Imágenes de páginas

patible, convert'ible, resist'ible, combustible, inflex'ible, &c. (ible s. ibl in bible. oible s. oy-bl in foi'ble.)

22. uble, s. ú-bl in sol'uble, indis'soluble, vol'uble. (ouble s. ubl in) double, redouble, semidou"ble, trouble.

23. ile, s. 1, in facile, croc'odile, do"cile, agile, juvenile, feb'rile pu'erile, ten'sile, mis'sile, volatile, ver'satile, project'ile, duc'tile, mer'cantile, rep'tile, fertile, hos'tile, futile, sex'tile, ser'vile, flex'ile, &c. (ile s. ile in) reconcile, cham'omile, in'fantile, gen'tile, pen'tile, ex'ile, défile. (n.) awhile, some while, erewhile, oth'erwhile, compile, revile, beguile (.) (ile s. lle in) profile. (ile s. èle in) mobile (ile s. èlè in) sim'ile, u'tile; when utile is used as an adjective, it is pronounced in two syllables, with the accent on the first.

24. stle, s. sl, in cas'tle, fore'castle, nes'tle, tres'tle, wres'tle, this'tle, whis'tle, epis'tle, bris'tle, gris'tle, jos'tle, thros'tle, bus'tle, jus'tle, nus'tle, rus'tle. (stle s. sil in pestle).

25. some, s. sum, in some, glad'some, whole'some, long'some, dark'some, irk'some, toil'some, ran'some, bur'densome, light'some, cum'bersome, &c.

26. sume, s. sume, in absúme, desúme, consume, assume, reassume. (sume s. zume in) resúme and presúme.

27. ine, s. in-in sab'ine, med'icine, ima"gine, en'gine, amaranthine, hyacinthine, al'kaline, a'quiline, cor'alline, met'alline, chrys'talline, dis'cipline, mas'culine, fam'ine, jes'samine, exam'ine, re-exam'ine, cross-exam'ine, er mine, determine, predeter'mine, exter'mine, ver'mine, jas'mine, relúmine, illumine, fem'inine, her'oine, rap'ine, supine, (n.) nec'tarine, salaman'drine, Alexan'drine, peregrine, doctrine, cit'rine, palatine, adaman'tine, lib'ertine, asbes'tine, des'tine, predes'tine, clandes'tine, intes'tine, pris'tine, amethys'tine, sang'uine, ensang'uine, gen'uine, jac'obine, (ine s. ¡ne) wood'bine, col'umbine, car'bine, con" cubine, mus'cadine, incar'nadine, brig'andine, con'fine, (n.) fe'line, out'line, cal'amine, car'mine, counter'mine, sat'urnine, por'cupine, sac charine, fe'rine, vi'perine, brig'antine, val'entine, ser'pentine, tur'pentine, ves'pertine, combine, cal cine, saline, decline, recline, incline, disincline, underline, interline, undermine, countermine, canine, repine, supine (adj.) divine, untwine, intertwine, moon' shine, outshine, define, refine, &c. (ine s. ènè in) fasciné, machiné, tambariné, mariné, ultramariné, submariné, transmariné, tabouriné, quarantiné, colbertiné, routine, magaziné. (essoine s. essoyn').

28. ire, s. ire, in ire, dire, bemíre, quag'mire, aspire, respire, transpire, inspire, conspire, perspire, suspire, expire, desire, retire, entire, intire, attire, acquire, require, prerequire, inquire, esquire, wild'fire, bon'fire, em'pire, um'pire, ac'rospire, grand'sire. (ire s. Ir in) cam'phire, sapph''tire or sat'ire-solitaire s. sôl-è-tåre.

29. sure, s. zhůre, in pleas'ure, displeas'ure, meas'ure, outmeas'ure, treas'ure, intreas'ure, incis'ure, exposure, press'ure, impress'ure, sciss'ure, fissure, commiss'ure, rásure, leisure, clósure, enclosure, disclosure, composure, discomposure, disposure, cen'sure, compress'ure, coun'terpressure, express'ure, ensúre, unsúre, assúre.

