Imágenes de páginas


Lesser mountains formed on Etna.-Difference
of Etna and Vesuvius.-Fate of the country near
Hybla.-Montpelieri.-Celebrated statues covered
by the lava-Eruption of 1669.-Dreadful effects
of the lava-Singular fate of a vineyard.—Mouth
from whence this eruption issued.—A cavern.-
Wildness of the inhabitants of Ætna.-Conversa-
tion with them.--La Regione Sylvosa.--La Spelonca
dal Capriole. View of the setting sun.-Pass the
night in a cavern.—Eruption of 1766.—Lava not
yet cold-Its vast depth.

LETTER X. p. 143.

Continuation of the journey up Mount Etna-Dif-
ficulties attending it.-Torre del Filosofo.-Dis-
tinctness of vision.-Conical mountain.-Summit
of Etna.-Prospect from it.-Regions of the
mountain.-Crater-Reflections.-Descent from


LETTER XI. p. 165.

Mensuration of heights by the barometer-Not re-
duced to a certainty. Supposed height of Ætna.
-Magnetical needle agitated on the mountain.-
Electricity of the air near volcanoes-Singular ef-
fects of electricity.-Lightning from the smoke of
Etna. Variety of waters on the mountain.-
Subterraneous river.-Periodical and poisonous
springs.-Caverns.-Plants and flowers of Ætna.-
/ Wild beasts.-Horses-Cattle.-Crater falls in
every century.-Ansinomous and Anapias, their

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I REMEMBER to have heard you regret, that in all your peregrinations through Europe, you had ever neglected the island of Sicily; and had spent much of your time in running over the old beaten track, and in examining the thread-bare subjects of Italy and France; when probably there were a variety of objects not less interesting that still lay buried in oblivion in that celebrated island. We intend to profit from this bint of yours.-Fullarton has been urging me to it with all that ardour, which a new

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prospect of acquiring knowledge ever inspires in him; and Glover, your old acquaintance, has promised to accompany us.

The Italians represent it as impossible, as there are no inns in the island, and many of the roads are over dangerous precipices, or through bogs and forests, infested with the most resolute and daring banditti in Europe. However, all these considerations, formidable as they may appear, did not deter Mr. Hamilton,* his lady, and Lord Fortrose. † They made this expedition last summer; and returned so much delighted with it, that they have animated us with the strongest desire of enjoying the same plea


Our first plan was to go by land to Regium, and from thence, cross over to Messina; but on making exact inquiry, with regard to the state of the country, and method of travelling, we find that the danger from the banditti in Calabria and Apulia is so great, the accommodation so wretched, and inconveniencies of every kind so numerous, without any consideration whatever to throw into the opposite scale, that we soon relinquished that scheme; and in spite of all the

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* Now Knight of the Bath.

t Now Earl of Seaforth

terrors of Scylla and Charybdis, and the more real terrors of sea-sickness, (the most formidable monster of the three,) we have determined to go by water; and, that no time may be lost, we have already taken our passage on board an English ship, which is ready to sail with the first fair wind.

Now, as this little expedition has never been considered as any part of the grand tour; and as it will probably present many objects worthy of your attention, not mentioned in any of our books of travels; I flatter myself that a short account of these will not be unacceptable to you, and may in some degree make up for your having neglected to visit them. You may therefore expect to hear of me from every town where we stop; and when I meet with any thing deserving of notice, I shall attempt to describe it in as few words as possible. We have been waiting with impatience for a fair wind, but at present there is little prospect of it, The weather is exceedingly rough, and not a ship has been able to get out of the harbour for upwards of three weeks past. This climate is by no means what we expected to find it; and the serene sky of Italy, so much boasted of by our travelled gentlemen, does not altogether deserve the great eulogiums

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