Imágenes de páginas

1873, bary 18.
Gift of

Hon. Gen. T. Bigion,

& Bosti?








Anthon's Greek Reader, defective in its lexicon, its metrical indexes, its notes and references to learned authorities, 526-9.

rior to Mr. Calhoun in reasoning powers, qualities of his genius, 379; Speech on the South American States, 379; on home industry, 382; on the compromise, 385; on being charged with ambition, 387; on being charged with bribery and corruption, 390; his pathos, 389; as an expositor of constitutional law Mr. Calhoun superior to Mr. Clay, but inferior in power of illustration, 390; their positions in the country, 391.


A Chemico-Physiological Diagram, by J. Moultrie, 517. Arabella Stuart, by James, 530. Alison's Europe, its monarchical basis, etc., 1, 259, 532. Aristophanes' Clouds, 223. American Oratory, 361-91; best biography of Calhoun and Clay to be found in their speeches, 361; Lives compared, 362; Mr. Clay's magnanimity, 363; Reasoning powers of Mr. Calhoun, his quick perception, ib.; his fervor, 366; Mr. Calhoun's speech on the Force Bill, ib.; his reply to Mr. Webster, 3678-9; Extracts from his speeches, 370; consistency of statesmen, 372; whether possible under our Constitution, 373; Mr. Calhoun over sensitive on this point, speech in defence of his consistency, 375; his opposition to Jackson, 377; Mr. Clay's knowledge of character and Exodus of the Church of Scotland, power over his hearers, 378; Infe

Cheap Publishing, 531.
Calhoun's Speeches-see Am. Oratory.
Clay's Speeches-see Am. Oratory.
Collections Georgia Hist. Society, re-
viewed, 391.

Colomba, or the Corsican Revenge,


Dream of a Day, 187.




Florida, history of, 391.
Fiction, its representations, its advan-
tages and disadvantages to socie-
ty, 497.

Farmer's Encyclopedia and Diction-
ary of rural affairs, 529.
French Revolution, 1-102; respective
merits of Thiers, Mignet and Ali-
son's histories, 2; French Revolu-
tion but lately understood in Eng-
land and this country, 3; Reign of
Louis XIV., 5; Louis XV., 6; Lou-
is XVI., 8; causes of the revolu-
tion, 9; Judiciary and parliaments,
10, the people, 11; theory of the
French Revolution, 12; abuses of
the government-action of litera-
ture and philosophy upon French
and English revolutions, 17; Ame-
rican Revolution, 18; causes of the
convocation of the States General,
19; its meeting, 21; composition of
the National Assembly, 23; Clubs
25; Mirabeau, 28; Seyes, 30; diffi-
culties of the French Revolution,
31; emigration from France and its
effects, 36; dissolution of the Na-
tional Assembly, 37; new constitu-
tion, 41; French society at this
time, 42; meeting of the Legisla-
tive Assembly, 43; difficulties of
the new government, 44; 20th June
and 10th August, 47; king dethron-
ed, 51; Lafayette flies, 51; Septem-
ber massacres, 55; meeting of the
National Convention, 61; fall of
the Girondists, 63; Assignats, 66;
committee of public safety, 73; de-
cline of Danton and increase of
Robespierre, 75; Hebertists, 78;
Reign of Terror, 81; Fall of Ro-
bespierre, 85; Directorial govern-
ment, 90; overthrown by Bona-
parte, 93; defect of systems, 97;
benefit of the French Revolution to
the world, 101.


History of Florida, 391-419; invasion
of Oglethorpe, 393; biographer of
Oglethorpe deficient, ib.; corrected
by the MS. of Montiano, ib.; Mon-
tiano's account of the invasion,
394; ship canal across the penin-
sula, 398; perilous position and de-
termined valor of the Spaniards,

399; Fort St. Augustine described,
401; mistake as to its garrison and
armament, 403; such statements
generally exaggerated and contra-
dictory, 404; Montiano's letter to
the governor of Cuba, 406; capture
of Fort Moses, 407; contradictory
accounts of it, ib.; magnanimity of
Oglethorpe denied, 408; his retreat,
410; Montiano's MS. important to
the Floridians, 411; desperate bra-
very of the Indians in East Flori-
da, 413; Spanish criminal law, 414;
vestiges of Col. Moore's expedi-
tion, 415; Spanish Republics vin-
dicated, 416; present condition, ad-
vantages and prospects of Florida,


