Imágenes de páginas


The acute accent (') denotes the rising, and the grave accent (`) the falling


Did they act properly, or im properly?
Did he speak distinct'ly, or in distinctly?
Must we act according to the law, or con'-
trary to it?

Did he go willingly, or unwillingly?
Was it done correctly, or in correctly?
Did he say cau'tion, or cau' tion?
Did he say wisely, or wisely?
Did he say value, or value?
Did he say wis'dom, or wis` dom?
Did he say fame', or fame'?
You must not say fa'tal, but fa'tal.
You must not say e'qual, but e'qual.
You must not say i'dol, but i'dol.
You must not say o'pen, but o' pen.
You must not say du'bious, but du'bious.

They acted prop'erly, not im'properly.
He spoke distinct'ly, not in'distinctly.
We must act according to the law, and not
contrary to it.

He went willingly, not un'willingly.
It was done correctly, not in'correctly.
He said cau`tion, not cau'tion.
He said wisely, not wisely.
He said value, not value.
He said wis' dom, not wis'dom.
He said fame', not fame'.
You must say fatal, not fa'tal.
You must say e'qual, not e'qual.
You must say i'dol, not i'dol.
You must say o'pen, not o'pen.

You must say du' bious, not du’bious, &c.

The figures over the letters refer to the vowels in the words, as follow: Fate får fåll fåt mẻ met plne pin nỏ mỏve nỏr nôt tùbe tåb båll öîl poance.

[blocks in formation]

ial w and y sound as in we, ye.-ou and oy sound as in now, cloy, &c.


These orthographical exercises should be scrupulously attended to: not a word should be passed over unless it be correctly spelled, accented, and pronounced: they should even be read by the pupil till he is fully master of them before he commences the reading lessons.

I. au, at the beginning of words, sounds å, in au'burn, auc'tion, auc'tionary, au'dible, au'dibly, au'dience, au'dit, au'ditor, au'ditory, au'ditress, au'ger, aught, augment (noun), au'gur,‡ augury, au'gust (n.), au'spice, aus'tral, au'thor, authorize, au'tograph, au'tumn, auctionéer, audácious, audacity, augment' (verb,) augmentation, august' (adj.), aurélia, auric'ula, auric'ular, aurif'erous, auróra, auróra-boreális, auspi"cial, auspicious, austére, auster'ity, authen'tic, authen'ti*For a full and philosophic view of this subject, see Walker's Elocution, Rhetorical Grammar, &c.

†These words may serve as useful exercises, not only in orthoepy, but also in orthography. For this purpose a portion of them may be pronounced and spelled by the pupil each day, or as often as the Teacher may think proper. The Teacher will secure the attention and improvement of his pupils by accustoming them to turn to those words in some good dictionary, say Picket's Walker, and learn their meaning as an evening's exercise.-See Juvenile Expositor, p. 24, 25, 26, &c.

Participles have the accent on the same syllable as the verbs from which they are derived; thus the verb to interest, has the accent on the first syllable; the participles in'teresting, in'terested, derived from it, have the accent on the same syllable.

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cate, authenticity, author'itative, author'ity, autom'aton, autom'atous, autop'tical autum'nal, auxil'iar auxil'iary.-aunt s. ant.

2. pircum, s. sẻr-kům, in circumam'bient, circumam'bulate, circumcise, circu nei"sion, circumduct', circum'ference, circumferen'tor, cir'cumflex, circum' fluent, circum'fluous, circumfúse, circumfusion, circumjácent, circumlocution, circumlocutory, circumnavigation, circumrotation, circumscribe, cir'cumspect, cir'cumstance, circumvent', circumvolution, &c.

3. co-op, s. kỏ-ốp, in co-operate, co-operation, co-operative, co-op'erator, co-optation, (co-or s. kò-år in) co-or'dinate, co-or'dinately, co-or'dinateness, co-ordination.

4. dis, s. dis, in disability, disadvan'tage, disaffec'tion, disagrée, disallow', disappear, disapprove', disavow', discard', disclose, discontent', discourse, discreet', disembark', disincline, disobedient, disquíetude, dissem'ble, dissent', dissolution, distrib'utive, distrust', disúnity, &c.

