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título de representación del pueblo, se arrogue sus derechos o represente en su nombre, comete sedición.

ART. 138. Toda autoridad usurpada es ilegal, y la usurpación constituye un crimen. Sus actos son nulos. Toda decisión acordada por intimación directa ó indirecta de un cuerpo armado ó de una reunión del pueblo, es nula de derecho y no tendrá efectos legales.

ART. 139. El Presidente de la República, los Diputados, los Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, los Secretarios de Estado y los Ministros Diplomáticos, responderán ante el Congreso por los delitos que cometan en el ejercicio de sus funciones. El Congreso, previos los trámites que determine su Reglamento, declarará si ha lugar a formación de causa contra ellos, para el efecto de ponerlos á disposición del Tribunal competente. Igual declaratoria será necesaria para proceder contra el Presidente de la República, los Secretarios de Estado y los Magistrados de la Corte Suprema, por delitos comunes.

ART. 140. El Estado proveerá todo lo conveniente al bienestar y adelanto del país, fomentando la Instrucción Pública en sus diversos ramos, el progreso de la agricultura, de la industria y del comercio, de la inmigración, de la colonización de tierras desiertas y de la construcción de caminos y de ferrocarriles, del planteamiento de nuevas industrias y del establecimiento de instituciones de crédito, de la importación de capitales extranjeros y de la explotación y canalización de los ríos y lagos, por medio de leyes protectoras de estos fines, y de concesiones temporales de privilegios y de recompensas de estímulo.

out authority the representation of the people, arrogating the rights thereof, or speaking in its name, shall be guilty of sedition.

ART. 138. All usurped authority is illegal, and the usurpation of authority a crime. The acts of the usurper are null. All measures taken through direct or indirect pressure of an armed body or a reunion of people are null de jure and shall be inoperative.

ART. 139. The President of the Republic, deputies, justices of the supreme court, secretaries of state, and diplomatic ministers, shall respond before Congress for the offenses committed by them in the exercise of their functions. Congress, after following the course of proceedings for such cases determined by its rules, shall declare whether or not there is ground to institute proceedings against them and place them at the disposal of the tribunal of competent jurisdiction. The same declaration of Congress shall be required before instituting proceedings against the President of the Republic, the secretaries of state, and the justices of the supreme court, for common offenses.

ART. 140. The Government shall provide all that may be conducive to the welfare and progress of the Republie, promote public instruction in its different branches, the progress of agriculture, industry and commerce, immigration, colonization of vacant lands, construction of roads and railways, establishment of new industries. and institutions of credit, introduction of foreign capital, exploitation and canalization of the rivers and lakes, all of which shall be done by means of laws of protective character and temporary concessions of privileges and other inducements.

ART. 141. La navegación de los ríos es libre para todas las banderas.

ART. 142. Ni los hondureños ni los extranjeros podrán, en ningún caso, reclamar al Estado indemnización alguna por daños ó perjuicios que á sus personas ó bienes causaren las facciones.

ART. 143. En los casos de invasión, perturbación interior de la paz pública, ó cualesquiera otros que pongan á la sociedad en gran peligro ó conflicto, podrá decretarse el estado de sitio de toda la República, ó parte de ella. El estado de sitio durará todo el tiempo que exijan las circunstancias que lo motivan, pero no podrá pasar de sesenta días sin nueva declaratoria, ni alterar las garantías consignadas en los artículos 26, 35, 37, 43 y' 44.

En caso de epidemia, podrán dictarse disposiciones sanitarias que contraríen ó restrinjan las garantías contenidas en los artículos 41, 42, en lo relativo á la detención de correspondencia, y 50, 56 y 63.

ART. 144. La presente Constitución puede reformarse. La necesidad de reforma será declarada por el Congreso ordinario; pero sólo se efectuará la reforma por una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, convocada al efecto. Es ineficaz la proposición de reforma que no esté apoyada por las dos terceras partes del Congreso. Se exceptúa de estos requisitos el caso previsto en el artículo 1.

ART. 145. Todo empleado ó funcionario de la República, al tomar posesión de su destino, hará la promesa siguiente: "Prometo ser fiel á la República, cumplir y hacer cumplir la Constitución y las leyes."

ART. 141. The navigation of the rivers shall be free to all flags.

ART. 142. Neither Honduraneans nor foreigners shall in any case claim against the State any indemnity for damages done to their persons or property by revolutionists.

ART. 143. In cases of invasion, internal disturbance of the peace, or any other case in which society may become in grave danger, the state of siege of the entire Republic or a portion thereof may be proclaimed. The state of siege shall last only for the time required by the circumstances which produced it, but it never shall extend beyond sixty days without a further declaration, nor can it affect the guaranties set forth in articles 26, 35, 37, 43, and 44.

In case of epidemic diseases it shall be lawful for the Government to issue sanitary regulations restricting or abridging the guaranties contained in articles 41 and 42, or the portion thereof relating to the detention of correspondence, and articles 50, 56, and 63.


ART. 144. The present Consti tution may be amended. The necessity for amending it shall be declared by Congress, but the amend ment itself shall only be made by a national constitutional convention called for that purpose. proposition to amend, which is not supported by two-thirds of the members of Congress, shall have no effect. The case foreseen in article 1 shall be an exception to this rule.

ART. 145. Every employee or functionary of the Republic when entering on the discharge of his duties shall make the following promise: "I promise to be faithful to the Republic and to comply and cause others to comply with the Constitution and the laws."

[blocks in formation]



On the 4th of November, 1903, the municipal council of the district of Panama, which was at that time part and parcel of the Republic of Colombia, acting, as it said, as a faithful interpreter of the sentiments of those whom they represented, declared in a solemn form that the people under their jurisdiction had severed the political bonds which had connected them with Colombia and formed in union, with the other towns of the Department of Panama, which had accepted the separation, the Republic of Panama, with an independent government, democratic, representative, and responsible, tending to secure the happiness of the natives and of the other inhabitants of the territory of the Isthmus.

The Constitution of the new Republic was framed and adopted on the 13th of February, 1904.


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