Harper's Pictorial Bible, 261.
Haren's researches into the politics,
intercourse and trade of the prin-
cipal nations of antiquity, 156.
Hæren's sketch of the politics of an-
cient Greece, 156.
Hæren's Manual of History, 156.
Herder's Philosophy of History, 265-
311; a science yet in its infancy,
266; reputation and general char-
acter of Herder's work, 268; origi-
nal conception a grand one, 270;
considers the individual man ra-
ther than the aggregate, 271; enig-
ma of man's social action, 273;
consideration of man ut homo and
ut ciris, 274; character of Herder's
first five books, 276; considers the
outward rather than the inward
man, 277; his fantastical notions
and vagaries, 279; views on the
soul's immortality, 281; Herder
displays most ability in his second
five books, 283; his remarks on cli-
matic influences just, 286; Genesis
a counteracting agent, 287; nation-
al and individual genesis, 288;
Herder's view of happiness com-
pared with Carlyle's, 290; depen-
dency of one portion of history up-
on another in the relation of cause
and effect, 292; unnoticed by Her-
der, 294; illustrated in the different
stages of society in chronological
order, 295; influence of external
nature upon the Hindoos, 296; up-
on the Persians, 300; Egyptians,
ib.; Greeks, 304; Herder's Philo-
sophy of History condemned as a
whole, 311.


Israelites-two epochs in their histo-
ry since the patriarchs-1st, from
the captivity to the destruction of
Jerusalem-2d, since the destruc-
tion, 312-13; Sadducees, 314; Kae-
rites, ib.; Pharisees, 315; Essenees,
316; less distraction in the Jewish
than Christian church accounted
for, 317; Jeshua, Hillel, Shammai,
Philo, Josephus, ib.; Esoteric or
Cabbalistic and Exoteric theology,
318; the Meshna, Gemara and Tal-
mud, ib.; Cabbala more ancient
than Talmud, 320; Origin of the
Cabbala, 322; Maimonides and
Mendelsohn, 323; church reform,
312; why so long delayed, 324;
doctrines of the reformers, 325; op-
position of the orthodox party, 326;
the reform interesting to Christians,
327; difficulties to be encountered,
328; its natural progress-1st, to
throw off superstitions not sanc-
tioned by the Talmud-2d, revise

the progress of civilization, 132;
government justified, 133; statis-
tics and condition of the removed
tribes, 135; rapid advance of some
of them, 136; condition of the
Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws
and Cherokees, 138; Winnebagoes,
139; Sioux, 140; Major Mitchell's
Report, 141; Gov. Chambers' Re-
port, 142; causes of the rapid de-
crease in number, 143; future pros-
pects of the Indians, 144; the ques-
tion as to their capacity for civil-
ization considered, 147; they are
either destined to extinction, amal-
gamation or slavery, 150; reasons
for deciding upon extinction as
their fate, 152; signs of it already,
153; what course of conduct such
a conviction ought to impose upon
our government, 155.
Interpreter, devoted to modern lan-
guages, 524.



Language, study of, promoted by the
system pursued in the Interpreter
of B. Jenkins, 524; Hamilton's sys-
tem, 525.

Life of Andrew Jackson, 263.


the Talmud,-3d, reject it altoge- James' novel, Arabella Stuart, 530.
ther, 322; English Reformed Syn-
agogues, 333; terrors of Jewish ex-
communication, 335; Dr. Jost's
account of the London Society,
339; duty of Rabbins according to
Johlson, 340; effects of so many
Jewish holidays, 344; instrumental
music in churches no novelty, 345;
introduction into Christian church,
346; Synagogue and temple melo-
dies, ib; Jewish statistics, 347;
elements of Jewish faith, 348; dis-
cordant opinions of Maimonides,
Albo and Orbio, 349; Dr. Salo-
mon's discourses, 'Path of Light,'
'Manna in the Wilderness,' 'Spirit
of the Mosaic religion,' 'Outward
aids to religion, 356–360.
Indian Affairs, 118-156; character of
the North-American Indians, 119;
will be to us what the Etruscans
were to the Romans, 121; their
gradual declension, 122; policy of
our government in relation to them,
123; Mr. Crawford's Report, 123;
no injustice in our present treat-
ment of the Indians, 125; national
right of soil, 127; Indian right of
property weak, 128; what a liberal
allowance for their lands, 131;
ought not to be allowed to obstruct

