toby, marching the foot which had a shoe on, though without advancing an inch, — he shall march to his regiment.
Página 109 - ... and falling down upon his knee, took the ring in his hand, and kissed it too ; then kissed his father, and sat down upon the bed and wept.
Página 58 - He has an admirable natural love of truth, the keenest instinctive antipathy to hypocrisy, the happiest satirical gift of laughing it to scorn. His wit is wonderfully wise and detective; it flashes upon a rogue and lightens up a rascal like a policeman's lantern.
Página 106 - I heard the poor gentleman say his prayers last night,' said the landlady, 'very devoutly, and with my own ears, or I could not have believed it.' ' Are sure of it ? ' replied the curate. 'A soldier, an' please your reverence,' said I, 'prays as often (of his own accord) as a parson ; and when he is fighting for his king, and for his own life, and for his honour, too, he has the most reason to pray to God, of any one in the whole world.' " " 'Twas well said of thee, Trim," said my Uncle Toby. " '...
Página 105 - I was hearing this account, continued the Corporal, when the youth came into the kitchen, to order the thin toast the landlord spoke of: — but I will do it for my father myself, said the youth.
Página 111 - The blood and spirits of Le Fevre, which were waxing cold and slow within him, and were retreating to their last citadel, the heart rallied back...
Página 103 - Nicholas ; and, besides, it is so cold and rainy a night, that what with the roquelaure, and what with the weather, 'twill be enough to give your honour your death, and bring on your honour's torment in your groin.

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