30. ture, s. tùre, in júdicature, feature, créature, lig'ature, min'iature, abbre'viature, entablature, le"gislature, na'ture, sig'nature, illnature, tem'perature, literature, curv'ature, manufacture, conjec'ture, lec'ture, ar'chitecture, picture, stric'ture, junc'ture, for'feiture, fur'niture, hor'ticulture, adven'ture, pas'ture, mix'ture, matúre, prematúre, immature.

31. re, preceded by a consonant, s. êr, in sabre, fibre, om'bre, a'cre, wise'acre, mas'sacre, lúcre, théatre, amphithe'atre,, elec'tre, spec'tre, métre, pe'tre, saltpétre, mitre, nitre, cen'tre, scep'tre, lus'tre, accou'tre, livre:-parterre', s. pår-tåre.

32. ise, s. ize, in criticise, cir'cumcise, ex'ercise, ex'orcise, mer'chandise, meth'odise, cat'echise, mon'archise, eter'nalise, nat'uralise, disnaturalise, e'qualise, synon omise, com'promise, epitomise, man'umise, recognise, tyr anise, colonise, patronise, glut'tonise, modernise, eter'nise, au'thorise, disau'thorise, tem'porise, contem'porise, enterprise, up'rise, (n.), like'wise, length'wise, nowise, oth'erwise, slant'wise, demise, premise, surmise, presurmise, despise, rise,

arise, sunʼrise, reprise, comprise, surprise, misprise, uprisé (v.), advertise, çñastise, advise, devise, revise', disguise, supervise, weath'erwise. (ise s. iz in) fran'chise, affran'chise, enfran'chise, disfran'chise, amor'tise (ise s. is, in) prom'ise, break' promise, tor'toise, trea'tise, prac'tise, diver'tise, mor'tise. (ise s. ise in) par'adise, impar'adise, precise, rise* (n.), concisé. (oise s. oyz in) noise, poise, equipoise, counterpoise, overpoise. (aise s aze in) chaise, appraise, dispraise. chevaux-de-friesé s. shev-o-dè-frèze.

33. ciate, s. shèate, in glaciate, conglaciate, emáciate, depreciate, offi'ciate, provin'ciate, enun'ciate, annun'ciate, consociate, (v.), associate (v.), dissóciate, crúciate, excruciate, consóciate (n.), associate (n. or adj.)

34. lute, s. lute, in salúte, elúte, dilúte, pollute, ab'solute, res'olute, irres'olute, dis'solute.

35. ue is silent in league, colleague, intrigue, fatigue, harangue, ped'agogue, dem'agogue, syn'agogue, di'alogue, cat'alogue, prologue, opaque, antique, bur lesqué, mosque, &c. (ue s. à in) águe, argue, val'ue, underval'ue, overvalue, av'enue, revenue, ret'inue, contin'ue, discontin'ue, stat'ue, virtue, unglúe, (ue s. 38 in) rue, congrue, true, untrue, construe, miscon'strue, iss'ue, tiss'ue. 36. ive, s. iv, in give, forgive, ol'ive, outlive, evasive, suásive, dissuásive, adhésive, decisive, repul'sive, expan'sive, defen'sive, apprehen'sive, pen'sive, osten'sive, explosive, corrósive, subver'sive, extor'sive, pas'sive, transmis'sive, precur'sive, abúsive, conclusive, amúsive, vindic'ative, communicative, rec'reative, neg'ative, palliative, talk'ative, rel'ative, appel'lative, contemplative, super'lative, em'ulative, affirm'ative, prepar'ative, demon'strative, disputative, abstrac'tive, disjunc'tive, defin'itive, inquisitive, incep'tive, distrib'utive, dimin' utive, &c. (ive s. Ive in) five, hive, bee hive, live (adj.), alive, connive, over drive, derive, deprive, arrive, contrive, revive, connive, survive.

37. g before n in the same syllable is silent in imprégn, campaign, champaign, arráign, condign, sov'ereign, for'eign, malign, benign, subsign, design, resign, en'sign, consign, countersign, assign, impugn, propúgn, oppúgn, expúgn.

38. ing, s. Ing, in amazing, dy'ing, say'ing, knowing, deserv'ing, last'ing, writing, bless'ing, hearing, mourning, morning, opening, alarm'ing, change ling, lord'ling, breathing, accord'ing, understanding, building, bid'ding, trading, réading, pleading, leading, facing, piercing, &c.

