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country cannot but contrast them to their disadvantage with the deference to their teachers and consideration for each other shown by these foreigners. Yet they seem to lack none of the camaraderie of school-girl life.

The girls throw themselves with all the enthusiasm their nature will permit into their books in the class-room or study-hall, and conscientiously refrain from speaking their native tongues except in their dormitories and on Sundays, when they may converse in the vernacular with compatriots among their classmates. They gov ern themselves, their internal discipline being as much in their hands as it would be at Bryn Mawr or Vassar. The SelfGovernment Association fixes the penalties for infraction of rules in the form of

bad marks and public mention; it elects its own officers, executive committee, and proctors for the dormitories; and the various nationalities are represented in the administration. The routine of college life is much like that in this country, but whereas in the United States the girls always use their own language, in the Eastern college they are obliged to speak English, French, or German. What with the general academic instruction being in English, and that, upon leaving, the student must have a diploma of proficiency in her own tongue, she must perforce be an accomplished linguist.

The students are more interesting outdoors than in, perhaps, affording in their recreation better insight into their tastes and characteristics than can be obtained

in the class-room. The College has a fine stable, and horsemanship is infinitely more popular than pedestrianism, as may be inferred from a peep into the empty stalls during the hours the girls are free to ride, while the incentive of an association has to be exerted to foster a taste for walking; witness the annals of the "Mile a Day" Club, with thirty members, who have sworn a solemn vow indicated in their name for themselves. Certainly the roads that lead to and from the campus and along the Bosphorus are enticing enough, despite their inferiority as highways, skirted as they are by the fragrant almond-tree and blazing with the flowering Judas, upon one of which variety,



legend has it, the Iscariot hanged himself after he had betrayed his Master, causing it to blush for shame its present scarlet glow. A daily canter is a part of the life of most of the girls. If otherwise unaccompanied, each must be attended by a groom, whose services, together with the use of the horse, saddle, and so on, cost five piasters (about twenty-five cents) an hour. The regulation riding-habit is worn. Often when little parties go out together the girls lead a merry chase over the roadway, with a zest they seldom show elsewhere.

Lawn-tennis is next in favor as an outdoor sport, and the English, American, and Latin maidens may nearly always be

found in the courts during the recreation hours. The croquet grounds are rarely empty, and basket-ball has as much vogue as any active game can have. The Preparatory School holds a public field-day once a year, when feats in walking, jumping, and obstacleracing are performed and prizes awarded to the successful competitors. Bicycling is possible but hardly enjoyable on these roads. Boating will soon be added to the list of combined exercises and diversions.

Although the stage as we know it does not exist in the Levant, some of the most promising histrionic material in the world is to be found there, according to good judges who have seen the amateur theatricals in the American Woman's College, a feature occurring once or oftener each year. The Greek, Bulgarian, and Armenian girls display the most talent. The literary societies provide these entertainments, one of the last of which was Mr. Howells's farce "The Elevator." "Laila," an operetta, was given by the Musical Society just before. Last year the French students gave

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one of Molière's comedies with admirable the rights of the institution are vested, is effect.

While caste lines are strictly drawn in the Orient, the atmosphere of the College is democratic to a degree which, with the native politeness, makes the wheels of student life run very smoothly. There are eleven scholarships, all supported by Americans, for girls who are brainy but poor, none of whom, however, is known by name to any other student. The College is non-sectarian, and a broad religion is practiced, Orthodox Greek, Roman Catholic, Gregorian, Protestant, and Hebrew living together in harmony.

The College is a development of a high school founded by the Christian women of America in Constantinople in 1871. As a result of steady internal growth, and in response to an increasing demand for higher education in the East, it was incorporated in 1890 under an Act of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is also recognized by an irade of the Sultan. By the charter the members of the body "are empowered to grant such honorary testimonials, and confer such honors, degrees, and diplomas, as are granted or conferred by any university, college, or seminary of learning in this Commonwealth of Massachusetts." The Corporation of the College, in the name of which

a legally organized body of women in the United States, but the immediate control of collegiate affairs is in the hands of a Board of Trustees chosen from the Corporation. An Advisory Board sitting in Constantinople is authorized to give all needed aid to the College in the conduct of its business.

The College chiefly consists of Bowker Building, the main structure, erected by the founders in 1876, and Barton Hall, built in 1882 through the liberality of Mr. W. C. Chapin, of Providence, R. I., who gave twenty thousand dollars for the purpose, reinforced by a ten-thousand-dollar bequest from Mr. Charles Wilde, of Wellesley, Mass. Bowker Building, on the right of the picture, is a substantial structure facing the west; it contains rooms adapted to the family life of the members of the College, also the library and studyhall. The students' dining-room occupies a large part of the lower floor. Barton Hall contains the audience-room for public exercises, used for religious services on Sundays; the president's office, the dean's registry, the students' sitting-room, the art-room, the recitation and music rooms, the seniors' sitting-room, the gymnasium, and the chemical laboratory. In each of the buildings there are large, airy

dormitories, with a total accommodation for about eighty students. The PreparaThe Preparatory School has a third building, also used for dormitories and teachers' quarters.

The college year comprises thirty-eight weeks, and is divided into semesters, examinations in studies of the first semester taking place in January, and those of the second in June. There are ten-day vacations at Christmas and Easter, and monthly holidays throughout the year from Friday evenings to Monday evenings inclusive. Thanksgiving Day, the Day of Prayer for Colleges, and Charter Day are observed as college days. Monday is the weekly recreation day. The maximum of work allowed any student, including music and painting, is seventeen hours a week. The curriculum embraces the English language and literature, Biblical history and literature, rhetoric and elocution, French, German, Latin, ancient and modern Greek, ancient and modern Armenian, Bulgarian, Sclavic, and Turkish, botany, zoology, physiology, geology, mineralogy, physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, history, history of art, pedagogics, sociology, philosophy, music, drawing and painting, physical culture, and domestic science.

