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Painted by Sir Thomas _ anrence P. R.A__ anrence P.RA __ Engraved by 1.000m.

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On the momentous question which has been so recently agitated in both houses of parliament we have but few observations to make. The decision of the lords has left the Catholics in their degraded position, from which they can hardly hope to emerge while England continues prosperous, or Lord Liverpool remains at the head of his Majesty's government. The acrimonious rejection of the late bill, though painful, is instructive: and, however melancholy the fact, it teaches the people of Ireland to banish hope for a season, and pursue their claims by other means than cowardly concessions and useless securities. The straight-forward road being now barred against them, they must adopt a more circuitous line of policy, and compel their opponents, in self-defence, to grant, without any qualification, a restoration of violated rights. The means to be pursued are many and obvious; and, though the Catholic Association has been violently suppressed, we are glad to find that Mr. O'Connell has signified his intention of originating another. The late gagging bill can easily be evaded; and any measure that would tend to concentrate the Catholic talent of Ireland, and unite the people in a tacit bond of legal co-operation, could not fail to open the eyes of England, attract the notice of Europe, and develop the oppression under which the people labour. Such a course is now imperatively called for, and we trust will soon be pursued.

In our first number we made some remarks on the error prevalent among Catholic advocates, of exaggerating Irish misery; and we then showed, what has since taken place, that this misery would be made an argument against the necessity of granting emancipation. Almost every opponent of the measure had a nostrum to recommend for Irish distress. One proposed Bible education; another, a new system of agriculture; and the Bishop of Chester, wiser than all these together,' advised the absentees to return home; while they all insisted, and with something of apparent truth, that if the state of Ireland was such as Catholics themselves de

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scribed it, emancipation would be far from proving a panacea. We, however, are fully persuaded, that whatever grievances afflict that country arise immediately out of her anomalous situation; and that once in possession of her rights, those minor evils which now irritate her would disappear, as the valley, once drained of the lake, quickly gets rid of the sloughs that disfigured her. In support of this opinion we stated unanswerable facts; and, though far from being done with the subject, we thought sufficient had been advanced to warn the friends of emancipation from their threadbare topic. But little improvement, however, has taken place; and we leave them now to reflect on the consequence. Until emancipation is shown to be absolutely expedient, it never will be granted.

To associate for a redress of grievances being now prohibited, another course, equally as productive of benefits, presents itself. Let there be an association for publishing cases of oppression, collecting facts relative to the Catholic and Protestant population, and furnishing statements respecting local taxes, tithes, church rates, grand jury assessments, &c. &c. and their labours, if published weekly or monthly in London and Dublin, will produce more good than if Mr. O'Connell was making speeches every day in the week at the Corn Exchange. John Bull will listen to facts; and a few cases of oppression, illustrative of the evil tendency of the penal laws, will secure more converts in England to emancipation, than ten thousand appeals unsupported by documents. Nothing like facts: a flowery declamation may stagger men's prejudices; but to overthrow them at once, state facts-figures, if possible-if not, public and private documents The late Association paid too little attention to these things; and, if we mistake not, they were taunted in the house of commons for not doing so, while their neglect was construed into an indirect proof of the non-existence of local and individual oppression.

One advantage of the plan we re

commend would be the legal collection of funds; for, by publishing these papers periodically, and procuring the subscription of the late rent payers, ample means would be provided for supporting the Association in all its ramifications; and, though they could not send counsellors to the different courts of law, they could send what would, in the end, prove more efficient, a-REPORTER. Publicity is all that is wanted to deter men from crime; let every case connected with party be made known, and Ireland will soon have a pure magistracy, innoxious Orangemen, and upright judges. Exhibit a few examples of partial and unjust decisions to the people of England, and those who now oppose emancipation will soon be its warmest advocates; for John Bull needs only to be made acquainted with a case of oppression, to claim his assistance for the oppressed. To secure the utmost publicity, these papers should be printed in all sizes and forms, distributed in some instances gratis, and in many cases posted upon the walls, The good effects of such a course, we are persuaded, would be incalculable; and we trust, whatever Mr. O'Connell's plan may be, that this measure will form a part of it.

But, above all things, it is necessary that the Catholics should henceforth take that station which their numbers, opulence, and intelligence entitle them to. Within the last twelve months only have they manifested a becoming spirit under insult and wrongs; and the benefits which have accrued from this line of conduct, should teach them the utility of perseverance. Never yet have they gained any thing from the Government by cringing to those in power,

for every concession has been wrung from the fears of their task-masters. Even within the last four months, events have demonstrated that firmness and open complaint have augmented the number of their friends, while they have undoubtedly impelled their cause considerably forward-at least in the public estimation. It is absolutely impossible that the Irish Catholics can any longer permit themselves and their religion to be insulted with impunity by those ignorant fanatics, whose interest it is to hold the Irish people up to the. British empire as savages and idolaters. The insolence of the charge should arouse a becoming indignity, and the persons who make it ought to be treated with more than silent contempt; for the unrefuted accusation, from continual repetition, had wrought on the English mind impressions most disadvantageous to Irishmen. The late Bible war, however, helped to remove some erroneous opinions; and the opposition given to the saints, at their last annual meetings in the metropolis, has had the effect of showing to the honest Protestant people, that Catholics are neither so profligate or idolatrous as Baptist missionaries represented them. An impetus is given to the cause of truth; and a slight effort on the part of the Catholics will still tend to accelerate it. At all events they should fearlessly encounter, in every place and on all occasions, those absurd societies established for the sinister and insolent purpose of cheating the Irish people out of the faith of their fathers. To conversions fairly made no rational man will object, but every one ought to deprecate indirect proselytism.



'POORErin! alas!' says John Bull, with a sneer, 'How wretched the sons of thy heroes appear ;The descendants of Tara's illustrious supporters Are scavengers, paviors, and dirty coal-porters.' Hold, hold, sir !' said Pat, you are wrong, I declare: The worst of her Kings even now is-Lord Mayor.'


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