39. inging, s. Ingin, in cling'ing, fling'ing, ring'ing, spring'ing, string“ing, wring'ing, singing, sting'ing, wing'ing, swing'ing, sling'ing, bring'ing.

40. ong, s. ông, in thong, dip thong, triphthong, along, oblong, headlong, end long, belong, side'long, erelong, live'long, prolong', o'verlong, furʼlong, head'strong, e'vensong. (ong s. ang in) among', amongst'.

41. ough, s. d, in furlough, bor'ough, thor'ough, although', (ough s. ow) bough, plough, slough, a deep mire; (ough s. ôf in) cough, hooping-cough chin'cough, clough, an allowance in weight; trough. (ough s. af in) enough, rough, tough- -ough s. 33 in through-ough s. up in hic'cough.

42. th, s. th, in death, heath, breath, wreath (n.) path, breadth, zenith, here with', therewith', wherewith, forthwith', forsooth', betroth', az'imuth, &c. (th s. TH in) sheath (v.) unsheath', beneath', underneath', with, smooth, sooth (v.) mouth (v.)

43. cial s. shål in special, judicial, benefi"cial, offi"cial, artifi"cial, super fi'cial, provincial, social, commercial, fidúcial, &c.

44. tial, s. shål, in ini"tial, solsti"tial, substanʼtial, circumstan'tial, creden’tial, den'tial, prudential, pestilen'tial, reveren'tial, essen'tial, peniten'tial, poten'tial, nuptial, marʼtial, par'tial, impartial, &c. (tial, preceded by s, sounds tshèál in) bestial, celestial, subceles'tial, superceles'tial.

45. ful, s. fål, in dread'ful, need'ful, hand'ful, peace'ful, graceful, changeful, vengeful, revenge'ful, guileful, tuneful, hopeful, careful, grateful, spiteful, wasteful, wish'ful, faithful, slóthful, plen'tiful, boun'tiful, thank'ful, mournful, won'derful, delight'ful, &c.

* Those words are pronounced according to Walker.

46. form, s. förm, in form, deform', reform', efform', triform, len'tiform, multiform, inform', misinform', conform', perform', transform, platform', uniform'. 47. en, s. n, in deaf'en,* beech'en, fresh'en, length'en, weaken, drunk'en, spóken, token, stolen, swollen, chéapen, ripen, open, hap'pen, loos'en, beaten, lighten, brighten, heart'en, fat'ten, writ'ten, heav'en, seven, woven, flax'en, brazen, coz'en, doz'en, miz zen, &c. (en s. en in monosyllables) as glen, ten, wen; and in such words as twig'gen, kitch'en, hyphen, álien, woollen, ámen', specimen, lin'en, as'pen, breth'ren, siren, mar'ten, &c. of ten and sof'ten s. ofn and sofn. 48. sten, s. sn, in hásten, fas'ten, unfas'ten, chasten, lis'ten, glis'ten, mois' ten, chris'ten.

49. ain accented, or in a monosyllable, s. åne, in ordáin, disdain, regain, encháin, compláin, explain, domáin, refrain, restráin, contáin, abstáin, chilblain, porcelain, (ain s. en in) again', against'.

50. ain, unaccented, s. In-in villain, chap'lain, chamberlain, mur'rain, chief'tain, plantain, foun'tain, mountain, captain, cer'tain, uncertain, cur'tain, 51. ion, preceded by lor n, accented, s. yun, in battalion, vermil'ion, pavilion, medallion, rebellion, billion, million, postil'ion, &c. compan'ion, minion, domin'ion, opin'ion, on'ion, &c.

52. sion, preceded by d, e, i, o, or u, s. zhůn in occasion, evasion, inváica, persuasion, dissuasion, &c. adhésion, inhésion, cohésion; decision, precision, incision, collision, division, provision, &c. displosion, explosion, corrusion; fusion, diffusion, infusion, confusion, conclusion, exclusion, allusion, intrúsion, contusion, &c..

