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Upon the disruption in 1830, of the Republic of Colombia (the Great Colombia), as constituted by BOLIVAR, the three Republics of Venezuela, New Granada (the present Colombia), and Ecuador, sprang into existence. As was natural, the first effort of each of the new nations was to frame the Constitution under which it should live.

The first Constitution that Colombia (New Granada) adopted as an independent Republic, is the one known by the name of "Fundamental law of the State of New Granada" (Ley Fundamental del Estado de la Nueva Granada), promulgated on November 17, 1831. "

Subsequent to this statute there have been (1) the Constitution of April 20, 1843; (2) the "Political Constitution of New Granada," promulgated on May 28, 1853, which marks the introduction of the Federal system into the State or Republic of Colombia; (3) the constitutional amendment of February 27, 1855, in a sense decidedly Federal; (4) the "Constitution of the Granadine Confederation," promulgated May 22, 1858, under which the States of Antioquia, Bolivar, Boyaca, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Panama, and Santander confederated themselves forever into a sovereign, free, and independent Nation under the name of "The Granadine Confederation;" (5) the Constitution of "The United States of Colombia," promulgated on the 8th of May, 1863, and (6) the Constitution of August 4, 1886, which is still in existence.

a See Appendix 9.

See Appendix 10.

c See Appendix 11.



(August 4, 1886.)

En el nombre de Dios, fuente suprema de toda autoridad, los Delegatarios de los Estados colombianos de Antioquia, Bolívar, Boyacá, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Panamá, Santander y Tolima, reunidos en Consejo Nacional Constituyente; vista la aprobación que impartieron las Municipalidades de Colombia á las bases de Constitución expedidas el día primero de diciembre de mil ochocientos ochenta y cinco, y con el fin de afianzar la unidad nacional y asegurar los bienes de la justicia, la libertad y la paz, hemos venido en decretar, como decretamos, la siguiente Constitución política de Colombia.



ARTÍCULO 1. La Nación colombiana se reconstituye en forma de República unitaria.

ART. 2. La soberanía reside esencial y exclusivamente en la Nación, y de ella emanan los poderes públicos, que se ejercerán en los términos que esta Constitución establece.

ART. 3. Son límites de la República los mismos que en mil ochocientos diez separaban el Virreinato de Nueva Granada de las Capitanías generales de Vene

In the name of God, supreme source of all authority, we, the delegates of the Colombian States of Antioquia, Bolivar, Boyacá, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Panamá, Santander, and Tolima, in national constitutional convention assembled, taking into consideration that the municipalities of Colombia bave given their approval to the bases for a Constitution framed on the first day of December, eighteen hundred and eightyfive, and animated by the desire of strengthening the national unity, establishing justice, and insuring the benefits of liberty and peace, have decided to decree, as we do hereby decree, the following political Constitution of Colombia:



ARTICLE 1. The Colombian Nation is reorganized as a unitary Republic.

ART. 2. The sovereignty is essentially and exclusively vested in the nation, and from that source all the public powers, which shall be exercised within the limits prescribed by this constitution, ema


ART. 3. The boundaries of the Republic are the same which in eighteen hundred and ten separated the viceroyalty of New Granada from the captaincies

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(ART. 4. El territorio, con los bienes públicos que de él forman parte, pertenece únicamente á la Nación.

Las secciones que componían la Unión Colombiana, denominadas Estados y Territorios nacionales, continuarán siendo partes territoriales de la República de Colombia, conservando los mismos límites actuales y bajo la denominación de Departamentos.

Las líneas divisorias dudosas serán determinadas por comisiones demarcadoras nombradas por el Senado.

Los antiguos territorios nacionales quedan incorporados en las secciones á que primitivamente pertenecieron.)

(ART. 5. La ley puede decretar la formación de nuevos Departamentos desmembrando los existentes, cuando haya sido solicitada por las cuatro quintas partes de los Consejos municipales de la comarca que ha de formar el nuevo Departamento, y siempre que se llenen estas condiciones:

1. Que el nuevo Departamento tenga por lo menos doscientas mil almas.

2o. Que aquél ó aquéllos de que fuere segregado, queden cada uno con una población de doscientos cincuenta mil habitantes, por lo


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general of Venezuela and Guatemala, from the viceroyalty of Peru, and from the Portuguese possessions of Brasil; and with respect to Ecuador, they shall be the ones provisionally designated in the treaty of July ninth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six.

The lines separating Colombia from the bordering nations shall be definitely fixed by public treaties, which shall be at liberty to deviate from the principle uti possidetis de jure, recognized in eighteen hundred and ten. .

(ART. 4." The territory, together with the public property forming a part thereof, exclusively belongs to the Nation.

The sections of the Colombian Union, which were called States and national Territories, shall continue to form part of the territory of the Republic of Colombia, retaining their present limits under the name of Departments.

All doubtful boundaries shall be determined by surveying commissions appointed by the Senate.

The national territories of former times shall be annexed to the sections to which they originally belonged.)

(ART. 5. New departments may be created by law by dividing those existing at present; but the division shall not be made, except at the request of four-fifths of the municipal councils of the territory of the proposed new Department, and upon the following conditions:

1. That the new Department has at least, a population of two hundred thousand inhabitants.

2. That the Department or Departments out of which the new one is to be created are left with a population of at least two hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants each.

a Amended March 30, 1905. See page 371.

