IN TWELV AN ESSAY ON H BY ARTHU VOLUM ANTED FOR NICHOLS AND SC AND SOTHEBY; G. NICOL A *DEIGHTON AND SONS; J. NU AND SONS; LAW AND WH BROWN; CADELL AND DAVI JEFFERY; J. AND A. ARC JOHN RICHARDSON; S. B. MAWMAN; R. SCHOLEY FOOD, NEELEY AND JONE JORN ROBINSON; J. SHEL JUMPKIN AND MARSHALL, THE WORKS OF Samuel Johnson, LL.D. A NEW EDITION IN TWELVE VOLUMES. WITH AN ESSAY ON HIS LIFE AND GENIUS, BY ARTHUR MURPHY, Esq. VOLUME THE SECOND. LONDON: PRINTED FOR NICHOLS AND SON; F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON; A. STRAHAN; LEIGH 1816 : ? THE Plan of an English Dictionary Proposals for printing the Works of Shakespeare General Observations on Shakespeare's Plays Account of the Harleian Library Essay on the Origin and Importance of Fugitive F Account of the Life of Benvenuto Cellini View of the Controversy between Crousaz and Warb Preliminary Discourse to the London Chronicle, Introduction to the World Displayed Preface to the Preceptor Preface to Rolt's Dictionary Preface to the Translation of Father Lobo's Voya Essay on Epitaphs POLITICAL ESSAYS. Observations on the State of Affairs in 1756 Introduction to the Political State of Great Brita MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. Review of Memoirs of the Court of Augustus Review of Four Letters from Sir Isaac Newton t Bentley |