Mysteries of Paris, 497-516; tenden-
cies of fiction, 498; represents the
fashion rather than the spirit of
life, ib.; popular sense of the term,
499; seeks entertainment without
improvement, 500; society sensi-
tive about fictitious writings, 501;
purposes of the imagination under
proper restraints, 501; society not
sufficiently discriminating in its
censures, 502; amusement as ne-
cessary as labor, 503; depth and
extent of social evil revealed in
the Mysteries of Paris, 504; socie-
ty constituted wrong, 505; the Mys-
teries do not render vice attractive
but exhibit the iron necessity un-
der which crime is sometimes com-
mitted, charging much of it upon
society, 506; influence of prisons

and penitentiaries, 507; prevention
of crime not sufficiently regarded,
508; society needs reform, 509;
wretchedness of the lower classes,
510; social life artificial and unna-
tural, 511; not to be reformed by
breaking down old institutions, but
by introducing a new principle,
512; arbitrary associations of men,
513; each portion of society to
work out its own regeneration,
514; Eugene Sue's idea of reform
condemned, 515; law of love the
great reforming principle, 516.
Mosaic religion, 312.

Montiano, Don Manuel de, Governor
of Florida, his MS., 391.
Mesmerism, applied to surgery, 521.
Modern Languages, study of, 524.
Mysteries of Paris, scheme of it im-
probable and morality bad, 257.
Mignet's Histoire de la Rev. Fran-
caise, 1.


Malesherbes, M. de, Life and Charac-
ter of, 458-469; his birth and edu-
cation, 458; made President of the
Court of Aids, constitution of that
Court, 460; feudal system, 459;
Malesherbes made minister
Louis XVI, 460; his integrity and
enemies, 461; resigns his place
and travels, 461; effects of his ab-
sence from the Court, 462; general
corruption of the Court, ib.; Male-
sherbes recalled and takes up his
pen for France, ib.; his retirement
from public life, ib.; devotes him-
self to letters, 463; condition of Eu-
rope at this time, 464; session of
the States General, ib.; Jacobins
usurp all power, 465; Malesherbes
volunteers to defend the king, ib.;
results, 466; incurs the hatred of
the dominant party, 467; pretexts
for arresting him, his trial and ex-
ecution, 468.
Milton's Genius, 420-458; literary
men's indebtedness to their prede-
cessors,422; authors generally imi-
tators, 423; Milton, in this sense
only, an imitator, 424; the Milton-
ic controversy, 426; Lauder's bit-
ter attacks on Milton,427; charges
him with innumerable plagiarisms,
429; Lauder convicted of forging
authorities, 430; pleads guilty,431;
Milton's proposed tragedies not
original,-imitates in his poem

Grotius and Masenius among the
moderns, 435; the Sarcothea of
Masenius, 436; its exordium supe-
rior to that of Paradise Lost, 438;
points of resemblance and compar-
ison between the two poems, 436;
Milton's imitation of Ariosto, Ho-
mer and Theocritus, 438.
Mathews' Poems on Man, 103–118;
present age fruitful in philosophies,
103; Professor Longfellow's poet-
ry, Ebenezer Elliott's claims as a
poet, 105; poems on man as an
American citizen considered, 106;
critical examination of the poem
on 'the Statesman,' 110; 'the Jour-
nalist,' 111; 'the Masses,' 112; 'the
Reformer,' 113; the last named re-
plete with bold and striking image-
ry and originality,' 114; the Far-
mer,' 115; 'the Merchant,' 116; mo-
rality of this poem objectionable,
ib.; roughness of Mr. Mathews'
verse and its cause, 117; his poems
will be read by the thinking and
not by the masses, ib.; is himself
among the most promising of
American poets, 118.


Neal's History of the Puritans, 264.
Ned Myers, or life before the mast,

Numerous Cases of surgical opera-
tions without pain, in the mesmeric
state, by John Elliotson, 521.


Oration delivered before the Magno-
lia Encampment of Odd Fellows
at Savannah, by H. R. Jackson,


Proverbial Philosophy, 262.
Puritans, Neal's History of, 264.
Pictures of Private Life, 263.
Plato's Gorgias, 223.
Percival's Poems, 187-223; Ameri-
can Poetry, lyrical, 188; poetic
emotion common to all men, 197;
connection between the fine arts,
200; compared with oratory, 202;
love of the beautiful struggling for
expression, 206; our orators are

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