3. Que la creación sea decretada por una ley aprobada en dos Legislaturas ordinarias sucesivas.)

(ART. 6. Sólo por una ley aprobada en la forma expresada en la parte final del artículo anterior podrán ser variados los actuales límites de los Departamentos.

Por medio de una ley aprobada en la forma ordinaria y sin la condición antedicha podrá el Congreso separar de los Departamentos á que ahora se reincorporan, ó á que han pertenecido, los territorios á que se refiere el artículo 4, ó las islas, y disponer respecto de unos ú otras lo más conveniente.)

ART. 7. Fuera de la división general del territorio habrá otras dentro de los límites de cada Departamento, para arreglar el servicio público.

Las divisiones relativas á lo fiscal, lo militar y la instrucción pública podrán no coincidir con la división general.



ART. 8. Son nacionales colombianos:

1o. Por nacimiento: Los naturales de Colombia, con una de dos condiciones; que el padre ó la madre también lo hayan sido, ó que siendo hijos de extranjeros, se hallen domiciliados en la República.

Los hijos legítimos de padre y madre colombianos que hubieren nacido en tierra extranjera y luego se domiciliaren en la República, se considerarán colombianos de nacimiento para los efectos de las leyes que exijan esta calidad.

2o. Por origen y vecindad: Los que siendo hijos de madre ó padre

3. That the law creating the new Department has been passed by two successive regular sessions of Congress.)

(ART. 6. The present limits of the Departments shall not be changed except by a law passed, as directed in the last clause of the preceding article.

Congress may, by means of a law passed in the usual manner without the above-mentioned requisite, segregate from the Departments to which they are now united, or to which they formerly belonged, the territories referred to in article 4, or the islands, and dispose of them as it may deem proper.)

ART. 7. Besides the general division of the territory, there shall be within the limits of each Department all the subdivisions which may be needed for the proper regulation of the public service.

The divisions relating to finance, military affairs, and public instruction need not coincide with the general divisions.




ART. 8. Colombians are:

1. By birth: The natives of Colombia, upon any of the following conditions: That their father or mother is or has been a citizen of Colombia, or that, if children of foreigners, they be domiciled in the Republic.

The legitimate children of Colombian father and mother born in a foreign country and afterward domiciled in the Republic shall be considered Colombians by birth for the purposes of the laws which require this qualification.

2. By origin and domicil: Those born in a foreign country of a Co

a Amended March 30, 1905. See page 371.

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naturales de Colombia, y habiendo nacido en el extranjero, se domiciliaren en la República; y cualesquier hispano-americanos que ante la municipalidad del lugar donde se establecieren pidan ser inscritos como colombianos.

3o. Por adopción: Los extranjeros que soliciten y obtengan carta de ciudadanía.

ART. 9. La calidad de nacional colombiano se pierde por adquirir carta de naturaleza en país extranjero, fijando en él domicilio, y podrá recobrarse con arreglo á las leyes.

ART. 10. Es deber de todos los nacionales y extranjeros en Colombia, vivir sometidos á la Constitución y á las leyes, y respetar y obedecer á las autoridades.

ART. 11. Los extranjeros disfrutarán en Colombia de los mismos derechos que se concedan á los colombianos por las leyes de la Nación á que el extranjero pertenezca, salvo lo que se estipule en los tratados públicos.

ART. 12. La ley definirá la condición de extranjero domiciliado, y los especiales derechos y obligaciones de los que en tal condición se hallen.

ART. 13. El colombiano, aunque haya perdido la calidad de nacional, que fuere cogido con las armas en la mano en guerra contra Colombia, será juzgado y penado como traidor.

Los extranjeros naturalizados y los domiciliados en Colombia no serán obligados á tomar armas contra el país de su origen.

ART. 14. Las sociedades ó corporaciones que sean en Colombia reconocidas como personas jurídicas no tendrán otros derechos que los correspondientes á personas


ART. 15. Son ciudadanos los colombianos varones mayores de veintiún años que ejerzan profesión, arte ú oficio, o tengan ocuó


lombian father or mother, but domiciled in the Republic, and all Spanish-Americans who should apply to the municipal authorities of the locality where they reside, for registration as Colombians.

3. By adoption: Foreigners who have obtained letters of naturalization.

ART. 9. Colombian citizenship is forfeited by naturalization and domiciliation in a foreign country; but it may be recovered under laws enacted for that purpose.

ART. 10. It is the duty of all citizens and foreigners in Colombia to live in submission to the Constitution and the laws, and to respect and obey the authorities.

ART. 11. Foreigners shall enjoy in Colombia the same rights as are conceded to Colombians by the laws of the Nation to which they belong; but the stipulations made in public treaties shall be respected.

ART. 12. The law shall define the status of domiciled foreigners, and their special rights and obligations.

ART. 13. Colombians, who have lost their nationality, if taken with arms in their hands in war against Colombia, shall be tried and punished as traitors.

Naturalized foreigners, and foreigners domiciled in Colombia, shall not be bound to bear arms against the country of their birth.

ART. 14. Companies or corporations, legally recognized in Colombia, shall have no other rights than those corresponding to Colombian persons.

ART. 15. All male Colombians over twenty-one years of age, engaged in some profession, art, or trade, or having a lawful occupa

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