5. dis, s. diz, in disable, disarm', disas'ter, disas'trous, disband', disbark', disbur'den, disburse', disburse'ment, discern', discern'ible, discern'ing, discern' ment, disdain, disdainful, disease, disgorge', disgrace, disgraceful, disgracefully, disgrácious, disguise, disguisement, disgust', disgust'ful, dishon'est, dishonesty, dishon'our, dishonourable, disin'terested, disjoin', disjoint', disjunct', disjunc'tion, disjunctive, dislike, disliken, dislimb', dislodge', disloy'al, disloyalty, dis'mal, dismantle, dismask', dismast', dismáy, dismember, dismiss', dismiss'ion, dismort'gage, dismount', disor'der, disor'derly, disor'dinate, disown, disrel'ish, disrep'utable, disrobe, disrup'tion, dissolv'able, dissolve', dissolv'ent, dissolv'able, disvaluátion, disval'ue, disuse, (n.), disvouch', (di befores, sdè in) dishev'elled, dispread', (disme s. dime.)

6. ea s. è in each, eager, eagerly, éagerness, eagle-eyed, earless, éar-ring, éarwax, easily, éasiness, easterly, eastern, eastward, easy, eatable, eaves-dropper, (earl s. êrl in) earl'dom, ear'liness, early earn, ear'nest, ear'nestly, earth, earth'en, earth'ling, earth'ly, earth'-quake, earth'y. (ead &c. s. êd in) dead, lead, head, deaf, deaf'ness, deaf'ly.

7. ex, s. egz, in exact', exactly, exac'tion, exact'ness, exaggerate, exa"ggerátion, exagitate, exalt', exaltation, exámen, examination, exam'ine, exam'ple exan'imate, exas'perate, exasperation, exec'utive, exec'utor, exec'utrix, exem'plar, exem'plary, exemplification, exem'plify, exempt', exemp'tion, exert', exer'tion, exhále, exhálement, exhaust', exhaust'less, exhib'it, exhil'erate, exhort', exile (v.), exist', exis'tence, exis'tency, exis'tent, exon'erate, exoneration, exorbitance, exor'bitant, exor'dium, exot'ic, exuberance, exuberant, exult', exult'ance, exultátion, exúviæ. (ex, in the beginning of almost all other words, sounds, êks) ex'cellence, exception, exclaim, excommúnicate, excursion, exhalation, expect'ant, explóre, expulsion, extinc'tion, extrav'agant, ex'tricate, &c.

8. h is silent in heir, heiress, heir'less, heir'ship, herb, herb'age, herb'y, hon'est, hon'estly, honesty, hon'orary, hon'our, hon'ourable, hon'ourably, hos'pital, host'ler, hour, hourglass, hourly, hum'ble, húmorist, húmorous, húmorously, húmour. 9. or, s. or, in orb, orb'ed, or'chard, or'chestre, or'deal, or'der, or'derless, or'derly, or'dinal, or'dinance, or'dinary, or'dinate, ord'nance, or'donnance, ordure, or'gan, or'ganism, or'ganist, or'ganize, or'gies, or'nament, or'namental, or'nate, or'phan, or'thodox, or'thoepist, or'thoepy, orbic'ular, orches'tra, ordain, ordination, organ'fe, organ'ical, organization, orgil'lous, ornament'al, ornithology, orthog'rapher, orthograph'ically, orthog'raphy. (ori s. ò in) oriental, ori'ginal, originally, ori"ginary, originate, orac'ular, orac'ulous, oration, óral, orient (or s. or in) or'acle, or'ange, or'ator, oratórial, orator'ical, or'atory, or'rery, or'ris, or'ifice, or'igin, or'ison.

10. pre, s. prè, in preacher, précept, prédal, prédial, préfect, préfix, (n.) prémier, prémium, préscience, préscient, préscript, prétor,, prévious, préviously, precárious, precéde, precep'tive, precipitate, precise, preclúde, preconceit, predestinarian, predict', predispose, predom'inant, pre-establish, prefer', prejudicate, premature, prepar'ative, prerog'ative, prescrip'tion, presúme, presumption, presump'tive, presump'tuous, preternatural, prevail, preven'tion,

&c.-prey s. prå.-(pre is shut, in) preb'end, preb'endary, precedáneous, precedent, precious, precipice, pred'atory, pred'ecessor, pred'icable, pred'icant, pred'icate, predicátion, pref'ace, pref'atory, pref'ecture, preferable, pref'erence, prej'udice, prejudi"cial, prel'acy, prel'ate, prel'ude (n.), prem'ises, preparation, preposi'tion, pres'byter, presbytérian, pres'bytery, pres'ence, pres'ent (adj.), presentation, presentée, pres'ently, preservation, pres'idency, pres'ident, press'gang, press'man, press'money, press'ure, pres'to, pret'tily, pret'tiness, pret'ty, prevalence, prev'alent, (presage s. prẻs'-aje (n.), or pre-såje' (v.)

