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SERM. rational, can never allow that it is the naVI. tural confequence of a free and impartial examination of it; but muft fuppofe, on the contrary, that the more thoroughly 'tis confider'd, and the more nicely weighed in the ballance of true and unbiaffed reafon, it will be the more heartily believed and fubmitted to: And I doubt not but I fhall be able to make it appear, that this melancholy event may be fufficiently accounted for from other causes; and that it not only may, but oftentimes does proceed, not from a fuperior understanding, or more adequate and enlarged views of things, but from ignorance, fuperficial enquiry, and even from that prejudice, and implicit faith, which the monopolizers of reafon and free-thinking fo loudly disclaim. I would not be thought, by any thing I am now advancing, to discourage the most rational and free examination of all religious principles, be they ever fo facred, and venerable, and tranfmitted down with ever fo much awe and folemnity by our forefathers; nor would I be thought to


affert, that any man is obliged to receive SERM. a revelation, which, upon mature deli- VI. beration, appears to be unworthy of God, and repugnant to the reafon and nature of things: For my only defign is to point out fome falfe principles which are all an abuse of the true principle of liberty; and by which, 'tis highly probable, many of the profess'd admirers, and zealous efpousers of it, have been led to a difregard both of revealed and natural religion. And,

ft. It frequently happens, that after men have rejected fome principles, which, before, they looked upon as very important, nay effential parts of Chriftianity, upon being convinc'd that they have as little foundation in the Chriftian revelation, as in the reafon of things, they still retain others, equally repugnant both to reason and scripture. In fome time they are perfuaded, either by conversation, reading, or their own inward reflections, that these likewise are abfurd and irrational; but instead of enquiring, as becomes honeft fearchers after truth, take it for granted, all the while, that they


SERM. are real doctrines of Christianity: The VI. confequence of which is, that the Chri

ftian religion itself is rejected as false, because fuch doctrines, which are erroneously reckoned as parts of it, cannot be true. Thus, for instance, a man reasons that God can't be an arbitrary being, who has no regard to the moral fitness of things; or an ill natur'd being, who purely for the oftentation of his uncontroulable power and fovereignty, has absolutely determined the final mifery and ruin of great numbers of his reasonable creatures; that no miracles can prove fuch doctrines to be from God, because they are a dishonour to his moral perfections; and, confequently, no religion that teaches and inculcates them, whatever its external atteftations are, can be of divine authority: But they pass, among many, for important principles of the Christian religion, and therefore Chriftianity is an impofture.

But why? May not Chriftians mifreprefent the doctrines of the religion which they profefs?

Or is it fit


that any religion fhould be condemned, SE RM. before 'tis examined, merely from bear- VI. Say? Is this freedom of thought, and rational enquiry? — -Far from it. 'Tis rank prejudice under the cover of that amiable name, and a prejudice, which if it was fuffer'd to prevail in all cafes, would render it impoffible for men to form a right judgment of things, and leave no way, by which to distinguish between true and falfe religions: For at this rate, there is nothing fo extravagant but may be charg'd upon the best and most unexceptionable scheme in the world, as eafily as upon the worst; and it will not be in the power of God to make a revelation to his intelligent creatures, that may not be rejected, tho' it be ever fo excellent in itself, and brings with it the highest and nobleft creden


Again, when men, upon a rational and free enquiry, have found fome of the principles in which they were educated, and in whose favour they had been a long time prepoffeffed, to be false; instead


SERM. of refting here, they draw this most unVI. just and unnatural inference, that the

whole of religion is deceit and imposture. Because they are convinc'd that some doctrines, which they had formerly an high opinion of, are abfurd and irrational, therefore all revelation must be difgraced and vilified: And if they have any inftances of the corruptions of Priests, and of their defign to enflave mankind, in order to advance their fecular dominion, and serve their ambition, and worldly intereft by the ignorance and credulity of the common people, tho' at the expence of the eternal and immutable obligations of morality and virtue, (of which, to the reproach of our holy religion, examples have been but too frequent) prefently Christianity itself is nothing but Prieft-craft; the invention of defigning men to keep the world in awe, and by an artful management of their consciences, to pick their pockets, and plunder their eftates. Thus they rush at once to a conclufion without having any premises that will fupport it; and draw confequences from things that have no relation to, or

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