The standard of scholarship has constantly been raised to keep in line with other American colleges as far as circumstances will permit. The diploma of the College has been accepted by two European universities. The institution is regarded as the strongest for the education of women east of England and south of Russia. Like all the women of the Levant, the students have a remarkable talent for language, and it is interesting to note that more than half of the alumnæ-who now number one hundred and twenty-two-are teachers of languages, classic or modern. As about a quarter of the graduates are married soon after leaving college, the proportion of those who take to teaching is about three-fourths-a figure significant of the means open to women who wish to earn a living in the Far East.

An Albanian of the class of '91 returned to her country with her diploma, and established the first girls' school there taught in their own tongue. A Danish graduate was appointed professional translator of English, French, German, and Italian in her native country-a position requiring a diploma from Denmark's department of public instruction, and hers was of the highest grade ever awarded. Two graduates have adopted medicine as a profession, one of whom is studying in Boston, and the other, having finished her course in London, has returned to Turkey to practice. Two have become nurses, one in the United States, the other first in London and then in Constantinople. An Armenian alumna is an engraver in Genoa, and many are engaged in translation and the like in one country or another.

Here is the enrollment by nationalities, exclusive of the Preparatory Department: Armenians, 44; Greeks, 23; Bulgarians, 14; Hebrews, 7; Americans, 7; English, 10; Turkish, 1; Albanian, 1; French, 1; Germans, 3; Italian, 1; Russian,1; Hungarian, 1; Roumanian, 1.

Mary Mills Patrick, Ph.D., who has been President of the College since its organization as such ten years ago, recently returned to Constantinople from this country, whither she had come to enlist the interest of Americans in the institution, and her trip was not barren of results in the concrete shape of funds. She is a woman of remarkable breadth of education, and her linguistic attainments include the ability to speak, read, and write Greek, Turkish, ancient and modern Armenian, German, and French. She has received degrees from the University at Berne and other institutions, and among her works is "Sextus Impericus and Greek Skepticism," generally recognized as the best book of its kind in the English language. It is largely due to her personal standing that the American Woman's College maintains its high position among the educational institutions of the East.


A Recollection of the Siege of Paris

From the French of Nora Iasagi

WENT one morning to Mont Valérien to see my friend B, the artist, a lieutenant in the "mobile" of the Seine. He happened to be on duty—no way of getting out of it. We had to stay there walking back and forth in front of the postern of the fort, like sailors on watch, talking of Paris, of the war, and of the dear ones far away. All at once the lieutenant interrupted himself, stopped, and, taking me by the arm, said softly, "Oh, what a picture!" And out of the corner of his little gray eye, which lit up suddenly as the eye of a pointer might, he looked at two venerable silhouettes which had just made their appearance on the plateau of Mont Valérien.

A beautiful picture, in truth! The man in a long frock coat, with a green velvet collar which had the appearance of being made of old moss; thin, short, ruddy, the forehead flattened, the eyes round, the nose like the beak of a screech-owl. As a finishing touch, he carried under one arm a bag of flowered tapestry out of which there appeared the neck of a bottle, and under the other a box of preserves the eternal tin box which Parisians cannot see without thinking of their five months' siege. Of the woman, one could at first see only a huge poke-bonnet and an old shawl, which was tightly wrapped round her from top to toe, as if to accentuate her poverty, and now and then there appeared from among the faded ruffles of the bonnet the end of a pointed nose and a few gray hairs. Arrived on the plateau, the man stopped to get his breath and wipe his forehead. It was not hot up there in the fogs of late November, but they had hurried terribly. The woman, though, did not stop. Walking straight up to the postern, she looked at us for a moment hesitatingly, as if she wished to speak to us; but, apparently frightened at the stripes on the officer's uniform, she preferred to address herself to the sentry, and I heard her asking timidly to see her son, a "mobile" of Paris of the Sixth Division.


"Wait there," said the ser.try; "I will have him called."

Very happily, with a sigh of relief, she looked at her husband, and together they turned aside and sat on the edge of the fort.

They waited there a long time. Mont Valérien is so large, such a complication of courts, of fortifications, of bastions, of barracks, of bomb-proof vaults! Just try to find a "mobile of the Sixth, in that inextricable city, hanging between the earth and the sky, and floating among the clouds like the island of Laputa. At that hour, too, the fort was full of drummers, trumpeters, and hurrying soldiers. The guard was being changed; fatigue duty was being done. A spy, all bleeding, was being brought in by the sharpshooters. Blows fell on him from the butt-ends of their muskets. Peasants were coming to make their complaints to the General; a courier arrived at full gallop, chilled through, his animal steaming. Mules with two seats on their backs were returning from the outposts with the wounded, who balanced themselves on the flanks of the animals and moaned like sick lambs. Sailors were hauling a new field-piece to the sound of the fife and to "Haul away, ho!" The flock of the fort was being driven by a shepherd, in red trousers, switch in hand and rifle on shoulder. All these came and went, crossed one another in the courts, and were engulfed under the postern as under the low gate of an Oriental caravansary.

"If only they won't forget my boy!" the eyes of the poor mother seemed constantly to say, and every five minutes she got up and, cautiously approaching the gate, she looked furtively into the forecourt, squeezing herself against the wall; but she did not dare ask any more questions, for fear of making her child seem ridiculous in the others' eyes. The man, still more timid than she, did not move from his corner, and each time, as she came back heavy-hearted and sat down with a discouraged look, one could see that he scolded her for her impatience,

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