11. se, s. sè, in sea, seaboat, seaborn, seaboy, séachart, (sea s. sè in all its compounds) seal, sealingwax, seam, seamless, séarcloth, season, séasonable, seasonably, seasoning, seaward, sécant, sécrecy, sécret, sécretly, (see and sei s. se,) seed, seedcake, seedpearl', seedtime, seedling, seedsman, seedy, seeing séesaw, séignior, séignory, seine, seize, séizin, seizure, sénior, séquel, séquence, séquent, séries, sérious, sériously, sérous, sérum, séton, secéde, secession, seclude, seclusion, secréte, secrétion, secrétory, secure, securely, security, sedan', sedáte, sedátely, sedáteness, sedition, sedi'tious, sedúce, seducement, sedúcible, seduc'tive, seduction, sedálity, select', selec'tion, senior'ity, sepulchral, sepul'chre (v.), sequacious, sequa" city, seques'ter, seques'trable, seragl'io, seraph'ic, seréne, serénely, seréneness, serenity, setáceous, severe, severely, sever'ity. (ser. s sår in sergeant.-sew s. so.)

sewer, s. so'år, one who uses a needle.

sewer, s. sû ûr, an officer who serves up a feast.
sewer, s. shore, a passage for water.

in most other words the e in se is shut or joined to the next letter, thus-sec'ona, sec'retary, sedulous, sel'dom, sem'blance, sensation, ser'mon, ser'vitude, set'. tlement, &c.

12. sky, s. skyl, sky, sky'ey, sky'colour, sky'coloured, sky'dyed, sky'ed, sky' ish, sky'lark, sky'light, sky'rocket, (kind s. kylnd in) kind, kindly, kindness, unkind, unkindly, unkindness, gav'elkind, mankind, wom'ankind, húmankind.

13. su, s. su, in supine (adj.), supinely, supineness, suprem'acy, supréme, suprémely, supine (n.)

14. super, s. super, in superabun'dance, superadd', superan'nuate, superb', supercar'go, superceles'tial, supercil'ious, superem'inent, superex'cellent, superficies, superfine, super'fluous, superintend', superior'ity, supérior, super'lative, supernat'ural, supernumerary, superscrip'tion, superstitious, superven'tion, supervisor, súperable, súperfice, súperflux, &c.

15. th, s. th, in thane, thank, thank'ful, thank'less, thanks'giving, theatre, the oc'racy, theod'olite, theológian, théory, thermom'eter, thésis, thick'et, thief, think' ing, this'tle, thorax, thor'ough, &c. (th s. TH in) than, that, the, their, them, then, thence, thence forth, thencefor'ward, there, there'about, thereby', there'fore, therefrom', therein', thereinto thereof, thereon', thereto, thereunto, thereupon', these, they, this, thith'er, thith'erto, thith'erward, those, thou, though, thus, thy, thyself'. (thyme s. time.).

16. thr, s. thr, in thrall, thral'dom, thrap'ple, thrash, thrash'er, thread'bare, threat'en, threefold, threescore, thresh'old, thrift'ily, thrift less, thrift'y, thrill, thrive, throat, throb, throe, &c.

17. trans, s. trâns, in transact', transcend', transcribe, transfig'ure, transfuse, transit, transition, translate, transmit', transpire, transverse, &c. (transi s. trấn-shè in) transient, transiently, transientness.

18. un, s. an, in unalterable, unbound', uncer'tain, unconcern', undaunt'ed, undirected, unequal, unexplored, unfortunate, ungen'erous, unhappy, &c. (u s. ú before n in) únicorn, úniform, uniformly, union, únison, unit, únity, universe, unanim'ity, unan'imous, uniformity, unite, unitedly, uni'tion, univer'sal, universal'ity, univer'sally, univer'sity, univ'ocal, (unc sang in) un'cle, unc'tion, unc'tuous.



AN acquaintance with the terminational sounds is important to all who are desirous of acquiring an elegant pronunciation. Teachers will find on trial, that these exercises are well calculated to initiate their pupils into the correct principles of the orthoepy of our language.

1. ic, or ick, at the end of words, sounds ik, in cúbic, somnif'ic, sudorif'ic, magic, logʻic, public, angel'ic, academ'ic, astronom'ic, pan'ic, tyran'nic, fab'ric, rhet'oric, emphatic, arc'tic, poet'ic, crit'ic, eclip'tic, elastic, domestic, &c.