63. sion, preceded by any of the consonante, s. shan, in impul'sion, compul'sion, expansion, comprehen'sion, dimension, mer sion, aver'sion, incurʼsion, pass'ion, process'ion, possess'ion, miss'ion, percuss'ion, dismiss'ion,† &c.

54. ssion, s. shun, in pas'sion, compas'sion, ces'sion, concession, profes'sion, egres'sion, pres'sion, session, posses'sion, mis'sion, remis'sion, manumis'sion, concussion, discussion, &c.

55. tion, s, shůn, in constitútion, solution, elocution, caution, portion, op'tion, perception, attention, contrition, addition, conjunction, collection, elevation, famentation, vacation, probation, libation, &c.

56. tion, preceded by s, or x, s. tshûn, in ambus'tion, combus'tion, ques' tion, congestion, diges'tion, suggestion, bas'tion, &c. mix'tion, admixʼtion, commix'tion, permix'tion.

57. xion, s. shun, in flex'ion, complex'ion, annex'ion, connexion, prefix'ion, affix'ion, crucifix'ion, commix'ion, flux'ion.

58. son, s. zn, in reason, treason, season, venison, poison, empoison, coun'terpoison, pris'on, impris'on, dam'son, crim'son. (son, s. zan, in) diapason. (son, s. sun, in) son, grand'son, god'son, unison, comparison. (son, s. sn, in) máson, gar'rison, par'son, per'son, les'son.

59. own, s. own, in down, adown', upside-down', renown', imbrown', nut'brown. (own, s. on, in) own, shown, blown, flown, high flown, known, unknown, disówn, unsówn.

60. ear, s. ère, in ear, endear', rehéar, overhear', besméar, appear, disappear, upréar, arréar, leap year. (ear, s. are, in) bear, bugbear, upbear, underbear, overbear, forbear, pear, tear, (v.) tear (n. a rent), wear, swear, unswear, forswear, outswear. (ear, s. ear, in) lin'ear, rectilin'ear, curvilin'ear.

61. er, s. år, in am'ber, chamber, octóber, cum'ber, of'ficer, offend'er, pretend'er, fin'ger, lin'ger, lexicog'rapher, geog'rapher, orthog'rapher, biog'ra pher, historiographer, cosmog'rapher, controller, glim'mer, sum'mer, mariner, mourner, usurp'er, con'jurer, con'quer, consid'er, diam'eter, pentam'eter, hex

*When a vowel is not sounded in the verb, it is silent also in the participles derived from it.

Though in some of the preceding and succeeding paragraphs it is impossible to point out the particular accented letter, yet by means of the mark, the syllable, or sound, on which the accent rests, will not readily be mistaken. B

am'eter, barom'eter, interpreter, re"gister, empow'er, assayer, &c. (er, accented, s. er, in) defer', refer', prefer', infer', deter', &c. (eer, s. ère, in) beer, rain'deer, mountainéer, engineer, domineer, mutineer, privateer, volunteer chariotéer, gazettéer, &c. (e'er, s. àre, in) e'er, ne'er, whene'er', where'er' (ier, accented, and in one syllable, s. ère, in pier, cashier, cavalier, chandeliér, carabiniér, cannoniér, &c.

62. or, s. år, in ambass'ador, méteor, an'chor, met'aphor, author, major, senior, júnior, inferior, superiour, intériour, war'rior, sailor, demeanor, minor, stúpor, em'peror, júror, vis'or, cen'sor, suc'cessor, profess'or, possess'or, prog nos ticator, elucidator, gladiátor, mediátor, ventilator, legislator, translator, senʼator, denom'inator, moderátor, or'ator, spectator, equator, debt'or, actor, colleet'or, protect'or, vic'tor, proprietor, auditor, invent'or, &c. (or, s. or, in) or, áchor, ichor, sápor, prétor, unlooked for, unhoped for, &c. (or and oor, s. ore, in) louis d'or', corridor', bat'tledoor, back'door, trapdoor', death's'door, ground floor, thrash'ingfloor. (oor, s. 8ôr, in) boor, moor, poor, unmoor', black'amoor.-or, s. år, in abhor'.

