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drunkenness have again been let loose upon our state. With gloomy hearts we look upon the multitude of the young, thus being lured anew to a miserable end,-and see our streets once more filled with reeling inebriates, our hamlets with sorrow-stricken families. But our churches and ministers generally, hold fast without abatement to the true principles of temperance legislation, and will not rest satified, until, with a thorough and judicious law, accompanied by the constant pressure of moral suasion, the curse of intemperance shall be essentially subdued.

In regard to the great question of human freedom as opposed to slavery, and the momentious issues which are being pressed upon the American people, in connection with the Kansas question, there is among us a general, perhaps universal, harmony of sentiment and of feelings. The Congregational churches and ministers of New York, regard the system of slavery as an exaction of unowed service from the poor, and therefore as a most evident and enormous violation of the Word of God. We have no favor to show to those who would extend this fearful wrong, into regions once consecrated to gospel right and freedom; and especially would our churches rebuke that spirit of violence and fraud, which has invaded our national borders, and even our national capital, threatening to bring down upon our country, the vengeance of an offended God.

Our ministers feel that they can not, in fidelity to the gospel, pass uncondemned that reckless disregard for truth, which characterizes a portion of the political press; and while they would cautiously distinguish between the things of Cæsar and the things of God, they are more and more impressed with the importance of infusing gospel principles into all the departments of life, and of teaching men, whether they "eat or drink," or discuss or vote, "or whatsoever they do, to do all to the glory of God."

In short, the churches of our order in this state, are endeavoring, in all practical as well as doctrinal matters, to "contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints." Our trust is not in human principles, or weapons of defence. But we rely upon a God, who will lead us to the battle aganst principalities and powers, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Above all, we look to a Savior, whose tears of pity were shed over human misery, whose labors of mercy were wrought for the suffering sons of earth, whose bloody sweat and agonizing groans were given for the redemption of men. Thankful for this gracious help in the doing of His work thus far, we are looking forward with all humility and hope, for the yet greater conquests of his coming Kingdom!

On behalf of the Committee,

S. B. GOODENOW, Chairman.

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1856 Albany,.

P. Field,

S. B. Goodenow,.. II. N. Dunning, J. H. Dill,.

Jos. P.Thompson, Ac. I. 4.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

NOTE.—The * in the following pages, denotes Ministers not connected with

association. The † signifies taken from last year's minutes.

churches newly added to the list.

The signifies


1. ONEIDA ASSOCIATION.-Register for 1857, M. S. PLATT.

Bridgewater, Clinton, Columbus,†

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Churches dropped from last year: Plainfield.

Other Members Association.-Stated Supplies: Isaac F. Adams, Sherburne; Hiram W. Lee, Cincinnatus; G. N. Smith, Texas Valley;
L. Pomeroy, Huntsburg, O.; A. Alvord, Rupert, Vt.; Josiah Peabody, Missionary, Erzeroon, Persia; Simeon North, D. D., President
Hamilton College, Clinton. Total Members, 15.


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Male. Fem. Total Prof. Lett. Total Died. Dis. Total Ad. Inf.

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Other Members Association.-Stated Supplies; H. H. Waite, Carthage; F. Hebard, Constantia; C. B. Pond, Antwerp; H. Budge,
Cowden; A. Ingalls, Gouverneur; G. M. Jenks, Burr's Mills. Evangelist; J. Burchard, Watertown. Bethel Missionary; E. P. Cook,
Oswego. Without charge, R. Tremaine, Sandy Creek. Teacher, J. Dunbar Haughton, Belleville. Licentiate, John Pauling, Rodman.
Also, S. Griswold. Total Members, 17.

29 53 82

46 101 147


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11 16 27

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Sab. School and

Bible Class.

Con. to Be-

$13.00 10.00






325 528 1137 18 28 46 17 16 33

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