2. d is pronounced like t when the ed is preceded by f, k, p, s, sh, ch, or any sharp consonant, thus, engraff'ed, quaff'ed, cuff'ed, puff'ed, ingulf'ed; creaked, cloaked, ran'sacked, attack'ed, deck'ed, frol'iced, shock'ed, rock'ed, creek'ed, thank'ed, frank'ed, link'ed, look'ed, embark'ed, remark'ed, help'ed, decamp'ed, cramp'ed, developed, clasp'ed, usurp'ed, crisp'ed, lisp'ed, grasp'ed, depress'ed, oppress'ed, confess'ed, profess'ed, bless'ed, wit'nessed, address'ed, transgress'ed, repress'ed, possess'ed, guess'ed, cross'ed, discuss'ed, abash'ed refresh'ed, estab'lished, pub'lished, fam'ished, dimin'ished, finish'ed, aston'ished, flour'ished, lan'. guished, extinguished, blush'ed, rush'ed, crush'ed, impeached, encroached, detach'ed, stretch'ed, enrich'ed, branch'ed, search'ed, march'ed, catch'ed, match'ed, despatch'ed, fetch'ed, touch'ed, avouch'ed, &c. (blessed, when an adjective, is, in grave subjects, pronounced in two syllables, thus-a bless'-ed reward.) The ed is pronounced as a distinct syllable in learn'-ed, wing'-ed, when adjectives.The ed in aged always makes a distinct syllable, as an a'-ged man; but when this word is compounded with another, the ed does not form a syllable, as a full ag'd horse.-The ed is pronounced as a distinct syllable in the following adverbs, though it is contracted in the participial adjectives from which they are formed.-forcedly, enforcedly, unveil'edly, deform'edly, feignedly, unfeign'edly, design'edly, resign'edly, restrainedly, refinedly unconcern'edly, undiscern'edly, assuredly, advisedly, composedly, diffusedly, confusedly, unperceivedly, resolvedly, deservedly, undeservedly, reservedly, unreservedly, avow'edly, perplex'edly, fix'edly, amazedly. The participiai termination d must never be syllable, unless preceded by d or t, except in the language of Scripture. pronounced as a distinct

3. in ed, a verbal termination, the e is not sounded, and the d is joined to the preceding syllable, in mov'ed, prov'ed, approved, disapprov'ed, improv'ed, believed, disbelieved, imbibed, inscribed, transcribed, obliged, disobliged, engaged, convey'ed, survey'ed, delay'ed, plann'ed, mann'ed, crown'ed, frown'ed, mourn'ed, calm'ed, framed, blámed, támed, skill'ed, toil'ed, referr'ed, deferr'ed, preferr'ed, raised, praised, procured, secured, inured, received, &c.

4. ed forms a separate syllable when preceded by d or t, in commended, recommended, moulded, folded, disband'ed commanded, expand'ed, brand'ed, avoid'ed, befriend'ed, offend'ed, defend'ed, blend'ed, extend'ed, suspend'ed, blinded, despond ed, rebounded, surround'ed; hated, anʼimated, abstract'ed, affect'ed, limited, deposited, revolt'ed, anoint'ed, devoted, accept'ed, part'ed, tasted, act'ed, com pact'ed, detract'ed, extract'ed, affect'ed, subject'ed, select'ed, collect'ed, direct'ed, protected, convict'ed, deduct'ed, construct'ed, &c.

5. old, s. öld, bold, blindfold, inföld, unfold, behold, withhold, inhóld, uphold, retold, untold, mistóld. (old s. öld) threefold, man'ifold, pin'fold, marigold, freehold, house'hold, thresh'hold, cop'yhold. (old s. âld in scaffold.)

6. ind, s. Ind, in bind, behind, gav'elkind, mankind, wom'ankind, humankind, unkind, pur'blind, remind, wind (v.) unwind. (ind s. Ind in) abscind', rescind', prescind', disgind', interscind', tam'arind, whirl'wind, wind, or wind, (n.) 7. e final, s. è, in ac'me, epit'ome, extem'pore, sim'ile, apostrophe, hyper'. bole, syn'cope, syndrome, synec'doche, tem'pore, sys'tole.

8. ibe, s. lbe, in imbibe, ascribe, misascribe, subscribe, describe, rescribe, prescribe, circumscribe, transcribe, inscribe, proscribe, superscribe, interscribe. 9. ice, s. is, in jaun'dice, cow'ardice, prej'udice, ben'efice, ven'efice, of'fice, ed'ifice, or'ifice, pontifice, ar'tifice, súperfice, chal'ice, malice, complice, accom'

plice, sur'plice, pum'ice, cor'nice, precipice, au'spice, avarice, dentifrice, lic arice, cic'atrice, matrice, practice, malepractice, poul'tice, pren'tice, appren'tice, nótice, ar'mistice, sol'stice, in'terstice, jus'tice, injustice, cre'vice, nov'ice, service. (ice s. ise in) ice, dice, bespice, entice, advice, device. (ice s. lze in) suffice', sac'rifice. (ice s. èès in) police' caprice'. (oice s. oys in) choice, rejoice', voice, in'voice, outvoice-juice s. jùse-ver'juice s. vẻr'jůs-sluice s. sluse.