63. our, s. år, in labour, tábour, arʼbour, har'bour, suc'cour, ran'cour, splen'dour, vig'our, val'our, colour, par'lour, clam'our, ar'mour, rúmour, hon'our, endeavour, favour, savour, &c. (our, s. owr, in) our, scour, hour, flour, sour, devour'. (our, s. öðr, in) amour', par'amour, tour, contour'.-the verb to pour, s. pore, or powr.-four, s. före.-your, s. úre.-iour, s. yår, in behaviour, sáviour.

64. ass, s. âss, in lass, class, glass, look'ing-glass, ising-glass, tin'glass, weath'erglass, hour'glass, amass', repass', surpass', spar'rowgrass, scurvygrass, carcass, cut'lass, com'pass, encom'pass, tres'pass, har'ass, sas'safras, cuirass', morass', can'vas.

65. ous, s. as, in tremendous, stupen'dous, hid'eous, spontáneous, plen'eous, terráqueous, analogous, ódious, stúdious, pious, various, jealous, perilous, frivolous, credulous, trem'ulous, in'famous, unan'imous, mountainous, luminous, poisonous, won'drous, númerous, dex'terous, odorous, clam'orous, traiterous, adven'turous, soli'citous, momen'tous, porten'tous, gratuitous, fortuitous, &c.

66. ceous, s. shus, in fabáceous, herbáceous, argillaceous, cetáceous, cretáceous, crustáceous, &c.

67. ious and eous, preceded by d, s. èâs, in tédious, perfid'ious, fastid'ious, insidious, invidious, compen'dious, ódious, melódious, commódious, &c. hid'eous, lapid'eous, stúdious.

68. cious and scious, s. shus, in efficacious, audácious, sagacious, fallacious, tenacious, pertinacious, spacious, gracious, voracious, vivacious, loquá cious, spécious, pre"cious, judi"cious, officious, malicious, pernicious, auspi"cious, capricious, atrocious, &c. omnis'cious, con'scious, lus cions, &c. .

69. tious, s. shas, in ostentatious, vexatious, fac'tious, ambitious, propitious, fictitious, adventitious, superstitious, conscientious, senten'tious, conten'tious, cap'tious, cautious, incautious, &e.

70. uous, s. úas, in conspicuous, promis'cuous, assiduous, ar'duous, ambig'uous, contiguous, mellifluous, super'fluous, ingen'uous, strenuous, sin'vous, impet'uous, tumultuous, contemptuous, sumptuous, virtuous, tempest'uous, con'gruous, incongruous.

71. eat, s. ète, in eat, beat, brow'beat, defeat, eschéat, repeat, entréat, retreat, in sweet'ineat.-eat, s. êt, in threat, swent.-cat, s. åte, in great.-eat, s. eat, in caveat.-hereat', thereat', whereat', s. hère at, thiare at, bware åt.

72. ct, s. kt, in act, enact', compact', defect', infect', per'fect, deject', select', as'pect, respect', inspect', prospect, direct', dissect', predict', strict, dis'trict, instinct, extinct', adjunct, deduct', product, obstruct', instruct', construct', &e. (ct has the same sound when s is added, thus) acts, enacts', defects', infects, dejects', respects', inspects', prospects, directs', seets, dissects', predicts, districts, adjuncts, &c. (ict, s. lte, in endict', and indict'.)

73. ight, s, ie, in fight, alight', delight', enlight', moonlight, star lights

day light, skylight, benight, birth'right, yes'ternight, overnight, aright, affright, down right (adv.) outright, secondsight, eyesight, (ight, s. Ite, in) twilight, midnight, fort night, birth'right, down'right, (adj.) up'right, foresight, in'sight, oversight. (seven-night, s. sen'nit.)

74. eight, s. ate, in freight, pen'nyweight, troy'weight, weight'ily, weight'iness, weigh'ty, eight'een, eight'fold, eight'score, eight'y. (eight, s. ite, in height, sleight.)

75. aught, s. åt, in aught, ful'fraught. (aught, s. äft, in) draught, roughdraught.

76. ought, s. åt, in ought, dear'-bought, methought', fore-thought, afterthought, merry-thought, high'-wrought, inwrought', unwrought', overwrought', besought'. (ought, s. owt, in drought.)

