Imágenes de páginas

draw up from memory, and present as a substitute for an authentic report, together with a suggestion or two, a brief statement of the facts originally elicited.

On the western shore of Lake Champlain, the face of the country is sometimes undulating, but generally hilly or mountainous, and frequently rocky. It is on the summit of one of these irregular eminences, a little more than a mile west of Port Douglas, and opposite to Burlington, in Vermont, that these supposed Indian antiquities are to be found. The top of this hill is probably from two to three hundred feet, as nearly as recollection of the surrounding scenery subserves the estimate, above the low grounds on the lake side, and perhaps half that height above the interval on the west. Across this summit, in a southwesterly and northeasterly direction, runs a dyke, as is also believed from recollection of its appearance, of Greenstone trap, and about three feet in breadth.

For the distance of some twenty feet, as nearly as is now recollected, the trap has been broken up, and removed to the depth of several inches, perhaps from six to ten; and over this stands the stump of a large tree, which appears evidently to have grown there since the dyke was thus disturbed. Very near this dyke, where thus broken, on the southerly side, are two cavities in the hard sienite rock, the surface of which is there bare, which appear to have been wrought by art, and used as mortars; the greater being about equal in size to a three-pail kettle, and the less about one-third as large. They are both quite regular in their form, and, the rock being a little sloping, the smaller is situated partially beneath the larger, and connected with it by a groove of a very few inches in length, which appears also to have been wrought in the same manner. On the opposite side, a little to the right, and a little farther from the dyke, where the earth has been removed to the depth of some ten or twelve inches for its discovery, is found another cavity of similar appearance.

In reference to these cavities, two inquiries have been agitated; first, as to their origin; and, secondly, referring that origin to the labour of human hands, as to the purpose for which they were wrought.

It has been suggested to the fruitful imaginations even of some very intelligent men of Essex county, that they must have been carved out at least some two or three hundred years since, as is evident from the subsequent growth of timber as above stated; that this must have been the work of the American Indian, from the fact that no other human being is supposed to have made footsteps there at a period so

remote; that it must have been done for the purpose of pounding up the trap thus broken, and washing out the silver or other precious metal hence derived; and that such metal does there exist, or at least did there exist, to reward and encourage the red man of the forest in his indefatigable toil.

In corroboration of this opinion, it is stated that a certain prophetess, known in that section of the country as sleeping Lucy, under the powerful influence of animal magnetism, retrograded three hundred years in the horology of her time-dial, actually witnessed the excavation, and saw by clairvoyant second sight, at a period thus remotely back, the work performed by a race of men, tall of stature and quite erect, of a copper colour, with high cheek bones and long black hair, and nearly or entirely naked; and that, this latter cavity not having yet been discovered, she instructed them to excavate the earth in a given direction, and at the distance of about half a dozen yards from the former, where they would find another similar to those already found, and where they actually dug and did find it.

For the degree of probability to be accredited to this species of evidence, and for the value of the mesmeric science in prosecuting such discoveries, we are referred to the testimony of the recent explorers on the Hudson, of the treasures of Captain Kid.

The geologist, however, would probably discover here the traces of an agency far more powerful than the arm of man, and marks of antiquity of much higher date than that of three hundred, or even three thousand years. The imagination can supply no natural causes now in operation, as in the case of similar phenomena along the beds of rapid streams in all mountainous regions, by which the appearances here developed could have been produced; and we are relieved from the difficulty of accounting for them, only by referring their origin to agencies at work before the hills were elevated, and long prior to the present order of things.

A query which spontaneously arises, as an inference derived from this view of the facts here presented, is, whether they are not to be regarded as evidence of the truth of that theory which should account for other marks, throughout all these northern regions, of both running and standing water in elevated situations, by supposing rather that the land has been since raised, than that the waters have been, as sometimes imagined, from any cause drawn off.

And while we regard these apparently artificial cavities as having a geological origin, though, during a period of great antiquity, similar to that of others in the vicinity of running water, and of a more recent

date, may we not grant to those who are so deeply interested in Indian antiquities, as the most rational way of accounting for the broken trap, and the appearances around the place, the probability that they were not wrought out by the red man of the forest, but formed at his hand, and used, perhaps without avail, yet for some such purpose as has been supposed?

New York, August, 1848.


On motion, Resolved, That the two communications of Mr. Kellogg be entered on the proceedings of the Association.

The Secretary, agreeably to a resolution of the Association on a former day, reported an alphabetical list of its members, which was ordered to be printed.

The Chairman of the Standing Committee reported, under instructions, the following resolutions, which were severally read, considered and adopted :

1. Resolved, That our thanks are due to the officers of the Academy of Natural Sciences, for the use of their Hall, at the early part of the Convention's sitting.

2. Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be tendered to the Philadelphia Athenæum, to the Horticultural Society, and to the Franklin Institute, for the kind invitations addressed by them, severally, to the Association.

3. Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be presented to the General Secretary of the Association, and to the Secretaries of the Sections, for the faithful performance of the duties assigned them.

4. Resolved, That the thanks of the Association be presented to the President, W. C. REDFIELD, Esq., for the dignity and urbanity with which he has presided over its deliberations.

In acknowledgment of the last resolution, the President rose, and, in a few feeling and pertinent remarks, expressed his thanks for the compliment, and approval thereby conveyed, offering to one and all a reciprocation of the kind sentiments and wishes with which his sincere endeavours to subserve the cause of science, in the honourable post to which he had been called, had been so ably and successfully seconded by every member of the Association.

Prof. W. B. ROGERS observed, that he was about to make a motion for adjournment, sine die, but, before doing so, he would bear witness to the general harmony which had pervaded their deliberations. The

co-operation of members, as a body, was in a spirit of peculiar unison, and he was happy to perceive this feeling manifested at this, the hour for dissolving their deliberations. It was the manner in which, he trusted, they would always associate. Science would, therefore, be advanced in an equal degree with that of the kindred feelings of their hearts.

He then moved that the Association now adjourn, sine die, which motion prevailed, and the meeting dissolved.


Note. The following is a corrected list of the Members, prepared and published agreeably to an order of the Association.



American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Note.-Names of deceased members are marked with an asterisk (*), and those of members who, in 1840, formed the original “Association of American Geologists," are in small capitals.


Alexander, Prof. Stephen, Princeton, N. J.

Allen, Z., Esq., Providence, R. I.

Allen, Ira M., Esq., New York.

Ames, M. P., Esq., Springfield, Mass.

Alvord, Daniel W., Esq., Greenfield, Mass.

Ayres, William O., Esq., Boston.

Appleton, Nathan, Esq., Boston.

Alger, Francis, Esq., Boston.

Adams, Pentegast, Esq., Jefferson Co., N. Y.

Allen, J. L., Esq., New York.

Agassiz, Prof. Louis, Cambridge, Mass.

Andrews, Stephen P., Esq., New York.

Atlee, Dr. Washington L., Lancaster, Pa.
Adams, Solomon, Esq., Boston.

Aikin, Prof. W. E. A., Baltimore.
Alexander, John H., Esq., Baltimore.
Atkinson, Mr.

? Cumberland, Md.

Abbot, Dr. S. L., Boston.

Adams, Prof. C. B., Amherst, Mass.
Abert, Col. J. J., Washington, D. C.
Anthony, J. G., Esq., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Ashmead, Samuel, Esq., Philadelphia.
Adams, John G., Esq., New York.

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