10. ance,* s. âns, in disturb'ance, guidance, attend'ance, abund'ance, bal'ance, appearance, remem'brance, fragrance, en'trance (n.) obei'sance, úsance, expect'ance, reluct'ance, exorbitance, inheritance, repent'ance, accept'ance, import'ance, contrivance, allow'ance, &c. (ance accented, or in monosyllables, s. ans in) bechance', perchance', mischance', enhance', askance', romance', finance', entrance', disentrance', complaisance', advance,; dance, chance, lance, glance, prance, trance.

11. ence, s. êns, in in nocence,t acquies'cence, cadence, con'fidence, de. pend'ence, prúdence, defi"cience, effi"cience, insuffi'cience science, pre'science, omnis'cience, con'science, obédience, experience, si'lence, ex'cellence, in'dolence, op'ulence, commence', pref'erence, occur'rence, omnipresence, pen'itence, consist'ence, exist'ence, af 'fluence, in'fluence, con'sequence, el'oquence.

12. scence, s. sens, in quies'cence, coales'cence, invales'cence, convales'cence, adoles'cence, concres'cence, excrescence, putres'cence, efferves'cence, &c. 13. duce, s. duse, in tradúce, abdúce, obdúce, subdúce, edúce, dedúce, redúce, sedúce, indúce, superindúce, condúce, reprodúce, introdúce, prodúce (v.) prod'uce.

14. ide, s. Ide, in bide, decide, incide, coincide, confide, backslide, deride, astride, bestride, aside, subside, beside, reside, preside, weakside, withinside, betide, springtide, noontide, misguide, divide, subdivide, provide, de'icide, re"gicide, hom'icide, parricide, matricide, fratricide, infanticide, suicide, broad'side, blind'side, in'side, out'side, twelf'tide, e'ventide, whit'suntide, coun'tertide.

15. lude, s. lude, in acclúde, reclúde, preclúde, seclúde, inclúde, conclúde, interclúde, exclúde, elúde, prelúde, (v.) allúde, illúde, collúde, prel'ude, in'terJude.

16. ee, s. è. in bee, fee, refugee appellée, assignée, epopée, decrée, agrée, disagrée, degrée, fricasée, foresée, oversée lessée, fusée, legatée, guarantée, grantée, absentée, presentée, patentée, devotée, repartée, trustée, settée, advowée, coffee, feof fee, ap'ogee, tro'chee, spon'dee, prith'ee, ju'bilee, pedigree, commit'tee, lev'ee.

17. age, s. idje, in cab'bage, herb'age, bond'age, cord'age, vas'salage, pillage, assemblage, dam'age, im'age, man'age, spin'nage, patronage, stop'page, av'erage, courage, her'mitage, advantage, port'age, cottage, lan' n'guage, voy'age, pres'age (n), carriage, miscarriage, marriage, intermar'riage, &c. (age s. aje in) age, cage, incage, gage, engage', pre-engage', disengage', page, ti'tlepage, rage, sage, presage (v.), stage, assuage', wage, ad'age.

18. dge, s. j, in trudge, grudge, judge, lodge, par'tridge, abridge', ridge, wedge, knowledge, sledge, pledge, fledge, hedge, edge, badge, &c.

19. arge, s. årj, in barge, charge, recharge', overcharge', surcharge', discharge', enlarge', overlarge'.

20. able, s â-bl, in applicable, for'midable, com'mendable, peace'able, agreeable, perishable, sociable, mag'nifiable, amiable, pit'iable, es'timable, resumable, defin'able, sufferable, númerable, venerable, an'swerable, advis'able, cred'itable, habitable, im'itable, suit'able, nótable, com'fortable, &c. (able s. abl in) a'ble, fáble, gáble, enable, unáble, sáble, disáble, táble, stáble, instáble, unstable.

21. ible, s. é-bl, in evin'cible, invin'cible, do"cible, forcible, iras'cible, deducible, cred'ible, au'dible, legible, intel'ligible, fran'gible, discern'ible, ter'rible, vis'ible, defen'sible, comprehen'sible, pas'sible, impos'sible, plau'sible, com

* The learner should be required to give the meaning, of the prefixes in, un, en, &c.—and terminations ance, ence, &c. See Exp. p. 24, 25, 26, &c.

†The pupil should be made to comprehend the difference between a compound and derivative word.

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