77. scent, s. sent, in scent, ascent', renas'cent, descent', quies'cent, convales'cent, evanes'cent, cres'cent, excres'cent, &c..

78. ow, s. o, in elbow, rainbow, mead'ow, shad'ow, overshad'ow, widow, win'dow, bow'-window, fur'below, fal'low, hal'low, shal'low, sal'low, tal'low, wallow, swallow, bel'low, fel'low, school' fellow, play'fellow, mel'low, yellow, bil'low, pillow, willow, follow, hollow, whit'low, win'now, scarecrow, overthrow, (n,) arrow, nar'row, har'row, mar'row, spar'row, yar'row, bor'row, mor'row, sorrow, burrow, fur'row. (ow, s. ỏ, in) bow (n.) to shoot arrows; rareshow, foreshow', pup petshow, overblow', below', overflow (v.) foreknow', overgrow', overthrow (v.) bestow'. (ow, s. ow, in) bow (n. an act of reverence, or v. to bend), endow', some’how, allow', disallow', mow (n.) now, good'now, enow', erenow', eyebrow, avow'.

79. ay, s. à, in bay, decay', alack'aday', noon'day, delay', relay', allay', inlay, display', overlay, mislay', waylay', dismay', defray', affray, array, betray', assay (v.), away', high'way, &c. (ay, s. a, in) mon'day, tues'day, wednes'day, thurs'day, friday, sat'urday, sun'day, yes'terday, hey'-day, hol'yday, nosegay, round'elay, sooth'say, hear'say, es'say (n.), run'away, car'away, cast'away, cause way, half'way, gang'way, path'way.ay, s. è.-quay, s. kè.

80. fy, a verbal termination, s. fl, in jus'tify, rectify, purify, tes'tify, pa"cify, crucify, notify, ter'rify, for'tify, cal'efy, túmefy, beautify, sanc'tify, signify, qualify, glorify, &c. (fy, or fi, in the participles of such verbs, has the same sound, thus) jus'tifying, jus'tified; rec'tifying, rec'tified; purifying, purified, &c. (the same sound of fi prevails in the nouns derived from such verbs as these, signifying (an actor, thus) jus'tifier, rec'tifier, purifier, &c. (but in nouns from these verbs signifying an act, fi takes the sound of fe, thus) justificátion, purificátion, testification, &c. (fi has the sound of fè also in such words as) justificator, testificátor, &c. (fy, sounds fl, in the verbs defy and affy, also in the interjection fy-fy sounds fè in the adjectives) leafy, chaf'fy, shelf'y, turf'y. 81. ly, unaccented, s. lè, in ábly, prob'ably, affably, remark'ably, séasonably, dúrably, suitably, learn'edly, sacredly, assuredly, idly, friendly, timely, humánely, opportúnely, securely, purposely, ultimately, completely, politely, remotely, ab'solutely, pen'sively, actively, obligingly, willingly, lav'ishly, med'ically, finally, lib'erally, delightfully, firmly, openly, am'ply, clearly, or'derly, man'nerly, end'lessly, remiss'ly, hazardously, studiously, gen'erously, perfectly, discreetly, sprightly, pleas'antly, décently, prúdently, apparently, consist'ently, &c. (ly, accented, and in monosyllables, s. ll, in) supply', apply', comply', reply', july', ally, outfly', rely'.

82. ably, s. able, in prob'ably, am'icably, laud'ably, peaceably, affably, variably, remarkably, conform'ably, reasonably, seasonably, com'parably, al'terably, tolerably, mem'orably, favourably, war'rantably, lam'entably, com'fortably, équably, observ'ably, &c. (the abverb ábly, s. able.)

83. ibly, s. èblè, invin'cibly, forcibly, cred'ibly, aúdibly, legibly, intel'ligibly, infallibly, ter'ribly, visibly, sen'sibly, pos'sibly, plausibly, compatibly, percep'tibly, contemp'tibly, conver'tibly, irresist'ibly, inflex'ibly, &c.

84. ily, s. èlè, in read'ily, stead'ily, gaud'ily, wor'thily, luckily, family, hap' pily, primarily, or'dinarily, sol'itarily, voluntarily, satisfactorily, tran'sito

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